Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1189: 7 color peaks

Chapter 1189 The Seven-Colored Peak

Chapter 1189 Seven-Colored Peak

After hearing the innocence, I couldn't help laughing: "How many can you drink? How much can you drink now, I will give as much as you like ... ┝ & 网,"

Hundreds of fine wines are not trivial. Only immeasurable Datianzun can drink it, and immortal Datianzun dare to say how much he wants to drink. As for the Nirvana of Great Nirvana, it is not bad to be able to drink a few drinks.

Li Xing smiled a little and stopped talking, and when he opened his mouth, he drew an arrow of wine from the gourd and kept throwing it into his throat.

One breath, two breaths, one hour, two hours, but Li Xing's face remained unchanged, but he was very intoxicated. But the expression of the innocent Da Tianzun gradually faded, and finally he could not help but shouted: "Stop, stop now, you will be drunk by wine!"

How could Li Xing keep silent? She waved at her, then pointed to her belly, then to her mouth. That naturally means that since you promised me to drink as much as you want, you have to do it.

The innocent Da Tianzun bowed his head in despair, it seemed that he could not bear to watch Li Xing drink like this.

This scene staged by Li Xing and the innocent Da Tianzun immediately attracted many onlookers. Because the innocent cloth has enchanted, people outside can't smell the wine, and naturally don't know the quality of the wine.

They also thought that Li Xing was fighting wine with innocence, instead of paying attention to the wine, just watching it lively. Seeing that Li Xing has already drank so much, I am afraid that there are no fewer than dozens of cylinders, many people cried well.

Where Li Xing is drinking is actually a means of running the Stars and Stars to save the wine. And there is a more hidden aspect of this kind of off-hand, which is to create illusions.

On the surface, the wine that he sucked out had only a thin ray, but in fact there were many, and one drop of it could fill more than a dozen large wine tanks. But how much alcohol did he get after drinking such an old fight.

Finally, two hours later, he noticed that the wine in the gourd had been reduced by one third, and then he stopped and patted his belly and smiled, "It really is good wine, I can't drink it anymore."

The innocent Da Tianzhuang rushed to grab the wine gourd, explored with consciousness, and almost cried, watching Li Xing said: "You actually drank a third? How is this possible! The wine in the gourd can fill rivers and lakes. Sea, it is impossible to consume so much? "

With a look of confusion, Li Xing asked: "Did I drink a lot? It's just dozens of cylinders, don't be so stingy." Then he said, "I promised you how much to drink and how much to give, can I take it now? That part of the wine? "


Holding the wine gourd innocently and resolutely, he was vigilant: "You must be making trouble, and the next drop of wine can never be expected."

Li Xing sighed. When the woman decided not to make sense, then what you said was useless, so he chose to be silent.

It was innocent to see him speechless, but he was a little embarrassed and said, "Brother, this wine is too much missing. I'll give it to you next time, how about it?"

Li Xing nodded quickly. He had stolen a lot just now, and he was very satisfied.

Just then, a group of people walked into the restaurant. As soon as they entered, they set up an enchantment and cut off from the outside world, then ordered wine and food, and began to eat and drink. For Da Tianzun, clothing, food and shelter are all cultivation.

Take eating as an example. What you eat is dragon liver and gallbladder, and the great medicine mirex, all of which are cultivated as beneficial things. Even drinking is a great wine, which can baptize the stomach and regulate the body and mind. The benefits are great.

There are six people in this group, who are not weak in cultivation, three are Nirvana deities, and three are non-great deities, and gather together to talk. Although there is an enchantment, Li Xing cannot be heard. He has a secret technique of civilization, called "Sound of Sound".

Performing this technique can steal the voice without being aware of the ghost. Unless the other party is the Immortal God, it is difficult to find him. During this time, Li Xing has been using this method to listen to other people's secret conversations and obtain information.

Only six of them listened, one with no great anger hatred: "Brothers, they are fighting for the seven-colored glazed eggs, and they will never return. I am afraid they are so fierce! There are dozens of people here. None came back. "

"Brother Qu, in your opinion, what is going on? Why don't any of those who enter that place come out alive?" The other asked.

The brother Wu Qutian, who is called Qu Xiong, smiled coldly: "What's going on? Haven't you seen it yet? This is simply a conspiracy. Presumably, the seven colored glass eggs have not been born, it is just a guise to deceive people. "

"But who set up this bureau and what is the purpose of doing so?" The man asked in shock.

Brother Qu shook his head: "It's hard to say, there are too many possibilities. In short, we people will never go to death anymore. I heard that even some megaweight celestial deities have never returned."

Everyone took a deep breath, the immeasurable Datianzun was almost in their eyes, and it was impossible to escape. It can be seen that it was really dangerous.

Six people talked for a long time. From their conversation, Li Xing got the following information. First of all, the rumored place with seven-colored glazed eggs is called Seven-colored Peak, which is a sacred place on the Seven-colored Continent.

On the first day that the Seven-Colored Peak appeared, it gave off an infinite amount of seven-colored light, shocking the entire continent. Soon after, the news about the birth of the seven-colored glazed eggs was conveyed on all sides, causing countless experts to flock.

Secondly, none of the people who entered the Seven-Colored Peak can live out, and no one knows whether they are alive or dead.

The third point is that there will be a group of masters of the Seven-Color Continent recently, joining hands to enter the Seven-Color Peak, to make things clear.

Combined with the news that he got out of control during this time, Li Xing has basically been able to determine that this is indeed a trap, but it is not clear who is doing the round and the purpose of the round.

Six people had settled and left, but Li Xing was still thinking, and innocently asked, "Brother, what are you thinking?"

Li Xingdao: "How many things do you want, such as when can you finish eating?"

The table was already full of large and small dishes, with fifty or sixty. These dishes are very expensive and naturally taste good. Basically, they all fall into her belly.

A sigh of innocence ~ www.readwn.com ~ and felt his stomach and said, "Unfortunately I'm full, I really want to eat more."

Li Xing rolled his eyes: "There is no time to eat. I just got a big news. Immediately there will be a master enter Qiqifeng. This is an opportunity for us. You can follow it to see the excitement."

"Don't you say we have limited strength and can't rush in?" Asked innocently.

Li Xingdao: "That's because, among the people who crossed the Seven-Colored Peak this time, there were 200 immeasurable celestial masters and three immortal-level instruments. I think that even if the person who set up the situation is fierce, it is impossible to leave it What a master. "

Upon hearing the innocence, his eyes suddenly lighted, and he suddenly stood up and called, "What are you waiting for? Go!"

(Last three days ### No power, I'm sorry. It's not out of time, or I'm lazy, I don't want to move, I feel ashamed. I will go all out tomorrow and prepare to make up for the safflower. By the way Make up today's two basic chapters.)


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