Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1239: 5 rows of spiritual soil

Sanqing, Guangyan, and Ronghua have been responsible for the four desolate chambers of commerce. They have been very excited when they heard the words. Sanqing Datian said: "Lord, now the mixed elementary plane is vast and boundless. The power of the world consumed every day is huge ... If the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce can be established, its revenue may support a considerable portion of consumption. "

The Hunyuan Great World is now more than usual, with eight million Jingsheng spirits, and the throughput of Reiki every day is converted into a great fortune, which is an absolutely huge number. Although Li Xing conquered more than once, he couldn't withstand such consumption. Sooner or later he would sit and eat.

In fact, the great deity in the world often walks around in search of resources for cultivation by the living people in the plane. There is not much time for true cultivation. The plane is the foundation, and the living people in the plane are also very important.

Some great celestial beings may die throughout their lives and may be stuck at a certain level and cannot break through. If it was in the plane it was built on, a creature could surpass him and break into a higher realm. So under telepathy, as a monk from the plane, you can also break through in the near future.

This is a deed, and it is also the highest expectation of each deity.

In addition, there are enough masters in the plane creatures, which can also improve the strength of Datianzun. At the critical moment, all the people can fight against the enemy. For example, when Li Xing faced many offensives of the powerful enemies at that time, all the people focused on knocking them back.

Li Xing naturally understood this reason. The purpose of establishing the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce was also to capture profits so as to support the eight million people of Beijing. He nodded and said, "If this trip is successful, the business of the Five Elements Spirit Land will be taken care of by the three of you."

The three said in unison: "Reassure the Lord, we will not shame our mission!"

Since following the three Li Tianxing, their strength has improved very much. Nowadays, Ronghua Datianzun has made a huge amount of cultivation in the ninety-five years. The Sanqing Great Celestial Emperor and the Guangyan Great Celestial Emperor also entered the boundless realm of the ninety-two and ninety-nine calamities, respectively.

These three people were all Li Xing's protectors at the beginning. Although they are not as good as their masters, they are all reliable and credible people and have been reused.

In addition to these three people, Li Xing summoned Chaoyang and Qingyun, and asked them to assist in managing the chamber of commerce. These two people have been with Li Xing relatively early. Although Xiu Wei is not high, only Wuji Xiuwei is good at management.

Li Xing said to the five people: "A few of you, follow me to the Five Elements Lingtu. Whether it is successful or not depends on our luck."

After all, he put away the Snake Ship of the Yuan Dynasty, transformed into a young man, and took five people into the Five Elements Continent. Although the five elements of the continent are powerful, after all, they are open areas and do not refuse outsiders to enter.

Because of this, the Five Elements mainland has always been very prosperous, with frequent commercial exchanges, and has become one of the largest forces nearby. It stands side by side with the continents of the gods and the four phases in the same area.

Outside the Five Elements continent, there was no defense during normal times, so six people entered smoothly. After entering the mainland, the people looked left and right. They are accustomed to seeing the developed civilizations of the Hunyuan plane, and they dismiss it.

Qingyun Datianzun walked over the street, disdainfully said: "This street is wide and there are a lot of people coming and going, but unfortunately there is no civilization building. Look at this street, there is no teleportation array, and no message is passed. Place, too backward. "

Sanqing Datianzun laughed: "Qingyun, don't compare this place with the civilized plane. The two are incomparable. In the mixed world, everything is convenient. There are old trees for news, old trees for war, and defense. Guarding the ancient trees, walking the ancient trees, the parade formations have the sky rails, moving the goods and space the ancient trees, everything is convenient, how can this be compared? "

Ronghua Datian said: "If the inhabitants of the Five Elements Spirit Land are prophets, I am afraid they will be scrambling to become servants of the Lord at this time, hoping to practice in the plane of mixed elements."

The ears heard a few people chew their tongues, Li Xing glanced back, and they closed their mouths. He said, "Look, there is a tea shop in front of us. We used to rest and inquire about the general situation of the Five Elements."

The crowd promised that as he entered, he entered a tea shop. This shop has a street, a wide store, and a lot of people.

The tea here is not the tea that ordinary people drink, but the tea leaves from some ancient tea trees. Those ancient tea trees have gone through a number of calamities in the world, the quality is different, the more the calamity, the higher the quality.

Li Xing ordered a pot of the finest tea in this shop, the immortal Wudao tea of ​​the 98th calamity. Wudao tea tree is extraordinary, and it has experienced 98 calamities. It is naturally very rare and extremely expensive.

In such a pot, it took Li Xing three immortal forged alchemy. The tea lovers around him were not as generous as they were, and they could not help looking at him for such a good tea, and their eyes were full of envy.

Several people drink tea and talk on the surface, but in fact they secretly hear what the people around them are saying. The entire tea shop was on the sixth floor, and there were no more than 200 people. Everyone is here for leisure, so the content of the conversation is varied and all-inclusive.

At the same time, Li Xing secretly performed a secret technique of civilization, calling it "an idea to open up". When this technique is put into practice, when you move your thoughts, you can know what others are thinking and experiencing, and read the other person's insights for life.

Of course, when this technique is performed, it can only be used against people whose strength is much lower than their own. On the right, when you encounter a person at the same level, or a more powerful person, you will be noticed and you will encounter trouble.

As soon as this technique is performed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing has a basic understanding of the Five Elements.

The Lord of the Five Elements Mainland, known as the Five Elements Emperor, the Five Elements Emperor has five avatars, and each avatar has 106 immortal strength. And his deity is a broken-level big man. However, its deity should not have touched a severe fragmentation, otherwise it would not stay here.

The Five Elements Emperor, governing the five elements spiritual soil, unified the world. He gave birth to eighteen princes and divided them up. The eighteenth emperor is the most powerful figure under the Five Elements Emperor.

Eighteen princes, the weakest of which is the eighteen prince, who has the smallest territory. But even so, he managed 68 million continents and countless people living under his control.

The reason is that the eighteenth prince is the only one among all princes who has not stepped into immortality.

Li Xing is very concerned about the eighteenth prince, because the eighteenth prince and the seventeenth prince each operate a chamber of commerce. However, the Chamber of Commerce of the Eighteenth Prince is obviously not an opponent of the Seventeenth Prince, and its share is less than one tenth of the entire market.

But the eighteenth prince did not give up, he always tried to surpass the seventeenth prince. So, on this, Li Xing saw an opportunity.

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