Evil Insect God

Chapter 893: The land is coming

Rebellion, undercover, such a prominent person is actually a member of the Danxia faction, but what exactly does the Danxia faction want to send Feng Jiaojiao to the Shenxuan faction? What is the Shenxuan faction worthy of the Danxia faction.

Both the Danxia Sect and the Shenxuan Sect are first-class sects, but the power gap between the two is very large. The Shenxuan Sect can only affect the situation within the vast empire at most, and there is almost no external influence, but Dan The Xia faction can influence the situation of the entire Molian domain. When it comes to its own influence, the Danxia faction is not even worse than the top power of the Haotu Empire.

However, the Danxia Sect’s master level is much worse than the three top powers, but compared with the Shenxuan Sect, it is much stronger. The Shenxuan Sect is only stronger than the general sect in terms of spiritual cultivation. .

The Danxia Sect is an alchemy sect. The most powerful sects are fire-attribute masters. Although the research on spiritual power is not as good as the Shenxuan Sect, the difference is definitely not much. The Danxia Sect is not as good as that. Dispatched disciples with such talents to undercover.

Besides, although Feng Jiaojiao is very fast in her cultivation, she really wants to enter the core of the Shenxuan Sect, but she cannot do it in a day or two. If she wants to cultivate to the realm of the Spirit King, if there is no adventure, I am afraid that she will have to cultivate at least dozens. Years to reach.

However, it is not the time to consider these. Huo Hai also looks down upon these gods and Profound Sect. Even if Feng Jiaojiao is really a traitor, Huo Hai will kill both at best, Feng Jiaojiao's speed is actually Soon, when she spoke, she didn't know where she went. I'm afraid Feng Jiaojiao also used any special methods.

"Boy, let me go quickly, or else you will be an enemy of our Shenxuan faction." Seeing Huo Hai not speaking, Yao Yun thought the other party was scared, the more he thought about it, the more arrogant Yao Yun was, pointing his finger Huo Hai's eyes were full of disgust.

Hearing this, Huo Hai finally recovered. Seeing Yao Yun's appearance, Huo Hai let out a cold snort, and then, with a scream, Yao Yun's hand was cut off, and even everyone present I don't know when Huo Hai moved his hand.

"You, Your Excellency, you are too cruel. Brother Yao Yun is the deacon of our Profound Sect and the eldest grandson of the second elder. If you do this, our Profound Sect will not let you off easily." The person next to him immediately left. Coming up, while quickly administering medicine to Yao Yun, he was also trying to protect him. If he escapes at this time, there will be no place for them to stand in the sect.

Seeing Yao Yun's severed hand, the eyes of several people were full of fear, and there was a layer of horrible sword aura attached to the wound on their arm. With this layer of sword aura blocking, they could not retrieve Yao Yun's arm in time. .

If this takes too long, I am afraid that the arm will really be necrotic. At that time, relying on the power of the Profound Sect to restore his arm, I am afraid that it will cost a great price. People like them will definitely be punished if they fail to protect.

Huo Hai sneered: "Hmph, and you are the enemy of the Profound Profound Sect. Can your trash represent the Profound Profound Sect? Besides, I think you are not pleasing to your eyes. It is better for you to keep it. Anyway, there will be no People can know that it was my hand." Huo Hai sneered, his whole body was filled with sword aura, and he was about to kill all these guys.

But just when Huo Hai was about to do it, a loud roar suddenly sounded in the distance: "Who would dare to move my disciple of the Profound God Sect." Two masters of the Spirit King realm rushed over and stopped in front of Huo Hai. .

Seeing this situation, Huo Hai's brows suddenly frowned, and behind, there were more masters of the Profound Profound Sect rushing to kill those guys in front of these people, which is nothing to Huo Hai. But once he did this, he would probably be regarded as a provocation by the Shenxuan Sect. If he was recognized one day, it wouldn't matter to him, but Qu Siyu couldn't do it.

Simply, let them spare their lives. Watching an elder quickly deal with Yao Yun's broken arm, Huo Hai knew that this arm was saved. As long as the broken limb can be retrieved in a short time, then Re-open the spiritual vein.

This won't cause much harm. The spiritual master's body is tempered by the aura of heaven and earth, and it's already different from ordinary people.

"Your Excellency is too cruel. I don't know how my Profound Profound Sect disciple has offended you." After dealing with the arm, the Profound Profound Sect elder stood up and sternly said to Huo Hai. The sword energy remaining on the arm knows this. People are hard to deal with.

Huo Hai sneered: "How do you offend me? They didn't offend me, but I think they are not pleasing to the eye. Your Shenxuan faction actually cultivated such a scumbag. If you are unwilling to deal with it, I will deal with it personally. Since you are all here, I won't be with you anymore." After speaking, Huo Hai moved his feet and his whole person disappeared instantly.

Seeing this scene, the two elders of the Shenxuan faction suddenly broke into a cold sweat: "So smart, I didn't see how he moved just now." The two looked at each other and couldn't hide the fear in their eyes, the strength of this person. , It is far more than them.

Even the body shape can’t be seen clearly, which proves that once the other party does it, the two of them will die in the hands of the other within a few strokes. However, looking at the other party’s appearance, it seems that they don’t want to be an enemy of the Profound Sect. Rest assured a lot.

"Don't say it, hurry up and join the others. This time Danxia faction masters gathered, we can't provoke the enemy casually." As for the injured Yao Yun and several other people, the two looked at each other and sighed. Why are they scumbags? Scum, the children of masters always show up the most, and it is better to go back and tell the second elder to let him take care of it himself.

Just leaving with an extremely fast and incomparable body technique, Huo Hai did not intend to continue entangled with these people, changed a reverse direction, and wandered again. For Huo Hai, this matter was just a small episode. .

It is basically impossible for the people of the Profound Profound Sect to recognize themselves from their sword aura and body skills. It is basically impossible to be able to be the same as the person who has just performed. This time, there are many experts in the Profound Profound Sect.

"Quick, look, the frame of the Haotu Empire is here, let's go and take a look, I heard that the Haotu Empire is the most powerful force in the Molian Territory." When Huo Hai arrived in a small town, he suddenly heard When someone yelled in the street, not all of them had been in contact with the vast empire. Upon hearing this, the people in the town ran out immediately.

When Huo Hai heard the name of the Haotu Empire, a light flashed in his eyes, "Horse Empire, let me see, who are you guys here this time." Thinking of this, Huo Hai also pretended to be an ordinary resident. same.

With Huo Hai’s ability to lock the Qi, the whole body converges the breath, and no one can feel it. After a while, with the flow of people, everyone came to the door of the town. At this time, the town’s door was wide open and the mayor organized a guard The team disperse the crowd in the middle of the road, facing the slowly approaching frame, the mayor stood respectfully on the side, stooping down and dare not say a word.

At the head is a frame pulled by two spirit beasts of the spirit commander realm. Both sides of the road are full of gorgeously dressed soldiers clearing the way, and there are some carriages behind, all of which are drawn by spirit beasts. This kind of pomp, ordinary people can do. Does not come out.

The soldiers who cleared the way were all masters above the realm of Spirit Generals, far from being comparable to the soldiers in this small town. These people had just arrived and immediately rushed to the front, forcibly pushing the crowd back on both sides for several steps. Facing the dominance of these people, no one dared to speak at this time. These were all masters, and there was no place to reason even if they killed themselves.

"Damn, I didn't expect that this time the Haotu Empire actually sent such a master." Just now Huo Hai's mental power probed the team, and a powerful threat immediately made Huo Hai understand that there is a spirit emperor in the team. .

Facing the Spirit Sovereign, Huo Hai was shocked in his heart, and he immediately retracted his perception. Fortunately, he was not discovered. Huo Hai quickly pretended to be an ordinary person, but his eyes did not dare to look at the Spirit Sovereign master's frame.

With the master of the spirit emperor, Huo Hai did not dare to confront them blatantly. Huo Hai cautiously restrained his breath, for fear of being discovered by them, the team went all the way, ten minutes later, before he completely entered the town. , Obviously, the convoy did not intend to stop in the town, go straight through the town, and move on.

"What's wrong with your lord." In the largest carriage, an old man suddenly opened his eyes. When the person next to him saw this, he quickly asked carefully, even if it was the Cardinals, he looked respectful at this time. Dare to speak more.

The old man opened his eyes and then said: "It's nothing, I just felt that someone was peeping at the team, but now I can't find the other side's position." The old man's words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. It turned out to be this.

Along the way, peeping into their team happened more than once or twice, and even some guys who knew nothing about life and death were directly killed by the masters in the team, but this time, only the old man felt it, and the others did. I didn't notice it, which was a little surprising, but everyone didn't care anymore.

"Perhaps it is a master of other sects. It is less than two days away from Danxia faction." A middle-aged man next to him whispered. The old man nodded and closed his head again. eye.

It's just perception. As long as the cultivation level is similar to theirs, they can conceal their induction. To perceive the perception of others, one's own strength must far exceed that of the other party, or one's own mental perception ability is very strong.

For them, this was just an episode on the road, which soon passed, and at the same time, Huo Hai also started his own actions, the people of the vast empire had already appeared, but he could not do it casually.

That being the case, naturally, he had to think of some other methods. As soon as Huo Hai's eyes turned, he suddenly thought of a good method, "Altered Beast Pill, yes, it's you." The method Huo Hai thought of was to use the Other Beast Pill.

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