Evil Insect God

Chapter 840: Piaohua Civil War

"Now that I am here, blocking your Excellency and waiting for others to leave the customs, I think it can still be done. Isn't your Excellency going to retreat?" Pavilion Master Piaohua Pavilion stared at the hidden emperor and said threateningly.

Even if the hidden emperor’s cultivation base is higher than his own, as the pavilion owner of Piaohua Pavilion, how could she not have any means of her own, really let her block it for a few days, wait until the master in Piaohua Pavilion appears, let alone one The spirit emperor is dead even if he comes to three or five. The Piaohua Pavilion, which has been passed down for countless years, is not comparable to a hidden emperor.

"Really, then you really want to see the strength of the pavilion master." Yinhuang sneered, still not shrinking.

The pavilion’s brow furrowed, and this person was really so bold: "Your Excellency, what is the purpose of coming this time? I don't believe that you are just fighting for power." The fight for male power is what ordinary low-level disciples think. .

After reaching the realm of the Spirit King, even if you don't stay in the Piaohua Pavilion, you can still get a status in other places. If you get to the Spirit King, even if you have to look at the Piaohua Pavilion, this status is still necessary to fight for power.

Yinhuang smiled and stared at the pavilion master of Piaohua Pavilion closely: "Haha, what does the pavilion master think, what purpose do I have." The emperor did not say it directly, giving the pavilion master a trick It feels that the pavilion master of the dignified Piaohua Pavilion, who is not respectful in front of him, is now being teased, and the irritation in the pavilion master's heart cannot help but rise.

"It's useless to say more, if your Excellency insists on retreating, then see the real chapter under your hand." The spirit of the Piaohua Pavilion's body broke out, and at the same time, the hidden emperor did not show weakness and released his aura.

Feeling this breath from afar, Huo Hai felt something in his heart: "Is this the aura of the Spirit Sovereign Realm? I didn't expect the power of heaven and earth to be used not only to assist, but to integrate into himself." Huo Hai seems to be. What did you realize.

When I first saw the Spirit Sovereign master hand, Huo Hai’s cultivation base was still very low, and he was far away from the opponent, so his feelings were not so deep. When I saw it this time, Huo Hai finally understood the spirit emperor realm master. Real strength, let alone hands-on, just press on himself with aura, Huo Hai is not sure whether he has the power to resist.

The Spirit Sovereign master hand, others should not dare to gather nearby, otherwise once a little aftermath is leaked, even the spirit king realm masters can't bear it. All the people, including Huo Hai, have dispersed.

The hidden emperor snorted coldly: "I'm waiting for what to do, and don't do anything yet. As long as you can lay down the Piaohua Pavilion this time, even if the old guys come out, you must recognize your status and use your means to control the younger generation of Piaohua Pavilion. It’s not a problem."

Hearing this, the eyes of the men behind suddenly brightened. Even some of the men who did not join the Hidden Emperor, many of them turned their eyes slightly, not knowing what they were thinking about. If this continues, morale may collapse. , The pavilion master of Piaohua Pavilion saw this scene, and felt resentful in his heart. Without thinking about it, these people must have prepared a lot of methods.

"What are you doing in a daze, these people are already crazy, do you still expect them to care about family affection in their hands? Everyone listened to the order and formed a hundred flowers." The pavilion master gave an order, and the people around looked at each other. start preparing.

People who have usually practiced the Hundred Flower Battlefield have stood in their own position and cooperated with their usual partners. The aura and spiritual power gradually converged, and a powerful aura gathered in the battlefield.

"What a strong aura, this feeling... is really interesting." Huo Hai finally saw the real Hundred Flowers Battle Formation. In this formation, Huo Hai felt a pure yin aura in the aura. , This kind of breath, I am afraid that only women are suitable for cultivation, so it seems that the pavilion of Piaohua Pavilion has not lied in this regard.

It is a pity that there are not many people with such a strong perception ability as their own. Even if they reach the Peak Spirit King, they may not be able to feel this pure yin aura. Suddenly, Huo Hai thought of Fang Biya and others. The spiritual power on their bodies seemed to be It also has this characteristic.

When we were together at night, Huo Hai could feel that their spiritual power was extremely feminine. With the help of this feminine aura, it would even be of great benefit to their spiritual power cultivation. Piaohua Pavilion Battle Spirit Technique Even so, let alone Ling Jue.

I don’t know if based on this point of view, can we create the legendary dual cultivation spirit art. When Huo Hai was thinking about it, the disciples of Piaohua Pavilion had already set up a warlike formation one after another. After all, there are not many people who have learned the Hundred Flower Battle Array, and more people have never practiced any battle array.

Some of these people have focused their attention on the other men in the sect. If these people don't look at it well, God knows if they will fight in the future, and will give themselves a knife in the back.

Piaohua Pavilion has always been crowded with many people. At this time, there is a feeling that there is not enough manpower and is stretched. Huo Hai observes both sides. There are still more Piaohua Pavilions in the number of Spirit King masters. It is a pity that the masters have gone to retreat. Apart from the pavilion master and himself, there is no one who has reached the seventh level of the spirit king, and at the level of the top master, it is far inferior to the opponent.

The real strength comparison between the two sides does not seem to be very different. To determine the real victory or defeat, the final decision depends on the battle between the two spirit emperors. "It's really a bunch of rubbish, it seems we still have to do it first."

Seeing that none of the others dared to move, the hidden emperor snorted and moved slightly. The bloated body actually gave people a graceful feeling. Pieces of black petals flew under his feet, and Huo Hai could only see one at a speed. Afterimage, this kind of body technique is also the body technique of Piaohua Pavilion, "Strange, can the man in Piaohua Pavilion also break through to the realm of Spirit Emperor."

Huo Hai was a little strange, because under normal circumstances, the man in the Piaohua Pavilion would not be able to reach the spirit emperor without joining other sects, but if he joined other sects, he naturally used war spirits from other sects. Tactics.

Looking at the pavilion master again, Huo Hai felt the same as the opponent's body style at this time. At this time, seeing the pavilion initiative, the disciples of Piaohua Pavilion were not to be outdone. They did it, the opposite man They didn't dare to continue watching, "Damn, fight with them, everyone." The men shouted, and they rushed up.

Upon seeing this, Huo Hai curled his lips in disdain. Even if these guys have cultivation skills, they are not their opponents in the battle spirit art. There are also men on the Piaohua Pavilion disciples, and there are also women on the opposite side, but there are not many.

Huo Hai has been following Yun'er and the others: "Get together later, don't distract." Huo Hai followed and ordered, and at the same time protecting them, the real attention was focused on the pavilion master. Two people.

At this time, the battle between the two people has also entered a white-hot degree. The two people stepped into the air, treating the air as the ground, and they actually performed their body skills in the air to fight each other, but they did not fall to the ground.

It is said that the masters of the spirit emperor realm can fly. It seems that this statement is true. In the eyes of the two, the air is the same as the ground. With a light step, they can flexibly change the direction and continue to do it. Where, petals danced, these petals were not ordinary petals, Huo Hai was shocked when he saw these flying flowers falling.

"It seems that I can also use Star Gu to assist in doing this." Huo Hai suddenly began to think, if he uses Star Gu, using Star Gu as a stepping stone, he can also make the same flexible movements in the air.

In this way, even though he was not the opponent of the Spirit King, among the Spirit King masters, he seemed to be invincible. In the past, Huo Hai only used Star Gu to fly in the air, and never thought of using it in such a way.

The two of them did not use weapons, only relying on their own fight, the hidden emperor slapped a palm at the pavilion master. This palm seemed to be fast and slow, giving people a feeling of distortedness, but also gave birth to a kind of unavoidable. illusion.

In this regard, the pavilion owner pointed out a finger, and the white petals of his fingertips were wrapped around, which completely sealed the opponent's palm. Just when each other was about to hit each other, the hidden emperor's palm suddenly stopped strangely, causing The pavilion master's finger fell through, and then the palm of his hand turned like a snake, bypassing the pavilion master's attack, and patted the pavilion master's chest.

At the same time, the black petals that were originally wrapped around the palm quickly condensed into the palm, and the palm of the hidden emperor instantly began to turn black, revealing a light like black jade, even the glove could not block it.

Upon seeing this, although the pavilion owner was not disturbed, his free left hand was horizontally across his chest, and the white petals condensed. As the petals condensed, the pavilion owner’s palm gradually turned into white jade, and the two palms "boom" against each other. Together, immediately exploded.

The hidden emperor was shaken back three steps, and then landed on the ground, while the pavilion master stepped back a full 100 meters before landing in embarrassment, and the pavilion master took a hard breath. Only then did he recover, "Ning Yu Jue...Who are you on earth?" The pavilion master's expression became extremely solemn, and he stared at the opponent closely.

"Ning Yu Jue is one of the highest Zong Sect's fighting spirit art. Only the senior members of the Zong Sect are qualified to practice. How could this person condense Yu Jue." Hearing this, the blood rose in the battle immediately faced Huo Hai explained.

This Condensing Jade Art is similar to the Luoxia sword technique of the Haotu Empire. It is the secret of the Piaohua Pavilion. The most important thing is that men can’t learn it at all, and even women must be able to practice with the completed body. .

Once the body is broken, the Condensed Jade Secret Art will immediately dissipate and transform into spiritual power to improve one's own cultivation level, but can no longer be displayed. The person in front of him can use the Condensed Jade Art.

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