Evil Insect God

Chapter 493: Counter

Looking at the undead army below, Huo Hai shook his head: "It's a pity, there is not enough time, and the number is too small." After such a long time of preparation, the gray light spots are still not enough, and the number of undead produced is not many.

In front of Huo Hai, there are only less than 30,000 undead to protect him. Such a number can only barely block the attack of the demon. However, the battle damage between the two sides is still the number of the demon is less. They are all defective products. When facing the devil, the undead will suffer more deaths and injuries.

If this continues, he can barely maintain it. With the passage of time, it seems that he will eventually die. The generals on the opposite side also saw this, so he ordered to speed up the attack and be sure to take Huo Hai as soon as possible.

Huo Hai’s ability is really terrifying. He can even form an army by himself. Even a demon master can’t do this. Not every demon master can control a demon, and demon masters cannot be unlimited. Control the devil.

Some demon masters with talents, as well as those pure demon masters, can control demon men. However, due to different strengths, the number of demon men that each demon master can control is also different. There are so many demon men here. It can be controlled by a large number of magicians. If there is only one magician, at most you can guarantee that you will not be attacked by these things.

Moreover, the manufacturing of these demon people requires materials and time, and even a lot of energy. With just 50,000 demon people who are relatively good, I don't know how long it took to finally produce them.

But Huo Hai is different. As long as he has a corpse, he can continuously create undead creatures. This ability is really terrifying. In this year, corpses are not everywhere. As long as war is launched, he can create many immediately. .

These undead creatures can’t attack and are not fast enough, but their lethality is really terrifying. How can their own demon have a strong vitality, as a demon master, how can they not know, but even so, they are still affected by these weak The attack was on the spot, if Huo Hai was given enough time, I am afraid that even a Lingshuai like himself would be nothing.

If such a person can be earned under his command, then in the future, among the demon masters, wouldn't one's own status rise, "speed up, and must be captured alive." The general shouted orders, as if he had seen a bright future.

What he didn’t notice was that there was a mocking smile at the corner of Huo Hai’s mouth. A large number of dead spirits kept coming forward and then being cut in half, but none of them found out that those dead souls with intact heads actually did not. death.

Huo Hai secretly ordered these undead to step back for a certain distance, and then fell to the ground to pretend to be dead. At this time, Huo Hai will stimulate the talents of ghosts and insects, turning these undead with little combat power into a kind of raw material, speeding up Rotting, and soon, these broken undead will become a piece of withered bones, and a large number of gray light spots will rise.

From time to time, Huo Hai will order some gray light spots to fall, control some new undead, supplement the army in front, and most of the army in front are such ordinary things, the undead demon, all quietly retreat.

This is why, the demon masters have never discovered the real reason for the stronger combat effectiveness of the undead demon in the battle of positions. The undead made from ordinary corpses are used to measure the strength of the undead, which is originally very one-sided.

The most important thing is that they didn't notice that some of the gray light spots in the sky would drift back from time to time, and quietly land on the corpses on the battlefield behind the demon army, but these corpses were motionless.

Huo Hai used all his strength to output his own spiritual power, constantly decomposing the spirit stones and spirit jade in the inner space. At this time, Huo Hai had no idea of ​​saving at all. What Huo Hai is considering now is to use all the magic spirits here. Before he was absolutely sure, Huo Hai didn't want others to know his ghost worm ability.

In the past, whether it was a novel or a movie, the control of the undead would be rejected by humans. I don't know how the Heavenly Spirit Continent views undead creatures. Huo Hai didn't want to take risks, so he planned secretly from the beginning.

It is a pity that the generals of the demon masters have been completely confused by the beautiful future they have imagined, forgetting everything around them. This is the limitation of the demon masters. Once demonized, their hearts will be full of negative emotions.

They only saw a large number of undeads, under the attack of the demon army, they continued to fall down, but they never found out that the number of these undeads did not seem to have been reduced at all, and they still protected Huo Hai strictly.

"General, our demon has already lost 20,000 yuan. If this continues, it seems a bit wrong." After most of the battle, a more sober demon master finally found something wrong. The general was caught by this sentence. The words woke up, and when he looked to the front, he suddenly found that the opponent's undead didn't seem to decrease much at all.

There were still undead being killed continuously, but later, the general finally saw that there were corpses constantly climbing up, and then joined in this battle, this seemed to be a conspiracy.

"Damn, speed up the attack, I don't believe that the corpses here are endless." The general roared and gave the order that he regrets most today. The corpses around Huo Hai are indeed not endless.

After such a long battle, Huo Hai’s position, although it happened to be the center of the original war, but the surrounding corpses were almost used. Huo Hai didn’t have a panic expression at this time, and he looked treacherous. The look of success.

"Hey, there are indeed no corpses here, but there are still many more behind." Huo Hai's heart moved, and he finally used the back hand he had originally arranged. There are constantly undead causing Huo Hai to rot and increase the gray light. However, there are not many such light spots in the sky, so where did these light spots go? Of course, they are creating undead.

The previous demons were all looking forward, and no one looked behind. At this moment, a large number of undead creatures stood up suddenly behind them. The undead creatures were boundless, and the demons didn't know how many there were.

"It's not good General, we are surrounded." A magician who glanced back suddenly yelled in horror. Hearing this, the general immediately looked back. This look shocked him. very much.

At this time, the general regretted that he shouldn't only care about his immediate interests. Unexpectedly, the corpse behind him became the biggest flaw to cut off his vitality. After a long time of preparation, Huo Hai summoned more than 100,000 corpses from behind. , If it weren't for there are so many corpses here for Huo Hai to use, if it wasn't for Huo Hai to spend such a long time preparing.

It is really not an easy task to create so many undeads. With so many undeads forming a siege, under attack from inside and outside, Huo Hai believes that the demon masters here don't even want to run away.

At this moment, on the ground near the front line, the demon who died before suddenly stood up. When this kind of thing happened, the demon masters did not know that they had been tricked, "Huo Hai, you are too insidious. Fight with me honestly."

"Be fair and honest, you deserve to say this word, if you are fair, why would I come here." Huo Hai completely dismissed it, it's just a king or a loser. What a lot of nonsense, Huo Hai discovered earlier that he was killed by the undead. It is easier for dead creatures to be summoned as undead, because these corpses contain a lot of death spiritual power.

Moreover, the demon killed by the undead will not hurt the head at all, and the death spiritual power permeates the whole body. The demon will naturally be corroded by the death spiritual power and die. With only 20,000 undead demon, the combat power is no more than 30,000 normal demon Poor people.

The demon cannot restrain the undead, but the undead can restrain the demon. The speed of the undead is slow, but now the demon cannot retreat and move. The two sides attack each other, relying on stronger defense and attack, the undead demon is stable Suppress the demon head.

The demon masters have already hid in the demon army at this time, looking at the undead on both sides, the demon masters felt the fear of death, "Master Huo Hai, I, I am willing to surrender, please help me. Well, as long as you don't kill me, you can let me do anything in the future." A magician finally collapsed, and more and more magicians began to surrender.

Huo Hai glanced at these people with disdain. The willpower is so poor and there is no ethics. The most important thing is that these are all magicians. What he wants the magicians to do, he knows that the magicians themselves have a lot of Big hidden danger.

Besides, Huo Hai didn't want others to grasp his own handle. In that case, how could Huo Hai accept their surrender? Huo Hai ignored them and still ordered the undead to continue to attack.

Gradually, seeming to find that his begging for mercy was useless, a demonist stood up and shouted: "Huo Hai, you bastard, you want Lao Tzu to die, and Lao Tzu won't let you live." He drew out the knife in his hand. , Attacked the past against the undead, this demon master is much more flexible than the demon, and also knows that attacking the head is the most effective.

Huo Hai's expression suddenly became cold and cold: "Assassin, it seems that you don't intend to die quietly." Huo Hai's heart moved, Star Gu flew out quickly, daring to scold himself, Huo Hai would let them know that he was insulting himself. End.

Several Star Gus passed away in a flash, and could not fly more than two meters, but there was no problem within two meters. The next moment, the Star Gu penetrated into the body of the demon master, and then the screams rang.

"Ah, ah... Master Huo Hai, let me go, I know I was wrong... Please, please give me a good time, ah..." In just a moment, the magician can't stand it, this kind of pain is really real It's horrible.

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