Evil Insect God

Chapter 487: Wind family storm

The mercenaries stepped forward, took the tools, and then started digging near Feng's house. The thunder would not be buried too deep, otherwise it would not be useful, so just turn the land over.

As the project progressed, more and more land was turned over. The entire area around Feng's house was first completely excavated, but no thunderstorm was found outside, so no one died in the thunderstorm yet.

Afterwards, these people began to enter the interior of the Feng's house and began to excavate from the inside. Except for the surrounding walls and some relatively large buildings, everything else was dug up, even the garden was no exception. The precious flowers and plants inside were At this moment, it is no different from weeds. Can these flowers and plants compare with their own lives?

There are also some buildings that are not very important. Under the acquiescence of the high level of the Feng family, they were also dismantled from the middle by the mercenaries, and the land inside was completely opened. When entering the interior of the Feng family, there is no danger at all. Up.

It didn’t take long before a mercenary shoveled a shovel on a thunderstorm, and then a familiar explosion sounded. After the explosion, the tools and mercenaries behind them all became shattered. The soldiers were more careful.

This time, it really depends on luck. If you are not lucky, you will die on the spot. At this moment, a young man suddenly walked to the side and asked a young master of the Feng family: "This thunderous Is the scope of the explosion only that big?” Others saw the power of the thunder, but he saw the explosion scope of the thunder.

Young Master Feng nodded and ignored him. What identity he is, a mercenary in a small area, where he is qualified to talk to himself, the young mercenary didn’t care. I don’t know how many times I have encountered this kind of thing. .

"So, I don't know if I can help me prepare a three-meter-long wooden stick, or a bamboo stick, which should be heavier." The young master of the Feng family glanced at this person, and then greeted someone who came over and quickly prepared him. Something needed.

Soon, the things arrived, the young mercenary smiled, picked up a wooden stick, waved it twice, feeling good, and then continued to work. First of all, the young mercenary used a wooden stick to go to the land that had not yet been overturned. I kept beating, beating very carefully, not letting go. After beating once, I used a shovel to dig up the place where I had been beaten.

Seeing this scene, all the mercenaries' eyes lit up, and then they all walked over and demanded the same tools as him. The stick was three meters long, and the maximum explosion range of a thunder was only less than two meters in radius.

Even if the explosion occurred, it was hit by an unknown shock wave at most, and then suffered a little injury, at least better than no life. With this method, the mercenaries were also bolder.

Although there were still a few mercenaries who were not careful enough to be killed, the number of deaths was only a few. Most of them were directly hit by sticks and exploded without injuring themselves. With this method, the mercenaries don't need to be as careful as before. Although they have to beat them before digging the ground, the speed is still much faster.

In the distance, several senior Feng Family leaders are also looking here: "That kid did a good job, what do you think?"

Hearing this, an elder next to him nodded and said: "The mind is very flexible and loyalty can be cultivated. I think it should be able to absorb it." He thought of a way that so many people in the Feng family hadn't thought of. This is ability.

The Patriarch also nodded and said, "After this mission is over, I will find someone to ask him. If he wants to, he can start with his followers first." Such a person may become a good character, but it may also be high. If you don't make a low, you can't. No matter what, the Feng Family will not let go of any such talents, and try to absorb them when they encounter them.

The excavation work proceeded very quickly. When the time was approaching noon, the entire Fengjia had been dug up from the beginning by two hundred people. The total number of thunderstorms was as high as 100 or more. This number made the seniors of the Fengjia chill.

Previously, I used the method of removing mines, but in the end I didn’t even notice half of it. With this method of beating with a stick, the number of mercenaries who died was really not many. From the beginning to the end, only five people died. .

Except for the first unlucky one, the latter were caused by carelessness and carelessness. Another was because the stick was relatively short, so after hitting the thunder, one of his hands was within the explosion range of the thunder. The hand disappeared, the Feng family would naturally not be stingy on this, and directly let the other party to rest, and doubled the reward.

With such a large reward, even the Feng family felt painful afterwards. Besides, the entire Feng family compound had been dug aside at this time and could be used for farming. It would be impossible without repairing it again. Live in.

When he saw these mercenaries rushing in, Huo Hai stopped watching, and ordered Xiaodie to come back and take a look at the sky. At this time, the sun had already risen. Counting time, it was almost time to eat. Not long after Xiaodie flew back, someone knocked on his door, and Huo Hai rubbed his forehead. He knew who had come.

Opening the door, the figure of the blood rose appeared in front of him, "Brother Huo, why did you come out so late today." The blood rose smiled slightly, hugged Huo Hai's arm very naturally, and then took Huo Hai out to eat. .

On the road, a group of people had already got together in twos and threes, "Have you heard that something has happened to the Feng Family? There are already many people around there." A voice sounded not far from the ear, and both of them could hear it. .

"Of course I know. Your news is too closed. The Feng family was buried in a lot of thunderstorms. It has not been fully dug out yet, and I don’t know how many, but what can do this kind of thing? What kind of person? If this person wants to deal with me, I don't know what to do." This is a child of Mingyang Country.

"To deal with you, you still need such a big handwriting. You value yourself too much." The two suddenly laughed and scolded. Along the way, there were a lot of discussions like this. After all the way, the blood rose basically understood what happened. What happened.

"Hehe, this Feng family is really unlucky. It was buried in so many thunders, Brother Huo, how do you think this man did it." The blood rose hugged Huo Hai's arms with both hands, harder. a little.

Huo Hai shook his head: "How do I know that the Feng Family's defenses are so tight that it is not easy to bury the thunder in their home." Huo Hai is not a child, he has to go out after a little thing. The age to show off, besides, if he speaks out, is he still alive? He is not an idiot, and it is not fun to openly confront the whole Mingyang country.

Blood Rose smiled slightly: "Really, I thought Brother Huo knew that, yesterday afternoon, we spent an afternoon in Xicheng Garden." This is very ambiguous, Xicheng Garden, this is not a good place to fall in love. .

However, Huo Hai knew that the blood rose was reminding himself that the Xicheng Garden was very close to Feng's house. Huo Hai ran to this place somehow, sitting there for a whole afternoon, and did nothing extra.

Even if the beauty of the blood rose is next to him, Huo Hai doesn’t care about it, but the blood rose did not expect that Huo Hai would arrange so many thunders under his eyelids to reach the Feng’s house a hundred meters away. In the middle.

Blood Rose just thinks that Huo Hai may be in Mingyang City and has his own power and means. When he went to the Xicheng Garden earlier, he should use what means to contact someone, even in the Molian domain, all kinds of strange connections. The way is also dizzying. In Blood Rose's heart, this matter must have something to do with Huo Hai.

Otherwise, why did Huo Hai make such a strange move yesterday, and by this morning, Feng's family has undergone such a big change.

Others don’t know, can the Blood Rose still be unclear. This Feng Family has just offended Huo Hai. The Blood Rose has its own source of intelligence. The late Huo Hai came back and the ambushes he encountered before, there are Feng Family. A copy of.

"Really, I just want to find a place to figure out some problems." Huo Hai's expression has not changed at all. If he is scammed, his expression is wrong, isn't that telling others that he has a problem.

With Huo Hai’s strength and mental power, it’s very easy to control emotions. If it doesn’t work, just attach most of the spirit to Fluttershy. He will never reveal any flaws. This is also a person. One of the benefits of worm spirit masters, other people, even worm spirit masters, probably can't do this.

The blood rose can’t deny: “Is that right? Okay, people don’t doubt you. This Feng family is so bad at this time. Didn’t it happen to help Brother Huo to give a sigh of relief? I really don’t know which **** did it. of."

Hearing the name bastard, Huo Hai glanced at the blood rose anger, but he couldn't admit it now.

What happened to the Feng family was nothing but a joke for outsiders like them, but it was a very important thing for the senior officials of Mingyang State. What happened to the Feng family was attacked.

Although the thunderstorms have been dug up, this matter is far from over. When the mercenaries are still digging for thunderstorms, the major families and even the royal family have begun to look for people who did this thing. It is an organization. In Mingyang City, they will not allow any situation that is not under their control to appear, and the whole Mingyang City has become turbulent.

Among them, the most direct is the Feng Family. As the direct victims, the Feng Family can look for them. The wanted orders flowed out from the Feng Family one by one, spreading all over Mingyang City, and even going to them. Peripheral diffusion.

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