Evil Insect God

Chapter 970: The hunt begins

When you reach the top of the mountain, the only ones who live on the top are the masters of the spiritual emperor realm. Except for the three spiritual emperors, ordinary people do not dare to stay here too much. On the top of the mountain, all are from the Huazhong Pavilion. Heavy ground.

There is a huge stone chamber in the middle. Huo Hai doesn't know what it is for, but the surrounding spirit formations are very clever, and among them, Huo Hai doesn't feel the aura of a master, only a few guards patrolling around.

This place should be the forbidden area of ​​Huazhong Pavilion, but in Huo Hai’s view, it should be similar to a place like Cangshu Pavilion. Since there are no masters in it, then don’t care. Soon, Huo Hai came to Huazhong Pavilion. On the strongest master side, without Star Gu's help, Huo Hai could only observe it himself and secretly hide outside.

"It's still cultivating at this time, and it really is different from ordinary people." Secretly used the peripheral light to glance at it. I didn't expect that the flower master of the Huazhong Pavilion was actually cultivating, but there was no deep practice. At this time, people are the most sensitive. The moment.

Huo Hai felt it for a while, and then gave up the sneak attack. At this time, the sneak attack will have a little effect, but the effect will never be too strong. If you are not careful, you will fall into a situation of being besieged. Even if it is Huo Hai, three people will be attacked. Siege will not be comfortable.

It is true that these people are not as good as the five masters who besieged them, but this is the site of Huazhong Pavilion. Who knows what methods they have here, where the sects of each power are located are the most dangerous places. Besides, Once under siege, although I am not afraid, it is not easy to kill them.

Although Huo Hai was unwilling, but for the time being, he could only retreat, "Let’s go and see those two guys first." Huo Hai thought for a while, and planned to explore the other two first, but Huo Hai felt that there might not be too much. Good opportunity.

After all, they are two masters in the realm of the spirit emperor. It would be good if they could destroy one of them. Even so, they are basically forced to kill. If the two spirit emperors stay together, the difficulty of sneak attack is no worse than that of sneak attack on a third-level spiritual emperor. .

Huo Hai secretly bypassed the people on the road. Fortunately, when he reached the top of the mountain, people here were very rare. After a while, Huo Hai came to the place where the two first-level spirit emperors were and quietly sat on the roof, using The spiritual formation on the robe concealed it, and most people couldn't find Huo Hai at all. It was separated by the roof, and the people below did not find the breathless Huo Hai.

After letting go of perception, Huo Hai's expression gradually turned a little strange, "A man and a woman, it turned out to be the master and concubine." During the perception, Huo Hai clearly heard the gasping voice coming from below, and some familiar to Huo Hai movement.

A live erotica is being staged below. The disciples of Huazhong Pavilion are really hard to move, but they are not as chaotic as under the mountain. The two people below are actually practicing, a cultivation method similar to dual cultivation. Of course, It is still a unilateral supplement, but this kind of supplement is not too serious for the concubine.

It’s no wonder that it is precisely because of a concubine who can reach the spirit emperor that her master can be elevated to the realm of the spirit emperor, but this master of Huazhong Pavilion seems to have a bit of talent, and is actually better than her own servant. The concubine is just a little stronger.

A trace of disdain flashed in Huo Hai’s eyes. During this period of time, after wandering around the Huazhong Pavilion resident, Huo Hai also had a little understanding of Huazhong Pavilion’s cultivation methods. Huo Hai understood that these two guys who were practicing, At the last moment, when the people in Huazhongge absorbed the power from the concubine's body into themselves, it was over.

However, this power is from outside after all, and it will take a while to resolve it. Although the time is short, this time is the weakest moment for the disciples of Huazhong Pavilion. This is also the best opportunity for Huo Hai to do something.

Perhaps it’s because in the Huazhongge resident, I have never encountered any danger. When the Huazhongge people are practicing, they just find a random place and don’t take precautions at all. Anyway, the people in the resident, All are their slaves.

Even when practicing, no one would carry out a sneak attack. Huo Hai waited slowly on the roof, waiting for the two people to finish, staying true to the heart, but still feeling a little hot in his body. Speaking of it, it seems that he rarely did not have it. He and Bi Ya and the others have done this kind of thing. After staying here for so long, Huo Hai's anger has long been provoked.

It's just a pity that Huo Hai really looks down on the woman here, "This old guy, the staying power is really good." Huo Hai was on the roof and watched the people in the house for three hours. This was slow. Stop slowly.

With the improvement of strength, the physical fitness is also constantly improving, but it is really unexpected to be able to toss for three hours non-stop.

Huo Hai shook his head, I'm afraid, this is the last joy of the two people below, simply let them heal, as the movement in the room gradually shrinks, a peculiar aura rises from the bodies of the two below.

Huo Hai's eyes narrowed: "Good opportunity, it's finally over." Huo Hai's heart is very angry, and the dog men and women below can finally be extinguished. With the return of the last airflow, the breath of the master of Huazhong Pavilion It began to get chaotic, and Huo Hai knew that he was absorbing and dissolving the external power from the concubine. During this time, he did not have much strength.

"Boom" Huo Hai pressed downwards, the roof below was directly shattered, and his figure went straight down. The long sword in Huo Hai's hand carried a purplish red sword energy, and it pierced towards the back of a man below. .

What Huo Hai did not expect was that the man who was hit by him did not even deploy the spiritual shield on his body, so he was easily pierced through the spiritual source, the long sword continued to fall, and the woman below barely reacted a little. The light all over his body flickered, and the spiritual shield emerged. Unfortunately, the next moment Huo Hai's long sword touched the shield.

In a very harsh sound, Huo Hai’s long sword easily pierced the opponent’s shield and pierced into the spiritual source of the woman below. The spiritual source was destroyed and the chest was pierced, no matter who it was. Survive.

Looking at the two dead guys hugging each other, Huo Hai drew out the long sword: "Haha, kill two birds with one stone, the people in Huazhong Pavilion have really bad fighting consciousness." Although Huo Hai is taking advantage of the weakest time of each other. Sneak attack.

But this guy was killed without any reaction at all. This really surprised Huo Hai. This kind of fighting consciousness, saying that he was a spiritual emperor, really praised him, the concubine below reacted faster and was able to The spiritual shield was deployed in time, but unfortunately, the concubine's vitality was severely injured, and her own combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

In addition, Huo Hai’s cultivation base and combat effectiveness far surpassed this concubine, so this situation occurred. Huo Hai killed two with a single sword. In this way, people who have no sense of fighting, even if they don’t wait until the end, they seem to be able to do so. Easily kill it.

Huo Hai shook his head, the two spirit emperors died, and the spiritual power of the whole body quickly dissipated. Two phantoms almost overlapped each other, letting Huo Hai know what the spiritual source of these two people was like, the battle just now, In addition, now that the spirit source has dissipated, the visions and movements that have been generated are very big, even inside the house, it has been messed up by the breath that just broke through the shield.

Such a big movement, if the flower owner who is not far away does not know it, it would be strange. Feeling this breath, the flower owner who was cultivating immediately stopped, his figure flashed, and he came outside.

"What happened, how did you make such a big movement?" The flower owner frowned, but he obviously didn't think there was an enemy. Since the establishment of Huazhong Pavilion for so many years, he has never been attacked in the station.

Many people around also walked out, feeling the constant aura on the top of the mountain, and don’t know what happened. You know, there are only four spiritual emperors in the Huazhong Pavilion, but they rarely make such a big mess. It's coming.

However, at this moment, the flower owner finally noticed that the phantom that appeared in the rooms of the two elders, the phantom continued to expand and become more and more bleak. This is a scene that only appears after the death of the spiritual emperor. Could it be that this There was no problem with the two people's cultivation, "Damn it." The flower master cursed, and then ran over here.

But at this moment, there was a sudden explosion, and the whole wall of the room exploded, and a sword aura pierced towards the flower master. Just now, Huo Hai had released his perception to prevent anyone from coming to check.

Seeing that the flower owner came first, Huo Hai sneered in his heart: "It's really time to come." Just in time, the arrival of the flower owner gave Huo Hai a chance for a sneak attack. Sword energy came out and shredded directly. The walls here are not too strong.

His figure flashed, and Huo Hai rushed out after him. At this time, the flower owner's poor fighting consciousness was obvious. If he is a master who has been fighting for a long time, he will avoid being attacked like this, but The flower owner just didn't react, letting the sword qi pierce his shoulder, and the whole person was directly blasted out by the sword qi, and it took a long time to recover.

Before the fight, the right hand was completely abolished. The loss of the right hand had a great impact on the flower owner. Huo Hai, who had just rushed out, was also stunned at this time. The fighting ability of this guy is really bad. Got it.

Originally, he followed closely behind, and then did it by himself after the person in front dodges or insisted on taking the sword aura. This is the ultimate move. This guy doesn't know if his luck is good or bad. After being blasted out by his sword aura On the contrary, there is no way to use his own ultimate move, Huo Hai is a little upset, if he comes up with the glow of sunshine, this guy may have been divided.

"Who are you, how come out of the elder's room." Seeing Huo Hai, the flower master was stunned.

Such a master, and still such a young master, the flower owner is sure that he has never seen it before. Finally, the face of the flower owner changed drastically, because the person in front of him was not from the Huazhong Pavilion at all, this was from Huazhong Pavilion. enemy.

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