Evil Insect God

Chapter 913: Perfect defense

The source spirit stone represents potential. Before you have cultivated to a high level, it is impossible to see the difference from the lower-level source spirit stone, but the source spirit spirit stone is different. The source spirit spirit treasure represents ability.

The strength that can be exerted by the fusion sky-level source spirit spirit treasure is far stronger than the average master of the same level, just like Fang Biya and Ji Mu, generally the same level and the same disciple, they are not their opponents at all.

Yun'er can be a bit short, but Huo Hai knows that it is not because Yun'er's source spirit is poor. On the contrary, Yun'er's source is stronger than the two sisters, but because the source spirit spirit treasure has special abilities. , Yun'er is still unable to bring out his own abilities, and this is actually the same for Huo Hai. Huo Hai's original ability lies on the spirit worm.

Huo Hai's ability to control insects is far superior to that of insect spiritists, but it is a pity that Huo Hai does not have powerful insect control spells. His spells are all self-researching, and he has not fully displayed his true strength.

Huo Hai’s opponents are different. The Geomagnetism King only has the ability of geomagnetism element light. Huo Hai does not think that there is only one ability of the Geomagnetism King. On the contrary, the Geomagnetism King only studies his own abilities, and I am afraid that his own abilities can be used very well. A great degree of power.

If the ability of the heavenly source spirit spirit treasure is fully utilized, it is no small matter. Fully using the glow of the sun can only break half of the opponent's defense. Huo Hai really doesn't know what to do. The geomagnetic element light comes from the earth, and it is continuous. The Wang's recovery ability was even faster than his own. He couldn't break through the defense at one time, and he would fully recover in the next moment.

Huo Hai's constant experimentation used even the bombardment of the Explosive Flame Sparrow and the blood shock thorn that had not been used for a long time, but the defense of this geomagnetic element light really seemed to be perfect, without any weakness.

"Haha, this kid doesn't even give up, is he really going to drag it to the end." A young man in the Haotu Empire laughed arrogantly, and Huo Hai's various methods were displayed. Although powerful, he could not break the defense. Any functions.

"That is, he is called the King of Insects. He really thinks he is a king. I think it is a waste. If I have a geomagnetic element light, it will not be easy to clean up such waste." Among the vast empire team, besides A young man was also sarcasm with envy and jealousy, and a large group of people around followed him.

At this moment, a careless voice came from the side: "If people are trash, wouldn't you be worse than trash? Except Geomagnetism King, I haven't heard of anyone owning Geomagnetism. You are really brazen. "

"Who, which **** dare to speak ill of this prince." The two young men who were scolded immediately looked at the place where the sound was made, but after looking at it, the two dared not say anything.

The speaker is sloppy, holding a wine bottle and taking a sip from time to time, surrounded by the smell of wine. With this kind of dress, there is no family in the entire Molian Region except the Wine Immortal Gate, and his body is surging. It seems like a sea wave, giving people a sense of power full of explosions, this is definitely a person from Jiuxianmen.

Seeing the two people shut their mouths, the old wine bug turned his head, and said to a man in black with some worry: "I said old man, do you think Huo Hai can win this game? After all, the other party is a long-established geomagnetic king. , I am a little worried."

It turned out that it was the old wine bugs who had just spoken. They had already been here before, but they hadn't made much of the limelight. Later, it was discovered that Huo Hai had been found out, and these old wine bugs suddenly became anxious.

Huo Hai is their distinguished guest, or even their food and clothing parents. At this time, they have already regarded Huo Hai as their own family, and their family is in trouble. How could they leave it alone, but when they were attacked earlier, The closer Piaohua Pavilion had to do it first, even if the elders of Piaohua Pavilion didn't do it, they would do it.

Who could have imagined that the Jiuxianmen, who had never been in charge of things, had sent a master of the Spirit Sovereign realm, covered in black robe, for something that did not seem to be very relevant this time, and no one could recognize it.

Jiu Xianmen's secret method of hiding itself is no worse than the three top powers. "I don't know that the geomagnetism of the geomagnetism king is indeed very difficult. If it is the same level, even us, I am afraid it will not be able to break this thing."

The old guy at the Jiuxianmen was also very depressed at this time. This thing is really too difficult. In fact, some people from the Jiuxianmen fought with the Geomagnetism King at the beginning, but they were dragged and drained by the other party. force.

"Forget it, no matter so much, this time if the little friend really fails, we will rob him halfway. The big deal is why we will fight against the vast land empire, I don’t believe it, the vast land empire really dares Fight with us.” The words of the man in black are full of confidence. The vast empire is indeed the most powerful strength, but it is also an alliance.

It is impossible for such an alliance to work hard for a goal that is only beneficial to the royal family. There are many sects within the empire that do not belong to the empire. These people are also staring at the imperial family of the vast land.

"Yes, people who dare to move us really don't put us in the eyes, um, yes, when Huo Hai is rescued, he must ask for more compensation for the wine bug, yes, and his body Spirit wine." The old wine bug had a wretched look.

Above the arena, the battle is still not stunned. The Geomagnetism King itself does not have a high attack frequency. Normally, the battle is to use his own geomagnetic element light to attack. Once you encounter a person like Huo Hai with very strong perception, the geomagnetic element light Attacks can only play a role of harassment. Besides, the interval between geomagnetic element light attacks is also very long.

And the Geomagnetism King itself, like a tortoise, allowed Huo Hai's various methods, but there was no way, Huo Hai even took out the wine blaster, directly detonated in the distressed eyes of the Jiu Xianmen disciple.

"Damn it, it's the Wine Blast, so as long as how much wine is wasted, which **** gave him the Wine Blast." Not only the old wine bug, but the other disciples of the Jiu Xian Sect were all full of faces after seeing the Wine Blast. regret.

Unfortunately, after I went back that day, no one admitted that there was a rare case in Jiu Xianmen that could not find the culprit. I am afraid that the person who brought the Liquor Blast knew it. Once admitted, it would definitely be taken down by others. At that time, let alone the elders of the sect, even the super elders in the realm of the spirit emperor would definitely be besieged by the sects and end miserable.

After a wine blaster exploded, Huo Hai carefully observed the appearance of the Geomagnetism King. The strange wine odor entered the geomagnetism element light. What Huo Hai did not expect was that the geomagnetism element light did not completely resist the alcohol gas.

Similarly, the wine gas did not ignore the geomagnetic element light, but offset each other with the geomagnetic element light. Huo Hai frowned, and once again summoned Xiaojin, the magic blessing, Xiaojin spit out dark green poisonous gas, passing by, the air Are corroded.

"Damn it, how could it be like this." Poison gas erodes the geomagnetic element light like alcohol, slowly entering, and then cancels each other with the geomagnetic element light. The people in the audience saw Huo Hai using poison, quite a few People even stepped back a few steps. The Poison Spiritist himself was terrifying. Huo Hai, who had Xiaojin, used toxins, and he was no worse than the Poison Spiritist.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Huo Hai's eyes: "I understand, it turns out that this is the real function of the geomagnetic element light." After Huo Hai's observation, this geomagnetic element light actually has no defense at all.

In other words, the defensive effect of the geomagnetism element light is brought about by its own counteracting the effect of any situational force. No matter what kind of attack, the geomagnetism element light will consume its own power to offset it, thus showing a strong defense ability.

The geomagnetic element light comes from the earth, born between the heavens and the earth, it can be said to be inexhaustible. As long as it cannot be destroyed at once, the geomagnetic element light will continue to flow, and no one can break it. This is the true nature of the geomagnetic element light, but what can be done after knowing it, Huo Hai still has no way to break it.

"General attack methods are useless, so special methods, Senior Geomagnetism King, you are careful."

Huo Hai said, and then summoned Fluttershy, blessed with spiritual power, beautiful psychedelic butterflies flashed in the air, and the dreamlike light made the eyes of many female spiritualists present shine. This is the first time Fluttershy is in front of people. appear.

A colorful ray of light circulated, under Huo Hai's magical blessing, it flew towards the Geomagnetism King instantly, but what Huo Hai did not expect was that this colorful ray was the same as before, but it went deeper and was cancelled out.

"Haha, is this a mental attack? The little friend is really powerful. With all kinds of special spirit insects, the little friend may be able to deal with various situations easily. Unfortunately, the old man only has this ability, and some situations are really unable to deal with. "The Geomagnet King didn't know what he had thought of, his eyes were slightly sad, but at this time, Huo Hai became depressed.

Basically, I have used all the methods I can use. As for my ability to control the bones, don't think about it. Other attacks are useless, and the bones are even worse. Huo Hai waved his hand and put Xiaodie away.

"It's so powerful, it's actually a mental attack, and the mental illusion has reached materialization. This attack is really terrifying. If we change, I am afraid that this move will not be able to stop it." Now, the masters of the Molian Domain, I finally saw Huo Hai's various abilities. Before, I only knew that Huo Hai was an insect spiritualist, and his combat effectiveness was very strong. Only today did I know how terrifying Huo Hai's spirit insects are.

"I still think the Geomagnetism King is stronger, so many attack methods are not all blocked by one move." The Geomagnetism King is simply not invading the evil, all kinds of attack methods have no effect, it is called a stable mountain.

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