Evil Insect God

Chapter 905: Constant fighting

Hearing what the people on the stage said, the expressions of the people below suddenly changed, especially those of the Huang Yun faction, who looked at the person on the stage with hatred, and the people around them with contempt and disdain. .

In this battle, it can be said that the next step is not good, and it’s not good not to take it. If you don’t take it, Wang Fei’s reputation as a tortoise with a small head will be fixed. This reputation will even stay with him for a lifetime, no matter who says it. Everyone from the Huangyun Sect will say that there is a tortoise with a shrunken head among the Huangyun Sect. This incident is also a huge blow to the reputation of the Huangyun Sect.

And it’s not a good thing to respond to this battle. Obviously, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wang Fei’s cultivation has reached the late Lingshuai stage, and the one on the stage is only in the early Lingshuai stage, and he still used it. external force.

If you win such a challenge, you will be described as bullying. Coupled with what the previous person said, everyone in the room will hear clearly. If the battle is answered, God knows what the outsiders will say.

When the time comes, under all the gold, even if the Huang Yun faction gives an explanation, don’t try to explain clearly. If one is not good, the Huang Yun faction will become a den of prostitutes in the Molian domain in the future, the leader of the Huang Yun faction , I almost hate these two people.

"It seems that the other party has identified you. Although you will definitely not do that kind of thing, you may be framed by others. Then, you can solve your own affairs by yourself. This time, no matter whether you win or lose, you have to stop. After going back this time, you must help this little brother find the real culprit who killed his family." Huang Yun Sect Elder thought for a while and said loudly.

The sound made everyone in the entire square hear clearly. Many people sneered after hearing this explanation. This was obviously a mess, but this method was really useful, at least most casual practitioners believed it.

"If this is the case, then the disciple went up." Wang Fei stepped onto the ring with a serious face, and then an elder of the Danxia faction came over with a contract in his hand. Of course, the contract itself did not What effect is not an oath contract.

"You two, although you two have already decided on a life-and-death battle, this is the square of our Danxia school after all, so if you want to do it, you need to sign a life and death contract. No matter what the final result is, it has nothing to do with the school. , And your family members are not allowed to retaliate afterwards." The contract itself did not have any effect.

However, the notary of the life and death contract is the Danxia faction. Once the two violated, the Danxia faction would deal with the matter to the end. The challenger was not polite, bit his finger and write his name in blood. on.

Seeing this scene, many people frowned and wrote the contract in blood. Although this had no effect, this meant that this battle was endless. In this way, the Huang Yun faction's face was unstoppable. I really can't hang on.

Wang Fei stepped forward, saluted respectfully, and then wrote his name on it: "Thank you, sir, I don't know why you believe that I did the thing, but I will tell you with facts that this matter has nothing to do with me. "Wang Fei's performance immediately won cheers from the audience. Such a talent is a disciple of a large sect. This is the style of a gentleman.

But I don’t know why, Huo Hai always feels a little fake and contrived, "Is it my illusion." Huo Hai doesn’t believe that there are such decent people in the world. No matter who it is, it is impossible to completely slander people. Be indifferent.

As the referee announced the start, the two immediately started. Sure enough, without a few tricks, the challenger was beaten by Wang Fei without fighting back. "Give up, you are not my opponent. As long as you give up, I will help when you go back. You checked this out."

The challenger sneered: "Hmph, I still want to fool people. If you can take this trick from me, I will give up. I have practiced this trick for ten years to deal with you." Upon seeing this, Wang Fei could only beckon and let the other party make a move.

The challenger sneered getting heavier and heavier, suddenly took out a bottle, and ate all the pills in it, "This is the Qi Pill, is this guy wanting to die? The Qi Pill actually dared to eat a whole bottle. "Immediately, someone in the audience asked the challenger to recognize what the challenger was eating. The Qi Pill was also a kind of elixir studied by the Danxia School to break out. The sequelae were very strong.

It’s just that the sequelae of the current blasting pill is not so strong after taking one, and the pill has long been leaked. Nowadays, many people in major cities will refine it. It is just the effect of the blasting pill. There is no pill. The Xia faction is so good.

Wang Fei also regretted it at this time. Why did he pretend? This is fine. After eating so many Qi bursting pills, God knows how much the opponent's strength will surge, but let him eat by himself, but he won't be so. Doing it, I still have a great future, how can I ruin my future because of a competition? Thinking of this, Wang Fei's eyes gradually became savage.

"Hahahaha, do you think that I can't help you just by eating the blasting pill, that's wrong, explode to me." As the challenger yelled, the whole body's spiritual power flowed wildly, and the whole body momentum continued to increase.

With the help of the horrific power that the blast pill has improved in a short time, the challenger’s clothes were torn to pieces by Qi Jin, revealing his body covered in scars. Then, the violent spiritual power tore these old and new scars open, and the blood continued to flow out. This guy, how many injuries he has suffered, left so many injuries. As a spiritualist, ordinary minor injuries can't leave scars.

"Go to hell, let you make atonement for my family today." The challenger yelled. At this time, his aura was far beyond the normal Lingshuai. Even if Wang Fei was born in the Huangyun school, he couldn't relate to him. ratio.

At this time, Wang Fei had no chance to desperately anymore. He just placed a layer of yellow aerosol defense on his body. The next moment a cold light flashed by, and the challenger who used the Qi Pill, all the power in his body broke out. , I came behind Wang Fei in an instant, Wang Fei stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to catch something, but couldn't do anything.

Looking at Wang Fei, who was in two pieces on the ground, and then at the challenger who had been completely languished, the referee shook his head, "It's not saved, this person has been abolished." In fact, many people at the scene could see it.

Using so many blasting pills, and at the same time using a kind of explosive war spirit technique with great sequelae, it is not easy for this person to survive, the whole body's spiritual veins are completely shattered, let alone cultivation, even as an ordinary person It's hard.

The face of the elder of the Huang Yun faction was extremely ugly. He didn’t expect that his disciple would die. From now on, how would other people think of his sect, but in any case, things still have to be dealt with. Don't blame this little brother, we will do our best to investigate the affairs of your family. If it is not done by Wang Fei, I hope you can give us an explanation."

People of the Huang Yun faction had very ugly expressions at this time. Even if they made a remedy, the people around them still looked at the eyes of the Huang Yun faction and still became very strange. In order to kill him, they would rather let themselves be destroyed. What a hatred.

If you admit the wrong person, who would believe it? As a spiritualist, it is ridiculous that even one of his enemies can admit the mistake. After this incident, the Huang Yun faction has no face to stay here. Turn around and leave with someone.

It seemed that what had just started had begun, and another figure jumped onto the stage, "I want to challenge, life and death, Li Hu, come up to me, it's time to settle our account." It is another casual cultivator.

This time, even the people of the Danxia School became dissatisfied. This is the square of their Danxia School. They were annoyed by someone coming to make trouble. They unexpectedly came out again. As a spiritualist, who hasn’t An enemy, if all of these people are here today, I am afraid that the Danxia faction's square will become a battlefield in the future.

"I don't know what hatred you have." Elder Danxia suppressed the anger in his heart and asked the incoming person.

The visitor said loudly: "Li Hu, a traitor, once saw the fortune and killed all his brothers. Now he thinks it’s all right to hide in the Spirit Snake Sect. Today, I’m in the presence of the world’s colleagues, asking for one for my brothers. justice."

Seeing Cai’s intention, this kind of thing is very common in casual cultivators. The Spirit Snake Sect is just a small sect. Most people present have not even heard of the Spirit Snake Sect. The strength of the sect is not very strong. So only a few spirit kings.

The elder of the Danxia faction frowned, and then said: "Since you have already been on stage, we will allow you to challenge today. However, after all, this is the Danxia faction, not a duel field. I hope that after this one, everyone will not because Personal grievances are challenged at our Danxia School Square. If there are any conflicts that cannot be resolved, you can go to the foot of the mountain, and we will set up a ring under the mountain."

The people of the Danxia faction expressed dissatisfaction. There were originally some people who were eager to try, and they were suddenly poured cold water. If anyone continues to be ignorant, not only will the challenge not be allowed, I am afraid that even their own lives will be taken in.

At the same time, it also made many people breathe a sigh of relief. There are so many people present, no one has an enemy, and there are many mortal enemies. If they are challenged in front of so many people, then they can only fight, if the other party is willing to fight. , I am in danger.

After all, many people don’t have any abilities themselves. They usually rely on the power of the backer. Now they are challenged in full view of the public, but they can only rely on their own power, especially some pure dudes. It hurts a lot of people and doesn't have much combat effectiveness. If this is challenged, it will really die.

Some people even swear that they will never come to this kind of place again. This kind of place is really dangerous, and it is safer to stay in their own homes. Even if someone wants to come for revenge, they can just find an excuse to get rid of them.

Hearing the referee’s consent, the visitors respectfully saluted: "Thank you, adults, for giving me this opportunity. I think after this battle, I will lose my life. Li Hu, come up to me. Even if I die today, Also your life."

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