Evil Insect God

Chapter 805: Floating Flower Technique

When he saw an acquaintance, Huo Hai didn't say hello either. When he saw him for the first time, he was a superior master, and he was just an ordinary person who used to fight against the devil. There was no intersection between the two.

Now that I saw it, Huo Hai just glanced at it, and did not show anything, but at this time, Bai Su looked at Huo Hai’s eyes, but it was very strange, it seemed a bit regretful, and a little aggrieved, who would have thought , The little guy who was far inferior to him back then, how long he has not seen each other, his strength has reached this level.

Looking at it from a distance, I didn’t even feel the breath on Huo Hai. It was not that Huo Hai’s cultivation was far beyond himself, or that Huo Hai’s own special spirit art for astringent aura, no matter what, Bai Su felt Frustrated.

Now that they had discussed it, a few people quickly reached the arena. After they walked up, Huo Hai discovered that this place really looked like a huge flower, and it looked clearer on it.

Even Huo Hai smelled a scent of flowers. Looking around, he couldn't find where the fragrance came from.

Seeing what Huo Hai was looking for, Mei Gongzi said with contempt: "I haven't seen it. This is our unique Xuexiangshi martial arts field in Piaohua Pavilion. The fragrance of flowers here is naturally emitted by Xuexiangshi. We are the only one who can find such a large piece of Snow Fragrant Stone in the Molian Domain. "Huo Hai knows that this is the case.

Snow fragrant stone is a kind of gemstone, but it has no other use except for its fragrance and solidity. Piaohua Pavilion can find such a large piece and make it into a ring like a small square. .

Not to mention the value of such a large piece of snow fragrant stone, it is not to wait for the Xianzong sect to be able to make spiritual formations on it, but in Huo Hai’s view, this thing is only so useful, it is really useless. So envious.

Looking at the four people in front of him, and noticing the fully opened spirit formations around him, Huo Hai said indifferently: "You are going one by one, and you are going together." Mr. Mei, who hadn't been proud of it for a long time, suddenly turned black, Huo. Hai's tone made it clear that he looked down on them. How could this make the Four Great Masters who feel good about themselves able to stand it.

"Huh, this kid is really arrogant. I really think that if others call him the insect king, he can ignore the difference in numbers." Below, hearing Huo Hai's words, a disciple of Piaohua Pavilion immediately said dissatisfied.

"That's right, even among the other top sects, there are not many that can compare with the Four Great Young Masters, let alone a casual cultivator." The Four Great Young Masters are men, but their appearance is quite good, so they are in the Piaohua Pavilion. , The four young masters were very good at mixing up, but when they heard what these people said, Yun'er was immediately dissatisfied, and her mouth pursed.

Yuner looked around and muttered in dissatisfaction: "Why are these people like this? How come those four **** are your brother's opponents." Yun'er showed his fist. Before he could do anything, it seemed that Yuner was about to do it first.

Seeing this, Fang Biya hurriedly took Yun'er's hand: "Don't be impulsive, Yun'er, wait until your brother defeats them all, won't others be able to say anything." Fang Biya didn't dare. Let this girl make noise.

"Yes, yeah, although the four guys have a little cultivation base, they are nothing more than idiots. When have you ever seen them do it? The combat experience is definitely not as good as your brother." Think about the battles Huo Hai experienced Huo Hai didn't elaborate on it last night, but she couldn't guess who the blood rose was.

"Boy, it's enough to deal with you and I alone." At this time, someone on the stage couldn't help but start their hands. The first thing to do was naturally the first of the four sons, Mei Gongzi, who stepped on strange steps under his feet. , The body is very natural and natural.

Every step is taken, there are light red petals flying under his feet. This is not a beautiful thing made by Mei Gongzi deliberately using spiritual power, but the result of the joint action between the spiritual power of the war spirit art and the power of heaven and earth.

Piaohua Pavilion’s war spirit art is not simple, it looks very gorgeous, and its power is absolutely not bad. With this set of beautiful steps, Mei Gongzi’s speed suddenly accelerated by a large amount, and it also gives a lot of attention. This kind of erratic, unpredictable feeling, almost instantly, Young Master Mei had already arrived in front of Huo Hai, and the folding fan in his hand opened and closed.

Along with the opening and closing of the folding fan, a sharp vigor came across. This blow made Huo Hai’s eyes light up. As for the use of the power of heaven and earth, Piaohua Pavilion was indeed much more flexible than the Haotu Empire, and used less. Spiritual power creates greater effects, and Piaohua Pavilion is very good at it.

However, this kind of attack also wanted to hurt himself. He was simply dreaming. Huo Hai flashed aside and let go of this attack. After an attack was issued, Mei Gongzi's attacks continued continuously, and the battle spirit art was fully deployed.

With the footsteps, plum blossom petals flashed out of thin air around them, and the fan lightly flashed, and what appeared was a violent wind, that is, there was wind, and plum blossoms accompanied it. It was a picture of wind, flowers, snow and moon. It is a pity that the murderous intent that accompanied it, But people didn't dare to look directly, the petals and the wind fell on the barrier, causing a wave of fluctuations, enough to tell the people around the danger of such an attack.

Huo Hai used the eight methods of spirit bats, and he didn't mean to attack. He kept evading. The whole person seemed to be a piece of space. No matter how many petals there were, he couldn't fall on him. "Are you just that capable?"

Following Huo Hai's words, Mei Gongzi realized that he seemed to continue like this, and there was no way to pose any threat to Huo Hai. He was unwilling, but did not want to admit defeat. He glanced behind him, and Mei Gongzi immediately said: "Second, let's go together. "Finally, Young Master Mei realized that he had no way to deal with Huo Hai, and began to greet his helpers.

As for the rules or something, do these people care? They didn't hear that Huo Hai let them go together. They only came up with two people this time. When Lan Gongzi heard Mei Gongzi's words, he immediately jumped into the battlefield.

Pinch the orchid fingers with both hands, and gently pointed at Huo Hai, two violent vigors were immediately released, powerful enough to crack mountains and rocks, even Huo Hai, let this attack fall on him, I am afraid it will consume a lot Spiritual power.

With a turn, Huo Hai gave away two Qi Jin in an instant, but what Huo Hai did not expect was that Young Master Lan hooked his hands slightly, and the two Qi Jin actually turned a corner and attacked Huo Hai again. , "What a flexible means of spiritual power control." Huo Hai exclaimed in his heart, his body shape changed direction again, but the energy behind him again followed.

There was no room to dodge, Huo Hai attacked for the first time, pointing his right hand into a sword, and waved at the two Qi Jin. The two sword auras immediately issued from Huo Hai’s hand, and the sword aura greeted the two Qi Jin. Die with each other.

Seeing this scene, Young Master Lan was immediately shocked. He knew how powerful his aura was, and the aura of his attack was very vague and difficult to be perceived by others, but even so, Huo Hai was still Being able to accurately judge the power of one's Qi Jin, and use sword Qi to offset it, what a clever control ability.

How did he know that Huo Hai’s perception is extremely powerful. With this kind of attack, Huo Hai can easily determine the strength and weakness, and to offset it is just a handy move. Seeing this scene, the senior officials of Piaohua Pavilion were also surprised. very much.

"Okay, I didn't expect the Lord Insect King to control spiritual power so accurately, even if we are afraid it is difficult to compare." A woman could hardly hide her surprise. The Fourth Young Master is a man, but their cultivation and combat effectiveness are high in the Piaohua Pavilion. We dare not despise it.

Especially the Lanhuazhi just now. Among the people in the audience, there are also people who have practiced this kind of war spirits. They think that under the same realm, they can't be more subtle than the one used by Lan Gongzi. A glimpse of the whole leopard, from Huo Hai With one hand, they can see how high Huo Hai is in combat, at least most people here cannot compare with it.

"It's not just that, don't you realize that from the beginning until now, the Insect King has not counterattacked, but only dodges the attack, just now, if you are not familiar with the orchid finger, you don't even have to use the sword to resist."

Everyone nodded, yes, the battle on the stage at this time has entered a white-hot degree, but Huo Hai is still strolling in the courtyard, as if he is playing, there is no tension or embarrassment at all, on the contrary, facing The two people Huo Hai kept attacking were already sweating on their heads. At this time, they didn't know how strong Huo Hai was.

The four princes secretly scolded the guy who made them trouble Huo Hai, and he would not investigate it clearly if he came. The unlucky ones were all himself, and at the same time, a smile appeared on Huo Hai's face again.

"It turns out that the orchid finger can only change three times in the air. I don't know if it is the limit of Lan Gongzi." After a long period of testing, Huo Hai discovered that Lan Gongzi’s orchid finger will lose control after three changes, but it just doesn’t. I know if this is the ultimate that Young Master Lan can achieve, and whether this orchid means more changes.

Now that he understood Lan Gongzi's methods, Huo Hai relaxed again, and the two people who were attacking Huo Hai also found out. At the beginning, Huo Hai would send out sword energy to resist the power of Lanhua Finger.

But now, Huo Hai once again gave up his attack and only used his body technique to dodge. As for Lanhua Finger, Huo Hai only needs to dodge three times before attacking him. Such an attack will not fall on him at all. This kind of attack is almost on the sidelines. The method can make Huo Hai more clearly feel the effect of Piaohua Pavilion's Spirit of War.

When he noticed this, Mr. Mei immediately shouted: "Youngest, come together." Hearing this, Mr. Zhu, who was smiling bitterly, had no choice but to come forward. Maybe today, everyone should Shame together.

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