Evil Insect God

Chapter 902: Three games

It seems that the flame controlled by two people is like ordinary flame burning directly. Ordinary people don't understand the mystery at all. It is easy to think that this is only the effect of flame and magic.

But in fact, controlling fire is not just talking about it. Uncontrollable flames are impossible to refine alchemy. No matter how sophisticated the spell mudra is, no matter how special the flames are used, it is impossible to make alchemy successfully. People often think that alchemy is to throw the elixir into the alchemy furnace and then burn it with fire. This is actually quite wrong.

A person with good eyesight can see that the flames of the two people are very delicately controlled. Every time the flame licks, it will slightly push some textures on the medicinal wood board with very slight movements.

If this force is too heavy, it will burn the elixir in it. These elixir are very fragile, but if they are too light, they cannot change the position of the texture on the board. In this way, a lot of wasted out of thin air. time.

The flame needs to be just right for the best effect. Huo Hai can only sigh for the two people's subtle control of the flame, regardless of his higher flame level, stronger flame power, or even his own strength. It is not comparable to these two people, but in terms of flame control, it is really far from comparable.

No wonder the failure rate is always so high when refining the pill by yourself. It takes a lot of practice to achieve a good success rate on a simple pill. You can switch to other pill, even if it is the same level. Fight back to the original shape immediately.

Huo Hai shook his head helplessly. The things recorded in the Star Secret Code are indeed brilliant, but there is only one Secret Code, how many things can be recorded, these usual experiences in alchemy can only be learned by yourself and taught by the teacher. By the way, naturally there will be no records in the Secret Book of the Stars, even if the inheritance is obtained, he is still far from insufficient.

Just when Huo Hai was thinking about it, the competition between the two people at the scene has come to an end. The original gray elixir plank has turned green at this time. This is the power of the elixir and has been tempered by the two. come out.

After that, the two used the flame to fully overlap the power of these medicines and attached them to the wooden board, covering the original color of the wooden board, and the wooden board in their hands gradually approached the model spider.

Suddenly, Danxia sent his disciples to stop the work at hand and stood up and said: "My sirs, the disciples have been completed and have been transferred." The last sentence was addressed to the people around him. At this time, the disciple of the King of Medicine, The green spider in front of it can be completed with one leg short. If you only look at the color of the medicine fusion, it is even better than the Danxia school disciple.

"Hmph, even if you win this game." Upon seeing this, Elder Luliu's expression was very ugly. In terms of alchemy speed, Yaowang Sect was indeed inferior to Danxia Sect. This person sent by himself was the pinnacle of Lingshuai. Not as good as each other.

"I don’t know how Elder Luliu intends to make a question in the second game." The Danxia sent all the people with smiles on their faces, making the faces of the Yaowangmen even more ugly. The first game was unfavorable and too shocking. My morale is up.

Elder Luliu didn’t care either, and he greeted another disciple, who was also the pinnacle of Lingshuai: "The second game is on him. Our topic is mental control. For an alchemist, the importance of mental control. It's no worse than controlling fire. We old guys don't need it in this game. Let people below the spirit king realm compete."

The Danxia Sect Master narrowed his eyes slightly. This old guy actually used this method. Who didn't know that the cultivation method of the Medicine King Sect focused on restoring the spirit, and was much stronger than their Danxia Sect in terms of spiritual improvement.

If you reach the strength of the Spirit King realm and your spiritual power has been baptized by the power of heaven and earth, the gap between the two parties may not be that big, but the spiritual power of the people below the Spirit King realm, the Danxia school disciple, is far inferior to the medicine king. It’s a pity that in the last game, I also said that the Spirit King realm was not allowed to play. This time I was turned into an army.

Sect Master Danxia stared at Elder Luliu fiercely, and said bitterly: "Okay, that's it, we have no opinion." This is a competition. The competition must follow the rules. His own side has already asked the question, and the other party naturally Questions can also be given.

When the other party did not object when the other party asked the question, naturally there was no reason to object when the other party asked the question. Elder Luliu looked smug and finally let out a sigh, "The last game used your props, this one Just use the props of our Medicine King Sect. Whoever can draw this figure first will win."

The Medicine King Gate took out a strange figure, but this figure was carved on a slate. The figure was extremely complicated, but it gave people a lifelike feeling. It seemed to be a horse-shaped spirit beast composed of a spiritual formation. .

"These are the slabs and steel needles used to depict. This kind of steel is very sensitive to mental power. When depicting graphics, only mental power can be used, and other methods are not allowed. If someone uses spiritual power, it is directly counted as a loss. "

The Danxia sect master snorted coldly: "No problem, you come up, this time you come to the competition." Danxia sect master selected a disciple who is better at mental power among the sects. In this case, he has not expected a meeting. Won.

The two disciples soon came to the stage, each selected a slate, and then compared the figure, using the special steel needle of their choice to start depicting. The two did not use their hands or use spiritual power, only relying on spiritual power.

The steel needle is very sharp and can be easily depicted on the slate, and it is very sensitive to mental power. It can be said that if you use a little wrong strength, the picture will be scrapped. The Danxia school seems to have not done it before. Similar exercises, when they first started to control, their control was very inflexible, and several mistakes were made.

After wasting two slates, I painted on the third slate, and then it became normal. It was just this way, but it was a lot of time. Even though I rushed to catch up later, I still couldn’t catch up. .

"It seems that we have won this game and we have accepted it." Elder Luliu's voice suddenly sounded. Everyone saw that the disciples of the King of Medicine had already painted the picture, but the Danxia faction It's a bit worse.

If they are completely familiar, these two people should be similar, but now, if you lose, you lose. Danxia sent the doormaster to snorted, without replying, she turned her head and focused on the representatives of the three major forces who are still arguing. , "Everyone, I don't know if you have thought about the third question. Our first two games, but the competition is over."

One win and one loss. According to the system of two wins in three games, the last game is crucial. Hearing this, those who are arguing suddenly remembered what they were doing. At the beginning, everyone knew they were doing it. what.

But afterwards, it became a battle for face. They even accused each other overtly and secretly. They had completely forgotten the business. Who knew that within such a short period of time, the first two games were over.

Seeing this scene, even the inside masters of the three top forces felt that their faces were dull. These guys, can't you pay attention to their images? How decent they are in front of so many people. , Now it's good, these guys haven't discussed the third question yet. Although others are anxious, they can't intervene.

"Please wait a moment. The first two games have just finished. I think all the disciples of your school need to rest." Hao Lan arched her hands, then turned to continue to join the discussion. As for what rest, fooling ghosts.

Each sect just now is just two people who came up. The others don’t need to rest. Turning their heads, Hao Lan whispered: “Time is running out. We need to discuss a result as soon as possible. I hope everyone will not continue. We had a quarrel, otherwise, the face of our three families would be lost."

"Hmph, we know, I'm afraid you will continue to quarrel." The representative of Xuan Bingzong said with disdain, Hao Lan just wanted to instinctively refute it, but suddenly thought of something, so she closed her mouth sadly, and stared at this fiercely. Guy glanced.

When a few people are together, there is no quarrel this time, but they are whispering. There are a few people around the barrier released by the joint release. The power of heaven and earth will not be heard. Soon, in three minutes. It has passed.

At this time, the several people finally separated. From the expressions of the people, there was nothing at all. No one knew which sect had the upper hand this time, or as usual, no one had the upper hand.

At this moment, Hao Lan stepped forward, "Everyone, we have already figured out the third question. The two major sects are leaders in the alchemy world, so if you want to compete, it is naturally related to alchemy. I have heard about it for a long time. , There is a very magical pill-dividing technique that only a few high-level alchemists have inherited. We don’t know if we can see it once today."

Upon hearing this, the senior officials of the two major sects looked at each other, and thoughtful glances flashed in their eyes. The three major sects were really not simple, and they had even heard of the division of alchemy. This technique is used in all major sects. It is also rare among the doors.

"The skills required by the pill division technique are indeed very high, but the effect is not very good. Since you want to see it, let's show it to everyone today." Danxia sent the sect master to come out and speak loudly to the people around. .

At this time, Elder Luliu was not to be outdone: "The old man also has a certain research on the pill-sharing technique. Let the old man play in this game." As expected, both sects will divide the pill technique. The masters of the three sects have their eyes suddenly. It is Yiliang, this kind of magical secret in the legend, there is actually, before, these two sects have never revealed the slightest information.

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