Evil Insect God

Chapter 942: coincidence

"Your Excellency, Insect King, if you figure it out, you can come to us at any time. The Falling Soul Swamp is very dangerous. It would be bad if no one takes care of it." The Peony King stared at Huo Hai and said slowly.

At first, Huo Hai said that he had other things, and he was shocked by the Peony King. When did the Peak Spirit King not think about breaking through the Spirit King, but instead consider other things. Huo Hai should not be so important. Let's talk about the fact that Huo Hai's cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds, no matter how you look at it, he doesn't seem to be someone who can't break through the spirit emperor.

And Huo Hai's usual character also made Peony King not believe that Huo Hai would not go because he was afraid of danger.

Then there is only one possibility. According to Huo Hai's usual style, he definitely wants to go there alone, so Peony King vaguely reminded him, and then stopped talking about other things, so as not to get bored.

Huo Hai’s strength and potential are really terrifying. When dealing with Huo Hai, you must be careful. Now Huo Hai is indeed unlikely to pose a threat to the Piaohua Pavilion, but once it reaches the realm of the Spirit Sovereign, the Molian Territory can There are not many people who can control Huo Hai. They don't want to kill Huo Hai, and naturally they don't want to be enemies with Huo Hai in the future. They are not a vast empire.

After Huo Hai's strength is strong, he will never easily let go of the Haotu Empire. It is also a good thing to be able to weaken the strength of the Haotu Empire. Now the strength of Piaohua Pavilion is constantly improving, and there are already faintly catching up with the Haotu Empire. trend.

However, if the vast empire does not fall, they will not have the opportunity to completely suppress it. The three top strengths belong to the top, but no matter who they are, they have not given up the idea of ​​becoming the first power. This is inevitable.

"Thank you for the kindness of King Peony. If I want to go to the Falling Soul Swamp in the future, I will definitely inform the noble faction." Huo Hai really doesn't plan to go. There is water purification white lotus, do you need this useless thing? .

In Huo Hai’s view, it can’t directly help the lossless breakthrough. It can only increase the possibility. It is indeed useless. If there is no water purification white lotus, Huo Hai may still be interested, but with the best water purification white lotus, this Things, Huo Hai really didn't feel at all, and then the two stopped discussing this issue.

In the Piaohua Pavilion, Huo Hai accompanied Bi Ya and the others over for three days. During these three days, Huo Hai basically did nothing, and stayed with his wives wholeheartedly. It is a pity that time passed by. The time is very luxurious for Huo Hai now.

If this continues, Huo Hai is worried that he will be reluctant to leave, "Hey, stay here, pay attention to your safety, especially the vast empire, well, I have been here for three days, it is time It's time to leave." Huo Hai finally said the words to leave. Hearing what Huo Hai said, everyone was silent immediately.

"Okay, but elder brother, next time you come back, you must bring a better gift to Yun'er." Only Yun'er squinted his eyes and looked careless, not worried about his brother leaving. This kind of appearance is also diluted. There was a little parting atmosphere.

Huo Hai nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely bring you better things next time." Huo Hai was a little ashamed. He came back this time and forgot to bring gifts to Yun'er. There are indeed many good things on Huo Hai. But it was of no use to Yun'er, and Yun'er probably wouldn't like these things either. Yun'er, who has always been well protected, still has the same personality as when he was a child.

After seeing off, Huo Hai finally left the Piaohua Pavilion in the worried eyes of everyone, wearing a black hermit robe, Huo Hai did not dare to look back, he was worried that he could not help staying here when he turned around.

This is not a time to leave, but every time we meet, Huo Hai will feel heavier when he wants to leave again. This is a kind of feeling, and it is also his own responsibility. For the future, Huo Hai has to fight hard.

What Huo Hai didn’t know was that the Piaohua Pavilion was actually ready at this time. The personnel of Piaohua Pavilion have been mobilized very frequently in the past few days. Whether it is the inner or outer door, there are many people who set out secretly. Their goal is very high. Clearly, it is the Fallen Soul Swamp.

Along the way, Huo Hai didn’t look at the road at all. He often took out the compass in his hand and aimed at the direction against the pointer, so that the pointer could function accurately throughout the Molian domain. Huo Hai was sure that the compass The place pointed to is absolutely extraordinary, even with his current strength, Huo Hai still has no bottom in his heart.

Forget it, sometimes, without seeing it with your own eyes, how can you be sure if you have the ability to obtain the ruins? After a few days, Huo Hai is getting closer and closer to the target. From the light on the compass, Huo Hai can see.

The closer you get to the target, the brighter the red light on the compass. In the past few days, Huo Hai is not too anxious on the road. Instead, he spent a lot of time on the road to polish his spiritual power. It took such a long time. , Huo Hai felt that in a few days, his spiritual power would truly reach the extreme, and it was delayed for so long, not because Huo Hai was not diligent enough.

It was Huo Hai's discovery that the limit he had calculated at the beginning did not seem to be his true limit. Huo Hai still underestimated the terrifying potential brought by perfect cultivation. Huo Hai's limit was much higher than he had imagined.

"Strange, how come so many people come and go on the road these days." Once again, feeling the message from Star Gu, Huo Hai's heart became more and more strange. There should not be many people knowing the goal he was going to.

Could it be that the place I was going to this time was similar to Cross Canyon. There were many people around who couldn’t gather, Huo Hai still didn’t believe it, because among the people who have been with each other in the past few days, Huo Hai has discovered many people who have reached the realm of the Spirit King Master, it's not that the ruins were discovered accidentally, right? If that were the case, things would be troublesome.

To this day, Huo Hai feels even more strange, because among the people who come and go, there are actually a team of masters of the Spirit King realm. Many of these masters are not casual cultivators, but people from some big forces.

This situation makes Huo Hai feel the same as when the tide broke out, "What the **** is going on, can it be said that there is no treasure in front of it." Huo Hai was puzzled and didn't intend to bother about it. Their.

But that afternoon, Huo Hai had to pay attention, because Huo Hai’s Star Gu had found some sneaky people. These people were the same as the previous ones, but they were different in Huo Hai’s eyes, "Familiar breath," These people are so familiar...wait, why are they?" Huo Hai finally discovered the strangeness under Xinggu and Xiaodie's investigation.

Because these people are actually people from the vast empire, many of them, Huo Hai still knows, not because Huo Hai knows them very well, but the people who formed the sword formation and attacked him that day. Six people, five in the team.

It's just the great prince of the vast empire, but he doesn't know where he went, "Hmph, didn't they say that they were near the Medicine King Gate? How come they came here? Is there any conspiracy."

Huo Hai suddenly thought that since he belongs to the vast empire and the people who should have hunted him down, there must be a problem with coming here. Huo Hai is not a fool. After a little thought, he understood, "These people Sending a message at the Yaowangmen should be intended to make me think they are looking for them near the Yaowangmen, so it is impossible to find me."

The impossible had to be promoted. Huo Hai didn't pay attention at first, but later realized that the vast empire would definitely not lack these people, so these people came here mostly to make trouble for themselves.

But why did they think they would come here? Suddenly, Huo Hai thought of something and took out the atlas and read it, "So, is it the Fallen Soul Swamp?

Huo Hai looked at the map, and it turned out that he unexpectedly came to the Falling Soul Swamp before he knew it. No wonder there are so many people, the special crystal once every ten years will burst out. At this time, there are a little more people here. What's so strange that it can increase the success rate of breaking through the Spirit King, which is very attractive to any Spirit King.

Then think about it in another way. Change to yourself. There is no other means. I am afraid I will come here after I get the news. "Huh, from the Great Land Empire, I’m afraid I will come to the Fallen Soul Swamp, so I will do it in advance. Set it up."

The sneer in Huo Hai’s eyes was even heavier: “It’s a pity, let me discover you in advance, this is your end.” Huo Hai’s heart moved, causing several Star Gus to hang far away, and he was talking behind his back. Up.

The hatred between Huo Hai and the Haotu Empire is getting higher day by day. If it were before, Huo Hai would definitely not deal with them, because in this team, there is a master of the spirit emperor, and the aura has not converged. From a long distance, Huo Hai could feel a sense of depression, but it was different now. Huo Hai could break through to the Spirit Sovereign at any time.

Once you break through the spirit emperor realm, I believe that as long as you adapt a little, the master of the vast empire may not be your opponent. If so, then just keep up. Huo Hai did not continue to follow the compass, but quietly followed. Behind the Haotu team.

All the way forward, in less than a day, the team came to the Fallen Soul Swamp. Looking at it from a distance, the Falling Soul Swamp is indeed a strange place. The entire swamp is covered with a gray sky, the sky is lifeless, no A bit of anger, and occasionally a flash of lightning flashed by, it was also the kind of gray thunder and lightning, which gave people a feeling of depression and danger.

The swamp is very peaceful, it looks like an ordinary swamp, but if anyone really regards this as an ordinary swamp, then the only one who is unlucky is himself. In the swamp, some whirlpools often appear out of thin air. Anything above the whirlpool, Will be easily sucked into it, this suction is so strong that ordinary Spirit Kings can't resist it.

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