Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1297: financial resources

Chapter 1297: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1297

The strength of the Sumi battleship is divided by size. 'The most powerful Xumi battleship, the power is not weaker than the super plane battleship, Xumi Pure Land has hundreds of such warships.

Because Sumi battleships fight, they need to consume lives, so they are not easily used. Xumi Pure Land usually dispatches only super-plane warships.

However, in the event of a crisis in Xumijing soil, these warships will become a powerful combat force.

The trip to Xumi Pure Land benefited the Seven Color avatars a lot and increased their knowledge.

This day, he re-entered the Sumi Chamber of Commerce.

This is the headquarters of the Sumi Chamber of Commerce, and the items sold are extremely expensive, and generally small people are not eligible to enter. Everyone who can get in is the weakest person in the Broken Realm, and there is no lack of one broken, and there are even two broken broken powers.

This attracted Li Xing and wanted to see if he had what he needed. It must be known that although the business of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce is not weak, it has its own advantages compared to the behemoth of the Xumi Chamber of Commerce, and it is impossible to say which one is stronger.

At this time, the Xu Mi Chamber of Commerce was conducting an auction. He asked a little and knew that there would be several unparalleled items to be auctioned today. This news has been released for more than three months, and a large number of foreign monks have come here.

Li Xing has many auction experiences. After entering the venue, he found a place to sit down casually and observed the surrounding silently.

Some of the guests around whispered quietly, and after listening carefully, they knew a lot.

"I heard that Xumi Pure Land fights too hard with the Jade Emperor Wonderland, and the warships and resources are almost consumed. This auction is to collect some war resources to use in the battle against the Jade Emperor Wonderland."

"It seems that this jade emperor's fairyland is full of vitality. I heard that it has the support of the Ark mainland. It doesn't worry about the battleship, which gives Xu Mijing soil a headache."

"In order to get enough Dahuahuadan, several things in this auction are peerless treasures. They include a big Luoling, a soldier soul, a device, and a group of extraterrestrial sky light."

"I also heard that these things are not trivial. Each one is extremely expensive. I don't know who can buy it."

It didn't take long for the auction to begin, and the first few items that had been brought out did not attract Li Xing's attention. His Four Wild Chambers of Commerce also had a lot of treasures, and general things were hard to catch.

It was not until the second day that the rumored big Luo Ling was taken out. The big Luoling is a big slap token.

The auction host fetched Da Luoling and introduced to everyone: "You must know that Beihuang has a broken list, which is the ranking of the masters of Broken Realm. Among them, the third-ranked ancestor of Da Luo has left three in the world. A big Luo Ling. No matter who gets a Big Luo Ling, he can ask his master to do something for him. "

"Whether you ask for a panacea, or kill revenge, or even destroy a certain force, you can use this order to plead with Grandpa Luo. The premise is that the request must not exceed the scope of Grandpa Luo's ability, otherwise it will be invalid.

Express the purpose of the big Luo Ling, immediately started the crazy scramble. This item started at one million pieces of broken Dan, and was finally photographed by a broken big deity at the price of 2.85 million pieces of broken Dan.

Li Xing didn't show much interest in this object. He waited for a lot of auction items and finally saw the two different treasures that he really noticed. One of them is prismatic golden light, about three feet six inches long, with endless killer power, which makes people scared.

The other is a square, a crystal cube the size of a fist, giving a sense of stability and kingship.

The host introduced to everyone: "These two things are weapons and souls, and they have a great origin. They have infinite usefulness. Before the century, there was a weapon civilization. After this civilization fell, two treasures were left. Horror. "

"These two things, regardless of their integration into any magic weapon, weapon, or even plane, can greatly enhance their cultivation and combat effectiveness, and are among the most precious treasures." Broken Dan, the increase is not less than 500,000 yuan per broken Dan. "

Hearing this quotation, Li Xing frowned secretly, five million pieces of broken Dan, equivalent to five trillion trillion immortal chemical Dan. And this is still the starting price. Li Xing estimates that the final price should be no less than the one immortal Daquan Dan.

However, he still decided to win these two things, because if they are incorporated into the mixed yuan gun, the lethality of the mixed yuan gun will soar to the level of more than double fragmentation.

Li Xing's mixed yuan gun, with the continuous improvement of his deity, has once again become a chicken rib, it is necessary to improve its lethality.

Obviously, there are not a few people who want to get these two things. The competition was very fierce at the beginning. In a cry, the price was pushed to 10 million. At this time, there are not many people with the ability to snatch, only three people are still bidding.

At this time, Li Xingcai was involved and quoted: "11 million!"

"11.5 million!"

"Twelve million!"

"12.5 million!"

In addition, the three parties bitten very dead. It seemed that they would never give up until they got their hands, and Li Xing started a crazy fare increase at this moment for no reason.

"18 million!"

This time, the other three parties were taken aback. Why did they add so much? Is this man crazy?

Immediately, two people resigned helplessly, and the remaining one, after biting his teeth, struggled to report a higher price: "20 million!"

Twenty million, already four times the starting price, but Li Xing did not change his face and said lightly: "25 million."

The other party immediately lost his temper, realizing that Li Xing was imperative, and that he had strong financial resources. If he continued to fight, there would be great risks, so he chose to quit wisely. In this way, Li Xing bought the soldier soul and weapon for 25 million yuan.

Immediately someone came to discuss the settlement with Li Xing, Li Xing first paid a 30% deposit, and then continued the auction.

In the meantime, Li Xing encountered some precious materials that could be used to make motherships. He all shot generously and bought them at high prices. He shot so many times, everyone regarded it as a wealthy man with a strong background and did not dare to provoke him.

The Sumi Chamber of Commerce gave him a sign on the spot to symbolize his VIP status to win over this powerful guest.

The final item at the auction was the sky outside the group, and the host explained that the material originated outside the autonomic plane. When Supreme Breaking Power broke the thirty-three heavens, the first rays of light from multiple outer domains entered.

This light is not very helpful for cultivation, but it can give a glimpse of what kind of world is outside the theme.

As soon as Li Xing saw the light outside the territory, he felt a familiar atmosphere in it, which was somewhat similar to the world he had lived in previous lives. This made him very excited and bought decisively at the high price of 50 million heavy broken Dan.

On this trip, he took 500 million pieces of broken Dan, almost all of them spent. But the harvest is also huge, and many treasures are obtained, which is worth the money.

The auction of the Sumi Chamber of Commerce lasted for more than half a month. Because the lot is precious and the quantity is large, the auction proceeds are all one-shot broken Dan, and the total amount reaches 20 billion one-shot broken Dan.

These good fortunes were all captured by an important figure in Xumi Pure Land, Datianzun, a broken source of wealth. Caiyuan Datianzun has been responsible for the financial management of Xumi Pure Land, and the income of the Xumi Chamber of Commerce is also under his management.

Another identity of this person is the brother of the Lord Sumi, otherwise he would not get such a fat. Because of this level of relationship, Lord Sumitomo has great confidence in it, and will support and reuse it.

The wealthy Tianzun did not know that Li Xing had hidden a huge amount of predatory seeds among the large deposits delivered, and they all lurked secretly.

After the auction, Li Xing did not leave immediately, but was waiting for an opportunity. He has manipulated Caiyuan Datianzun and can control the opponent at any time, but this requires the opponent to take a shot when the order is placed, otherwise it will be difficult to succeed.

Three days later, Li Xing finally waited for such an opportunity!

It turned out that Caiyuan Datianzun was going to go to a certain continent under the control of the Sumi continent to deal with the trouble caused by his descendants.

Caiyuan Datianzun has countless children and lives on many continents. As a father, he has to go out from time to time to deal with disputes between family members and is quite troubled by this.

When Caiyuan Datianzun entered the chaos of time and space and was about to head towards the target continent, he suddenly felt that something was wrong in the plane. One after another the plunderers rushed out of the broken Dan, broke the warehouse, and plundered into his plane.

Caiyuan Datianzun was startled, and was about to do his best ###, Qi Se avatar suddenly appeared, and his shot was a fierce killing, launching a fatal attack on it. With the help of predatory seeds, he has been monitoring the movement of Caiyuan Datianzun, and finally triggered an outbreak of predatory fighters here and launched a bombardment.

The strength of Caiyuan Datianzun is weaker than Li Xing. He is only in the middle of a heavy fragmentation ~ www.readwn.com ~ and the seven-color avatar belongs to the peak state, which is already close to the double fragmentation.


With one move, Li Xing hit the source of wealth, Tian Tianzun, backed up, spraying blood on his nose and nose. When his momentum weakened, the plunderer took the opportunity to plunder, disrupting the order of his plane, absorbing its power, and greatly reducing his attack and defense.

Caiyuan Datianzun knows that things are not good, he roars and fled, but suddenly another Li Xing appeared behind him, which was Jiuyang's clone. Jiuyang avatar had been waiting here for a long time.

Caiyuan Datianzun's left arm was interrupted, and half of his body was tattered. There was no good place. After hearing his scream, he retreated. Behind him, Qi Se avatar shot again and was seriously injured in one fell swoop.

Under the attack of the three parties, Caiyuan Datianzun had no chance at all. He was first beaten by Jiuyang's avatar, and was given a few hard shots by Qi Se. Under severe injuries, the plane was quickly captured by the looting fighters and became a war puppet under the control of Li Xing.


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