Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1223: 5 party all died

Chapter 1223: Jiuyang Xiejun Destroyed All Five (700 Flowers and More)

Chapter 1223: The Five Sides Destroy (700 Flowers and More)

The Golden Snake flagship has huge space and complex levels, similar to the world opened by monks, but different. Jiuyang digged into it with a big hand, and destroyed these structures at once, and arrested the people inside.

The powerful flagship lost its fighting power. In the face of the Jiuyang avatars with more than 80,000 peak fighting powers, they had no resistance, and they were ### up one by one.

Hundreds of them peaked against the immeasurable Datianzun's resistance and were more irritated. Li Xing coldly planted plunder seeds in them, which made them quiet. The remainder soon surrendered in the face of powerful deterrence.

These people are just doing things for others. It doesn't matter whether they are loyal or not, so they are a group of people that can be successfully compiled.

The flagship was destroyed, and the remaining 30,000 battleships did not last too long, and they were successively destroyed, and then repaired and controlled by the soldiers of the mixed Yuan empire. That Golden Snake flagship became Li Ba's command post, and he will become the new commander of the 80,000 Golden Snake battleship.

When the Golden Snake Fleet fell, the Quartet forces outside did their best to bombard the light shell, but they could not move it. First the salvo of the elven arrowman, and then the bombardment of the Tian Yao battleship, even the hundreds of thousands of immense Tianzun shot, but they could not break the light shell.

At the moment when the crowd was at a loss, the light shell suddenly disappeared, and the 80,000 Golden Snake battleships were intact and were quickly approaching them.

The leader of the Knights of the Holy Spirit laughed, "We haven't lost any money for a long time, and the great emperor of Yuan Dynasty has nothing but a name!"

"No! The Golden Snake Fleet changed hands!" The attentive person warmed up with divine thoughts, and was shocked, and immediately called the police.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and a brilliant and bright brilliance suddenly flashed, and the Quartet forces outside the martial arts mainland were suddenly transmitted to the interior of the mainland. Naturally, the shot is still mixed.

Although this sky rail has no lethality, it is intriguing and makes the enemy defenseless.

The empire of the Hunyuan empire made heavy use of it. It also divided these Quartet forces and countless enemies, and eliminated them one by one to maximize the enemy's living power.

Suddenly, these people who originally had considerable combat power, the East and West, had greatly reduced their combat effectiveness. At this time, the mixed-yuan sky orbit regained its power and continued to exert its combat effectiveness, which improved the efficiency to the extreme.

The number of king-class battleships, which has soared to 100,000, plus 100 mixed-yuan battleships, 200,000 immeasurable celestial deities, and 300 billion horizontal ships launched a bombardment of the enemy.

This is absolutely a no-brainer, no matter whether it is the Holy Knight or the archer, all of them die. Not to mention anything else, just 200,000 immeasurable celestial beings are enough to completely destroy these invaders.

The Emperor held a purple electric sword and went straight into the enemy's unlimited masters. A kill is hundreds of people, and no one can stop them. Li Xing's three major avatars are even more fierce, and often they can slap them down to destroy hundreds of millions of enemy forces.

This kind of play only killed for a short time, and many people in the enemy could not bear it, and shouted, "We surrender, don't kill, don't kill!"

They watched with a flash of sword light, and the mighty and immense Da Tianzun beheaded and killed; the huge palm was pressed down, and hundreds of millions of Da Tianzun died. This scene is too shocking. No one is not afraid, and no one wants to die.

The attack immediately stopped, and Li Xing's majestic voice rang out across the continent: "If you don't want to die, immediately kneel and accept the treatment!"

Suddenly, except for the masters who are infinitely more powerful, both the Holy Spirit and the elves fell to the ground, willing to surrender, just to save their lives.

However, the 100,000 immeasurable Tianzun did not give up, and desperately resisted. Such a group of people, the combat effectiveness is still quite strong, even if there are three major avatars and the emperor entered the charge, you can not destroy them in a short time.

But at this time, hundreds of mixed-yuan battleships joined the dot matrix, and there were 200,000 infinite powers. With such a powerful siege, the 100,000-magnitude enemies could not last at all, and one quarter was slaughtered in an instant.

The rest were discouraged, knowing that resistance would only be a dead end, so someone shouted, "I wait for surrender, please don't kill me!"

The first is the second, and soon more and more people are willing to surrender. These people are the top masters of all continents and have no enemies. Later he was subdued by the King of Deer and became his minions.

Such people can't say whether they are loyal or not. They are willing to play because they are powerful and they respect the strong. At this moment, Li Xing showed more powerful strength, and they had to submit to Li Xing for the same reason.

Li Xingdao: "Since you are willing to surrender, accept the baptism of this emperor, and you cannot resist!"

Subsequently, a large number of predatory seeds landed. These predatory seeds, after being upgraded and evolved, are getting stronger and stronger.

The remaining 78 thousand immeasurable gods know that the so-called "baptism" is by no means a good thing, but none dare to resist and let the plunder seeds enter the plane.

Five-way soldiers, four-way soldiers defeated, and all the way to fight hard to resist, that is the sky monster battleship. On this day, the monster battleships were combined by 500 billion soldiers, and they could not even separate the Yuanyuan orbit.

As a whole, this battleship is not easy to deal with. It wasn't until the end of the remaining four batches of troops and horses that Li Xing pulled out and prepared to deal with this behemoth in person.

Three major avatars surrounded the Sky Monster battleship from three directions. On the battleship, an angry voice came: "Mixed Yuan emperor, do you know how powerful the forces behind us are? You dare ### 我 wait, you really do not know how to live or die, you will regret it later!"

Jiuyang sneered: "Death is imminent, it's useless to say anything. Give you one last chance, either surrender or die!"

"Don't think of it! My Tian Yao family will never lose defeat. Www.readwn.com ~ The world is invincible and it is impossible to surrender!" The man yelled.

Jiuyang avatar is no longer nonsense, and shot directly with the other two avatars ###. The three great masters, the power of joint forces is by no means a battle against the sky monster. I saw three immortal artifacts smashed violently, causing the battleship to shake in the east and west, and the body was bruised.

The battleship is composed of one demon after another, so every time you fight, a large number of demon die. Beating like this, this warship will not last long.

"Hit me, hit hard!" Roared from the battleship.


There was a sky demon killed by the ship's bow, and he wanted to kill Jiuyang's clone. It's a pity that the mixed Yuan sky rail flashed away and directly transmitted the killing light. This is another function of the sky rail, which can divert enemy attacks.

Of course, the premise of the transfer attack is that the enemy's attack power will not be too strong and within the range of the sky rail.


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