Evil Insect God

Chapter 498: Secret back to the city

Both Mingyang Kingdom and Fengyang Kingdom are similar. Although they are the most defensive cities in the country, the spirit formations around Mingyang City cannot defend underground on a large scale.

Soon, Huo Hai found a gap near the sewer, and resisting the weird smell coming from the underground, Huo Hai quickly sneaked into Mingyang City through the sewer. Today’s Mingyang country, the interior is still a piece of Harmony and stability, the surrounding inspections are not very strict, so Huo Hai sneaked in more easily.

Huo Hai didn't have any place to go, so he spilled the Star Gu, and while exploring everything around him, he quietly ran towards the place where he lived. It was too late today and it was inconvenient to find a hotel.

Simply go back to stay for one night, and wait until tomorrow to go to the hotel. With Huo Hai’s current strength, there is no opponent below the Lingshuai realm, so he easily bypassed all patrols and secret whistles, and then entered himself through the window. In the room.

"Who..." As soon as he came in, Huo Hai heard a nice voice, but this voice was full of coldness, and a strong breath locked his whole body. Although he didn't know who it was, Huo Hai knew , If you don't explain, the person in front of him will immediately do something to himself, but Huo Hai is not without confidence, this is his room.

"Hmph, run into my room, if you want to ask who it is, it should be me." Huo Hai is not afraid, and is ready to do it.

At this moment, the aura of locking oneself disappeared: "Brother Huo, it turned out to be you. It's really scary. You ran into someone's room in the middle of the night. It was really bad." The light in the room was lit up, before you It's actually a blood rose.

Seeing the appearance of Blood Rose, he was sleeping in his own room. Huo Hai was embarrassed and almost thought he was in the wrong room. After all, Blood Rose’s room was next to him, and even Huo Hai released Star Gu. , I checked the room I was in, and then he was relieved that this is indeed my room.

Huo Hai did not listen to the voice of the bleeding rose, because the blood rose usually spoke in such a charming and delicate voice. It was the first time that Huo Hai heard the blood rose in a cold tone, but Huo Hai’s voice, the blood rose very familiar.

"Why did you come to my room? It doesn't seem to be the place where you should sleep. Are you not afraid that your reputation will be ruined." In this world, how can a girl just run into a man's room? Sleeping.

Blood Rose rolled his eyes and said, "Hmph, they are not here yet waiting for you to come back. Really, I won't say anything in advance when I come back in the middle of the night. Brother Huo, do you know that they are here, so...so deliberately... "Blood Rose lowered her head, bit her lip, and looked very shy. Huo Hai rolled her eyes. This woman was definitely deliberate.

"Okay, no need to pretend, we all know what you are like." Huo Hai muttered dissatisfied. Sure enough, the appearance of the blood rose completely returned to normal in the next moment. Although he was tempting Huo Hai before, it was tempting. It's too fake.

Wearing pajamas wrapped in a cup, not even a little skin leaked out. This is also called temptation. Speaking of such a thing as temptation, how could Huo Hai, who came from the earth, be so fascinated by such a small temptation that he could not find Bei.

Blood Rose rolled his eyes: "Really, Brother Huo has no sentiment at all. By the way, Brother Huo came back secretly this time, did you bring me a gift?" Blood Rose's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something.

Seeing that Huo Hai didn’t speak, Blood Rose said again: “Brother Huo wants to know who is dealing with you this time. If you want to know, please take out the present first.” Blood Rose still sits on the bed and moves. If you don't move, you can't actually move. If you move, wouldn't it be necessary for Huo Hai to see his skin in vain.

Huo Hai said indifferently: "It's the Feng Family, it's the magician who attacked me. I have already asked, and I also know that the Feng Family and the magician are in collusion with each other." Huo Hai smiled lightly, calmly. Said.

Blood Rose was taken aback, and then a little depressed. This guy actually knew so much. Even if it was Blood Rose, it was only yesterday that he learned from the royal family that the Feng Family might have colluded with the Demon Spiritist, and Huo Hai seemed to have already Guarantee.

Huo Hai is really full of mystery. Speaking of it, if it wasn't for the secret of Huo Hai, the blood rose would not have been in Huo Hai’s room all day long. I found it here late today, and the blood rose didn’t bother to go back. I fell asleep here. If Huo Hai came back, how could Blood Rose not receive the news in advance.

Who could have imagined that this guy returned to the capital without a sound, and even sneaked into it, came to his room, caught off guard, and was so ashamed that Huo Hai saw what he was like now.

Even people like Blood Rose are very depressed, "Okay, okay, you know, but the gift is still to be given. Before you leave, you said you want to bring me a gift." Did I say that, Huo Hai For a moment, recalling the original scene, it was obviously that the blood rose was asking for a gift, but I never said that I would bring any gift to the blood rose.

"Hmph, if you don't give it, I won't tell you the news about Sister Bi Ya and the others." Hearing this, Huo Hai's eyes lit up, and he was a little annoyed. He has no source of intelligence in Mingyang, and he does not know Fang. How is Bi Ya and the others.

Shaking his head, Huo Hai said: "Well, you win, you tell me first, and I will give you a gift."

Blood Rose's eyes rolled: "Okay, but you can't give gifts casually, you must give something good, or else I will bully sister Bi Ya and the others." Huo Hai knew that Blood Rose was joking, but Still very helpless.

"Count what I owe you, what do you think about this thing, this is something I finally found." Huo Hai helplessly took out the fire-red lotus that he found from the ground, and after leaving the ground vein, he took advantage of his inner space. Huo Hai can only guarantee that the lotus will not die. He wants to continue to grow, but it is no longer possible. If he stays in his hands, this thing is just a tasteless thing.

Seeing this lotus flower, Blood Rose's eyes clearly brightened, and then a complex expression flashed in his eyes. In a blink of an eye, his eyes returned to normal, and Huo Hai didn't even notice it.

"Well, for the sake of a gift, this lady will tell you what happened to Sister Bi Ya and the others. They are now living very well in Nanyun Country. They have gone to Western Xinjiang and started attacking Nanlin Country." Blood Rose Not much to say, making Huo Hai feel a little worthless.

However, Huo Hai has already got what he wants. Since they have all returned to Xijiang, under the protection of the family, there will be no problems. Moreover, they have the status of preparing disciples of Piaohua Pavilion, and there is nothing in Nanyun Kingdom. People dared to move them, and what they gave them should now be sent back to the family. In this way, Huo Hai finally felt relieved.

There are a few of them, even if they are the royal family, they dare not touch the Huo family in Xijiang for the time being, "Thank you, I already know, but now, can you leave? This is my room and I have to rest. "

Blood Rose glanced at it and said disdainfully: "Isn't it just a room? It's not rare for this lady to live with you." The Blood Rose, who just thought of getting up, suddenly thought that she only has underwear on her body. Even with underwear, Blood Rose didn't want a man to see it. Thinking of this, Blood Rose's next move was gone.

"Brother Huo, you're not a pervert, don't you even allow a little girl to stay here for one night? You, do you really want to let people serve you..." Blood Rose embraced her in her arms body.

This kind of pitiful expression can't deceive Huo Hai, but Huo Hai also noticed at this time that he was really wrong here, and if he went out from the gate, it would be bad if he was found out.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai said helplessly: "Well, you can live here. By the way, there is no one in your room. I will stay for one night first. I will go to the hotel tomorrow by myself. Knowing the news of my return, I hope you can help me keep it secret." After speaking, Huo Hai's figure flashed and jumped out of the window.

The snake walking that reached the Xiaocheng state made Huo Hai's speed very fast. With this movement, a light flashed in the eyes of Blood Rose: "What a fast speed and a flexible body, you really have a big secret."

The speed of Huo Hai's improvement was too fast. When we first met, Huo Hai's cultivation base was still similar to his own, but his combat effectiveness was very strong. At that time, his body style was not very good, but now, Huo Hai's cultivation For absolutely far surpassed oneself, and from the speed of performance just now, even if it is the body style, oneself can't compare with the other party.

"Oh, it's broken, why did he go to my room? He, he wouldn't do some strange things, right?" Blood Rose's face suddenly turned red. This time, it wasn't the Blood Rose pretending to be.

I used to hear from my colleagues that someone would steal a woman’s clothes and do some strange things. When I think of this, Blood Rose’s heart is full of worry, but now if the Blood Rose is allowed to go back, the face cannot be put down, "Huh, This girl's advantage is not so easy to take advantage of, you wait for me." The blood rose lay down angrily, and then rested.

In the next room, Huo Hai absolutely didn't do anything strange, or even did nothing. In the past few days, it was either fighting or cultivating. Huo Hai's spirit was very exhausted. Besides, Huo Hai didn't have any thoughts of doing anything.

This blood rose really made Huo Hai uninterested. Sitting on the bed, Huo Hai directly entered the state of cultivation. This time, the cultivation was mainly for training his own spirit, not improving his own spiritual power.

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