Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 104: Bull Sword

Chapter 104

Li Xing went to the army and got the order. He immediately led five warriors to Heilonglin, and the remaining nine remained to guard the front of the camp. A team of six people can form a six-man spin dragon at any time. At the same time, Li Xing is confident that he won't lose on this trip with his silk-winged sword and vigorous blood.

In the black dragon forest, the trees are dense and the leaves completely block the sun. In the forest, a thick layer of rotten leaves was laid. There are all kinds of poisonous insects, fierce beasts, and radon appearing at any time.

The forest was very dim, and Li Xing was divided into two groups, one left and one right, three of them, inspecting the forest.

On the other side, Su Zhanshan, who is the commander in the camp of Su Zhanshan, is also lined up to prepare for an attack. Su Zhanshan seemed to be fifty or sixty years old, but he was very imposing, his eyes were as bright as stars and his voice as loud as a bell.

"What do you think, Wang Zixing will deal with the fierce tiger army of this coach?" Su Zhanshan asked loudly.

Mao Sen led Mao Yi to stand out, he is a young man with two whiskers, a gimmick. Although this person is young and has a low profile, he is wily and often can be surprisingly successful.

Mao Yi gently touched the mouse whisker with his fingers, and said with a sharp voice: "Master, the fierce tiger army is invincible, Wang Zixing is hard to come up with a proper solution. His subordinates think about it, he is most likely to use Blood cannon. "

但 "But the blood cannon is heavy. As long as our striker camp can gain an advantage, Wang Zixing will mess up and the blood cannon will not pose a threat."

"Well! You are saying that the boss has sent someone to explore their bottom. With Wang Zixing's action, he will definitely send the men in the forward camp to Heilonglin, just to let the two sides touch each other, I'll take a look. Has the coach trained a striker camp for a year, and can he have an absolute advantage! "

Mao Yishen led a laugh and said, "All the commander's striker camps are all top ten blood training soldiers, and they have practiced 'Splashing the Wind to Kill the Array', and they will definitely win!"

At the same time, the eight forward campers on the side of Su Zhanfang also entered the Black Dragon Forest in two batches. Killing the wind with the formation of four people is a powerful killing battle. These two groups of people were codenamed Zuo Mi and Zuo Jue.

Li Xing, a group of three, proceeded carefully. Li Xing doesn't even have to see with his eyes. The strange three-dimensional feeling is produced in his heart, and he can clearly feel everything happening around him.

"Imperial, why do I have this ability?" Li Xing asked casually.

Emperor Tianxie: "You have asked why Jiuyangzhu can repair the injury quickly. In fact, every time you are injured, your body will absorb a part of the Baiyang breath. When your body is completely penetrated by the Baiyang breath, then Then you will have the body of Bai Yang. "

"Although you are not Baiyang's body now, Baiyang's qi has already brought you great benefits. For example, possessing such a sensitive sense of space, and quickly recovering from injuries, powerful blood, and so on."

Li Xing was surprised: "What does the body of Bai Yang mean?"

"There are nine most amazing powers between heaven and earth, called the power of the nine suns. The power of the nine suns is so ethereal that ordinary people cannot sense it at all. No matter how high one's cultivation is, it may not be able to sense it. Power of Nine Suns. "

"However, if a person wants to make a breakthrough, he must understand the upright meaning of Jiuyang. At the beginning, the emperor failed to fully understand the righteousness of Jiuyang, so he ended up in this end."

"Without Jiuyang Zhu, how to understand Jiuyang Uprising?" Li Xing was very curious.

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey" with a strong jealousy in his tone: "This is why, this emperor said that you are lucky and curious! With Jiuyangzhu, you will have the opportunity to enlighten Jiuyang upright in turn. And For the average person, they will never get this opportunity. "

"Of course, there are some people who can naturally sense one or more of the nine types of yang, and by virtue of yang cultivation, they have extraordinary strength. Even some super-qualified people can sense nine types of yang at the same time. . However, there are too few of them, and it may not be possible to produce one for tens of thousands of years. "

Li Xing looked cold when talking in secret, because he felt that someone was approaching this way!

Li Xing made a precautionary gesture, Du Yiming and Feng Ping both stopped, controlled their breathing, calmed their heartbeat, and bowed down with Li Xing, waiting for someone to come.

After about five minutes, four figures appeared. They were the striker battalion in the middle of the Su Zhanshan Army.

There are four people in the cricket team. They are very alert and cautious along the way. However, they never imagined that Li Xing's feeling was so keen that they felt their presence within 500 meters, and lurked in advance.

The four members of the Jueji group each occupy a position, implying a formation, and they can form a choppy wind in an instant.

There was a flash of excitement in Du Yiming's eyes, and he looked at Li Xing. Li Xing shook his head slightly, motioned to the two of them not to move, and then burst into a thunderous thunder, and threw a punch to the four of them.

The people in the stunner group were surprised, but when they saw that there was only one enemy, they all laughed. In front of the wind and the wind, killing someone alone is coming!


Suddenly, the splitting wind formed, and four black iron swords came sharply to kill.

Suddenly, Li Xing didn't budge, revealing a ray of fierce light in his eyes, and shouted, "Break me!"

A simple note "Tianlei Cannon ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing's blood power of more than a thousand battles broke out completely and blasted to the sword array.

It's true that there is a certain amount of power in killing the wind, but no matter how strong it is, it is only the blood of the four. The blood strength of Li Xing is stronger than the strength of the four. This determines that Li Xing's battle was easy.


The powerful destructive force was hit by the peak of Mount Tai, and the four-handed iron sword “hummed” and was knocked down. The four blood-thirsty warriors were numb with hands and feet, sitting on the ground involuntarily.

At the same time, Li Xing popped four fingers in succession, and each finger popped out with a violent blood burst.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Four beeps sounded like thunder.

一 "Fingering thunder", the destructive force generated, hit the heads of the four accurately. Their sturdy heads could not withstand such a fierce attack, their heads exploded, and the white and red crumbles spread out, like blooming fireworks.

From shooting to killing four blood-thirsty warriors, it took Li Xing less than a second before and after.

After killing the enemy, he flickered, and then hidden. Du Yiming and Feng Ping looked at each other for a while, and they only knew that on the school ground that day, Li Xing didn't do his best, he just didn't want to hurt people.

"God! How strong is the master's strength!" At this moment, the two had completely surrendered, and were shocked by Li Xing's powerful strength.

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