Evil Insect God

Chapter 944: Fourth Spirit Bat

There are a large number of teams in the Haotu Empire, and the division of labor between them is very clear. Although there was a little accident, everyone is a master after all, adapting very quickly, and moving more and more skillfully.

It didn’t take long for a space bag to be emptied. Then, two or three masters began to take the empty space bag out to fill the sand, and then returned to the team along the previously drawn road. Someone in front of them kept using it. Sand explored the way, found the strange vortex in the swamp one by one, and then avoided it.

There are also people who are constantly drawing maps, marking new maps, and at the same time informing those who later transported sand not to run around. In this way, these people have already advanced a long distance in one day.

"Hey, this is the Crystal of Fallen Soul." Suddenly, Huo Hai saw a strange thing through the Star Gu, and it was just a moment before the people of the Great Land Empire also found this thing, not far away. In the muddy stream, a bright thing still shone brilliantly in the sunless environment.

The people of the vast land empire were not in a hurry. They went down again with a handful of sand. After testing the surroundings, they did not find the whirlpool. Then they walked carefully and waved their hands. A round and transparent spar with a regular polyhedral structure appeared. Hands.

"Didn't it mean that there is no whirlpool in the place where there is the Falling Soul Crystal? What are you doing so nervously?" The young man who picked up the spar said nonchalantly. Sure enough, the thing in his hand was the Falling Soul Crystal.

The leader said coldly: "This is the Falling Soul Swamp. Everything can happen. Please pay attention to everything. If any of you wants to die, go by yourself." Hearing the leader, the young man who had spoken closed shut. The young man pouted and handed the Falling Soul Crystal to the leader.

"Okay, no need to do this. It is credit to find the Crystal of the Fallen Soul, and the Empire will reward it when you return. The Crystal of the Fallen Soul will not be wasted until it reaches the peak of the Spirit King. You are not suitable to use it now." The old man said.

The group of people continued to move forward without knowing the reason. Even if there was the Peak Spirit King in the team, no one would absorb the Crystal of Falling Soul. All the people, as before, continued to move forward according to their own division of labor.

At this moment, in the high altitude, Huo Hai’s Star Gu suddenly discovered that a strange bat appeared in the distance. When Huo Hai saw this bat, he already knew that this thing was a fierce beast. The bat appeared. I also found the Star Gu, perhaps because the Star Gu is too small and the bat didn't care, but left here to find other food.

Seeing this bat, Huo Hai's heart moved slightly, and he almost instinctively ordered the two Star Gu to follow him secretly, but the distance was not too far, and it didn't take long before a relatively large bird flew in the air.

Seeing this flying bird, the bat quickly flew over, "It turns out that the prey of this thing is a large spirit beast, not an ordinary bug." Huo Hai finally understood why the bat had no interest in his Star Gu.

The bat flapped its wings lightly and quickly chased it up, seeming to have discovered the arrival of the bat. The bird was panicked and flew away quickly. Unfortunately, although the bird was very large, its cultivation base was only in the realm of Lingshuai. Compared with the fierce beast that has reached the realm of the spirit king, the gap is too big, and within two seconds, the bat catches up.

Suddenly, the bat quickly flapped its wings, and the power of the surrounding sky and earth gathered, and the whirlwind was produced out of thin air. Under the control of the bat, the whirlwind continued to stretch and grow, and finally formed a thin thorn.

As the bat screamed, the whirlwind made up the thin spines instantly. In the next moment, the thin spines hit the flying bird in the air, "Hmm..." With a scream, the blood in the bird's body was unexpectedly affected by this. The whirlwind thorn quickly swept across, and within two seconds, the bird turned into a corpse, and then fell from the air.

The blood of the bird's whole body has been sprayed out completely, forming a blood mist in the air. The bat did not go up immediately, but waited in place until the bird hit the ground and no whirlpool appeared below.

At this time, the bat was relieved and flew into the blood mist. With a big mouth, the blood mist was quickly absorbed into the body by the bat. After absorbing a bird, the bat seemed to become very excited, but still a little dissatisfied. .

"Wind attribute, the spirit bat of the spirit king realm, great." Huo Hai's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that wind attribute spirit bats could also be found in such poor mountains and rivers. Although theoretically, spirit bats with eight attributes are in ink. You can find them in the lotus domain, but who would pay attention to these in peacetime? Huo Hai also asked Jiuxianmen to help him find them, but it's a pity that Jiuxianmen himself doesn't pay much attention to these.

If he could find a kind of spirit bat he needed, Huo Hai would certainly not let it go. He looked at the team of the Haotu Empire. At this time, he was far away from the nearest location of the spirit bat. Although there were people carrying sand back and forth on the road, Huo Hai not give a **** about.

"If you do something good this time, just borrow your path." After the next time the sand transporter left, Huo Hai followed behind and quickly moved forward, and soon followed the road to the nearest to the spirit bat. local.

Before the people of the vast empire came, Huo Hai quickly sprinkled a handful of sand. With Huo Hai’s power and control ability, the area covered by a handful of sand was even greater, and Huo Hai didn’t need to make a map because of Fluttershy In terms of location, the map recorded by Fluttershy was clearer than that of the map. When the people from the Haotu Empire arrived, Huo Hai used Fluttershy to hide.

Huo Hai was constantly advancing, but the bats were also moving around. After a long time, Huo Hai suddenly slapped his head fiercely: "I'm really stupid. I can't even think of this." Huo Hai was a little upset.

Huo Hai suddenly waved his hand, and a weird bug was thrown out by Huo Hai. This bug was formed when small water condensed together. When it was thrown into the water, the small water quickly dispersed. Here is a big swamp. Although there is a lot of mud, in fact, the water on the mud is the most. Small water falls into the water and quickly disperses.

In the next moment, Xiao Shui began to move, spreading the crystal particles of his body, and at the same time, under Xiaodie's overall control, avoiding those vortexes, around Huo Hai, a spray of water rolled.

There seems to be nothing special, but only Huo Hai knows it. It's just that Xiao Shui is controlling the spray to continue bombarding and testing in the distance. Sure enough, it didn't take long for a large area around, one after another vortex appeared.

Seeing these vortexes, Xiaodie immediately recorded them faithfully. Xiaoshui circumvented these vortexes, and then continued to explore the front, "Isn't that fast? I'm really a fool." Huo Hai laughed at himself. , To blame myself for wasting such a long time, testing with sand is just one way, but not the only way.

With Xiaoshui, Huo Hai’s advancement speed suddenly became much faster. Soon, Huo Hai came to the location of the spirit bat. He looked around, and there was no one here. Huo Hai’s heart moved, some star Gu Emerged from the inner space.

"Catch it down for me." Huo Hai gave an order, and several Star Gus immediately rushed towards the spirit bats. At the beginning, the bats hadn't noticed what happened. When they found out, they were already surrounded by Star Gus. Up.

Star Gu launched an attack. Although the bat tried its best to control the wind, it was still useless. The strength and level of the Star Gu itself were stronger than this bat. Several Star Gus united and quickly caught the bat with a spiritual barrier. Flew towards Huo Hai.

Upon seeing this, Huo Hai opened his mouth immediately: "Very well, you have done a great job this time." Huo Hai said to the Star Gus, and the Star Gus immediately sent out cheerful mental fluctuations. Then, Huo Hai Through the barrier formed by the star gu, a spell was struck into the bat's mind without any time to send it, and the bat's soul was completely controlled.

Next, without having to do anything with Huo Hai, the Star Gus directly controlled their spiritual power, forming spikes and stabs towards the inside, and easily killed the spirit bats that were not very high.

Huo Hai waved his hand, and the white ball of light floated into Huo Hai's hand, "The soul of the blue spirit bat, the wind attribute, now there is the soul of the fourth attribute spirit bat." Huo Hai was very excited, but here, Not a good place for cultivation, Huo Hai quickly left here under the protection of Xiaodie, and once again returned to the road that the Haotu Empire explored.

Ignoring the empire master who had passed by himself, Huo Hai once again left the Fallen Soul Marsh and reached the outside of the marsh. He found a random place. The first thing Huo Hai cleaned up was the large amount of sand in his inner space.

He randomly found a large pit and threw it in. Huo Hai allowed Star Gu to monitor the outside world. He released his spiritual power and began to temper the new spirit bat soul bit by bit. He has done it more than once, Huo This time, Hai is familiar with the road.

Within a few minutes, Huo Hai successfully tempered the soul of the entire spirit bat, and skillfully integrated it into his body. According to the records of the eight methods of the spirit bat, he moved the spirit of the spirit bat to the appropriate spiritual vein. The location of the spiritual point was released and reached the vicinity of the spiritual point. Without Huo Hai's control, the ball of light naturally flew to the side of the spiritual point and began to rotate slowly.

A breath of wind power was suddenly born around Huo Hai’s spirit veins. With the spread of wind power, it quickly became entangled with other various powers. At this moment, a lot of information began to flow into Huo Hai’s mind. among.

Huo Hai closed his eyes, and every time he merged with the spirit of the new spirit bat, he would feel more and more comprehensive knowledge in his mind. He believed that after digesting these things, his speed would reach a new height.

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