Evil Insect God

Chapter 992: Intercept

A large number of people gathered at the bottom of the mountain did not even exceed half of the people who were able to escape eventually. This was because the Yaowangmen released water and deliberately left a lot of weakly defensive exit positions.

It can be said that most of the people from the major forces have fled, especially the children who are more important to the major forces, because they are well protected, they have all left. I am afraid there are only two forces, the Haotu Empire and the Danxia faction. There are more people staying here, just two large forces. The King of Medicine is no longer worried.

Those who stayed, after the alien beasts killed one-third, the rest basically surrendered. Although there are still people who want to resist and run away, but under the guard of a large number of high-level alien beasts, troublemakers Will be killed the first time.

"It's really good. I didn't expect to capture so many test products all at once. Now our research can quickly advance one step further." In the past, Yao Wangmen didn't dare to mess around for his own image.

But now it’s different. The Medicine King Sect has a certain degree of strength and is not afraid of the retaliation of the major sects. As long as they don’t unite, they can’t do anything about the Medicine King Sect, and since they have completely torn their faces, the Medicine King Sect also I don't care.

Overnight, the Yaowang Gate changed from a noble sect to a place like a cult organization. It didn’t matter if these people were arrested and used for experiments with great fanfare. Anyway, the arrested people , Are just some casual cultivators, and there are very few who belong to the important children of the major sects.

"No, we can't stimulate other sects too much. After all, our current strength is still insufficient. Ask, those who can prove their identity and belong to a certain position among the major strengths, let them go back."

Hearing that, the people around were taken aback, and then sighed in their hearts. They really deserve to be the master of the sect. They think that they are longer than them. These people put it back, showing that the attitude of the king of medicine is not too much to cause other sects. Disgust.

After all, the King of Medicine had a reputation in the past. Although some of the things studied now are unbearable, it is still easier for everyone to accept the compromise of the King of Medicine. In this way, it is unlikely that external forces will unite. Some people Maybe they can see the threat and potential of Yaowangmen, but as long as they don't unite, what can they do personally.

"No, the sect master has another purpose. As long as the news is spread, the conflicts between the major forces and these casual practitioners will intensify in the future, causing them some trouble." An old man touched his beard and smiled. Said.

When everyone heard it, it was really such a thing. It does not suffer from widowhood and unevenness. It also exists on the Heavenly Spirit Continent, especially the casual practitioners. When they heard that people from these forces were let go, their friends and family But not. Although everyone will hate the King of Medicine Sect, these sects who benefited will definitely be hated by them, and these forces will have trouble in the future.

As for the remaining people, they will be used for experiments by the King of Medicine in the future. "It's a pity that the cultivation of the Supreme Elders has not been completed, and there are too few high-level spirit beasts in our hands. Hey..." The king's people gradually faded away.

After that, the rest of the matter was dealt with by the disciples of the King of Medicine. A large number of people left the King of Medicine. At this time, everyone was in a very bad mood. After checking the major sects, they found that their important figures are still there. , And the loss is not big.

Recalling the strength of the Yaowang Sect at the time, I really had a fear of the Yaowang Sect. It was able to cultivate so many strange beasts of the Spirit Sovereign realm. Where they can deal with it, what they have to do is ten million in the future. Pay attention, let the disciples not touch things like the Alien Beast Pill, without the Alien Beast Pill, they will not be affected by the Medicine King Sect.

Only some people have discovered the special changes of the alien beasts. Unfortunately, there are not a few people who can see it except for a few spirit emperors. Therefore, even if the news spreads, others will be half-believing.

Human beings always have a strong fluke mentality. Because of the various methods of the king of medicine and their attitude, it is difficult for the major forces to unite to deal with the king of medicine. Sufficient development time.

The three top powers can indeed destroy the King of Medicine Sect, but no one will do it, because once done, it will be greatly injured and eventually destroyed by the other two top powers. Therefore, the King of Medicine Sect is truly safe. Down.

The Medicine King Gate is safe, but the Piaohua Pavilion team is in danger. Huo Hai followed the people from Piaohua Pavilion to Piaohua Pavilion, but when passing by an intersection, he suddenly felt that there was a lot of blood in front of him. Wei, "It's weird, how many people died in front of me, could someone deliberately stop here?" Huo Hai has already felt this murderous and lifeless aura from a distance.

Sikong Rouyu said indifferently: "Impossible, even if it is the King of Medicine, now I absolutely dare not offend us Piaohua Pavilion." Piaohua Pavilion brought masters this time, so no one died here. .

"Yes, Yaowang Sect doesn't dare, then what about me." A man in black walked out slowly, and a beautiful female voice rang.

Hearing this familiar voice, Huo Hai's heart trembled: "The hidden emperor." Huo Hai's words caused the hidden emperor to shift his gaze. When he saw that it was Huo Hai, the hidden emperor's heart trembled. Huo Hai left a deep impression on the hidden emperor.

"It turned out to be you, and my cultivation level after I haven't seen you for many days has surpassed me. If I knew that, I should kill you that day." The hidden emperor lifted his hat, revealing a beautiful face, but seeing this person, Everyone is in a bad mood.

"Do you think you can stop us alone." The hidden emperor's strength has indeed improved, but it is only close to the second-level spiritual emperor, and has not reached the third-level spiritual emperor. Sikong Rouyu and the hidden emperor are from the same Piaohua Pavilion, as a third-level spirit emperor, is not a difficult task to win the hidden emperor, but when the hidden emperor saw it, there was no anxiety at all.

The hidden emperor looked around and said calmly: "Only your words, I can indeed stop you." With that, the hidden emperor waved his hand, and a large number of strange beasts rushed out behind him. The breath of these strange beasts made people feel even more. Shock.

There are actually five different beasts that have reached the realm of the spirit emperor, and two of them have reached the level of the third-level spirit emperor. Huo Hai is also a little depressed at this time. He is not afraid of these strange beasts, and it is not unreasonable to destroy them. Possibly, but unable to keep other people.

"Unexpectedly, you actually joined the evil sect of the Medicine King Sect." Sikong Rouyu released his murderous aura from his body. It is a pity that Huo Hai is not afraid of these things, but Sikong Rouyu is not, just a third-level spiritual emperor realm. The strange beasts can contain Sikong Rouyu, not to mention that there are a large number of ordinary strange beasts below the Spirit Emperor.

The strength of these strange beasts is not strong, but the essence of the spirit power they emit has reached the level of the spirit emperor. For the Piaohua Pavilion masters in the spirit king realm, it is a huge burden. Once they fight, it may not take long for others. It's dead clean.

The hidden emperor said calmly: "What do you think now, can't I stop you."

Huo Hai nodded and said: "I can't stop it, because I also have a helper." Huo Hai waved his hand, and twelve spiders in the spiritual emperor realm appeared, because the hidden emperor did not know what Huo Hai's method was. .

Seeing these spiders, the hidden emperor's face suddenly became ugly, "Huh, even if you have these spiders, I can kill those people." With twelve fierce beasts in the spirit emperor realm, the hidden emperor knows. Today, I have to fight hard. It is really not certain who loses and who wins. Fortunately, there are a lot of burdens behind the other side, and my side is all combat weapons.

"Go away, we'll follow, we will stop these people first." Sikong Rouyu said, and then attacked the hidden emperor with one move. To deal with these strange beasts, first kill the leader who controls them. the best.

Who knows that at this time, the hidden emperor suddenly took out a spar sphere. There was a turquoise flame in the sphere, which was the sapphire fire of Yaowangmen. Under the stimulation of spiritual power, the sapphire fire began to tremble, and the surrounding animals immediately started. Attacked.

A third-level spirit emperor entangled Sikong Rouyu, and the other rushed towards Huo Hai, but before the hidden emperor rushed with other strange beasts, he was intercepted by a spider. A large number of ordinary strange beasts next to him immediately faced each other. These spiders emit long-range spiritual power sharp blades, and the two sides have already entered a white-hot degree immediately after the battle.

A few minutes later, Piaohua Pavilion and his party had already walked away, but due to the terrain, they could not move straight towards Piaohua Pavilion. They could only detour for a while. During the battle, except for Huo Hai, Sikong Rouyu and Yinhuangsan The individual was not injured.

The other creatures are injured to a certain extent. The alien beasts without much wisdom are already scarred, but these injuries are nothing to them. As for the spiders of Huohai, they are of high quality under the attack of a large number of alien beasts. The constant consumption of spiritual power has also added some wounds to the spider, but these wounds are nothing to the spider.

Continuing to fight like this, God knows what it will become in the end, but now it is not very far from the Yaowang gate, and no one knows whether the hidden emperor has any support. If the hidden emperor has other means, they will be in trouble.

Without the protection of the two of them, encountering other strange beasts attacking, Piaohua Pavilion and his party were also very dangerous. The two looked at each other and then stopped at the same time. At this moment, Huo Hai also instantly took his own spider beast. They took it back, and then, the two of them turned around and left without turning their heads. After all, the strength of the two was far beyond the hidden emperor and the alien beast, so they couldn't catch up.

"Hmph, chase me. I don't believe that they can run with those people." The hidden emperor did not have much anger, and chased up with the team. Unfortunately, without the help of a large number of ordinary animals, the hidden emperor Can't deal with Huo Hai and Sikong Rouyu.

Being dragged down by these ordinary strange beasts, the speed of the hidden emperor team is not very fast, even slower than them.

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