Evil Insect God

Chapter 928: arrangement

Along the way, no one in the team spoke. Even if everyone knew that these spirit beasts would not attack themselves, the gathering of such powerful spirit beasts still brought strong mental pressure to everyone.

In their eyes, the realm of the spirit king is simply unattainable. Over the years, there have been only a few spirit kings, and in their eyes, they seem to be gods, but in this valley, these spirit kings The spirit beasts of the realm are in groups. According to Huo Hai, in the last level, there are also many masters of the spirit emperor realm.

The journey was quiet, and Huo Hai himself was not a talkative person. Soon, the group came to the entrance of the Tianxingzong resident.

"I don't see that white snow lion. This is a spirit beast that guards the gate. It has reached the realm of the spirit emperor. I don't know how strong it is. The cave behind it is where we are going this time."

As he walked forward, Huo Hai said again: "Because the spirit beasts here are eroded by the big array, the IQs of these spirit beasts are not very high, but they are very compatible with the spiritual power of the stars here. The spiritual master of the teacher can easily subdue the spirit beasts here. The beast spirit masters of the Sky Star Sect were very powerful."

After a pause, Huo Hai said with a serious face: "Remember, don't disclose everything about the Sky Star Sect. The sect that destroyed the Sky Star Sect was very powerful. Once it is revealed, no matter who it is, they will not let it go. ."

Huo Hai is reminding everyone to avoid some idiots being tempted. Some idiots tend to betray when they see the conditions given by others. What Huo Hai means is that even if they are betrayed, others will not. Let you go.

Except for his grandfather, father, and second uncle, Huo Hai would not easily believe everyone present, even if these people were from the Huo family. Hearing what Huo Hai said, everyone immediately nodded to express their understanding.

Huo Hai took a look and didn't care. Then he walked forward and saw so many people coming here. The snow lion immediately raised his head. The strong pressure made many people stop. Fortunately, it was only a moment. When the lion noticed the mysterious atmosphere of the stars on these people, he lay down again, as if these people in front of him did not exist.

Everyone in the Huo family slowly exhaled, not even daring to pant too loudly, and walked around beside the snow lion, and then followed Huo Hai to the bottom of the cave at the back. Those who were not strong in cultivation, with the help of others, Quickly came to the entrance of the cave.

Huo Ran has a lot of work. He has been taking care of his two pregnant wives all the way. Now he is tired and sweating, but when he gets here, everyone can finally relax a little. These two women are also spiritual masters. , Not so fragile, otherwise, if you have been on the road for such a long time, I am afraid that you will have long been unable to bear it.

Following Huo Hai to the cave, the road behind was much easier. After going deep into the cave for a while, he saw the bright light. The fluorescent beads on both sides exuded a soft light. At the end of the passage, there was a gleaming teleportation spirit array.

Huo Hai's second opening of the spirit formation did not close it, so the spirit formation has been operating in this place, "Come, follow me, this is the only way to enter the resident." Huo Hai greeted him and came to the spirit formation first. Above.

Inspiring the spirit formation, the first group of people immediately disappeared in place. The spirit formation at the gate of the Heavenly Star Sect was still very large. It was not difficult to accommodate most of the people at once. When Huo Hai appeared again, the second group soon followed Huo Hai came to the inside of the station, and after entering the interior, everyone was shocked looking at the huge space.

"Is this the resident of the Sky Star Sect? It's a spectacular place and a strong spiritual power." A senior Huo sighed, this kind of space is not something they can create, even in the Molian domain, most of the forces are also Can't do it.

Huo Hai shook his head: "The spiritual powers here are all star attributes. It is difficult for people who practice other spiritual arts to absorb refining. Starting tomorrow, everyone will change their cultivation direction and practice the change of stars." Huo Hai said to everyone. With a bang, these words immediately received Huo Feng's response. With Huo Hai's current status, no one in the family dared to ignore his words.

Afterwards, Huo Hai took out a map: "This is the map of the station. There are many organ traps in the station. Although it is closed now, you should not move these organs casually." Huo Hai carefully exhorted.

Huo Feng immediately said: "Have you heard it yet? You go to clean up your house and put everything away. Tomorrow we will start discussing how the family will develop." Huo Feng gave an order, and the people on the scene immediately dispersed and left. It didn't take long. Except for Huo Hai, there were only a few high-ranking members of the family, and the surrounding people suddenly became quiet.

Looking at Huo Hai, Huo Feng said in a low voice, "Let's talk about it if you have any thoughts. This is my own person." Huo Feng felt a little helpless. This child has not been easy to trust people since he was a child. Huo Feng also knows this. .

Don’t look at the Huo family’s people coming, but I’m afraid Huo Hai is the only one who really trusts him and his two sons. Huo Hai doesn’t care about the other elders at all, and the others are embarrassed, but Can't say much.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai said: "In fact, there are not too many arrangements. I didn't tell you before. For example, the inheritance of Xingzong was acquired by me today. Although it is not that comprehensive, it is very high-end."

After a pause, Huo Hai took out the Sky Star Secret Code: "This is the Sky Star Secret Code passed down by the Sky Star Sect. It records various heavenly stars secrets. Even the complete Sky Star Transformation Secret Art, there are dozens of them. Leave it to you, otherwise it will easily cause some people to peep, but I can record the spiritual secrets and secrets above, and you must keep them safe."

After thinking about it, Huo Hai added a sentence: "It was because of their secret methods that the Sky Star Sect was killed by the major forces in the Heavenly Soul Region." After that, Huo Hai explained what the Heavenly Soul Region is. Something.

Everyone in the Huo Family who had just arrived in the Molian Territory didn’t know where the nearby Heavenly Soul Territory was. Hearing Huo Hai’s words, everyone suddenly gasped. The secret method of the Heavenly Star Sect can actually attract the Heavenly Soul Territory. The forces joined forces to exterminate them, their strength is really nothing, if something is really exposed, they will die later.

"Don't worry, the Heavenly Soul Territory killed the Heavenly Star Sect a long time ago, and they won't care about the Molian Territory." Huo Hai finally comforted a little bit, lest they always think about it.

"Okay, I will copy the secret method on the Star Secret Code now. You are watching here, don’t let other people come close." Huo Hai’s last sentence was addressed to the family elders. He was ordered by Huo Hai, these elders not only There was no dissatisfaction, but a sigh of relief, being able to be ordered by Huo Hai proved that Huo Hai had initially recognized himself.

Everyone was very excited and immediately alerted the surroundings. After that, Huo Hai quickly began to copy these secrets under the attention of his grandfather, father and others. When Huo Hai copied the secrets, he still used the Tianxingzong secrets.

The secret method of this transcription is integrated with Huo Hai's understanding of the Heavenly Star Transformation. When people in the future follow these records and practice, it will be easier to comprehend the Spirit Art and the Spirit Art of War. The Spirit Art of the Heavenly Star Sect is all-encompassing.

This type of cultivation by Huo Hai is the purest celestial spiritual power, but it is more inclined to temper the spiritual power, which means that it is most suitable for spiritual masters such as magical spiritualists, as well as various other perfect celestial changes. Suitable for various other spiritual masters.

The Sky Star Sect is a very special sect. There are all kinds of spiritual masters, and even some very rare spiritual masters. The Sky Star Sect has it, and the improvement of the star stone wall also forms a spiritual formula that is biased in various directions, "Haha, This suits me, and I will practice this in the future." Suddenly, Huo Hai's second uncle shouted to Huo Hai.

When Huo Hai saw it, he understood what was going on. The kind of celestial change he was copying right now was a very special fire attribute cultivation method among the celestial changes, and the power of the stars was all fire attribute stars.

This set of secret methods does not seem to be much different from other celestial transformations, but it is most suitable for people with flame attributes to practice. Huo Ran’s origin is fire attributes. Once this kind of celestial transformation is practiced, the flame intensity will definitely be very terrifying in the future.

Even its own flames can also integrate some of the characteristics of the star fire bit by bit. If the star fire is condensed to a certain level in the future, using the method of continuation to integrate itself, it can also transform and enhance its own origin. One point, Huo Ran had thought about it a long time ago, "Very well, I will use the fire of stars to condense the origin in the future."

Huo Hai frowned, and then said: "Second Uncle, you can think about it, but here I happen to have a heaven-level source spirit treasure with a flame attribute." Although it is a waste to use Huo Ran, who makes him his own. Where's the second uncle.

Sure enough, Huo Ran's eyes widened immediately when he heard Huo Hai's words. Then, Huo Ran fell into entanglement. After a long time, when Huo Hai was about to copy this secret technique of the Heavenly Star Change cultivation, Huo Ran finally raised his head.

"I think it's a good idea. It's too wasteful for me to use the Heavenly Origin Spirit Lingbao. It's better to cultivate family descendants in the future." Huo Ran is still very self-aware. He knows that his potential talents are very weak and reach the same spirit. In the handsome realm, the resources consumed have reached more than ten times the resources consumed by Huo Kai. It was not that the elder brother had let him go, he would have long been unable to persist.

"Furthermore, the fire of the stars is not bad. If I cultivate the fire of the stars well, maybe my original ability will reach the heaven level in the future."

Hearing this, Huo Hai nodded and waved his hand, and a group of silver-white flames emerged: "Yes, the fire of stars is indeed very strong. It can gather enough power of stars. The fire of stars is better than other celestial qualities. The flame is not bad."

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