Evil Insect God

Chapter 952: escape

Behind Huo Hai, the first thing that came by Qiu Mu was a vine, but who knew that before the vine approached, two sword qi shots came from behind, directly cutting the vine.

These two sword auras were just emitted through the two swords that Huo Hai left behind. Originally, these sword auras were used to break through Huo Hai’s defensive shield and attack Huo Hai. After Huo Hai's encirclement, Huo Hai sneered in his heart. When he had just escaped, the angle of his escape was carefully calculated, otherwise it would be such a coincidence.

Next, it was really a coincidence. This was the flaw that Huo Hai had just seen. Huo Hai ran away without turning around to attack, and without evasion and defense. The vines that followed suddenly collided with the spider silk. On it.

The blood-red spider silk hit the vine on the spot, entangled with the vine, as if deliberately helping Huo Hai intercept the attack. In this case, the blood spider was also taken aback, and did not react at all.

Because of the hindrance of the vine, the blood spider’s spider silk lost its impact, and there was no way to continue to control it freely. It took a while to get the spider silk off the vine. The blood spider simply reacted. He added a force and drove the vine to rush towards Huo Hai again. Upon seeing this, Qiu Mu could only follow the force.

But at this moment, the chill that had just attacked Huo Hai had also arrived. Although the chill from the cold shadow of the third-level spirit emperor realm was a step slower than the attacks of others, it was very powerful.

It is a pity that when the cold air arrived, it did not hit Huo Hai, but found that the road was blocked by vines and spider silks. The cold air hits instantly, and the speed is so fast that Han Ying did not react. Under the effect of the cold air, the spider The silk and vines froze instantly, and when the cold air was exhausted, the ice cubes shattered and fell to the ground. Seeing this, Han Ying was also shocked.

At this moment, Qiu Mu could hardly cry without tears. It was obvious that he could stop Huo Hai, but he was blocked one after another, and it was his own person who blocked him. What is going on? Is it so difficult to catch Huo Hai? .

At this time, everyone also knew what was going on. Huo Haiming had hidden a trick, but deliberately showed the enemy's weakness to make them feel complacent. When everyone was completely ignored, Huo Hai started his own plan.

Catch the flaw and escape, and then use their psychology at this moment to guide everyone to make moves, and then use the strength and speed of everyone's moves to cause everyone's moves to cancel each other out. Although it took a long time, Huo Hai's calculations Ability, but still surprised everyone, this is how he can plan in the face of five opponents stronger than himself.

"Huh, don't worry, even the third-level spiritual emperor can trap my spider silk, and the fourth-level spiritual emperor will not even want to go out for a while." The blood-red web around it is very dense, and it is not easy to get out. .

"No, stop him." At this moment, Hao Yun realized that something was wrong. From the time he fled, Huo Hai had already put away his weapon and quickly made fingerprints with his hands. At this time, the spell was completed, and there were many visions. .

When he approached the big web, Huo Hai suddenly pointed his hands to the front, and the powerful spiritual power shot out, and instantly hit the big web in front of him. The blood spider sneered, and such an attack wanted to break his own big web. .

However, after the spiritual power came into contact with the big web, the blood spider's face changed, because this spiritual power did not attack the big web, but was integrated into the big web, almost instantly suppressing and dispersing the surrounding spiritual power that originally belonged to the blood spider. Then, the big net unexpectedly spread out to both sides, and a hole immediately appeared in front of Huo Hai.

In time, Huo Hai passed through the entrance of the cave and rushed out. The others just wanted to chase. A long sword flew into it from the entrance of the cave, and the bone fish sword thrown by Huo Hai exploded. .

This bone fish sword, which has been with Huo Hai for a long time, now scarred, was finally completely shattered in Huo Hai’s hands, with a strong sunset sword aura, scattered attacks in all directions, everyone immediately used means to dodge or defense.

When everyone resisted, Huo Hai had already set off in the air, and the direction was just in the depths of the Falling Soul Swamp, "Damn it, chase, you must not let him run." Haoyun's expression changed, and the whole person rushed towards him. In mid-air, they chased Huo Hai, and the others looked at each other and followed them one after another. However, everyone complained about the blood spider.

"Blood spider, why did you let Huo Hai leave just now? Do you like this kid?" Chen Feng said with a gloomy expression. During the previous battle, this woman had been interfering with herself, and she just let go of her defense.

The blood spider was somewhat unreasonable, so he didn't color it. "This time it was my fault. I didn't expect him to have such a method. It seems that his original ability is to control spirit worms and things related to spirit worms." Huo just now Obviously, Hai uses magic methods, and he uses magic to directly control the spider silk that he emits. This is the first time the blood spider has encountered this situation.

Because I didn’t care about it at the beginning, Huo Hai controlled his spider silk within a short period of time, and then escaped. This was indeed the blood spider’s fault. If he had increased his strength, Huo Hai would not have been so easy. Run away.

"Okay, don't say much, just catch up quickly. The kid is fast. If we let him run away, we won't get anything." Han Ying was also a little anxious, snarled, and followed closely. .

At this time, Huo Hai was still very nervous, but he was very excited. Under the siege of so many masters, not only did he not get caught, but escaped unscathed. Of course, Huo Hai knew how much this was. Some reasons.

First of all, these people wanted to grab themselves, not to kill themselves, so they were a little bit shy, and all kinds of tricks were not used, which made Huo Hai not injured until now. Secondly, because they have not cooperated. And he didn't want to cooperate. The arrogance of being a master caused constant conflicts, otherwise he would have been caught.

Of course, Huo Hai’s perfect foundation, coupled with the fact that he always breaks through after reaching the limit, the effect of the combination of the two is becoming more and more obvious. Huo Hai is not only as simple as its combat effectiveness far exceeding the same level, but Is able to leapfrog the challenge.

For a general master, even the third-level Spirit Sovereign, facing such a situation, it is absolutely impossible to be more relaxed than Huo Hai. This does not mean that Huo Hai can defeat the third-level Spirit Sovereign, but that Huo Hai’s adaptability is better than Many third-level spirit emperors must be strong.

During the melee, Chen Feng and Hao Yun constantly interfered with each other, and from time to time they used various attacks around them to help them under their crotch. Various attacks around them also made the two people often messed up and hindered their attacks on them.

The attacks of other people were not only often resisted by the two, but also interfered and restrained each other, especially the cold of the cold shadow, which restrained the blood spider and the autumn wood, causing the two people to always be at ease, and often attacks were eroded and destroyed by the cold. , And in the end, the blood spider's charm technique has absolutely no small impact on these people.

But even if these people influence each other, resulting in insufficient strength, Huo Hai's own combat power and foundation are still indelible, very dazzling, and laying a perfect foundation, the benefits are really huge.

Let go of the speed and run forward. With the speed shown by Huo Hai, except Haoyun's speed barely able to keep up with him, no one else can keep up with him, but everyone is a spirit emperor, and his cultivation level is better than Huo. Sea high.

Although Huo Hai flees desperately, he is still unable to escape from these people. Huo Hai is sure that as long as he dares to stop, he will definitely be caught by these people, but Huo Hai's situation at this time is not very good, although it has been He was escaping. If he was in other places, Huo Hai would still be able to escape, but here, he couldn't.

Because this place is the Falling Soul Swamp, the closer it is to the inside, the more terrifying beasts below. After Huo Hai breaks through, his perception is stronger. Those hidden and more secret spirit emperor realm beasts, Huo Hai can also faintly feel To their existence.

Feeling these fierce beasts from a distance, Huo Hai turned and ran, and directly changed the direction. These fierce beasts Huo Hai is not very afraid, but he does not want to be stopped by them and waste his time. Besides, these fierce beasts are often easy to roll. Whirlpool.

The fierce beasts themselves, in the vortex, can escape with the power of the vortex, but once the power of the vortex breaks out, Huo Hai dare not touch this terrifying suction. Once absorbed by this baptism, he will definitely be dead. The chasers behind did not dare to run around, because they also knew that this place was very dangerous.

Fortunately, they were very sure, that was the place Huo Hai passed by. There was definitely no danger, otherwise the fierce beast would have run out long ago. In this case, these people only need to follow Huo Hai's course of action.

Huo Hai just broke through, and the Qi Locking Technique is not so perfect for his own aura convergence. Under the situation of full burst, the spiritual power will be left where Huo Hai passes. With this spiritual power, everyone can naturally distinguish clearly. The route passed out of Huohai.

"Damn, why these people are so chasing after me, I really think I'm a bully." Huo Hai's eyes were slightly narrowed, and his eyes were full of hatred. Suddenly, Huo Hai's expression changed: "What's going on? Is it somewhere."

In Huo Hai’s inner space, his compass was constantly shaking, and he could sense something through the space. Huo Hai was sure that the place marked by this compass was definitely not as simple as he thought, and the danger inside said It may cause headaches for myself. As my cultivation level improves, my inner space expands and strengthens again.

If it was normal, Huo Hai would definitely think twice before looking for this position, but it was different now.

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