Evil Insect God

Chapter 875: Go to

"Xiaojin's toxin is really getting more and more severe." Huo Hai took back Xiaojin and praised with satisfaction. Xiaojin excitedly circled Huo Hai back and forth, sending out bursts of cheerful mental fluctuations.

It took less than ten minutes before and after, and none of the entire resident could stand. Even if the flying tiger ancestor lived to the end, he would not be far from death at this time. This is because Xiaojin’s toxin is completely It spreads, and the toxin used is not very strong. Otherwise, how could the three old guys live so long.

Huo Hai stepped forward. With Xiao Jin's toxicity, even if Huo Hai did not use spiritual resistance, he would not cause any harm to himself. Regardless of whether the flying tiger ancestor was dead or not, Huo Hai kicked him over. Searched him.

"Sure enough, every master of the spirit king realm must have space items on his body." Feihu ancestor's body, indeed, has a space ring. After the spiritual power probe entered, Huo Hai soon knew what was inside.

Afterwards, Huo Hai curled his lips: "It's really a poor ghost." In the space ring of the ancestor of flying tiger, there are only a dozen spirit crystals. Ling Jue and Zhan Ling Jue are so rough that they are not as good as they could be given to flying fish. The Ling Jue has at most only the part that has been cultivated to the level of the second-level Spirit King. Even this part does not seem to be perfect. No wonder the ancestor Feihu has not made a breakthrough for so many years.

Most casual cultivators are actually the same as them. They only have a part of their own spirit art. It's not that they don't know how to practice next, so they can only experiment with trembling, or that there is a problem with the spirit art and can only be cultivated to a certain level.

This kind of thing has no value for reference. Huo Hai just threw it into the inner space as a kind of reserve. Because there are too many materials in his hand, Huo Hai has even let the ghost bone insects use the bones in A library dedicated to storing books has been established in his inner space, but no one can come in and read the books.

In addition to these things, there are actually many messy things in the Flying Tiger Ancestor Space Ring. For ordinary people, many of these are treasures, but in Huo Hai’s view, the Flying Tiger Ancestor is a ragged one. .

Forget it, it’s a bit of value anyway. I have a lot of these things in my own hands. I’ll just send them back to the family at that time. Huo Hai shook his head and threw the space ring into his inner space, and then went. Find someone else.

Soon, the bodies of the other two ancestors were also discovered by Huo Hai. On these two people, Huo Hai searched them, and they were no different from the ancestors of Feihu. They were just ordinary things, nothing at all. valuable.

After searching these three, Huo Hai simply released Star Gu and asked Star Gu to help him search for other dead people. Then bring back the valuable ones and throw them here. Anyway, someone will come sooner or later. Collecting the corpse, with the help of Star Gu, Huo Hai quickly found the place where the Feihu Mercenary Group was hiding the treasure, which was similar to the rings of the three old guys.

No, it should be said that it is not as good as the collection of the three old guys. All three of them put the most important things on their own bodies, which are of no value, but put them in the warehouse, usually used to reward the mercenary group. people.

"This is..." Suddenly, Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and took a bottle in Huo Hai's hand. Huo Hai gently opened the bottle, and then smelled it: "It really is a different beast pill, how could it appear in this way? Place." Huo Hai confirmed the true identity of this thing.

The so-called Alien Beast Pill, Huo Hai has seen it twice. The last time he knew the name, Piaohua Pavilion changed a lot. From those who were already crazy, Piaohua Pavilion finally found The pill that people turn into monsters, that kind of pill is the Alien Beast Pill that Huo Hai is holding at this time, but how did these people get this kind of thing.

Until now, Huo Hai has not heard of who on earth will refine the Alien Beast Pill, or even, he has never heard of where to buy a Alien Beast Pill, even in such a chaotic place in the Fang City Alliance. Never heard of it.

Following the discovery of the Alien Beast Pill in the Piaohua Pavilion, the Alien Beast Pill has now been listed as a banned drug. It is forbidden to use such things as the Alien Beast Pill in various competitions. As long as it is used, it is directly judged as negative. .

Fortunately, the alien beast pill has only been discovered twice. Now this time, it should be regarded as the third time. I don’t know why, Huo Hai always feels that he has fallen into a conspiracy. among.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, no matter what your purpose is, I hope you don't provoke me, otherwise, I will definitely pull all of you out and wipe out." Huo Hai snorted coldly, and then the strange beast Dan carefully collected it, and Huo Hai had a feeling that he would definitely encounter Alien Beast Pill in the future. This was definitely not the last time.

After searching for a while, Huo Hai left the resident of the Flying Tiger Mercenary Corps, and it didn't take long before he came to the resident of the Broken Wind Mercenary Corps. As before, with the spell blessing, Xiao Jin sprayed a toxin mist.

The toxin used this time is much lighter than the last time, but the effect is still not weakened at all. The ancestors of the three mercenary groups have died, and the highest remaining is only the Lingshuai realm, not at all. what.

Under the toxins blessed by the power of heaven and earth, these people with the highest level of intelligence and handsomeness did not even have the ability to resist. They were dead and clean. After scouring them as usual, Huo Hai went down. Go in the direction.

In just one night, the three major mercenary groups were completely wiped out. Including the three ancestors, all of them died in the poison, and they were all in the three major mercenary groups. Who on earth did the regiment offend? This matter is destined to become a mystery in the Cross Canyon. After all this is done, Huo Hai has nothing to do in Cross Canyon.

"It's time to go to Jiuxianmen." Huo Hai thought for a while, and then walked towards the east. To the east of Cross Canyon is the station of Jiuxianmen. This area is actually quite desolate.

It may be because of the suppression of the ground veins that there is no production in the vicinity. It is also because of this that the Jiuxianmen and other sects are usually well watered from the river. People at the Jiuxianmen only have wine in their eyes. .

Jiuxianmen is not very far from here, no matter how careful Huo Hai is, he will reach the station where Jiuxianmen is located a day later, "Is this the Jiuxianmen? It really fits their character." Looking from a distance, Jiuxianmen The place where it is located is a hill, the peak is small, but lush, it makes people feel very comfortable at first glance.

There are bamboos everywhere in the whole Jiuxianmen, but apart from these bamboos, Huo Hai is a little depressed by other things, because the entire hill is planted everywhere and is used to make wine.

A long distance away, Huo Hai can smell a scent of wine. Huo Hai is sure that this scent of wine is definitely not the wine sprinkled on the mountain by the people of Jiu Xianmen, but from the materials used to make wine.

It’s impossible for the people of Jiuxianmen to use all of these materials. Most of the materials will always be thrown in place. These things are good things for wine making. With the passage of time, these materials gradually fermented, and they are naturally natural. Become a fine wine, and then diffuse the fragrance. If people who are too strong in wine come here, they will be drunk directly.

"It's no wonder that the old wine bug said that throughout the Molian domain, there is no Zongmen residence better than the Jiuxianmen residence. That's what happened." Huo Hai's eyelids twitched, and he felt that he was coming to the Jiuxianmen. Is it wrong?

There can be a few normal people in such a sect. Forget it, since you have already come here, then go in and take a look. If it doesn’t work, you should leave as soon as possible, and you have to inform the family members to pass. Come on.

Huo Hai slowly approached the mountain gate of Jiuxianmen. Everything about Jiuxianmen is so simple. The so-called mountain gate has only one door frame. This door frame seems to be in disrepair for a long time. The three characters above Jiuxianmen are completely faded. , Even a point under the word "wine" doesn't know where it has fallen.

If it weren't for the old Jiu Chong to tell himself, this is the Jiu Xian Sect, Huo Hai said that he would not believe anything, it can be regarded as the first-class Jiu Xian Sect in the Molian Domain, and the Zongmen facade is actually such a virtue.

I don’t know, I thought it was a ruined temple in the mountains, or it was a sect that had been perished for a long time. There were two guards at the gate, but is this really the one to guard the gate? Huo Hai Very skeptical.

At this moment, two people, one leaning on the door frame, the other sitting on the stone, did not look like a normal gatekeeper, and these two people were already drunk, Huo Hai walked in front of him, neither of them actually noticed , Huo Hai doubted that if he walked up the gate, neither of these two people would find that they had been there.

Such a person is used to guard the gate, really... The two of them don’t care what Huo Hai thinks. At this time, one of them is holding a wine jar and the other holding a wine gourd, and they just drink like this. With.

"Hey, it is true. Why are we two guarding the gate again. The gatekeeper can't get drunk, and we are not happy when we drink. It's really annoying." The disciple sitting on the rock with the wine gourd suddenly opened up. The mouth roared, in this tone, it was as if someone else owed him how much money he didn't pay back, but is this guy really not drunk?

"That's right, I said a long time ago. Zongmen should hire a few more people to visit the door, so that we can drink every day without worrying about other things." Another person, holding the wine jar, finally let go Come down.

Guarding the gate has to hire people, what kind of sect is this Jiu Xian gate, Huo Hai has a black line.

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