Evil Insect God

Chapter 819: mission target

When the entire hall was completely wrapped by the spirit formation, no one would forcibly break it open. It was impossible to know anything about what happened inside. Even the people of his sect could not believe it. It seems that this matter really matters. major.

"Now I can say what the task is." Huo Hai spread his hands helplessly. The matter has reached this point. Even if he wants to go back, it is impossible for him to go back. Once he goes back, Huo Hai is sure, Piaohua Pavilion I would definitely do it myself, at least until the task is completed, I don't think I have a chance to run out.

Moreover, Huo Hai actually wanted to know what mission it was this time that could make Piaohuage so attached.

The Peony King still looked around instinctively, then lowered his voice and said, "This mission is mainly a flood dragon. We found a flood dragon. We need your help to trap it. It only takes a short time. ."

Huo Hai was shocked. It was actually the Flood Dragon, and the Piaohua Pavilion was too courageous. The Flood Dragon is a powerful creature with the blood of the Dragon Clan. Even if it is just an adult, it also has the terrifying power of the Spirit King Realm and awakens the dragon's blood , I am afraid that not many are below the prefecture level. The most important thing is not these, but the dragon bloodline itself.

No one knows what is behind this dragon. If there is a real dragon, you can come and crush the Piaohua Pavilion. The dragons generally don’t pay much attention to the descendants of these mixed bloodlines, but they will not let others. Hunt down.

Once this matter leaked out and caused dissatisfaction with a certain dragon clan, Piaohua Pavilion could be in catastrophe. The dragon clan was a creature in the legend on the Heavenly Spirit Continent, and any adult dragon had a cultivation base that was definitely above the sky level.

It can be said that a dragon that has not reached the heaven level will not be recognized by the dragon clan at all. One can imagine how strong this dragon clan is. Piaohua Pavilion is simply looking for death. If this matter is leaked, I'm afraid that even if he is going to follow the bad luck, Huo Hai is not arrogant enough, thinking that he can survive the attack of the dragon.

Cold sweat began to emerge from Huo Hai's body. Is this Piaohua Pavilion a little too bold, took a deep breath, and Huo Hai whispered: "What are you going to do? Do you have to provoke the dragon to attack?"

King Peony shook his head: "Don't worry, we have investigated the matter a long time ago. There is no real dragon in the Molian domain, and this flood dragon, not what you think, is a direct descendant of a certain dragon. ."

After a pause, the King Peony said again: "Speaking of which, the existence of this dragon is also a fluke. I don't know because of what I ate, the bloodline of the dragon that has been thinned for many generations has actually awakened. Otherwise, you think we I really dare to hunt down the dragon at will." The dragon itself is not strong, but no one dares to provoke the dragon behind it.

On the Heavenly Spirit Continent, the so-called dragon-slaying warrior is also a kind of legend. Hearing the words of the Peony King, Huo Hai finally felt relieved that there is no powerful master behind this dragon. Such a dragon is simply a treasure.

Anything that has a relationship with a dragon is not simple. The dragon is full of treasures, and the dragon is the same.

Seeing Huo Hai's appearance, King Peony said again: "It's not worth asking you to help this time. You can pick any object on the body of the dragon except the blood of the dragon."

At this time, Huo Hai was really moved. The things on Jiaolong's body were definitely not that simple, "Two pieces, one too few." The risk he took was not small, how could it be possible to send himself one item.

King Peony frowned, after thinking about it, he said, "The two are no problem, but the dragon horn and the dragon ball, you can only take the same." These two things are the most precious items on the dragon, the other ones He couldn't compare with these two items at all. After hearing the words, Huo Hai nodded his head immediately and agreed. He hadn't thought about taking them away.

Suddenly, Huo Hai seemed to think of a question: "Wait, you said you want to hunt the dragon, what do you want me to do with this kind of thing." Huo Hai believed that this dragon would definitely not be too strong, otherwise he would not invite himself to help. Up.

The Peony King said helplessly: "If it's just hunting, it won't be so troublesome. In fact, we need a living flood dragon, and only the blood from the living flood dragon is what we really need." The words of the Peony King made Huo Hai feel strange.

After thinking about it, the King Peony said: "We got a dragon's blood sunflower, but now we need dragon blood to cultivate it. You may not know that once a creature with dragon blood dies, the blood on the body cannot be used for cultivation. Dragon's blood sunflower." Then, the king peony introduced the role of dragon's blood sunflower. Upon hearing this, Huo Hai was shocked.

Even Huo Hai himself did not expect that this dragon's blood anemone is actually a treasure of the top grade, and it is also the best among the top grade. I really don’t know how they found it. The treasure is different from the source spirit treasure, it can really be taken. For direct use.

Once the dragon's blood sunflower is successfully cultivated, when the dragon's blood sunflower blooms, it can absorb the radiated power, which can make the spirit emperor realm masters go further. If all the spirit emperor realm masters in the entire Piaohua Pavilion take one step forward, this increase in strength is really too great. Up.

In terms of its own strength, the Piaohua Pavilion may surpass the vast land empire in the future. The most important thing is that the dragon's blood sunflower can also help the masters of Piaohua Pavilion to increase their potential and enhance the power of their original ability.

Maybe in the future, because of this dragon's blood sunflower, Piaohua Pavilion can truly appear as a master of the realm of Lingdi. Then, even if it is to unify the entire Molian domain, it will not be a problem. Of course, with the personality of Piaohua Pavilion. , Shouldn't do this kind of thing, women have always been unable to compare with men's ambition to unite.

"You also know that dragon creatures have very keen perception. If we set up a spiritual formation in advance, the flood dragon will definitely not be fooled, so we need to temporarily control it for a period of time before opening the spiritual formation."

Huo Hai understands that with this explosive control ability, Piaohua Pavilion does not have a good master. If too many masters are used, it will inevitably attract the attention of other major forces, just like the last time the vast empire besieged Huo Hai. At the time, because too many masters were used, these top sects abruptly investigated the same situation.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai said: "No problem, as long as the dragon is not above the ninth level of the spirit king, I can temporarily control it, but I have one condition." Huo Hai's words made the Peony King frowned.

Before the King Peony could speak, Huo Hai said in advance: "If you don't need the soul of this dragon, then I will."

The Peony King just relaxed his brows, and then frowned again: "You want the soul of the dragon, but we don't have a way to collect souls." Collecting souls is mostly done by evil cultivation methods, but Piaohua Pavilion does not.

Of course, Huo Hai didn’t fully believe it either. Who knows if Piaohua Pavilion really doesn’t, but they don’t want to show it, Huo Hai doesn’t bother to expose it, “Don’t worry, I have a method for collecting souls, and I promise not It will affect your collection of dragon blood." With Huo Hai's assurance, the Peony King's mood gradually relaxed.

"If this is the case, then I have no problem here." When the negotiation is here, the cooperation is finally reached. The two sides looked at each other. The original tense atmosphere gradually relaxed, and it seemed to be back to the previous one.

"When will this task begin? I have to prepare too." Huo Hai smiled slightly and said casually.

King Peony also smiled: "This is about to ask the pavilion master. This task is very important and requires a lot of time to prepare. It may take another ten and a half days or so. As for the task location, forgive me. Can't tell."

"It's okay, this is the secret of your school." Huo Hai will feel that there is a problem if he tells himself. Isn't Piaohua Pavilion afraid that he will clean up the dragon by himself, and if he just kills a dragon, the opponent is not too strong. Huo Hai could still do it, and the two looked at each other and smiled, knowing that this matter should stop there.

"Okay, let's untie the spiritual formation. After being here for such a long time, we should also go back." King Peony got up, and the people around slowly lifted the whole spiritual formation. Today's affairs are finally over.

Huo Hai also got up: "The elder is leaving now, let me send it off." After all, it is the high-level of Piaohua Pavilion. Huo Hai did not dare to neglect, so he walked out and sent the Peony King away. After one time, Huo Hai found that the surrounding surveillance personnel had increased a lot. It seemed that this Piaohua Pavilion was not completely at ease for him, but it was right.

"Oh, why did the elder leave? Brother and the elder have told you something and tell Yun'er if it's okay." Yun'er was still so curious, the first time he saw Huo Hai, he rushed to act like a baby.

The blood rose quickly grabbed Yun'er: "Sister Yun'er, don't ask this. Since the master doesn't want us to know, then there must be her reason." The blood rose is different from the little girl Yun'er who doesn't know anything. The more you know about the secrets of the sect, the less good it will be for them, because they don't have the strength to know the secrets.

Huo Hai also waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's just going to go out in two days. Okay, I've wasted a lot of time today. Hurry up and go to practice for me. If I can't meet the requirements, I will see how I clean up. you guys."

Yun'er rolled his eyes, and was a little dissatisfied: "Hmph, just practice when you practice. By the way, sister Rose, come here too. Brother said that you have a share of what you practice." After Yuner finished speaking, he pulled the blood rose. Jumping towards the back, Huo Hai patted his head, there is really no way for Yun'er.

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