Evil Insect God

Chapter 868: Pioneering progress

Under the confinement of the Star Gu, the Shadow Bound Worm was soon placed on the first Refining Insect Formation. Around it, many Star Gus united to confine the entire room. This was done to prevent the Shadow Bound Worm from escaping. .

Although Huo Hai is experimenting with shadow-bound insects, this shadow-bound insect is a very peculiar kind of spirit insect after all. There is no body, or the whole body is just a shadow, a shadow formed by dark power. What exactly constituted this thing, Huo Hai himself didn't know clearly. Once the Shadow Bound Worm escaped, Huo Hai didn't know where to find it.

Gently press the insect refining array with your fingers. Huo Hai doesn’t even need to inlay the spirit stones in the new insect refining array. It is enough to directly use his own spiritual power. Most of the spiritual arrays of the Sky Star Sect can do this, which is not something ordinary people can do. of.

On the Heavenly Spirit Continent, most of the spirit formations must be inlaid with crystal nuclei or spirit stones to function. A few special ones also use other things. They don't use materials at all, and only rely on their own spiritual power to replace them.

I'm afraid that apart from the spirit formations, there are only a few forces that can do this. The Sky Star Sect is one of them. Similarly, although these spirit formations can use their own spiritual power instead of materials, if you want, Huo Hai You can also add spirit stones to it, but with such a simple spirit formation, it doesn't have to be so troublesome, and there is no need to waste spirit stones.

Spirit power was injected into it, and the spirit array quickly radiated light. As the light flickered, the shadow-bound insect gradually became quiet. Under Huo Hai’s control, it was eroded by the witch power of the stars bit by bit, and finally, with Huo Hai build connection.

The refining worm formation is very simple, but to refine the spirit worms of the spirit king realm, the consumption of spiritual power is not small. Huo Hai felt that his own spiritual power was actually consumed by one-tenth in the refining process. This spiritual power is stronger than the spiritual power of the Shadow Bound Worm itself.

Shaking his head, Huo Hai waved his hand, the star gu spreads out, and the shadow-binding insect ran out, turning into a group of black shadows that kept spinning around Huo Hai’s fingers, feeling it a bit, Huo Hai was a little disappointed in his heart. The worm is really a shadow, without any other structure, I am afraid that even if it has a soul, the soul is completely compatible with the shadow.

In total darkness, the Shadow Bound Worm can exert a power far beyond its own, which is why Huo Hai will be bound for a period of time that day, and under the light, the power of the Shadow Bound Worm will be very weakened. .

The light without dead ends has a great restraint effect on shadow-bound insects. Star Gu’s bright spiritual power can really hurt shadow-bound insects. Under normal circumstances, if you want to hurt shadow-bound insects, only powerful attribute spirits Power can do it.

And if you want to kill the shadow-bound insects, I am afraid that only the bright spiritual power without dead ends can do it. According to the memory of the shadow-bound insects, in the last layer of the Cross Canyon, there are many shadow-bound insects living in it. Even the shadow worms do not know the reason for the existence of shadow worms, but they suddenly appeared one day, very strange.

Forget it, anyway, the birth of many weird spirit worms and spirit beasts has reasons that cannot be imitated. What makes Huo Hai depressed is that this kind of shadow-binding worm is really a worm as its name suggests. Any other ability.

Moreover, this kind of restraint cannot kill people. The advantage is that as long as there is aura around, the power of the shadow worm will not be exhausted. I am afraid that the only way for the shadow worm to kill the target is to restrain the opponent. Then after a period of time, the target is starved to death. Shadowbinders alone have no effect, but it is different if it cooperates with other spirits.

Shadowbinders with only a single ability are extremely powerful in this aspect. Shadowbinders in the first-level spirit king realm can easily restrain spirit beasts and people in the third-level spirit king realm for a period of time. Without special means, it is difficult to break free. .

Even with the help of a large amount of darkness at night, Huo Hai, a master who can compete with the Peak Spirit King, was controlled by him for an instant, which shows how terrifying the shadow-binding ability of the worm is.

"Try it and see if you can release the control." With excitement, Huo Hai placed the Shadow Bound Worm in the second spiritual formation. This is the one he got after Huo Hai fell into a state of epiphany. The spirit formation of its own problems, the previous spirit worms could not be released through this spirit formation, but the new spirit worms were different.

Huo Hai carefully put the Shadow Bound Worm into the spiritual formation, then injected spiritual power, and began to operate the spiritual formation, a mysterious power, slowly permeating the spiritual formation, this feeling is so desolate majesty.

"Strange, this feeling seems to be the feeling of the ancient witch formation in the legend." Huo Hai was a little strange, could it be said that the direction of his own research on the witch formation is really the same direction as the witch formation in the ancient period.

Or, the so-called witch formation in the ancient period was originally a kind of spiritual formation, Huo Hai did not understand, but at this time, Huo Hai had no time to consider these things, and the connection between Shadow Bound Worm and himself had become more It became more and more bleak, and finally became intermittent. Suddenly, the light of the witch formation burst, and the connection between the Shadow Bound Worm and himself was completely broken.

At this time, the witch formation suddenly collapsed and then disappeared, while the shadow-bound insect spread rapidly, melted into a cloud, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Huo Hai didn't care at all.

"The connection has been completely disconnected, and the mental power that has just been restrained, well, there is no problem, it has been completely restored, but it seems to take a few minutes to calm this part of the mental power, there is no backlash..."

Huo Hai muttered to himself while feeling his own situation, and at the same time the smile on his face became more and more obvious, "Hahahaha, I finally succeeded, the greatest Gu Master will be born from now on." Huo Hai was excited. Dancing hands and feet.

I finally broke the Gu Master’s limitation of controlling insects. From now on, whether it’s a spirit insect or a spirit beast, I can control it infinitely. After it is eliminated, I can let it go. This way of dealing with it doesn’t mean anything to myself. Backlash does not have the slightest impact. After it is lifted, the quota of insect control will be restored, but the mental power is a little agitated.

The mental power fluctuations are not too strong, as long as they recover, they will be intact, and then you can find stronger bugs. Only when you encounter really valuable bugs, you need to use the original witch formation to control it.

After all, there are only a few spirit insects that are worthy of their perfect control and spend a lot of resources to cultivate. At this moment, Huo Hai finally took the most important step as a Gu Master, which was an unprecedented step.

After taking a deep breath, Huo Hai tried to calm himself down. With a move in his heart, the Star Gu that was enveloping the entire room began to slowly compress his spiritual shield in the middle. With the compression, a shadow gradually emerged. In the end, he was imprisoned by the Star Gus again. This was the Shadow Bound Worm that had just escaped. This Shadow Bound Worm was hidden, and it was really secretive enough.

Just now Huo Haiming knew that the Shadow Bound Worm was in this room, but no matter how he felt it, he just didn't feel the existence of the Shadow Bound Worm. He didn't finally see it until after the Shadow Bound Worm was completely gathered up.

The hidden ability of this Shadow Bound Worm is really terrifying. As long as there are shadows around, the hidden ability is stronger than that of the person who has cultivated Qi Locking Art to the limit, and most places in this world have shadows.

The place where there is no shadow at all does not exist, or it can only exist for a short time. After calming down, Huo Hai once again drew the reformed Insect Array, and put the Shadow Bound Worm into it as before. , And then refining the insects again, and then establishing contact, after which Huo Hai continued to experiment.

"No problem, although I don't know if there are other ways to break the connection between me and the spirit worm, but under normal circumstances there is no problem." Huo Hai squinted his eyes and reached a conclusion in his heart.

The insects refined by this new type of insect refining array have the same control above and the previous insect refining array, except that it lacks the part that adds blood, and only uses mental power to leave a limit. In this way, the spirit insect lacks the bloodline aspect. This is the real reason why Huo Hai can use the witch formation to completely remove the connection between himself and the spirit worm.

Although I don't see any problems now, Huo Hai always feels a little unreliable in his heart. The simplified steps must be flawed. Huo Hai shook his head, forget it, what he wanted to do so much.

There is a method that can help oneself control it is already very good, the worm spirit masters on the Heavenly Spirit Continent use their spirit to control the spirit worms, doing this is just the same as them, and their own methods are more sophisticated.

"It doesn't matter, let's catch some shadow-binding insects first." How could there be only one shadow-binding insect, Huo Hai decided to continue to capture, making a handprint with his hands, and his whole body's spiritual power sent out a little starlight, covering himself. It was a simple spell that Huo Hai had seen in the Sky Star Secret Code earlier, and every disciple of the Sky Star Sect would use it.

After using this spell, as long as the spell is not released, as long as one's spiritual power is not exhausted, then within a month, oneself will be protected by the guardian array. The biggest effect is that you will not be affected by spirit beasts in the Cross Canyon. s attack.

If it weren't for this, how dare Huo Hai rush to the canyon to catch shadow-bound insects? You must know that there are many spirit beasts in the spirit emperor realm within this canyon, definitely more than Huo Hai imagined.

If it only grows naturally, of course it can’t be too much, but the problem is that these spirit beasts are controlled and refined by the spirit formation. After knowing this, this Cross Canyon does not know how many years of accumulation, so Huo Hai understands There are definitely a lot of spirit beasts in the spirit emperor realm here, no wonder, so many large forces, no one dares to occupy here.

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