Evil Insect God

Chapter 982: War Book

Huo Hai didn't explain. After all, the current ghost bone worms have not yet completed their transformation. Only when the bones have been transformed, can they directly create new ghost bone worms, and then use them to produce undead in batches.

It’s not entirely true to say that it’s an undead. After all, this is the use of ghost bone insects to control bones in action. On the surface it seems to be undead, but in fact it is more similar to puppet creatures. It was certain that Huo Hai had this ability, and with this ability, plus Cross Canyon, what else would they worry about.

"So, what are we going to do with this matter? Should we take advantage of this opportunity to strengthen the family's momentum?" An elder suddenly cautiously said to Huo Feng, he did not dare to directly propose to Huo Hai.

There are no fools. Everyone already knows what Huo Hai feels about the family. Don’t know why, Huo Hai doesn’t seem to care about the family at all. If it weren’t for Huo Feng and others, Huo Hai might have left the family long ago. .

Huo Feng thought for a while, and then said: "Such things are not something we can mix, but we can develop our own strength secretly. If Xiaohai has done something outside, we can also use fame to develop outside and inside the family. Don't move around randomly. The most important thing for us now is to improve our strength. After all, our strength is still too weak."

Without Huo Hai, the current Huo Family wouldn't be able to enter the first-class at all, let alone the first-class power in the Molian Domain, I am afraid that it can't even be compared with the second-rate power, at most it is similar to the general small power in casual cultivation, it is really not worth mentioning.

Without strength, they couldn't do anything. Everyone fell silent in their hearts, but Huo Hai was not what they could command casually. Besides, Huo Hai was very uncomfortable with the Haotu Empire now, and these people naturally had to prepare a way out for the future.

Although there is something wrong, if Huo Hai is accidentally killed by the Great Land Empire, they will have to think about how to live in the future. It is impossible that the family members will always stay in the Cross Canyon because there are enemies outside.

Suddenly, Huo Hai asked: "This matter does not seem to have anything to do with me." At the beginning, Huo Hai was pulled over by Huo Kai. Now it seems that this matter really has nothing to do with Huo Hai. It doesn't matter, even if the King of Medicine Sect really has a conspiracy, with his current ability, there is nothing he can do except watch.

Who knows that Huo Kai shook his head and said, "No, this matter originally had nothing to do with you, but it's happening now." After that, Huo Kai handed the envelope he had been holding to Huo Hai, and Huo Haiyi He took it over with a puzzled face.

"Zhanshu, this is a letter of challenge, who is so boring." Huo Hai confirmed it, and it was indeed for himself.

Huo Kai shook his head and said: "This is the Haotu Empire sent directly to Jiuxianmen. When the seniors of Jiuxianmen sent the information, they brought the envelopes by the way. The Haotu Empire seems to have made the challenge known to the world. , If not next."

Huo Kai didn't go on, but Huo Hai knew that the Haotu Empire deliberately used fame to tie himself up, but what is the use of this fame for him, Huo Hai sneered in his heart, "In fact, he invited me to the King of Medicine Gate. When I meet at the conference, I have to send someone to challenge me. Well, it turned out to be the old guy Hao Yun." Huo Hai looked at the contents of the envelope.

If Haotu Empire had no special means, Huo Hai would never believe it. Haoyun might not know how he broke through the second-level spirit emperor, but the value of his belongings was definitely getting higher and higher.

These guys may have seen the absence of their own spirit worm last time, so they want to do something to themselves before they find a high-level spirit worm, "Huh, wanting to use reputation to force me to subdue, it is really whimsical."

For a casual cultivator, is reputation important? Although there is indeed a family behind it, but this family is no different from a casual cultivator without being able to help him. Of course, he can reach the realm of the spiritual emperor. The casual cultivator is very rare in the first place, at least in the Molian domain, there are really few casual cultivators of this level.

Huo Hai's words immediately made everyone in the family anxious, especially the major elders and deacons, looking at Huo Feng anxiously. Huo Hai didn't care about fame, but the development of the family and the outer sect needed this fame.

In the eyes of the major sects, Huo Hai and the Huo family are completely equal. No matter what Huo Hai has made, it can represent the entire Huo family. If it is an ordinary person, the big hat for the development of the family has long been buckled. However, Huo Hai's status and strength are too high. Using this kind of labeling behavior will only make Huo Hai disgusted, and a group of people suddenly have no choice.

Huo Feng sighed. Huo Hai is his grandson and the hope of family development, but in Huo Feng’s eyes, the family is always the most important. After changing other people, Huo Feng can even use him at any time for family development. Sacrificed.

After thinking about it, Huo Feng said: "Xiao Hai, since the other party has challenged him, naturally there will be something to offer. As long as you can win, you can take it away." Huo Hai raised his head, did not speak, just stared at Huo. wind.

What does Huo Feng mean by letting himself take this test? Huo Hai also knows. Huo Feng must know that the plans of the Haotu Empire are becoming more and more dangerous, but for the family, he still wants Huo Hai to accept the challenge. , Thinking of this, Huo Hai felt a little discouraged, this kind of family atmosphere is really annoying.

If it wasn’t Huo Feng who said this, Huo Hai would definitely not let him feel better. Huo Feng saw what Huo Hai looked like and knew what Huo Hai thought. It would be the same if he changed to himself, but he still had to do it for the sake of his family. .

Huo Feng took a deep breath, and then said: "This time, the Haotu Empire took out the lower part of the fire to temper the spiritual power. What they gave to you earlier is only the first part, and it has no effect in the realm of the spiritual emperor. ."

Hearing this, Huo Hai nodded clearly. It is no wonder that the so-called strongest secret method of the vast land empire can only be used in the realm of the spirit king. It turned out that a part was missing. The last time they saw that they had broken through to the spirit king, I am afraid they had already thought of it. The secret method given to myself may be used by myself. This time I took out this thing not only to attract myself, but also to determine one thing.

As long as they need it, they can prove that they have a kind of fire and their hidden abilities, and they can know one again. Anyway, in their opinion, after reaching the realm of the spirit emperor, they definitely don't want to cultivate too fast.

These guys are really good calculations. I don't know what methods these people have prepared this time. Huo Hai thought about it, and finally nodded and said, "Alright, this thing is really useful for me."

Seeing Huo Hai's promise, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Huo Hai would completely ignore it, and the reputation of the family would be damaged. Huo Hai squinted at these people and said indifferently: "I developed the family alone. Yes, but I don't want the family I built to ride on my head in the future." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and a murderous intent flashed away.

All the people present were sweaty. Huo Hai’s words were already very heavy. The surrounding elders and deacons also felt Huo Hai’s intent to kill. If Huo Hai was upset, they could not stop Huo Hai’s attack. .

Huo Feng sighed and didn't speak. He had already asked Huo Hai to take risks just for the sake of the family, and now he left it alone.

Sure enough, Huo Fenghuo Kai and the others did not speak, and Huo Hai gradually died down. After that, Huo Hai got up and said: "It should not be too late. The news is sent to us. I am afraid that other major forces have already set off. ."

There is a pity in Huo Hai's heart. Why is there no idiot who yelled directly at him? If there are such people, Huo Hai can vent his anger. Each of these people is like quail, without the temperament of a spirit king, let alone , Those who have not reached the Spirit King, these so-called high-levels are really annoying.

Huo Hai got up and left, feeling a little helpless. He originally planned to wait until the spirit worms metamorphose. Now he can only set off first. Huo Hai doesn't want to miss the second half of the flame tempering secret method so easily.

After getting this part, you can practice faster. The Spirit King is different from the Spirit King. It is the most troublesome to temper your own spiritual power in the Spirit King realm. In the Spirit King realm, it will not cost so much to temper your spiritual power. Time is up, polishing the crystal nucleus is the most time-consuming. For every new star core, Huo Hai has to polish it to the extreme, at least several days.

This is still the early stage, not to mention the later stage, but in order to speed up, the power of the fire must be strengthened quickly. Today’s fire is too far away from the pre-level middle-grade, and he did not clean up his things. Huo Hai walked directly. Got out.

Afterwards, they walked in the air, in the eyes of the envy and admiration of the Huo family, they flew out of the Cross Canyon in the sky, and only those who could completely ignore the star array dared to fly directly like this. Replace with others, let alone fly. When he got up, even if he flew forcibly, he didn't know where he would eventually hit. After a while, Huo Hai came to the top.

Regardless of Huomen and other casual cultivators, Huo Hai was dressed in a hermit robe. He checked the direction and set off directly. Because of the tight time, Huo Hai didn't hesitate at all. He didn't even go to Jiu Xianmen.

The King of Medicine Gate has been there once, and Huo Hai’s journey this time is a familiar road. At Huo Hai’s speed, it only took less than a day to approach the periphery of the Gate of Medicine King. At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly saw one Team.

"This is the team of the Haotu Empire, very good. Since you are on the way, that means you have not yet started to prepare." Huo Hai has already determined that the Haotu Empire has not done at least the arrangement for itself, and they may also I didn't expect that I would come so soon, and it was a waste of time to spend time on the road.

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