Evil Insect God

Chapter 940: Re-enter the Piaohua Pavilion

Huo Hai didn't know what the people of the Haotu Empire were doing. He took Feng Jiaojiao and fled all the way, and soon came to another secret place near the Yaowangmen. This place was not very far from the Yaowangmen.

However, because of a stone blocking the front, a very small space in the middle is not so easy to be noticed. After arriving here, Huo Hai finally collected the Shadow Bound Worm and completely released Feng Jiaojiao.

Feng Jiaojiao, who was let go, whispered with dissatisfaction: "Brother Huo, you, how can you be so rude, just leave when you want to go, why do you want to tie people up with that kind of thing?" Feng Jiaojiao His face was full of dissatisfaction, a small face full of resentment, but it did not have a style, but it was a pity that Huo Hai directly ignored this style.

"Nothing, it's faster this way." Huo Hai's words made Feng Jiaojiao anguish. Feng Jiaojiao can see that Huo Hai is not a pity and cherishment at all, or that Huo Hai is not so easy to accept others.

Don’t think Huo Hai treats his friends and family very well, but for outsiders who don’t accept it, he is as cold as an ice cube. Talk to him, maybe he can be normal, but he used it on Huo Hai before. Those things might have made Huo Hai angry, otherwise, Huo Hai wouldn't do it.

Feng Jiaojiao is very smart, and she understands after a little thought, "Brother Huo, people, they just want to know where you are at any time. You won't be really angry, or I apologize."

Feng Jiaojiao spoke in a low voice, but Huo Hai shook her head and ignored it. In fact, after knowing Feng Jiaojiao had incorporated that breath into her spiritual power, Huo Hai didn't care much anymore, perhaps for others. As far as people are concerned, within ten years, this breath cannot be removed at all, but Huo Hai is different, because Huo Hai will soon break through the Spirit Emperor.

As long as you break through the spiritual emperor, your spiritual power and the power of heaven and earth will merge with each other. At that time, your spiritual power will be washed away by the power of heaven and earth again, and whatever is in the spiritual power will be cleaned up by the power of heaven and earth.

Others may not be able to break through the spirit emperor in ten years. After all, it is not a simple matter to break through the spirit emperor. At least Huo Hai has not grasped the opportunity of a breakthrough, and can't see where he should go. .

However, Huo Hai still has a lotus pill. As long as his spiritual power reaches the limit, he can break through by eating the lotus pill. At that time, Feng Jiaojiao's methods on her body can naturally be cleaned up, without waiting for ten years. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Huo Hai not to force Feng Jiaojiao to swear. Feng Jiaojiao was even more annoyed when she saw Huo Hai's appearance.

What's the matter with this guy, why is he so gentle with Qu Siyu and not cold to himself? Is it that he is so unwelcome to others? Isn't he really inferior to Qu Siyu?

Feng Jiaojiao was annoyed in her heart and ignored Huo Hai, but she was very reconciled. Before Feng Jiaojiao could speak, Huo Hai suddenly said, "The people from the vast empire have already arrived. It's me, well, you go back quickly, it's dangerous outside, I'm leaving." Huo Hai whispered.

"Where are you going, will you take me with me?" Feng Jiaojiao hurriedly moved forward. Huo Hai saw the dragon without seeing the end all the time. He left this time. God knows when he can meet again. Feng Jiaojiao also cares now. Not so much.

After all, although the mark was made on Huo Hai, it must be within a certain range to find out. If it exceeds this range, it is absolutely impossible for her to sense the existence of Huo Hai. Huo Hai stared at Feng Jiaojiao without blinking. , It took a long time to speak.

"This is not what you should ask." This sentence made Feng Jiaojiao feel even more annoyed. Huo Hai obviously didn't regard herself as her own, but it was also correct. Feng Jiaojiao was a little bit self-deprecating, if Huo Hai regarded herself as From the perspective of my own people, it would not be the situation now, besides, Huo Hai's current situation, he would not easily trust others after changing himself.

Thinking of this, Feng Jiaojiao said hesitantly: "Then, Brother Huo, be careful, and if you have time, you must come back to see me." Feng Jiaojiao's voice seemed to contain some familiar but unfamiliar things.

Huo Hai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I'll talk about it if you have time." Huo Hai did not directly refuse. Hearing the words, Feng Jiaojiao raised her head and stared at Huo Hai with her beautiful eyes. Jiaojiao's eyes are full of softness.

Huo Hai turned his head, Feng Jiaojiao today seemed a little strange, and then Huo Hai said: "You also go back quickly, the people of the Haotu Empire are not a good thing." After speaking, Huo Hai's figure flashed and disappeared. In place.

Feng Jiaojiao smiled slightly: "Hehe, Brother Huo still cares about me, don't worry, no one at the Yaowangmen dared to touch me." Feng Jiaojiao said to herself, then turned and left. Since the last time the Danxia faction was exposed, Feng Jiaojiao's status in the Medicine King Sect has risen. Although her strength is not strong enough, she has the same treatment as an elder.

It's a pity that the Danxia faction was not brought down last time. Otherwise, Feng Jiaojiao's status and treatment would definitely be higher. Even so, Feng Jiaojiao, who has been fully trained by the Medicine King Sect, is still not a person who dares to move casually. .

After leaving the Medicine King Sect and confirming that the Haotu Empire really could not find him, Huo Hai contracted Star Gu back. The scope of Star Gu's exploration was too large, and it was not an easy task. Take back Star Gu, Huo Hai is right. Keep going all the way.

This time, because no one could discover his whereabouts, Huo Hai quickly came to the vicinity of Piaohua Pavilion all the way. Piaohua Pavilion still seemed to be the same as before, but after a closer look, Huo Hai discovered that at this time The surrounding area of ​​Piaohua Pavilion is full of vitality, and the man who was a relatively low-ranking man is now even more proud.

Piaohua Pavilion has become a popular practice for some time recently. Countless people have focused on cultivation. Driven by the outer pavilion of Piaohua Pavilion, the strength of the men within the scope of Piaohua Pavilion has begun to improve. This period of time has broken through the original level.

Stimulated by them, the woman who was originally a spiritualist also began to practice frantically, and the overall strength of Piaohua Pavilion was steadily increasing. After passing through the scope of Piaohua Pavilion, Huo Hai once again came to the prairie of Piaohua Pavilion.

When I get here, I can finally relax. Originally, Huo Hai planned to go to Piaohua Pavilion to hide, but now, because the markers have been cleared, Huo Hai doesn’t need to come here to hide at all. The reason for coming here is that I want to see Fang Biya and the others, and make a deal with Piaohua Pavilion. On the other hand, it's because of the way.

The place I was going was in the northeast, and Piaohua Pavilion was also north of the east of Yaowangmen, so it happened to be on the way.

"Who, what's going to happen to our Piaohua Pavilion." Huo Hai was immediately stopped by someone when he arrived at the prairie where Piaohua Pavilion is located. Huo Hai did not hide his whereabouts, so he was seen by others. .

Stepping forward, Huo Hai opened his hat directly: "Under Huo Hai, I came this time because of the previously agreed deal."

Before Huo Hai finished speaking, the patrolling guard's eyes lit up: "It turned out to be the Lord Insect King, please come in. The Pavilion Lord has already explained that Lord Insect King's arrival does not need to be notified, and you can enter directly." Hearing the words, On the contrary, Huo Hai was taken aback. When did the relationship between himself and Piaohua Pavilion become so good, but forget it, since it is easy to enter, it is not bad.

"If this is the case, then I will go in." After finishing speaking, Huo Hai put on his hat, and no matter how few people know his whereabouts, there must be spies belonging to the vast empire in the Piaohua Pavilion.

After entering the Piaohua Pavilion, Huo Hai did not alarm the others, but walked directly towards Fang Biya's place. Even if his cultivation level was improved and his status was improved, the three of them still lived in the same place. No, now It was not three people, but four people. When Huo Hai arrived, he saw Qu Siyu also live here.

Since the last farewell, I haven’t seen each other for more than half a year in a blink of an eye. I saw Qu Siyu again, and he has reached the height of the second-level spirit king. Now Qu Siyu has completely converted to the Heavenly Transformation, instead of Chenguang. Tactics.

Only Fang Biya and Ji Mu have broken through the Spirit King, so there is no way to change to the Heavenly Star Transformation. After obtaining the Heavenly Star Sect inheritance, in Huo Hai’s view, the Heavenly Star Transformation essentially exceeds the Chenguang Art. the best.

Although they may not be able to cultivate the spirit art to the extreme in the future, when they walked into the door, Huo Hai opened his hat again, "Bi Ya, I am back." Fang Bi Ya, who was busy in the courtyard, heard Huo Hai's voice. His body was struck by lightning, he stopped on the spot, turned his head, and saw Huo Hai as expected, with crystal tears flashing in his eyes.

"Hai, you, you have finally come. I heard that I heard that the vast land empire..." Fang Biya did not finish, her mouth was sealed by Huo Hai. For a long time, Huo Hai raised her head and looked at her arms. Fang Biya with a ruddy face.

"You don't have to worry about these things, just leave them to me. The vast empire will soon I won't be afraid of them. By the way, where are the others." Huo Hai has already found out through the Star Gu, but still Habitual inquiries.

Fang Biya lay in Huo Hai’s arms, lazily not thinking about getting up: "Several sisters are now practicing, I just came out to breathe, our cultivation is really too bad, and I can't always help you." Fang Biya felt even more sad when she thought of this. Every time she heard about Huo Hai, it was after the crisis. They felt very sad that they could not help with anything.

"I've said it, just leave these things to me. As long as you are happy, I don't have to worry about anything. Okay, let's go in first, and I will leave in two days." Hearing the words, Fang Biya held onto Huo Hai's clothes tightly.

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