Evil Insect God

Chapter 936: Break through

A sword passed, after Huo Hai had just cast the eight swords once, the sword that followed did not have much attack power, but even in this way, it was not something ordinary people could resist, and there were eight very fragile sword auras around.

After the sword qi passed, eight holes were left in this person immediately. Finally, Huo Hai's sword directly pierced the opponent's eyebrows, wringing his brain into pieces, and Huo Hai's body shape that recovered his anger turned around. Left the place.

The people around were suddenly stunned. They didn't expect that Huo Hai could forcibly break the geomagnetic element light. They had previously imagined various ways for Huo Hai to get out of trouble, but they didn't expect this one, after the breakthrough of his cultivation. The geomagnetic king, the special formation base created, is arranged into a large spiritual formation, and the defense is much stronger than the previous geomagnetic king.

But even so, it was still breached by Huo Hai, and they were still using their Luoxia swordsmanship. Although they had seen the horror of the Luoxia swordsmanship, the timing was too untimely.

Besides, because Huo Hai has strong spiritual power and very pure spiritual power, using the Luoxia sword aura was originally stronger than them. Now that he understands various techniques, his sword aura will definitely be stronger than them in the future. cut.

After a person died, the bond between the two combined spirit arrays was suddenly reduced by one-sixth, the geomagnetic element light in the geomagnetic spirit array began to weaken, and even the geomagnetic element light defense on them was also weakened.

The conflict between the two spiritual formations has further weakened the strength of the masters of the Great Land Empire. The most important thing is that now it is no longer both sides who can do nothing about each other. Huo Hai’s attacks have increased, and their defenses Weakened, Huo Hai's already possessed the ability to kill them, in this way, it will make them more restrained.

When his own attacks are useless to the opponent, but the opponent is capable of killing himself, these vast empire masters who claim to be elites are also full of fear. Where Huo Hai passes, these people will quickly dodge Open.

It's a pity that Huo Hai didn't attack them at all. Instead, he specifically selected the unmovable masters around him to attack. Every time he recovered a little, Huo Hai immediately used his eight swords to kill a master at once.

After killing three, the magnetic element light at this time has been weakened to a very weak level. Huo Hai issued a seven sword, which can easily kill these people. In the end, Huo Hai only left one, not that Huo Hai didn’t want to. To kill, it is necessary to maintain the combination of the entire spirit formation. At this time, because there is only one connecting person in the middle, the two spirit formations are in fierce conflict.

Huo Hai knows that once he kills this person, the two combined spirit formations will be completely separated. Although the person who arranges the sword formation will lose the protection of the geomagnetic element light, because the two spirit formations do not conflict, The power of the spirit array will also be fully utilized.

At least the surrounding layer of geomagnetic element light is completely restored, and it is not what Huo Hai can break now. The surrounding barrier is thicker than the human body. It is not an easy task to break through. Huo Hai has planned for a long time. .

"Damn it, we will all die here like this. You should think of a way." Finally, the six people who arranged the sword formation were also anxious. Once the geomagnetic element light on their bodies dissipated, the strength of the Huohai Spirit Worm would simply It's not something they can contend. With geomagnetic element light, they can basically ignore these spirit worms.

As long as Huo Hai can't have time to cast powerful spells, they are invincible, but once there is no protection from the geomagnetic element light, any Star Gu can accelerate, can cause them a huge threat.

These Star Gus are really terrifying. They are the pinnacle spirit kings who are attacked by dozens of Star Gus at the same time, and they are also life-threatening. There are more than one hundred of them. I am afraid that they will be destroyed if they are not killed.

"Don't panic, support is coming soon. Didn't you hear the sound? When they come, we will cancel the spirit formation. I want to see what else this kid can do." The big prince whispered. , Finally let these people quiet down, at the same time, Huo Hai also heard the messy voices of the outside world, his heart tightened, the vast land empire really has reinforcements.

"Hmph, Master, I won't play with you anymore." Huo Hai snorted in his heart, and quickly rushed to the elder prince's side, making the appearance of attacking the elder prince. Upon seeing this, the prince was terrified and quickly dodged.

At this time, the prince no longer has any idea of ​​singling with Huo Hai. In his eyes, Huo Hai has become an invincible monster. You must catch it to vent the fear and resentment in his heart. .

But after the eldest prince stepped aside, he found that something was wrong, "Despicable boy, you **** it." I had been deceived once before, but I didn’t expect to be hit the second time, and it was the same strategy. Huo Hai did not attack Dae The prince’s intention was to aim the target behind the prince. This time, there was no one behind the prince.

Huo Hai's goal this time is the geomagnetic element light barrier that has been weakened a lot and is still fluctuating. Huo Hai's whole body spiritual power is mobilized, eight swords at a time, and Huo Hai's strongest blow is played.

At the same time, around Huo Hai, five thousand star Gus were released at the same time, displaying their strongest attack, rushing to the position of Huo Hai’s attack, Huo Hai’s left hand was not allowed to send two fingerprints, a simple spell blessing. And, although the spells are simple, they also greatly improved the overall attack power of the Star Gus.

The Star Gu, as if it were a meteor shower, showed that the overall attack power even surpassed Huo Hai's strongest attack of the Eight Swords at this time. Huo Hai couldn't help sighing that his strongest attack method was indeed these spirit insects.

Eight swords of sword energy fell on the barrier, the barrier that had already fluctuated violently, and the fluctuations became more intense. The barrier in front of Huo Hai continued to weaken and gradually became transparent. Upon seeing this, the big prince's eyes were exhausted. crack.

Although these people desperately wanted to stop it, it was too late. The meteor shower-like Star Gus slammed into the barrier. This time, the Star Gus used their full strength, and the stored spiritual power on their bodies was almost a one-off. Use cleanly, even this kind of scattered attack, the effect played out is shocking.

A huge explosion suddenly sounded, and the geomagnetic element light was actually smashed into a hole by Huo Hai. With a wave of his hand, Huo Hai took all the exhausted Star Gu back into the inner space. It was not available for a short time. Up.

And Huo Hai, because of the long and high-intensity battle, and just desperately performing a full attack, also felt a little tired on his body. This is the situation that the power of heaven and earth has exerted on the body after reaching a certain level.

Huo Hai snorted coldly: "Hmph, I will find you to settle the account next time." Seeing behind him, a large number of reinforcement masters from the vast empire are about to come, and among these masters, there are several Peak Spirit Kings. I don't know if these people are there. What kind of move, Huo Hai's figure flashed, and continued to mobilize the power of heaven and earth, raising his speed to the limit.

"Damn it, let him run away, let's chase him." The visitor saw the situation on the spot, and immediately became furious. The geomagnetic element light was broken, and the combined spiritual array was directly backlashed, regardless of whether it was a geomagnetic spiritual array outside. People, or the formation of the internal sword formation.

All the people were backlashed by the spirit array, and the injuries were not light. The eldest prince was clutching his chest, spitting out blood one by one. Seeing the incoming person, the eldest prince felt a little annoyed in his heart, and also a little regret.

At the beginning, it would be good if I had brought a few scrolls with great lethality. Needless to say, these people must have been arranged by the royal family later. They were worried that the prince was too arrogant and caused some accidents. But who would have thought that Huo Hai actually did it. So fast, with only so little time in the battle, Huo Hai could forcefully break through the spiritual formation, and then turned around and ran without hesitation.

"In that direction, hurry up and don't let him run away." The prince pointed at the direction where Huo Hai had fled. The visitor took a look, and he immediately chased after him. The loss this time was really too great. It's terrible.

So many people were mobilized to encircle and suppress, but in the end Huo Hai was allowed to run away. If this spreads out, the reputation of the vast land empire will not suffer. What makes them distressed most is that this time five masters died in Huo Hai’s hands. .

One of the five masters is the eighth-level spirit king, and the others are the seventh-level spirit kings. Although the loss of these masters is not hurtful, it is enough to make the vast empire feel painful. This responsibility is a large part of it. , The eldest prince was responsible for it. After recovering for a while, the eldest prince immediately waved and said, "Go, we will also catch up, and we can't let him run."

Several people glanced at each other and immediately began to chase. Unfortunately, Huo Hai, who was fully deployed at speed, relied on the Eight Spirit Bats to make it difficult for the prince to catch up, not to mention that the good and the bad came.

Among them, the fast ones don’t dare to go first. Without the help of others, none of them is sure to be able to escape in the face of Huo Hai, so the overall speed of the team will be affected by these people with insufficient cultivation and weak physical fitness. After being dragged down, who would have thought that the original encirclement and suppression battle would turn into a pursuit battle abruptly in the end.

The end result is that they can only watch Huo Hai run away, relying on the marks left on Huo Hai to chase and track from a distance to avoid losing. Perhaps, in this way, there is still a little chance of catching up. .

Huo Hai in front of him felt very strange in his heart: "How did they find me, and what method did they use." Huo Hai was very surprised. When he came out of the Jiu Xianmen, Huo Hai had already changed his clothes. Before, he even burned himself with the fire of stars, but even so, these guys still found their own course of action, which is too strange.

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