Evil Insect God

Chapter 866: Secret Code of Stars

Contracts are also of quality. A general contract is like taking an oath. If it is not completed, it will have a great impact on one's own mood. It is normal for them to be unable to cultivate in the future, and even worse and worse.

But this kind of contract has big flaws after all. For example, some people don’t care about the oath, or leave loopholes in the oath, and they don’t have to complete it. Some people even have no intention of continuing to practice, even more so. What's the effect, but high-level contracts are not that simple.

The real contract is at least a place-level quality, just like the one in Huo Hai's hands. If such a contract is used on people under the realm of the Spirit King, it is simply a waste. This kind of contract is difficult to create and the materials are rare.

However, once a contract is signed, the contract will form a special force, which will be integrated into the body of the person who signed the contract. Once the contract is violated, or the contract is unwilling to complete it when it is capable, the power of the contract will occur.

At that time, the person who violated the contract was either seriously injured or died on the spot. Of course, such a compulsory contract also has its own shortcomings, that is, it cannot affect people's mood. Once the personal cultivation level far exceeds the scope of the contract, even The contract can be forcibly cancelled. This kind of contract is rarely used as a long-term contract.

Huo Hai himself didn't know how strong the contract signed by Huo Hai himself was. In short, after the contract power entered his body, Huo Hai could no longer feel it. This phenomenon represented that the contract's ability far exceeded his own.

I am afraid that this contract is not a middle-ranked land-level, it is a top-ranked land-level. Huo Hai is more inclined to the top-ranked land. After all, it is a back road left by a powerful sect like the Sky Star Sect. If the contract level is too bad, how could he force himself carry out.

You know, if you want to cancel the contract, at least one level higher than the contract manufacturing level is enough. That is to say, to cancel the contract of the lower grade at the ground level, you must have a cultivation level above the spiritual emperor, and you must solve the middle grade at the ground level. The contract requires a level of cultivation above the spirit emperor. A spirit emperor is already invincible in the Molian domain, but it is far from enough in the heavenly soul domain.

Shaking his head, he simply didn't think so much. Huo Hai took a few deep breaths and gradually recovered his spiritual power. After repeated investigations, he found that there was no danger, and Huo Hai set his sights on the Star Secret Code.

"Haha, after signing the contract, even if there is a mechanism here, it won't work for me." Huo Hai shook his head mockingly and stretched out his hand. This time there was no defensive barrier to block his movements. Huo Hai was very relaxed. He took the Secret Tome of the Heavenly Stars in his hand, and then slowly opened it. As soon as the Secret Tome of the Heavenly Stars started, Huo Hai felt abnormal.

The paper material of this Sky Star Secret Code is not simple, just the material itself, I am afraid it has the superior quality of the prefecture level, the material itself can make the entire Molian domain crazy, unexpectedly it is only used to make paper .

Turning to the Star Secret Code, the lines of text are not written using ordinary methods. The text contains powerful spiritual power. Each page is a spiritual formation. Looking at these texts, Huo Hai feels that he can understand more. .

"Unexpectedly, there are so many cultivation methods in the Heavenly Star Transformation. It seems that they have not been completely perfected. The Star Stone Wall must be found." Huo Hai frowned slightly, because he found something he didn't know before. Originally, Huo Hai thought that the so-called cultivation was to cultivate to the peak step by step in accordance with the spirit art.

But now looking at the Secrets of Stars, Huo Hai discovered that there is no such thing as a heaven-level spirit art, because a thing like a spirit art has reached its limit when it reaches the peak of the earth level. There is a war spirit art of the sky level, but it is the main spiritual art. Absolutely not.

After reaching the peak of the spirit emperor, if you want to break through the heavens, you need your own comprehension and break free from the heavens and the earth. The subsequent cultivation only has a general concept, and there is no step-by-step spiritual practice.

Every heavenly master is unique, and their cultivation methods may be used for reference, but they must not be copied. Anyone who copies can not reach the heavenly level. Even the masters of the heavenly rank and the apprentices they cultivate are also very good. It is difficult to reach the sky level, the secrets of the stars are clearly recorded, even if it is the core of the sky spirit continent, there is no sky level spiritual practice technique.

As for the Transformation of the Stars, because different people made modifications and improvements based on the Star Rock Wall, dozens of methods for the cultivation of the Transformation of the Stars are actually recorded in the Secret Code of Stars. Different methods of cultivation have different star core rules .

Everyone who condenses the crystal nucleus actually has to follow a certain rule. This celestial change is to use the power of the stars to form a very peculiar connection. This connection is used to build the stellar nucleus. Otherwise, once the stellar cores If there is a problem with the rules, the conflict may cause one's own cultivation to be unable to improve, and the serious one may even cause the star core to collapse.

This kind of collapse is not as simple as destroying the star nucleus by itself, but a chain explosion. Even Huo Hai, once the crystal nucleus in his body collapses, he will definitely not survive. The crystal nucleus formed by other cultivation spirit arts also has its own. Special rules.

This kind of rule is based on the peculiar laws between heaven and earth. Without these special rules, perhaps in the realm of the spirit king, one can barely cultivate, but once it enters the realm of the spirit king, the crystal nucleus increases and it is absolutely impossible to practice.

These dozens of star changes, the worst one, the total number of condensed star nuclei is only about 1,000, and the best ones are all around two thousand three to two thousand eight. The completed star changes are not The complete method of star core condensing.

The last kind of secret method of transforming the stars is a kind of integration of all other different kinds of secret methods of transforming the stars before the demise of the Star Sect. Theoretically, three thousand spiritual points can be condensed into star cores, but there are some subtleties among them. The flaws of the stars, this conflict is nothing, but it makes the sky star unable to become perfect, and the relationship between the star cores always has certain problems.

To solve this problem, Huo Hai could only go to the Star Cliff, and then modify his Sky Star Change to the Star Cliff. It seems that even for the Star Cliff, he has to bear the hatred of the Sky Star Sect.

Shaking his head, don't think about things so far away for the time being. Huo Hai quickly began to remember the secret method of the Heavenly Star Transformation. After comparing himself, Huo Hai discovered that the Heavenly Transformation he cultivated seemed to be a foundation.

It now appears that there is no conflict at all with any kind of complete Celestial Transformation cultivation secrets. Huo Hai has already planned. In the future, when practicing Celestial Transformation, he will first condense the star cores that are not problematic, and wait until the final condensed. , Maybe at the end, you will be able to obtain the perfect cultivation method for the Heavenly Star Transformation.

With Huo Hai’s current memory, three thousand spiritual acupuncture points in different locations, plus different stars in the sky, Huo Hai also remembered that his head was big. After a long time, Huo Hai was only a part of his memory.

"Forget it, remember it slowly later." Huo Hai shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​memorizing all the positions in a short time. Only after reading a part of the Secret Code of Stars, he continued to look down.

Continuing to scroll down, Huo Hai discovered that in the Sky Star Secret Code below, it was actually recorded some advanced war spirit art of the Sky Star Sect, as well as some things about alchemy refining tools. Huo Hai's eyes lit up. In this way, it seemed that he There won’t be any shortage of the spirit of war, but after watching for a long time, Huo Hai became depressed again, "These guys, they really don’t forget to take revenge."

Huo Hai understood that the Sky Star Sect did have a lot of powerful war spirit art, but the problem was that the most powerful part of it was only description, and there was no secret method for cultivation. It was hidden in the headquarters of the Star Sect.

If you want to get these things, you have to go to the headquarters of the Sky Star Sect. Most of the things that are left are not even good at your current practice. As for the secret methods of alchemy, Huo Hai is even more interested. nothing.

Huo Hai looked over it for a while, but in the end he was able to select so many secret techniques from a large number of not-so-high-level secret techniques to practice, "Well, just these two, the secret technique of the Heavenly Star Handprint, and the Star Fire." Huo Hai quickly chose the two methods he wanted to major in. These two were not very clever, but they were what Huo Hai lacked now.

The secret method of the Heavenly Star Mudra is a blessing method for casting spells. The spells used by Huo Hai have always been researched by himself, and cannot achieve the effect of an earth-level spell at all. The Tianxing mudra in front of him is itself a kind of middle-grade earth-level. Spells.

As long as you use this set of handprints well, when you use spells by yourself in the future, you can make your spells meet your current level, and even if you break through to the realm of the spiritual emperor in the future, your spells will no longer be a weakness. .

As for the star fire, this one is very interesting. The Heavenly Star Sect has very few fire disciples, but the level of alchemy and refining of the Heavenly Star Sect is very high, mainly because the fire of the stars is a very powerful flame. It was prepared for condensing the fire of stars. For ordinary disciples of the Sky Star School, obtaining the fire of stars is the most difficult.

But for Huo Hai, the Star Fire already has it, as long as he condenses the fire step by step, and the reason why Huo Hai wants to condense the Star Fire is to add a means to himself.

On the other hand, my own drug research has entered a bottleneck. I want to use elixir to work on the worms. At this point, the general elixir is no longer good. Huo Hai wants to try, can the elixir be refined? Make a special pill, use this pill to strengthen your own spirit insects, but if you want to refine the pill, your own flame strength is not enough.

Now that he has the Star Fire secret method of the Sky Star Sect and some alchemy techniques of the Sky Star Sect, Huo Hai feels that he already has the conditions for this aspect. Anyway, it is not very difficult, so he should just practice.

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