Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1306: 1 angry

Chapter 1306: An Angry Wound

Chapter 1306: Anger

After walking around several continents, before that, Li Xing ### 's blue shirt people laughed and said, "What kind of mixed empire, tattered, there is no decent place, dare you call yourself an empire?"

Jiuyang's avatar faintly said: "Poor and remote, naturally cannot be compared with the heaven."

The man in white flashed his eyes and said at this time: "It is rumored that the mixed Yuan Empire established a four-barren chamber of commerce.

For this person, Li Xing paid much attention to it and heard that: "It is impossible to talk about business and do everything in the North, but it is only a little achievement."

"That being the case, the seventh man, why don't we go to the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce?" Humane in white.

The seventh emperor moved in his heart and nodded: "It makes sense, then you will take us to the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce. This emperor will see how well you have established the Chamber of Commerce."

Jiuyang split, saying: "Please come with me."

The Shihuang Chamber of Commerce is very large. Of course, these people cannot see every place, so they choose to enter the headquarters of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce. The so-called Sihuang Headquarters is actually the place where the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce is used to store goods. There are heavy soldiers guarding it, and there are all-around transport arrays. The traffic makes it.

To put it plainly, the headquarters is the material distribution center set up by Li Xing here, which is a very important place.

The headquarters is built on a continent. After the seventh day of waiting for talents, we can see thousands of super-plane battleships roaming the continent. Among them, there is also a giant battleship, which is the mixed mother ship. The ship is equipped with a large number of super plane cannons.

Seeing this scene, the seventh Tianzi's face changed slightly, and he said, "Why can there be so many warships in the mixed Yuan Empire?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The North Famine wars are all around, and you cannot survive without strong force. The mixed empire is also forced to helpless, so it has bought so many warships."

"You mean, these warships were bought?" The man in white asked with an eyebrow. "To buy so many super-plane warships, the amount must be huge. It seems that the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce really made a lot."

Li Xing refused to answer his words, and said to the seventh emperor, "This kind of power is nothing in Beihuang, and there are more people than this powerful force."

"Yes." The seventh emperor nodded. "You, the King of the Northern Wilderness, have some meaning. This emperor is more and more curious about you. Now I want to go to the warehouse of your chamber of commerce to understand the situation."

Here, it is the headquarters of the Shihuang Chamber of Commerce, and it is also the place where the goods warehouses are concentrated.

Since Li Xing dared to bring some people, he was not afraid that they would make trouble. He smiled and said, "Heavenly must see. Naturally, it can be done." After that, he led the way, leading everyone into the warehouse of the Sihuang Chamber of Commerce.

This is a warehouse dedicated to warships. It has been transformed from a fragmented plane and has an extremely large area. When the seventh emperor entered the warehouse, they saw that the air was full of warships.

Moreover, warships are constantly being sent out into the warehouse, and the warehouse is also constantly transporting warships for sale. A few people secretly calculated and found that there were countless high-level battleships here, and I do not know how many billion.

There are more Super Plane battleships, up to 10,000! In addition, there are also ten mother ships anchored. These mother ships are the most terrifying. Each one can park at least a hundred super-plane warships, and itself is equipped with 10,000 super-plane ancient cannons.

When he saw these warships, the seventh day child's eyes showed an inconceivable greed. Even the man in white was shocked, and his eyes couldn't help but glow.

Luangu Datianzun took a deep breath, he winked at the seventh emperor, and then said in a deep voice: "Li Xing, your Four Famine Chambers actually have so many warships, do you want to rebel?"

"Things can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately." Li Xing looked at Liangu coldly. "You are also a member of the Heavenly Court and speak irresponsibly. I, the King of the Northern Wilderness, was invited by His Majesty the Emperor to make it difficult. In doing this, if I want to go against it, there is no need to join heaven. "

"When I became the King of the Northern Wilderness, Tianting didn't give food, and two didn't give people. I was a bare-headed commander. I can develop to this day with my own power." Li Xingdao, "Langu, you must have this purpose, there are In other words, let the fart go. I'll see what bad water you can leak. "

Luangu was furious with Li Xing's remarks and yelled, "Li Xing! If you despise the heavenly messenger like this, are you not afraid to punish your sin?"

Li Xing sneered, and said, "Condemn? Are you worthy?"


The chaos is raging, and what to say is stopped by the people in white. The latter said lightly: "Li Xing, if you have any rebellious intentions, the heavenly courts will naturally detect it, so I won't say much here. There is one thing, you You must also know that Tianting is currently at war with Difu, and the troops are tight. And the seventh man, as the emperor, is obliged to solve the problems for Tianting, so I want to recruit some warships from you to strengthen the power of Heaven. What do you think? "

Li Xing was furious. It seemed that these people were going to fight the warship. His look remained unchanged, saying: "The establishment of the post of the King of the Northern Wilderness by Heaven is to control the expansion of the prefecture's power in the Northern Wilderness. Therefore, the king has a heavy responsibility. Have a mission from Her Majesty. "

"What's more, these warships are all commodities and are orders placed by outside forces. The Sihuang Chamber of Commerce will not tolerate it because of credit considerations."

"Bold!" The man in blue shirt shouted. "The seventh man has the right to requisition. Are you a little king of the Northern Wilderness? Do you want to compete with the emperor?"

Li Xing was not in a hurry, saying: "The army of the heavenly courts, each performing his own duties, the king's task is to guard the northern wasteland, and don't ask anything else. If you want to requisition, you can get the Emperor's hand and I will let you requisition."

The seventh emperor snorted and said, "Heaven's hand doesn't have a hand, but this emperor has an expropriation sign, which can be used to expropriate any member of the heavenly court."

Li Xing smiled: "It's a joke. A broken character, do you want to requisition the warship and treat this emperor as a three-year-old child? Still, if you want to requisition, you can use the Emperor's hand card."

In fact, he knew clearly that the seventh emperor and others had deliberately embarrassed him. Even if the warship was surrendered, things must not end there, and more extreme things were still to come.

The seventh emperor was furious, looking at the cold light, and said arbitrarily, "Li Xing, are you really going to disobey this emperor's order?"

Li Xing narrowed his eyes and said, "Why, Seventh Son wants to punish me?"

"You don't obey the life of your son, you are deadly sin!" The blue shirt sternly said, he was previously Li Xing ###, the anger in his heart was still gone, and now he could not wait to kill Li Xing immediately.

People in white also said coldly: "Li Xing, although your strength is not weak, you still can't compete with me, obediently obey the order of the emperor, otherwise we will blame us to kill you."

Li Xing laughed, and everyone was angry. The seventh emperor said: "Li Xing, what are you laughing? Really think that emperor can't heal you?"

Li Xing laughed abruptly, his eyes glanced over everyone and asked: "How many warships do you want to requisition?"

The seventh emperor was overjoyed, thinking that Li Xing had given in, and immediately said, "It won't take too much. After all the warships in this warehouse are requisitioned, you can provide another 10,000 superplane warships."

Li Xing nodded and said, "It seems you really treat me as a weak and weak Yuan Empire, so you say such shameless words." He sighed, "If I didn't guess wrong, these people and chaos are all A certain old man, right? "

"What is it?" The blue shirt sternly.

"I'm just a pity." Li Xing shook his head. "You guys have done a good job, but you may die here today."

"What did you say?" The sword-browed man in white flew obliquely.

"I said that if we are still so stupid, we will all die here." Li Xingdan said indifferently. "The North Famine is not heaven, and no one will care about the forces behind you, so I urge you to be more secure and not to ask too much. "

The seventh emperor yin yin: "Li Xing, are you threatening this emperor?"

Li Xing said indifferently: "There is no need to threaten, this emperor just said to implement."


The man in red finally couldn't help but shot, and between his fingers, a cold mang flew between his fingers to take Li Xing's eyebrows and cut his jade god. Jiuyang snorted coldly with two fingers, and clamped a red flying knife.

The flying knife shook a few times and couldn't break free. This flying knife, called a life-threatening flying knife, is a red weapon. The Red Man himself, Daohao killed Datianzun, is also a master of four broken, quite strong.

Unfortunately, what he is facing is the broken five-fold Jiuyang avatar, whose strength is far above, and easily controls the flying knife.

Da Tianzun was furious and said, "Return my sword!"

Li Xing took off the knife, and then he flicked his fingers, a ray of destruction hit the person. The speed of the light was too fast, and he couldn't resist at all. He suddenly entered his body and began to destroy it.

Suddenly, the divine four major planes of heaven became completely messy, and instantly lost their combat effectiveness. It turned out that Jiuyang's avatar, after condensing the gate of destruction, represented that his level of destroyers had broken through to the realm of the destroyer.

The Emperor of Destruction ~ www.readwn.com ~ means high strength, you can kill the masters of the same level in one thought, not to mention that the fourfolds such as the death of Tianzun are broken. It is like killing a dog.

Da Tianzun fainted himself in the ground, and others in anger and others were furious. The man in white waved his hands, and at the same time, the dark gold gourd in his hand slipped, and the gourd mouth turned to Li Xing, shooting a ray of killing.

This gourd, called the golden gourd, is a five-fold broken treasure that can fly out of the golden killing light and take the first rank. The man in white is also known as the Golden Gourd, which has five strengths.

In fact, regardless of the golden gourd or the destiny, the instruments in their hands are all natal instruments. The avenue of the tactic plane is the same as their avenue, and the realm is similar to the master.

This natal instrument can replace the master to die at a critical moment, and it is a good treasure to kill and kill the enemy.

Seeing that killing light, Li Xing walked heavily, and then he played a set of Taijiquan. The left hand was falsely drawn, and the right hand was micro-photographed. When he saw the killing light, he was restrained by him, like a bird in a cage. Off range.


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