Evil Insect God

Chapter 485: Thunder

But everyone didn't know that Feng's house had been attacked now. The young man who had just put on his clothes walked out of the room. Before he could walk out of the door, a "bang" explosion came from under his feet.

The entire door was torn to pieces by the terrifying explosion, not to mention the people in the explosion. Faced with this kind of explosion that can almost be comparable to the blow of a master of Lingshuai realm, who can survive without precautions.

Inside the room, there was a burst of screams in the next moment, but at this time, no one cared about the sound anymore. Many people were torn to pieces by the terrifying explosion not long after they came out of the door. In just a few minutes, the number of deaths in the Feng family has reached five or six, and two of them are still descendants of the Feng family.

At this moment, a huge voice sounded over the Feng's house: "Don't move, everyone, the family is buried by a thunderstorm." Hearing the name of the thunderstorm, all the faces suddenly became frightened.

This thing is really invincible and powerful. There is no good way to find the thunder. Generally speaking, the moment the thunder is discovered, it is already the moment of the explosion.

The scope of the thunder is not large, but the power is really not small. In a local area, it can reach the level of a master of the Lingshuai realm. I am afraid that those who dare to step on the thunder directly are the only masters of the Lingshuai realm.

Huo Hai looked in the distance and sneered: "Did you find it? There is still a good show to watch." Huo Hai smiled slightly, gloating through Xiaodie, but this Feng family is not that simple, but the Feng family has a realm of spirit and handsome. For the master, soon, Huo Hai saw the appearance of the Feng Family, a master of the Lingshuai realm, with spiritual power flowing all over his body, forming a defensive armor in a state of water flow.

Then, the master of Lingshuai realm walked back and forth on the road step by step, wherever he went, the ground was torn to pieces by the terrifying spiritual power, "All people come out and walk on the opened ground." , Feng Kuang roared.

This Feng Kuang is also the grand elder of the Feng Family, and belongs to the most qualified group of people. The previous generation of the Feng Family Patriarch is also the only master of the Feng Family's realm of spirit and handsome, but Huo Hai knows that this Feng Family actually There is also a Lingshuai hidden.

Using spiritual power to roll over the ground all the way, three explosions sounded on the road again, but the power of this thunder is impossible to deal with a spiritual master like Feng Kuang. If you are not prepared, you may be injured, but In the state of full defense, at best, Feng Kuang was shaken a little and suffered a little injury.

This injury is nothing to a spiritualist. After the main road was turned over, Feng Kuang finally stopped, opening the defense with all his strength, and at the same time continuously rolling the ground, which consumes a lot of spiritual power.

Feng Kuang is a spiritual commander, yes, but he is a war spiritist. Strong spiritual power is not his specialty. The main road is turned over again so that the family members can safely come out of the room. This is already very difficult. Up.

Soon, on these overturned roads, the senior officials and children of the Feng family walked over cautiously, but did not dare to leave the road at all. It is absolutely impossible for thunderstorms to bury too deep underground, so they turned over. After coming here again, there is no need to worry about what will be left. The Feng Family is very familiar with thunderstorms.

"Patriarch, great elder, what should we do? We are like this, so we don't dare to go anywhere." A middle-aged man said with a worried look. Even standing on the road in the middle, the middle-aged man was still cautious and did not dare. Chaos.

An old man next to him cried loudly: "Elder, I, my grandson died so miserably, you must give him revenge..." As he said, the old man was crying, and he looked pitiful. Look like.

As for not far from the side, Feng Qing frowned slightly, not knowing what he thought of, "Will he do it? Probably not. If you want to bury the thunder in Feng's house, it is impossible without internal response. ."

The figure of Huo Hai flashed in Feng Qing's heart. At the beginning, he used thunderstorms to deal with Huo Hai. However, according to the fact that he sent someone to investigate afterwards, he found that all the thunder that had been buried had disappeared, and the thunder was not detonated. Yes, it seems to have been dug away. This is simply impossible. Who can do such a terrifying thing as a minefield.

The guard of the Feng family, but the strongest place in the entire country except the royal family, it is not easy to bury the thunder here. As for Feng Yu, this brainless guy is now panicked.

"The great elder, did the royal family do it? The only ones who dared to deal with the Feng family..." The speaker gently pointed his finger away. Indeed, he dared to deal with the Feng family in Mingyang City. There is only the royal family.

Moreover, the royal family is also very at odds with the Feng Family. The two sides are fighting with each other. As for the people of the Molian Domain, let’s not say that there is no conflict between the Feng Family and the people of the Molian Domain. These people are all outsiders and there is nothing in them. Carrying things like thunderstorms, looking at the situation just now, it seems that there are still a lot of thunderstorms in Feng's house, which shouldn't be made by them.

"Don't talk nonsense, this thing shouldn't be done by the royal family. Think about it, there are still those forces in the country that can do this." Everyone began to think about the families in the capital that could get thunder.

While thinking about it, everyone started to have a headache. Everyone is not an idiot. Although the royal family and the Feng family have an antagonism, the royal family cannot use such a method. Such a method can only provoke the wind family. It is impossible to treat the Feng family. If you want to deal with Feng Family, it must be a one-shot kill. How can you do this kind of thing that leaves the opponent behind.

"Anyway, the most important thing now is to find out all the hidden thunders in the family." Several children have been lost, two of which are still direct lines, although these people are not important people.

However, all Feng Clan members still dare not take it lightly. Maybe the next one is themselves, whether they are important people or not, in short, their lives are the most precious to individuals, that's right.

Now, all people don’t care whether they have eaten or are they hungry. Everyone is staring at the Patriarch. Under the gaze of so many people, even the Patriarch of Feng Family feels tremendous pressure. He knew that as long as he couldn't handle it well, then he, the Patriarch, would be regarded as the end of his life. As the Patriarch, he would not be so good.

After a long time, the Patriarch's eyes lit up and he seemed to think of something: "Let's call the servants in the family and step on all the places in the family for me. In this way, all the storms should be found out. "

Hearing this method, everyone's eyes brightened. Although some people thought of it, no one said it. As soon as the Patriarch said, everyone immediately agreed, but the faces of the people around became very sad.

"Why, you don’t even listen to what the Patriarch of me said. Don’t worry. If you die, your family will support you in the future. You will have no worries about eating and drinking for the rest of your life. If you can survive, I can let you officially join the Feng Family. , Become a follower of the Feng Family." A follower of the Feng Family, this is a much higher status than the subordinate.

Becoming a follower is qualified to practice the Feng Family's spirit art and secret method, and even many followers are very powerful. These followers have a higher status in the family than most other children.

The best ones, even if the direct descendants saw them, they didn’t dare to neglect. Under the great reward, there must be a brave man. Hearing this from the Patriarch, a few of them started to feel excited, but faced with life and death. , Still very hesitant.

Seeing this scene, the Patriarch said again: "If you die, your offspring, I will train them according to the treatment of followers. If you do not, you are a traitor and unfaithful." The Patriarch's eyes flashed murderously.

What is the treatment of a traitor is definitely a dead word, even sometimes it’s hard to die. These servants have been told from the first day they came to Feng’s house that they can do anything but they can’t eat inside or outside. The **** history of the predecessors tells them that as long as they dare to betray, they must try torture and torture before they die miserably.

Now the family clearly tells them that if you don’t try to trigger a thunderstorm, then you will definitely die, and the death is very miserable. Instead of this, it is better to be killed by a thunderstorm. Besides, thunder is not necessarily true. will die.

After hesitating, some people finally started to walk out slowly and carefully walked out of the road. Every time they took a step, they had to try again and again, and even carefully observed whether the ground was different.

However, the thunder is transported directly from the ground. From the ground, how can you see any changes? People slowly walked across the ground around them. After every step, the people who survived will feel very grateful, because He wasn't dead yet. Not long after "Boom", a man near the garden was blown to pieces by a thunderstorm.

The flesh and blood flew across and landed on the people around. The people around were shocked, and they didn't even dare to move. Under repeated urging from the lord, these people finally started to walk slowly again. .

"Unexpectedly, the courage of this Feng Clan is really not small, and he actually used someone to go to thunder, but this way, it should be hated by others." Huo Hai smiled slightly, the power of hatred, but it is very huge of.

In many cases, these subordinates can do things that even an outsider like Huo Hai can't accomplish, but it seems that this time his own arrangement, I am afraid that it will not do anything to the Feng Family, which is really disappointing.

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