Evil Insect God

Chapter 803: Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum

Hearing the words of the pavilion master, everyone frowned once again, trying to win over a master with unlimited potential, but also calmly. This is really an extremely difficult thing. How can we do it well?

After a long time, when everyone was helpless, the elder suddenly said: "Pavilion Master, didn't we catch a red phosphorus fish from the blue sea before? That plan still lacks people with powerful control capabilities. I think, the insect king. Your soul worm seems to be capable of this." Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this.

"Yes, Pavilion Master, this method is good." The proposal of the great elder solved a problem of Piaohua Pavilion itself, and at the same time, it can also win Huo Hai well. This is really a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

I believe that after fighting together, adding some benefits, and Fang Biya, it is very easy to win Huo Hai. Don’t look at it now, it seems to have paid a lot, but the stronger Huo Hai’s cultivation base becomes, they will get The greater the benefits.

If Huo Hai can break through to the realm of the Spirit Sovereign in the future, this transaction will be very cost-effective. A master in the realm of the Spirit Sovereign, even if it is the Piaohua Pavilion, should also attach great importance to it, "Very well, then this matter is left to you. Now, make arrangements as soon as possible. After everything is arranged, I will personally talk to the insect king about this matter." After the order was finished, the pavilion master waved his hand to let everyone disperse.

No matter what will happen in the future, what is certain is that from now on, Huo Hai has become different in the eyes of the senior leaders of Piaohua Pavilion. No matter how far Huo Hai can be promoted in the future, in short, now What they need to do is profitable and harmless to them. After leaving, some people continue to look at the information in their hands, thinking in their hearts.

One night’s time soon passed. When the early morning arrived, Huo Hai’s biological clock was very accurate to wake up Huo Hai. Huo Hai, who opened his eyes, felt the softness of his body and looked at the delicate body and face in his arms. There was a warm smile on his face.

I didn't want to disturb Ji Mu's sleep. Last night was really choking. Huo Hai didn't get up either. He just lay down and continued to polish his spiritual power. Not long after he broke through the sixth-level Spirit King, he still needs to consolidate it.

But today does not seem to be a good time to rest. Not long after Huo Hai had practiced, there was a loud noise outside, and the noise became louder and louder. Ji Mu, who was still asleep, was finally awakened. .

"Hai, something happened outside." Ji Mu didn't seem to be fully awake. He looked at Huo Hai with dim eyes and asked instinctively. After that, Ji Mu seemed to feel something and looked at Huo Hai's body. , Seemed to be naked, and then looked at himself, "Ah." Ji Mu screamed, lowered his head quickly, and retracted his head into Huo Hai's arms.

At this time, Ji Mu had already recalled what he did yesterday. Thinking about what happened yesterday, Ji Mu didn't know why he was so bold, his face flushed, and the shyness in his heart made Ji Mu unable to raise his head.

At the same time, a feeling of sweetness and peace of mind came to my heart, and the two feelings entangled back and forth in my heart, making Ji Mu's mood extremely complicated, but Huo Hai was not worried at all at this time, anyway, the two of them had already been involved. It was set, and now it was just the last step. The matter had become a reality, and Huo Hai had no regrets.

"Okay, okay, don't be like this. Sooner or later, there will be such a day. It is strange how the outside noise is getting louder and louder. You rest here, I will go out to see." Huo Hai wants to say something, but outside The noise is too loud.

Moreover, Huo Hai faintly felt that this matter had something to do with him. Why would someone always make trouble whenever he wanted to be quiet? Ji Mu nodded softly when he heard the words, but there was nothing. Raise your head.

"Be careful, I, I'll be waiting for you here." With Ji Mu's recovery ability, the physical discomfort has naturally recovered, but Ji Mu doesn't want to go out now. Just being with Huo Hai, Ji Mu has a kind of fear Seeing people's mood, maybe it's all right after waiting until the evening, Huo Hai didn't care, put on his clothes quickly, and turned around to help Ji Mu cover the quilt.

He lowered his head and gently kissed Ji Mu's forehead: "An Xin is waiting for me here." After saying that, Huo Hai turned and walked towards the door. Behind him, Ji Mu's eyes followed Huo Hai, unwilling to leave for a long time. Huo Hai closed the door.

When Huo Hai came to the door, a lot of people had gathered at the door at this time, "What happened here, why are so many people." Huo Hai frowned, and the good mood just now had all been destroyed by these people. Up.

"Huo Hai come out, come out Huo Hai, don't shrink inside like a tortoise." Just when he walked to the door, Huo Hai finally heard what people outside were yelling, his voice was neat, it was obvious that someone was deliberately picking things up, thinking Here, Huo Hai's brows are even more frowning, and the people outside seem to be men. What the **** is this doing.

Seeing Huo Hai's arrival, Fang Biya immediately greeted him: "I don't know what happened. Many people came to you this morning, as if they were trying to challenge or something." Fang Biya just arrived and didn't know what happened. What happened.

Blood Rose squinted his eyes and said with a disdain: "Huh, it's not because the suitors of the three younger sisters are jealous, and then they incited some people to pick things." Blood Rose is not unheard of. It is very clear that among Fang Biya's three suitors, some of them have good family identities, otherwise such things would not happen.

Huo Hai smiled slightly, then opened the door and went out. Seeing Huo Hai, the outside voice suddenly stopped: "What are you doing at the door of my house early in the morning? Is this how Piaohua Pavilion entertains guests?"

At this moment, a young man stepped forward and said calmly: "Your Excellency is wrong. Your Excellency came to our Piaohua Pavilion. We are naturally very welcome, but you are called the king, we also want to try. Try your method, I don't think you will not even agree to this." Following his words, the group of people behind him began to booze again.

Seeing the four people headed, Blood Rose frowned: "Four sons of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, I didn't expect it to be them."

Hearing this, Huo Hai's expression was strange. Regardless of the question of the person in front of him, he turned his head and asked, "Mei, Orchid, Bamboo, and Chrysanthemum, who is this." Seeing Huo Hai's appearance, the blood rose was a little funny. But let's introduce it.

"Meilanzhuju are four famous people in the outer sect. Each of them has a strong cultivation base and a good family. However, I don't know what his skills are." Blood Rose whispered. , And then quickly explained that the first one, called Mei Gongzi, holds a folding fan with a plum blossom painted on it, and is the first of the four masters.

The second one is called Lan Gongzi. He wears blue clothes and has a very feminine temperament. It is because of the orchid finger of the cultivator who passed the battle spirit tactics, so it has such a title. Although the name of this orchid finger is relatively feminine, it is very powerful.

But this son of Lan held an orchid finger all day, which made people feel uncomfortable. Why does Huo Hai feel that this guy is like a father-in-law, but he can be ranked second, and he should have his own advantages.

Ranked third is Master Zhu. His weapon is a bamboo flute. It is said that the sound attack ability is quite strong, and the melee level is also good. His combat power is not even worse than that of the first ranked Mei Gongzi. It is said that when ranking, it is said that the pronunciation is good. , That's why he voluntarily ranked third. Among the four sons, Zhu's reputation is actually the largest.

As for the last one, the guy who became the son of Ju, to be honest, Huo Hai really didn't see where this son of Ju looked like a son. If it weren't for the blood rose, Huo Hai would treat him as a woman. This whole thing is a pseudonym. .

A fair face, from a distance, there is even a strange charm. She wears a pale yellow pleated skirt. If she doesn’t know in advance, she looks like a flat-chested beauty. When she knows the true identity of this young man, Huo There was a feeling of nausea in the sea, and even this young man Ju's weapon was so uncomfortable.

They were actually two orange silks, extremely tough and sharp. They were said to be as beautiful as dancing when they danced. Huo Hai was listening here, but the face of Mei Gongzi who just spoke was not good.

What does Huo Hai mean? Challenge him by himself. He didn't take himself and the others seriously, and just put it aside. This made several people who have been in the Piaohua Pavilion a lot of attention, even if they were mixed among women. The four great princes who were also pretty good began to turn blue: "Boy, don't you put us in your eyes? You didn't hear us."

Young Master Mei was angry, pointing at Huo Hai with a folding fan in his hand, and said loudly, Blood Rose, who was interrupted by her words, was a little dissatisfied, but didn't say anything. Each of these four masters is a cultivation base above the Spirit King realm, and the family The room is very nice.

Blood Rose does not have his own family behind him. Although he is more favored, his actual status is still far from these four sons. When the four of them speak, Blood Rose really dare not express his dissatisfaction, but Huo Hai is different. .

Hearing Mei Gongzi yelling, Huo Hai turned his head and said, "What's the matter with you? By the way, I just learned the title of your four pseudonymous mothers. I really admire your name for a long time." Huo Hai's words are simply not right. , Many people around covered their mouths and almost laughed out loud. You've been leaning up for a long time when you heard them. These words fool the undead.

"Boy, you dare to insult us, now we officially challenge you." This time not only Mei Gongzi was angry, but the other people were the same. If it weren't for the occasion here, I'm afraid they have already started.

Huo Hai spread out his hands: "Challenge, what is the reason? You can't do it without any reason, then you are the same as barbarians." Huo Hai still unceremoniously satirized, and secretly released Star Gu. Came out.

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