Evil Insect God

Chapter 836: Underground base

Seeing so many bones on the ground, Huo Hai smiled slightly and walked forward to check it out, "It's worthy of the bones that the King of Yin Bone has processed. It has been dead for so long and is still so strong, just like new."

For Huo Hai, dry bones are the same as ordinary bones, but after all, a stronger bone can make you consume less bones and create more skeletons. The way the bone king handles bones is the same as Huo Haike Different, through the use of dead energy, and even some special medicines, can these bones keep their fresh appearance.

"Xiaogu, you can calculate how many skeletons can be made from the bones here, Xiaoxing, go and look at the cave behind." I remember that these bones ran out of a nearby cave.

The cave is not on the mountain peak where the Blood Fiend Gate resides, but among other nearby mountain peaks. Back then, the Yin Bone King and the Blood Fiend Gate cooperated and they chose these caves. Even Huo Hai wondered whether the Blood Fiend Gate was the Yin Bone King. built.

After all, according to what Qu Siyu told him at the time, the blood evil sect did not seem to have been established for a long time, so the foundation was insufficient. If it did not occupy much resources and the sect's strength was not bad, it might have caused other sects long ago. Peeped.

Forget it, what I do, Huo Hai shook his head, Star Gu has already explored the surrounding caves, and the surrounding caves extend in all directions, like a huge maze. Fortunately, this maze is relatively simple, besides There is a passage at the exit, the inner passage is very wide, and there are many spaces like huge squares.

The ground near the Blood Fiend Gate is very special. There is only one layer of land, and the deeper place is actually a piece of rock. To open such a huge underground passage in this kind of rock, I am afraid that only Yin Bone King can make it.

At the end of the cave, Huo Hai also found some skeletons. He was still digging the cave with simple tools. Upon seeing this, Huo Hai knew that this cave was definitely dug out by the King of Yin Bone with these skeletons. .

These skeletons originally had the command of the Yin Bone King, so even if the Yin Bone King died, these skeletons were still digging, but because they did not participate in the external war, they survived, but the Yin Bone King is dead. What's the use? Star Gu traveled through it several times before completely destroying these skeletons.

"Fluttershy, construct the map." Not knowing what he thought of, Huo Hai asked Xiaodie to construct the map that the Star Gus had just explored by using magic techniques. At the same time, there was a light spot in it to represent Huohai's location.

As Huo Hai moves, this spot of light also moves, which happens to be Huo Hai’s position on the entire map. If it is not for reaching the spirit king realm, the IQ of the spirit worms will increase, and the spirit worms can share information with each other. Butterfly really can't do this.

Seeing this map, Huo Hai didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly laughed: "Haha, the map, this is the real map. It really makes me feel like going back to Earth to play games." Yes, this This kind of dynamic map is no different from the game Huo Hai played in the first place. Anyway, there is nothing to do now, just take it for fun.

At this moment, the ghost bone worm suddenly flew back, sending out waves of mental fluctuations, "You said these bones are enough for you to make about 200,000 skeletons, um, okay, I see, more... …"

As Huo Hai asked, he gradually figured out some of the problems created by these skeletons. If these bones are used to strengthen the bones, 200,000 skeletons are almost exactly the same. If Huo Hai is willing, it is okay to make millions of skeletons directly, but in this way, there is no The extra bone strengthens the bones and allows the ghost bone insects to strengthen naturally, and it takes a long time.

Even if it is a normal person, it will take decades to reach the realm of spiritual commander through the accumulation of practice. Although it is relatively easy to strengthen the skeleton controlled by the ghost bone insect, it is impossible to complete it in a few years.

With Huo Hai's current cultivation speed, plus the resources on his body, in a few years, he might have reached the realm of Spirit Emperor. At that time, these skeletons were only in the realm of Spirit Commander, what use would they have if they wanted it?

If exactly 200,000 skeletons have been strengthened all the time, it only takes a few months at most to qualify as a trump card. If so, then make 200,000 skeletons, but I want to make 200,000. Skeleton, it will not take too little time, mainly not the bones, but the splitting of small bones.

During this period of time, with the help of Huo Hai, the ossicles lay eggs to produce larvae, but they only produced less than 10,000. This still limits the larvae's strength. These larvae will not reach the realm of Lingshuai right after they are born.

Instead, as time goes by, it will slowly absorb spiritual power to restore the cultivation base. During the process, the skeleton will be gradually strengthened. This way, it may take a little more time, but Huo Hai himself wasted time. not enough.

Soon, under the guidance of the map, Huo Hai came to the underground passage. "It's a spacious place. No wonder it can hold so many skeletons." Skeletons are not humans. There are many skeletons that can be stored per unit area. A million skeletons, if there is not much underground space, how can they be installed so much? This underground passage is really wide.

Especially in those places that look like large squares, at least tens of thousands of skeletons can be put down. If they are stacked on top, it looks like piles of goods. Such a large square can easily hold hundreds of thousands of skeletons.

Just after a few glances, Huo Hai began to move. Next to him, the ossicles have begun to lay eggs and split continuously, and Huo Hai is using handprints, while blessing the ossicles to lay eggs, while controlling the ordinary ghost bone insects, quickly The simple control and recovery of some skeletons is just the simplest control method, and the spiritual vein route is not perfect.

These are already in the memory of ordinary ghost bone insects, and they will gradually improve themselves. Skeletons are made. Huo Hai did not let these skeletons strengthen themselves, but sent them out and began to collect the bones outside.

Skeletons are really good, diligent and simple workers. As long as Huo Hai stays in place, the skeletons outside will continuously send bones in. What Huo Hai has to do is to use spiritual power to repair the skeletons. Okay, then put a larva into the head. The larva has just been born, and its cultivation is still very weak.

Can't control the high-level skeleton, but the bones left by these ordinary people, there is no problem. In this way, Huo Hai himself has a lot of ease. After three days, Huo Hai made a large number of ghost bone insects into skeletons. He already has tens of thousands of workers.

With the help of so many skeletons, the bones are transported much faster. At the current speed, all the bones outside can be transported in less than a week, but at this time, Huo Hai is still relaxed. Not down.

Huo Hai, who no longer makes skeletons, puts all his attention on the small bones. Huo Hai needs to continue to use spiritual power to bless and recover, so as to ensure that the small bones lay eggs quickly without causing damage to himself, which is too exhausting. At the time, Huo Hai just took a break, and then started again, a boring life, which lasted a month.

Huo Hai once again experienced the hardship of working together with Xiaoyun to create clouds and fog. No, it should be said that this time is more difficult than last time, it lasts longer, and consumes more terrifying.

The only good news is that there were enemies at the beginning and time was limited. Huo Hai did not have any time to rest, and now there is no one to urge, so Huo Hai has a lot of time. After a month, all 200,000 eggs have been laid. They also turned into larvae, and the skeletons carried the bones in and piled them up on some squares underground.

Then, according to the ratio calculated by the ossicles, other companions will be put into some more complete skeleton heads. The larva has the memories and commands left by the mother worm, and will naturally control and transform the skeleton.

Millions of skeletons piled up, filling most of the open space underground. It is conceivable that when these skeletons were still in good condition, they would definitely fill up all the open space. At this moment, Huo Hai can finally Take a sigh of relief.

"There will be nothing for us next, let's go back later." Huo Hai got up and moved his body that hadn't been well moved for a month. These larvae would naturally control the skeleton, and then absorb the aura between heaven and earth and mobilize The power of death uses the surrounding bones to strengthen itself, and even can easily construct the spirit veins in the skeleton.

After a month of frantic spawning, the ossicles were extremely exhausted, and he didn't even bother to let out the mental fluctuations. Huo Hai smiled apologetically. He knew that the ossicles were exhausted during this time, and with a wave of his hand, he put the ossicles into the inner space to rest.

After observing the speed at which the ghost bone insects strengthen and repair their bones, and cooperate with the process of the ghost bone insects absorbing the spiritual energy and slowly growing up, Huo Hai quickly calculated in his heart, "About three to five months, the skeleton army will Can it be formed."

Three to five months is nothing to Huo Hai, but if you want all the 200,000 skeletons to stand up, this time may be even longer. Hey, I hope these ghost bone insects will really Will help each other, before reaching the prefecture level, the ghost bone insect larvae have no high IQ at all, and they don't know how far they can execute the order.

Now that the matter here has been resolved, Huo Hai didn't want to stay here anymore. After coming out of the underground passage, the bones outside were not even **** left, and the original white sea of ​​bones was re-exposed to the ground.

"Does it look so good now?" Huo Hai nodded, not worried about whether there would be any problems with the skeleton here. After finding the right direction, he headed towards the Piaohua Pavilion.

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