Evil Insect God

Chapter 889: Blood secret method

Huo Hai didn't care about throwing away the earthworms at will. There were enough earthworms left in his inner space. It would only take a few years to reproduce to this level even without using the secret method of birth.

Anyway, these earthworms are usually in their own inner space, except for loosening the soil and making the essence of the earth, they are of no use. With Huo Hai’s current strength, using the earthworm burrowing skills, completely It's useless. Without cleaning up these earthworms, Huo Hai set his sights on the place that had just suffered self-detonation.

After such a long period of time, the power of the blood curse in this area has basically been exhausted, "After all, it is just a spirit king and has no ability to influence the laws of the world for a long time." Huo Hai shook his head and gave a general feeling.

The aloof spirit king is nothing after death. Only those who can live to the end and continuously improve can truly enjoy life. The blood curse king is dead, and Huo Hai's belief in pursuing strength is more firm.

"This, it is actually the space ring of the Blood Cursed King." Suddenly, Huo Hai saw the bottom of the biggest pit, and there was a red ring. Originally, Huo Hai thought that everything on the Blood Cursed King would be stained by him. The blood is corroded clean.

Huo Hai carefully picked up the ring and summoned some Star Gus that had not participated in the battle. The ring was purified by the luminous power. While purifying, Huo Hai could still see a faint mist emanating from the ring, and waited until the mist was completely dispersed. After it was exhausted, Huo Hai was surprised to find that the ring had actually changed from blood red to light yellow.

"It's really insidious, I want to harm people when I die." Huo Hai couldn't see where it was. The previous red color was the curse left by the blood curse king on the ring. As long as anyone dares to explore the space ring with mental power, he will definitely be cursed.

Huo Hai just wanted to purify some of the remaining blood, but he didn't expect the Blood Curse King to be so insidious, but forget it, there is nothing wrong with him anyway, and sure enough, it is not wrong to be careful, and he almost broke the word.

Except for the ring, the only thing that has not been corroded is a disk. This disk is the same device used by the Blood Curse King to kill the death array. It is also carefully purified again, but on this array, Huo Hai did not find the curse power left behind, and the curse power of the death formation itself had already been pressed back into the formation.

Putting the formation disk into the inner space, Huo Hai cautiously searched for the space ring left by the Blood Curse King. There were not many things in the ring, but most of them were blood red. Huo Hai was more careful this time and let Star Gu take all Everything is purified again.

Some materials specifically related to curses disappeared in the purification of Star Gu. Even if they were useful, Huo Hai would not leave them behind. Who knows if these things, whether the Blood Curse King did anything inside.

Even his own space ring needs to be hands and feet, it is hard for Huo Hai to believe what the blood curse king is. The blood curse king's space ring is indeed an item that can resist the power of the blood curse. This space ring is what Huo Hai saw in the space ring The largest one, the internal space, is more than ten times larger than the space ring Huo Hai is now using to cover up.

It’s just a pity that the space ring is still far from being compared with Huo Hai’s inner space. The blood curse king’s thing, Huo Hai thought for a while, still didn’t replace his current ring, but threw it in the inner space. Look at it later.

"Blood Curse Sutra, is this the Spirit Art of the Blood Curse King? It is based on blood, and everything does not exist. If you get one, you can control all spirits..." Holding the Blood Curse Sutra, Huo Hai slowly looked down , The more I look at it, the more Huo Hai feels that this thing is profound and profound.

What people did not expect is that the blood curse is actually a means of cursing oneself first, and then cursing others. First, curse oneself continuously and integrate the power of curse into one's own blood, so that a unique blood curse can be formed After that, the blood is filled with the power of blood curse, you can use the power of blood curse to curse the enemy.

In particular, getting the enemy’s blood, or using one’s own blood as a lead, can cause great harm to people. The power of the blood curse blesses the spiritual power, and then the power of the heavens and the earth. The power that bursts out is really shocking. .

The blood curse sutra is extensive and profound, but the power of cultivation is extremely evil. Even the blood curse snake is recorded in the blood curse sutra. It is only necessary to cultivate the blood curse sutra, but the requirements for the person themselves are very high, and special materials must be used to condense it. The source can only practice.

If you want to practice forcibly, I am afraid that I have not accumulated enough blood curse power in my body, and I will curse myself to death, "Curse myself, this method seems, it seems that I can also use it."

Huo Hai suddenly discovered that although he could not cultivate, the murderous dragon on his body was OK. The murderous dragon itself was formed by murderous aura and could not be cultivated at all. However, Huo Hai discovered that after swallowing the blood cursed snake, the murderous dragon itself actually did. With a certain amount of blood curse power, if it can survive, then cultivating the blood curse is not a problem.

At that time, this murderous flood dragon could be regarded as a blood curse flood dragon, perhaps not used in normal battles, but at critical moments, using self-explosive words can definitely exert unexpected effects.

The previous self-destruction of the Blood Curse King gave Huo Hai a huge shock. In this way, wouldn't he add another assassin, "Well, let Jiaolong have a try." Thinking of this, Huo Hai became more and more surprised. The excitement grew. Jiaolong now only has beast wisdom. It is not a matter of a day or two for him to learn the blood curse. Huo Hai has to teach it slowly.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Huo Hai continued to look down. The blood curse scripture talked back and forth about the secret methods of using curses and the methods of cultivating the power of blood curses. The cultivation method itself had no reference to Huo Hai.

I have to say that the level of the blood curse is very high. It is actually a middle-grade spirit art of the earth level itself, and it is also the most peak one. At the end of cultivation, there is even a chance to break through the realm of the spirit emperor. Unfortunately, the blood curse is not enough perfect.

Similarly, the flaws in the Blood Curse Sutra are also very large, because cursing oneself will eventually damage oneself, and constantly consume one's own blood to curse the enemy, which consumes one's own vitality, so the cultivation of this blood curse can actually hurt oneself. The above is very big, unless you can not do it all the time, the more you do it, the more damage you will do to yourself.

The Blood Curse King should have cursed others too many times at the beginning, and when the cultivation level was not high, it hurt himself too much. Therefore, until now, the breakthrough will be so difficult. Without external force, it is even difficult to move forward.

The Blood Curse King was also completely disappointed, so he thought of using the Four Spirit Beast Death Array to cultivate. This spiritual array, which is also recorded in the back of the Blood Curse, is a very powerful spiritual array with immense power.

This spiritual formation has a great function, that is, to use the curse power in it to forcibly bless oneself, increase the strength of its own blood curse, and break through its own coolness. Without this spiritual formation, the blood curse king is now There was only an eighth-level spirit king, how could it be possible to break through to the ninth-level spirit king in such a short time.

For the blood curse king, the power of this curse is even better than the effect of the spiritual energy condensing beads. After the spiritual formation, Huo Hai also discovered some curse use skills, various curse use methods, let Huo The sea is eye-opening.

To curse from a distance, you must get the blood from the opponent. This is also recorded in the blood curse. There are thousands of curses. The blood curse is just one of the curses. The blood curse uses blood to a very high level. Degree.

Unfortunately, for other curses, there are very few records in the Blood Curse Sutra. "This is the movement spell of the Blood Curse King." Suddenly, Huo Hai saw a very special spell, the Blood Curse Sutra. The spell is not used to curse other people, or curse yourself, but when you curse yourself, the curse is only one you can control.

This method of movement is an application of the curse of oneself. After the power of the blood curse is achieved, the power of the blood curse is spread throughout the body. At this time, the body is no longer a normal body, but a blood curse. Body.

Only at this level can I use the power of the blood curse to integrate myself into the blood curse, turning it into a blood-red blood light. In fact, this blood light is the purest blood curse. force.

After being transformed into blood light, the natural movement speed will become very fast. Unfortunately, although this movement method is fast, it is very inflexible. It is very troublesome to use spells and steering. Once you enter the blood light state, Even his own thinking becomes very slow, so this kind of spell can only be used to burst.

After leaving his original position in an instant and arriving at his pre-determined position, the spell will be released, and then restored to the human shape. After watching for a long time, Huo Hai could only helplessly shook his head.

"It's a pity, this thing really doesn't suit me." Huo Hai was helpless. The blood curse was very high-end, but at the same time it was very partial and evil. For himself, there was no value for reference. Huo Hai is It is impossible to curse yourself.

The Blood Curse Sutra did not say that this would do any harm to him, but Huo Hai still faintly felt that if he did this, I am afraid it would not be a good thing for him. Besides, Huo Hai still believed in his own strength more, so the blood curse Just give up the scriptures, just practice your own star change, of course, the blood curse scripture Huo Hai did not throw away.

"Although I can't cultivate for my family, it might be of any use in the future." Since the inner space, Huo Hai has one more problem. No matter whether it is useful or not, as long as it is valuable, he likes to put it in the space and prepare. .

Who gave Huo Hai the capital? Even if other people wanted to do this, they didn't have such a large and safe space to use.

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