Evil Insect God

Chapter 878: Wine cellar and library

Whether it is big or small seems to be the tradition of Jiuxianmen, the five elders rushed forward and fisted at the Jiuxianmen Sect Master. After being attacked, the Jiuxianmen Sect Master immediately counterattacked, and the two actually fought.

While shaking his fists, the Fifth Elder said something loudly. Hearing these words, the Sect Master couldn't help but feel a little dazed. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he was beaten on the head by the Fifth Elder a few times. Upon seeing this, Huo Hai could only Sigh helplessly, this Jiu Xian Sect is really weird. At any rate, the master of the Jiu Xian Sect, Huo Hai is also a master of the Spirit Sovereign realm.

It didn't take long for the two of them to finally stop. The fifth elder's painful mouth twitched, but the smile on his face couldn't be concealed, and his eyes were still looking at the position of the sovereign from time to time.

"Hmph, let you bully me before, this time it's finally revenge." The fifth elder walked here, while still muttering constantly. As for the disciple who had just started, he had already drunk too much and was lying down. To the ground.

Sect Master said dissatisfiedly: "You kid, you dare to play yin. When this incident is over, let's see how I can clean you up." After a fist, the Sect Master of Jiu Xianmen finally came to his senses, but he is now The look is not very good. The clothes that were originally sloppy have now become beggars. There are several holes in the clothes, and the air leaks everywhere.

Even on the face, one of the eyes has turned into dark circles, it looks like a cartoon version of a civet cat, and there are two bruises on the head. This image is out, saying that it is a beggar who has just been beaten by someone. Believe.

As for the sovereign of a first-rate sect, I am afraid that not many people will believe it. Huo Hai has an urge to cover his head. This wine fairy sect is really getting more and more difficult for him to understand. As for the old wine bug, his face is plain. , Had long been accustomed to it, seeing the two coming over, the old wine bug picked up the wine gourd plainly and took a sip into his mouth.

"You two old guys are done fighting, really, let us wait here for nothing, do you not want the wine bug?"

Upon hearing the words, the two rushed over quickly, "Oh, how can I say that? Didn’t you wake up just now? This is Brother Huo Hai, look, it’s really a talent, it’s my generation. A role model for you."

This suzerain is more shameless than the fifth elders, Huo Hai has a black line, what is this all about, how did such a lunatic sect survive until now, of course, Huo Hai doesn't think that the people of Jiu Xianmen are stupid.

"You two old guys, don’t get close here, hurry up, it’s okay to get the wine bug, take something out and change it.” The old wine bug is not polite, regardless of whether it is the elder or the master, whether the other party is an elder or not. Fine wine, these drunks didn't recognize anything, as if their identities were completely reversed.

Upon hearing the words, the lord cried on the spot: "Ahhhhhhhhh...you unfilial offspring, how can you help others to cheat your own sect? You don’t know how poor the sect is, how can we have? What to change."

The Jiu Xian Sect is actually not really poor. If it is the spirit wine resource, the Jiu Xian Sect can definitely overwhelm all the sects in the entire Molian Domain. Even if it is the resource of the spirit medicine, the Jiu Xian Sect far exceeds most Molian domain forces.

But apart from these two things, there is really nothing that Jiuxianmen can do. As for asking people from Jiuxianmen to be bodyguards, don't think about this kind of thing. Think about the virtues of their two disciples guarding the mountain gate. Just know.

The five elders put their mouths in the ears of the Sect Master, and whispered: "Sect Master, we can use the Spirit of War. With so many Spirit of War in our sect, there is always something that people can see. If it doesn't work, We can also find some spirit insects. This is the insect king. To him, spirit insects are like wine to our Jiuxianmen."

This old guy is not stupid, he directly said the old wine bug's proposal, and now it became his own proposal. This will also be a great achievement in the future. Maybe, the wine bug that can be allocated later will be better than others. more.

Thinking of this, the smiles on the faces of the Fifth Elders suddenly became brighter. Mentioning things related to fine wine, the people of the Jiu Xianmen were really clever and unstoppable. Upon hearing this, the lord stopped crying, and his expression became quite quick. .

Huo Hai raised his eyebrows, this was really a talent at the level of an actor, and it was too talented in the Jiu Xianmen.

"That's great, let me just say, the wine bug brought people, how can there be no way." Hey, is this generation too messy, Huo Hai feels his heart twitches more and more Great, no, after the things here are resolved, you have to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid I really can't stand these guys.

"Come and come, let's go to Zhan Ling Jue, no matter what we see, just take it." Stepping forward, the Sovereign took Huo Hai and walked to the other side. When the five elders and the wine bug saw this, they immediately Followed up.

When I met other people on the road, I just glanced at this place, and didn't care at all. Maybe the Sect Master is often so violent at ordinary times, forget it, Huo Hai feels that he is used to seeing him at this time.

Soon, the group came to another larger bamboo house, "Wait, why is the library here? Isn’t it that place." Huo Hai is very strange that such an important building of the sect is actually just a bamboo house. In the distance, the most luxurious and normal building of the entire Jiuxianmen, what exactly is it used for?

"You said there, that place is the most important wine cellar in our sect. Some of the fine wines of the past are stored in it. Only if you have made a major contribution to the sect can you get the rewards for the wine. Even the lord can't drink it. "

The old wine bug had a look of yearning, and then said: "Huh, usually only the old man of the wine cellar can enter, and I don't know if he drank it secretly."

Facing the old wine bug's dissatisfaction, the sect master immediately became annoyed: "What nonsense are you talking about, how can the sect master steal the wine in it? Isn't that ashamed of the ancestor's teaching? The wine cellar is so important that you can't tolerate your nonsense."

The old wine bug also got angry: "Old guy, you still said that you don't know how to drink it secretly. Don't think I don't know. You have at least drunk more than two jars of wine in my place." Seeing these guys noisy, Huo Hai felt that his head was not enough. The most important building of a sect was actually a wine cellar, but the library was left aside.

Judging from Huo Hai’s eyesight, although there are spirit formations around this library, the spirit formation is definitely not too strong a spirit formation, and it is completely incomparable with the wine cellar. Since getting the inheritance of the sky star spirit formation, Huo Hai Recently, the knowledge of the spirit formation has been greatly improved, Huo Hai can't believe that the spirit formation here will make him unable to see the clue.

"Okay, okay, don't bother you two. Whether the wine cellar or the wine cellar is, the wine bug is more important." The fifth elder said that two people stopped at once. Yeah, the wine bug is the most important thing. Important things.

Perhaps the spirit wine in the wine cellar is the spirit wine with the strongest spiritual power and the highest grade, but in terms of taste, it is far from the wine made by the wine bug. The reason why they named the wine bug back then The wine bug, isn't it for this reason? Now the wine bug is right in front of you, so why bother to consider other things.

"Yes, brother Huo Hai, let's go. This is the library." The old Jiu Chong and the master took Huo Hai with one hand and walked into the bamboo house. When entering the bamboo house, Huo Hai was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Jiuxianmen didn't look at it very well, but this bamboo house was also completely different from ordinary bamboo houses. The bamboo house didn't look big on the surface, but there was actually a spiritual formation inside, and it was still a rare spatial spiritual formation.

The interior space of the bamboo house is enlarged like a square. There are bookshelves everywhere. It’s just a pity that although there are many bookshelves, there are not so many books and scrolls. "Come and see, this is what we have at Jiuxianmen. You have a collection of books, take a look if you need anything, don’t be polite with us.”

The people of the Jiu Xian Sect were very generous, which made Huo Hai very surprised. The people of the Jiu Xian Sect were not afraid that they would learn the spirit art of their sect and the battle spirit art, or even spread it out in the future.

You know, the Haotu Empire has chased him for so long for a set of swordsmanship, but when Huo Hai slowly looked at the introduction of the books in the bookshelf, Huo Hai finally understood the reason.

"The people of Jiuxianmen are not stupid at all." Jiuxianmen only has one kind of cultivation spirit technique, which is Jiuxianjin. This is the basic spirit technique of Jiuxianmen, and it is also a basic force technique. This kind of war spirit art, Jiu Xian Jin wants to cultivate, he has to drink continuously, the more you drink, the faster you can cultivate. If you don't drink, basically there is no way to cultivate.

Looking at other spirit war techniques, most of them are the same. Drinking is the only way to exert their power. Without alcohol, let alone exert their power, even cultivation is a problem. There are some that have nothing to do with drinking, and there is no way to practice. .

Unexpectedly, there is a word for immortal in Jiuxianmen, which actually has a certain relationship with immortal. Many of the spirits of war have high requirements on the state of mind. They require the state of mind to be empty and inactive and conform to the natural way of heaven and earth. power.

No wonder the people of the Jiu Xian Sect have no ambition at all. Their cultivation resources only require fine wine. Fine wine is even more important than the pill and spirit stone. There is no conflict with other sects, and the Jiu Xianmen's war spirit art is like this.

If these things are really cultivated, I am afraid that they will eventually become no different from those of the Jiu Xianmen. These guys are really impure motives. Gradually, Huo Hai has understood the real purpose of these guys.

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