Evil Insect God

Chapter 828: Origin anomaly

In a blink of an eye, the last thunderball also fell from the air. Under the traction of the lightning array, the mere thunderball did not even have the power to resist. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the state of the blood rose itself had been adjusted to its peak.

The dark clouds in the sky compressed again and became only a few acres of land. In the whirlpool, thunder and lightning became more and more condensed. A thunderball formed by thunder and lightning gradually formed in the whirlpool, and the terrifying coercion was released, and it made people far away. Feel depressed.

"This, this is the Thunder Bead. I didn't expect us to see the Thunder Bead." This thing, Lei Bead, hasn't appeared in the Molian domain for hundreds of years. It's not that the cultivator has insufficient talent potential, but every When someone reaches the realm of the Spirit King, they will find ways to weaken their potential and talents, and even self-destruction of their foundation is common.

Under such circumstances, how could anyone see the seventh sky thunder? Even so, there are still many people who have died tragically under the sky thunder. Thinking of this, Huo Hai admires the masters who created the lightning array. .

I really don't know what the masters of the creation of the lightning array are. If the lightning array is flooded, I am afraid the overall strength of the Molian Territory will increase several tens of times. He shook his head and Huo Hai put down this idea.

People are selfish, and Huo Hai is no exception. It’s okay to use the Thunder Array for relatives and friends. It’s just a joke to let him publish it. Even the major sects, I’m afraid they will not let this disrupt the pattern of themselves. People.

The Thunder Ball finally landed. Facing the terrifying Thunder Ball power, the Blood Rose could not feel any hope of survival. If it hadn't been for Huo Hai's repeated assurances, the Lightning Array would definitely be able to resist the Thunder Ball, and the Blood Rose had closed its eyes and waited for death. , Under everyone's attention, the thunder bead slowly landed on the thunder-inducing array, and the violent light of thunder and lightning suddenly burst out.

Lei Zhu completely stalemate with the thunder-inducing array, and his advancing speed became slower and slower. In the end, it stopped completely. The lightning energy was continuously absorbed. When all the power was absorbed, Lei Zhu suddenly shocked.

The next moment of "Boom", the thunderball exploded, but this impact force is no longer very strong. The blood flames flickering all over the blood rose, which immediately resisted this force, and the dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed. .

"It's great, it succeeded." Seeing the Tribulation finally passed, Yun'er and the others embraced each other excitedly. The Blood Rose was the first to cross the Tribulation. Everything is unknown, even if you have heard Huo. Hai mentioned it, but everyone was still very worried that the last Thunder Ball could be blocked by the Thunder Array, how could they not be excited.

As for the final lightning bead explosion, Huo Hai also mentioned to them, this explosion is nothing, even the power of the final explosion of the ninth sky lightning can easily be resisted by their strength.

After a while, the colorful glow between heaven and earth enveloped Blood Rose's body, constantly absorbing the glow of Blood Rose, and its own breath continued to decline, gradually tending to stabilize. At this time, Blood Rose has truly become a master of the first-level spirit king realm.

Becoming the Spirit King, in the future, in the Molian domain, he will not be regarded as an ordinary person, "Brother Huo, thank you." The blood rose bowed to Huo Hai sincerely and thanked him. Huo Hai helped so much, and the blood rose in his heart. The gratitude is unparalleled.

"No, we are all friends, it is right to help each other." Huo Hai shook his head, the smile on his face could not be concealed.

At this moment, the blood rose's face suddenly became extremely soft: "Brother Huo, you have helped others so much, how do you say they are grateful to you." After a pause, the blood rose waved and pulled her body. Broken clothes: "Brother Huo looks good, do you want me to open it to you." The words of the blood rose immediately made everyone react.

"Ah, don't watch." Fang Biya and Ji Mu were excited, and immediately covered Huo Hai's eyes. After doing this, their faces were flushed, leaving only the laughter of blood roses in place.

After turning Huo Hai a white look, Blood Rose said leisurely: "I'm going to change my clothes, Brother Huo, if you want to take a peek, I won't object." Blood Rose twisted Xiaoman's waist and walked away. Go, but when he turned his head, a trace of regret and loss flashed in Blood Rose's eyes. Then, Blood Rose returned to normal and quickly began to change clothes.

When Huo Hai heard the words of the blood rose, he really wanted to see it, but after thinking about it, Huo Hai still didn’t do such a trivial thing. Even the surrounding Star Gu that could share the vision with him was dispelled by Huo Hai. Up.

"Hai, don't be angry, big deal, we'll show it to you at night." Ji Mu saw Huo Hai shook his head and said quickly. After speaking, his face had become flushed. This expression really made Huo Hai's heart hot.

"Don't talk nonsense, prepare for me, didn't you still feel nervous just now." When I first came, everyone was nervous because of the catastrophe, but when I saw the lightning array, even the Thunderball could resist it. No longer so nervous, in order to avoid embarrassment, Huo Hai hurried forward, preparing to replenish the lightning array.

"Hey, I didn't expect the impact of the sky thunder to be so great. It seems that the distance between these lightning arrays is a bit larger."

After checking the ground, Huo Hai has discovered that the lightning array is too close, so under the sky thunder, it is greatly affected by the sky thunder. If this continues, there may be lightning that is introduced into the ground. Ruined.

If the lightning array was destroyed during the robbery, the consequences would be quite serious. Thinking of this, Huo Hai quickly began to dismantle, tearing down some of the already-arranged lightning arrays, and then re-arranged them further away. , To prevent the occurrence of the destruction of the lightning array due to the close distance, Huo Hai himself has only used it once, and this is the first time he has discovered this problem.

After Huo Hai reset the Thunder Array, Blood Rose had changed his clothes and walked out again. Looking at the Blood Rose, Huo Hai’s eyes suddenly brightened. For a long time, the Blood Rose was wearing a red suit. clothes.

This time, I actually changed into a white pleated skirt with pleated flowers. The appearance of the blood rose wearing a pleated skirt is really pure. The purity is charming, and the allure has increased to a level.

Afterwards, Huo Hai turned his gaze away: "Which one of you will come this time." Hearing what Huo Hai said, everyone who was still laughing, suddenly you looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other again, suddenly, Fang Biya came out.

"I'm my sister at home, so I will come this time." Fang Biya's words made Ji Mu's face even more ruddy. In terms of age, Ji Mu is older. Fang Biya usually calls Ji Mu his sister, but Fang Biya just said Ji Mu also knew what it meant, because Fang Biya came in earlier, so from this point of view, Fang Biya was the biggest.

Regardless of Fang Biya’s appearance, she still wants to fight for her position in the family. Huo Hai shook her head, forget it, let them go, as long as it doesn’t make the family jump. no problem.

In Huo Hai’s heart, there was no idea of ​​who was big or who was small. When Huo Hai was thinking about it, Fang Biya had already come to the nearest lightning array, took a deep breath, sat down quietly, and began to condense. Own origin.

Fang Biya has been practicing with Huo Hai from the beginning, and her foundation is much stronger than Blood Rose. Breaking through the Spirit King level will naturally be more relaxed and natural than Blood Rose. Soon, it belongs to Fang Biya’s origin. The condensing was successful, and there was even a faint blue flame coming out of his body, slowly burning around, this was Fang Biya's original illusion.

Seeing this illusion, the blood rose immediately widened his eyes: "Heavenly grade, the source spirit stone and source spirit spirit treasure are both heavenly." It is not surprising that the blood rose, the materials of the heavenly rank are simply legends in the eyes of the blood rose. .

When condensing the origin, this kind of anomaly appeared, which means that the source spirit stone and the source spirit spirit treasure are both heavenly quality. Huo Hai was taken aback. He really didn't know this. When he condensed the source, no one was looking outside. So I don’t know what happened.

Blood Rose looked at Huo Hai with a complicated expression. The expression in her eyes made Huo Hai unable to understand. The Heavenly Origin Spirit Lingbao is invaluable in the Molian Domain. The masters of the Piaohua Pavilion are qualified to merge with the Heavenly Origin Spirit Lingbao. There are definitely not many. As for the heaven-level source spirit stone, it is something in the legend. In the Molian domain, I have not heard of anyone who can get a heaven-level source spirit stone.

From Fang Biya and others’ mouths, Blood Rose knew that only Huo Hai had entered the Land of Origin Spirits. In other words, this Heavenly Origin Spirit Stone must have been obtained by Huo Hai. Only then did the Blood Rose know, Huo Hai What kind of monster is it?

Huo Hai could obtain the Heavenly Origin Spirit Stone, and it was also distributed to Fang Biya. Needless to say, the other two sisters should be the same. Huo Hai touched his head, simply not paying attention to the look of the blood rose. Instead, he focused on Fang Biya.

Time passed by, when the flame vision disappeared, Fang Biya finally opened her eyes. At this moment, Fang Biya's origin has finally taken shape. You don't need to explore Huo Hai to know Fang Biya's origin. It must be a cloud of ice flames, the condensed origins are all consistent with the origin phantoms formed before, and their origin phantom Huo Hai has long known.

The origin of the blood rose must be very similar to the blood flame demon lotus, even if it is not exactly the same, Ji Mu's origin phantom is a group of things that gather and disperse from time to time, like a wind-like thing, and there are also some spatial particles.

Yun'er's origin ghost is much simpler. It is just a tree. Of course, such a tree is actually not simple. It is a mutated source of spirit treasure. Yun'er's origin is in quality, which is absolutely far superior to her. Several sisters.

The thunder and lightning in the sky have gradually gathered. Fang Biya got up and looked directly at the thunder and lightning in the air. The icy blue flames all over her body slowly burned, forming a strange flame barrier around her.

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