Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1165: The Power of Civilization

Chapter 1165: The Power of Civilization

Chapter 1165: The Power of Civilization

The strength of Jiuyang's avatar is too horrible, and it has reached an infinite number of peaks. Therefore, in one blow, the three great deities are directly killed. At the same time, Li Xing on the Bone Chariot opened his mouth with a phosgene.

In this phoenix, there is the power of civilization. It diffuses out everywhere. All the great deities are contaminated by phosgene, and everyone becomes quiet.

Among the immense amount of phosgene, blossoming bright flowers bloom, fragrant. Just under this dazzling light and shadow, many demon heads fell to the ground one after another, and in the direction of the mixed world, they performed five-body throwing gifts.

In their hearts, they are full of longing for the mixed civilization, and they are eager to enter this world that contains civilization. Li Xing practiced Jiuyang Gong to its peak at that time, and then Yin and Yang were united. He had already taken the Yin and Yang discipline to make his level complete.

Therefore, compared to the theme, the mixed world is more suitable for Da Mozun's practice.

At this time, ancient trees in space appeared on the battlefield, and they opened channels one after another into the mixed world. As a result, the one billion Demon had almost no hesitation, and entered the world of mixed Yuan without any hesitation.

Seeing this scene, the immense celestial masters admire Li Xing, Ronghua celestial master said: "The cultivation of the Lord is already unfathomable, this technique must be a secret technique of civilization, and one billion demon heads can be affected in one thought!"

Of the 1.2 billion local government corps, excluding the 200 million people who were beheaded, the remaining one billion were all collected into the Yuanyuan World. One billion demon heads entered the plane, and they went deeper and deeper into the ground, looking for potential cultivation.

Li Xing ’s mixed Yuan Avenue merged with the second demon of Taoism very early. At the moment, the addition of the demon head makes his mixed Yuan world more colorful. Of course, this move has undoubtedly created an enemy for the real people in Hunyuan.

However, this is not a bad thing. Born from sorrow and died from ease, having a powerful enemy at home will force the real people in Junyuan to become stronger. This is exactly what Li Xing originally intended.

In a single thought, one billion demons were surrendered. This is the secret technique of civilization that Li Xing learned from civilization, calling it a sense of civilization. Moreover, this civilization's calling technique, along with Li Xingxiu's promotion, will become increasingly powerful.

For example, nowadays, the civilization call-up technique can make the one-day Nirvana series up to one day to surrender to his feet. In the future, his cultivation will become higher and higher, and he can also call upon the infinite demon and infinite demon.

This is the invincibility of the mystery of civilization. It has great power and is not comparable to ordinary magic.

The ninth emperor received the news of Li Xing's elimination of the enemy forces for the first time, and he couldn't help it, and immediately ordered a counterattack. As a result, the mighty 500 million army suddenly stopped and killed the enemy fiercely.

Two hundred hidden king-class battleships appeared from the void, constantly sniping and killing the best masters in the enemy camp.

This sudden change caught the people in the local government off guard and wondered if the other party was tired and crooked, and they dared to fight back at this time. However, they soon understood what was going on, because a large number of enemy troops suddenly appeared in the rear.

This sudden enemy was very powerful, equipped with powerful warships, dozens of megagravity celestial deities, and instantly made the three magma commanders of the prefecture cool from head to toe.

This time, Li Xing didn't cast any mystery of civilization. Before that, he did it just to verify the power of the mystery of civilization. At this moment, he drove a bone-tank chariot and took three immeasurable great deities.

His strength has reached the pinnacle of the Nirvana of the Nirvana of Ninety-Five Years, and the trivial Magus of the Eighty-four Mages of Nirvana in his eyes are similar to the ants. With a straight stab at the yuan gun, the three were directly strung together, picked up into the sky, and thrown to the ancient tree of war.

The two armies did not expect Li Xing to be so fierce, and came up against the three major enemy generals ###. Especially the ninth celestial entourage, his face paled, and some people shouted, "How is this possible? I'm afraid that only his Immortal God can dodge his blow!"

"Hunyuan Datianzun is really powerful and unfathomable. I am afraid that it has reached the peak of the infinite Datianzun's fighting power. Under immortality, no one can be enemies!"

The ninth emperor is also shining his eyes. He is an infinitely magnificent celestial being with great strength, so he could overlook Li Xing at first. But now, after seeing Li Xing's horror, he couldn't help feeling secretly, knowing that if he couldn't protect himself, he could not take three moves under Li Xing's hands.

The land army, which lost the commandless commander, has ten times less combat power and has become vulnerable. With the order of the ninth emperor, with the cooperation of the Imperial Army of the Yuan Dynasty, the 1.5 billion Demon Army was easily destroyed at a very light price.

During the killing process, Li Xing had not been idle. I saw the ancient trees constantly appearing in the battlefield. Whenever he saw the corpse, they were taken to the plane of the mixed element. Part of it was thrown into the ancient trees of war to cultivate the soul of war.

The other part is thrown into the guardian ancient tree, used to train the magic soldier. Li Xing's mixed-yuan civilization integrates the two magical sects, so that the guardian ancient tree can not only produce Taoist soldiers, but also magic soldiers.

When the war was over, there were one billion more extinction-level magic soldiers and 500 million extinction-level war spirits in the mixed world. This can be regarded as one of the benefits that Li Xing brought to the war in addition to the rewards in heaven.

Li Xing started quickly, and the battlefield could hardly be cleaned. This battle shocked the court of heaven and earth, and both sides reacted individually. As for the local government, fifteen regiments were dispatched in one fell swoop to prepare to destroy the ninth Heavenly Son.

The heavenly court praised the achievements of the ninth emperor and Li Xing, and rewarded a large number of non-remarkable good-looking dan and yin-yang dan. The ninth emperor was very interesting. He and Li Xing split the reward equally.

The most surprised and depressed person who got this news was the seventh son.

"Miscellaneous account! That Li Xing is not dead yet, and has become so powerful, he dare to call himself Miscellaneous Emperor!" The seventh day child spit fire and smashed the table with one palm.

Behind him, his subordinates trembled and did not dare to say much. Only Zhi Gong sighed and said, "It's all an old fault. It should have been removed at the cost of one generation."

The seventh emperor waved his hand impatiently: "Say something useful, do you have any way to deal with him?"

Zhigong groaned, "This son is now full of wings, and it is innumerable to try to get rid of him by a direct method. The seventh man also saw that this man easily destroyed a billion troops, such fighting power, Not even our side. "

He saw the seventh day son's grim face was terrible, and said, "However, there is no other way out. We have investigated the details of Li Xing. He has been operating in Beihuang in recent years, claiming to be the emperor of Yuan Dynasty. Little man Dare to call the emperor, this is a capital crime, as long as you go to the heaven court, you will be guilty. In addition, he was a wanted criminal in the heaven court, and it is still valid now, and the heaven court can also take him. "

Seventh Zaizi's eyes lighted, and he nodded again and again, "You're right, Li Xing is still a criminal in heaven, and he claims to be the emperor, and it is also a crime of death. Huh, I see how he lives this time!"

"Seventh Lord, this son has not been out of heaven, so don't fight against the grass, you should set a dead situation before implementing calculations." Zhigong reminded quickly.

The seventh emperor was not a fool. He thought for a while and said, "Oh, in a few months, the Marshal of the heaven and earth will convene a military meeting. At that time, ten emperors and all marshals and generals will attend. On that occasion, a master is like a cloud, and a Li Xing can't turn the waves, and can just take the opportunity to get rid of it! "

Zhi Gong nodded again and again: "This method is very good, the seventh master is wise. However, for the sake of security, we should first inform the several alliances in advance to avoid accidents."

"This is easy to handle. You take the sign of Benzi and visit a few generals so that they can help me. Benzi believes that they will not lose face because of a small person."

Li Xing did not expect that, as soon as he appeared, he drew such crazy revenge on the seventh son. It is also that his strength is too powerful, so that the seventh emperor is deeply disturbed. This is at any cost, and he must be removed.

At the moment, he is having a feast with the ninth emperor. Above the banquet, there was a big man who was sent by the court to reward the ninth emperor.

The official was not weak, and the Seventy-two Calamity had no great heavenly respect. He was drunk at the moment. He gave Li Xing a glance, and suddenly said, "Hunyuan Great Supreme, your case is still in heaven. Why did you come back when you defected? "

The ninth emperor's face changed, and he said, "Shangshi was drunk, how do you say nonsense? Li Xing's previous story, the emperor had already reported to the court, and His Majesty said that he would not blame it. Why would you mention it?"

The "Shangshi" shook his head and said, "The ninth man, it is not the young man who wants to mention it, but when the young man comes, he hears the people in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs discussing the matter. They said that the emperor did not issue an approval letter, they were still To arrest Li Xing, a prisoner. "

The ninth emperor was furious: "That is their confusion! Li Xing is very important to this emperor now. It is necessary to charge him ~ www.readwn.com ~ This kind of pass, they want to get out of these incidents, it is really abominable!"

"That ’s why I have to remind the ninth Lord to prepare strategies in advance," said the official. "Do n’t be too busy at that time to give people a chance."

The ninth emperor hastened to express his thanks, saying: "It is the emperor who is outrageous. Don't be surprised."

After giving away a lot of elixir, the so-called ambassador left, and in the banquet hall, only Li Xing and the ninth emperor, and a few close people were left.

The ninth emperor sighed: "On the court, when the battle never stops, Li Xing, don't think about it. As long as the Son is there, no one can treat you."

"It's okay." Li Xing smiled slightly. "It's not like I haven't experienced it. I'm used to it. However, if anyone really dares to target me, please ask Ninth Lord not to make me embarrassed."

Seeing Li Xing's eyes flashing with cold light, the ninth emperor was surprised and said: "Li Xing, you must not ###!"

(The third chapter of the guarantee was not written yesterday, and all of them will be reposted before 12 noon today.)

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