Evil Insect God

Chapter 933: Combined spirit array

After receiving the orb that the master of Jiuxianmen gave him, Huo Hai put it into the inner space at will. He knew that as long as he crushed it, the master of Jiuxianmen would come out, and the people of Jiuxianmen were friends, He really dared to work hard.

But even so, Huo Hai still doesn't want to use this thing, because he knows that if he uses this thing, he will owe a great favor to Jiu Xianmen. For Huo Hai, owing favor is really in his heart. Uncomfortable, Huo Hai is easily unwilling to owe others, even if the Piaohua Pavilion was back then, Huo Hai will soon repay him, or he would leave so soon.

Looking at the compass in his hand, Huo Hai has seen this compass more than once or twice. In the Haotu Empire, the pointer pointed to the northeast, and when it was in Piaohua Pavilion, it probably pointed to the north of the east.

Huo Hai calculated silently in his heart, and found that the position of the compass needle was probably in the northeast of the Molian Territory. It was very likely that it was already close to the edge of the Molian Territory. If he were to go directly, he would inevitably pass through the vast empire.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai simply set out from the north, "Go to Piaohua Pavilion first. The spirit wine agreed with Piaohua Pavilion is sold, and the time is almost up." Don’t let Huo Hai leave a lot of spirit wine to Huo’s family. , But in fact, most of them are still in the space. In the future, the family raises the wine bugs and can brew their own wine. Anyway, they have left the winemaking formula.

It's just that the Wine Worm and Spirit Gathering Worm cultivated by the Huo Family can't upgrade the levels of the two spirit insects, so the effect of improving the wine is not as good as the Wine Worm in their own hands, and the yield and quality of the spiritual energy crystals are also worse.

Now that the direction has been decided, Huo Hai naturally went all the way north, "Quickly, the goal has been set off, hurry up and prepare." After discovering that Huo Hai had left, the people hidden in the vast empire immediately began to act.

Huo Hai's speed was not very fast, because no matter how fast he was, he would definitely be overtaken by the people of the vast land empire, but two days had passed in a blink of an eye, "Weird, did Liu Yi hear the news? Fake, or what concerns the people of the Great Land Empire have, wait, can it be said..." Huo Hai suddenly thought of something that could threaten him.

Thinking of this, Huo Hai was a little anxious. If he thought of it earlier, he would not waste time. Thinking of this, Huo Hai immediately accelerated to the north, but after half an hour, Huo Hai suddenly discovered that several masters had appeared around him.

Seeing these people, Huo Hai stopped immediately, "The Peak of the Spirit King, ordinary forces can't dispatch so many masters. It seems that you are the people sent by the vast land empire to deal with me." A trace of murderous aura flashed in Huo Hai's eyes.

The one headed in front of him is a young man holding a long sword. Judging from his aura, he has reached the pinnacle of the spirit king and reached the pinnacle of the spirit king. It is possible to break into the realm of the spirit emperor at any time. Of course, some people will soon Breakthrough, and some people have never made a breakthrough in their lives. It is not easy to break through the Spirit Emperor.

Surrounded by the other people around him, each of them is above the seventh level of the Spirit King. Looking around, there are a total of twelve people. As for whether there are any hidden people, Huo Hai is not very clear. Dare to act rashly.

"You are Huo Hai. It's really easy for us to find. What a pity, why do you have to oppose us for such a talent? Today you are going with me, or you want us to do it yourself." said the headed brother.

Huo Hai sneered: "Many people have already said the same thing as you. My answer is very simple. If you want to take me away, it depends on whether you have this strength." Huo Hai's words, Young Master didn't care too much.

"Yes, a lot of waste has been dismissed by you, but do you think that you can ignore the majesty of our vast empire? You didn't meet me before, so you let you run away again and again, and you met me today. It's your doomsday." The son-in-law raised his head with a look of course, seeing this situation, Huo Hai didn't know what to say.

This guy, wouldn't he be a member of the royal family of the vast land empire, he is so arrogant and narcissistic, he doesn't even know who he is anymore, why there are always some people from big powers who would behave like a second-degree.

Such an attitude is indeed easy to irritate others. Fortunately, Huo Hai has not seen such an idiot once or twice. Now seeing such an idiot, Huo Hai has only sympathy in his eyes. It is time to take medicine and cannot give up treatment.

"Boy, what is your look, don't hurry up and kneel when you see the big prince." A guy who had been bending over, seeing Huo Hai's eyes, immediately became furious and heard this. Then, the eldest prince noticed that Huo Hai's eyes were very strange. How could this look feel so uncomfortable to look at.

"I'm still a big prince, I've seen a lot of princes." Huo Hai thought about it a bit, and knew that this prince should be the prince of Hao Lan's generation, and the prince of Haochen's generation, I'm afraid Lian Ling The king realm has not been reached.

I really don’t know how many princes there are in the Haotu Empire. Anyway, the leader of the Haotu Empire is also a master, at least able to live for hundreds of years, even thousands of years. During this period, how many princes did not have the opportunity to inherit the position of the leader.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Spirit Continent respects the strong, so there is no sign of civil strife in the imperial family of the Haotu Empire. Everyone is improving their cultivation base. As long as the cultivation base reaches the spiritual emperor, their status is not as good as that of the country leader. It will be too much.

"Boy, are you looking down on us, but it's okay. There will be time to play with you in the future. Let's get started. We shouldn't spend too much time here. It won't be good if we attract other people's attention." The prince gave an order, and the power of the surrounding sky and earth fluctuated rapidly, and in an instant, a layer of yellow light emerged.

Soon, the range of several hundred meters was covered by a faint light, "The geomagnetic element light, the geomagnetic emperor is here." Huo Hai saw this familiar light, and Huo Hai was a little wary.

The current geomagnetic emperor has reached the realm of the spiritual emperor. If the spiritual emperor makes a move, unless he breaks through now, there is no chance of escape at all. Damn, the geomagnetic emperor is now very closely viewed by other major forces. , How can I have a chance to deal with myself? Besides, Geomagnetism doesn't seem to be such a person.

Huo Hai's mental power tightly locked the lotus pills in the inner space, ready to eat it immediately if something went wrong.

"Hmph, to deal with your little spirit king, do you need Geomagnetism Emperor to do it? This is just a spiritual formation made of materials made by the Geomagnetism Emperor. I don't know if you have heard of a compound spirit formation before. It."

Compound spirit formation, Huo Hai frowned, he really understands this thing. Huo Hai is also very proficient in formations. Compound spirit formations and combined spirit formations are both of one kind. A single spirit formation has limited effects, so Someone combined it.

In this way, two or more spiritual formations can work together. Although sometimes, the effects may cancel out some of each other, but when they are added together, the power is very powerful. This combination of spiritual formations, Generally, few people use it, not because it is not strong enough, but because it is too complicated and troublesome to use.

Before Huo Hai could speak, the eldest prince said calmly: "The Luoxia sword formation of our vast land empire is the strongest attack among all the spirit formations. Now it is superimposed with the strongest defensive geomagnetism spirit formation. Would you like to catch it without your hands? "

Huo Hai frowned. He didn't know if the Luoxia Sword Formation really attacked the strongest, but Huo Hai knew the attack of the Luoxia Sword Qi, and how strong the defensive power of the geomagnetic element light was, Huo Hai knew too. of.

What I didn’t expect was that the geomagnetic element light could not only be used by the geomagnetic emperor itself, but could also be integrated into the array. At first, these people talked so much nonsense with themselves, just to set up the formation. I have already thought that the vast land empire might use the formation method to deal with itself, after all, the spirit emperor master can't use it casually now.

However, Huo Hai still stayed on the road. He thought it was just a battle formation, but he didn't expect that the combined spirit formation would be put out by the Haotu Empire. This time, the Haotu Empire might have to catch him.

But even so, Huo Hai still won't compromise, "Huh, I want to let me go with you, just say the same thing, see if you have this strength." Huo Hai sneered, and the bone fish sword appeared in his hand.

"It's stubborn, but it's okay, let you see what the authentic Luoxia swordsmanship is like." There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of the big prince, and there was also a trace of pride. This trace of pride hides very deeply. It's not that Huo Hai's mental power is strong, and he has been paying attention to the prince, I am afraid I really can't tell.

That's right, this great prince is indeed a very arrogant and narcissistic person. In that case, he seems to have found a loophole in the other people. Geomagnetism Yuanguang, thinking of this thing Huo Hai feels a headache.

At this moment, the prince yelled: "Set up the formation." With an order, the twelve people quickly dispersed, but in fact their positions were already near the formation, and they just need to move a step or two. , Six people scattered around, making a series of handprints, the geomagnetic element light seemed to be attracted by something, and gradually attached to the six people.

The remaining six people, headed by the big prince, drew out the long sword in their hands, and pointed them at Huo Hai in six different positions. At this time, the geomagnetic element light quickly followed the previous six people gradually. open.

On the ground, a layer of yellow aura suddenly spread, and the light of the spiritual formation radiated out. The ground, including the remaining six people inside, was all wrapped in the geomagnetic element light, and the defense force was completely unified.

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