Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1308: 81 city

Chapter 1308: Eighty-One City (3100 Flowers)

Chapter 1308 Eighty-One City (3100 Flowers)

Li Xing arrogantly said: "Without concealing the elder brother, the brother's mixed Yuan civilization has entered the senior twenty-fourth class, and even if he encounters such characters, he has the ability to protect himself ... └ Moreover, I am no longer close to the next breakthrough. Far away, the gate of the Yuanyuan will condense. "

The ninth emperor was taken aback, shocked and said, "What, advanced civilization?"

Li Xing nodded and laughed: "And this is only temporary, and the mixed civilization will continue to improve in the future."

The ninth emperor exhaled and said, "The civilization established by the old Kongming Pavilion is just a primary civilization, but you are a high-level civilization. The gap between the two is huge! After the Great Five of Civilization is broken, there will be Opportunities converge the gates of their civilizations, and their lethality is amazing. If the brother's ascendant gate comes out, his strength will soar, and maybe he will be able to compete with Kongmingge. "

The two talked about, Li Xing made clear the old details of Kongming Pavilion, he calculated it, and said with a smile, "The most powerful force in the mixed Yuan empire today is the civilized warship. This warship has One million small civilization cannons, 200,000 large civilization cannons, 40,000 giant civilization cannons, and one ultimate civilization cannon. Such a force, combined with the floods of heaven and earth, is not a problem in blocking the pavilion. "

The ninth emperor was still worried about how Li Xing resisted. At this moment, when he heard it, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's been a long time since I was in a hurry. It turns out that you really have the confidence to deal with emptiness."

Li Xing laughed: "Thanks to my brother for reminding me, otherwise, I won't despise him. When he comes, I will entertain him with a civilized warship!"

The ninth emperor was relieved, and only felt that meeting such a brother was the wisest choice.

The two had talked about major events, and they drank for three days, drinking hundreds of pots of wine. While drinking, the ninth emperor also talked about some changes in the heavenly court. For example, the first emperor gained a great chance in the ancient ruins of the ancient court. Now the cultivation has broken into sixfolds and opened up his own civilization.

The remaining emperors have also grown, and the seventh emperor has been triple-broken and has gained a lot of good things.

In addition to the ten emperors, there are also some princes and ministers, and the nobles and nobles enter into it. Some of them have also gained great opportunities and made significant progress. The ancient Tianting ruins created a large number of broken-level masters for Tianting.

Li Xing felt itchy in his heart, excited for a while, and sighed again.

The ninth emperor laughed, "Why, you want to go in and try your luck?"

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, unfortunately, I'm not qualified, not a prince or aristocrat."

"Who says you are not eligible?" The ninth emperor said with a smile. "You are the King of the Northern Wilderness, with a high status, and of course you are eligible to go in, but you must get the approval of Heaven."

Li Xing's eyes lighted and he said, "Brother, I'll leave this matter to you."

The ninth emperor laughed: "In fact, I have already made a joint for you, and you can enter at any time." Then, handing over a palm-sized three-colored sign to Li Xing, he said, "This is the proof of entering the site. People who guard the site do n’t know who they are, they can enter after taking it. "

Then he said positively: "But you have to admit that entering the site is risky. At present, less than 60% of the people are alive. Moreover, there is fierce competition inside, because everyone wants to get good things, which is naturally bleeding. dead."

Li Xing laughed: "These are trivial matters, as long as they can be entered." Then, unfortunately, "I'm sorry that I've been busy recently and I can't get away for a while. I can only wait for a while."

The ninth emperor nodded: "It is only over a hundred years before the opening of the broken ancient road. You must try your best to improve during this time. Fortunately, the ancient road will show its might and finally enter the source of civilization."

Speaking of the broken ancient road, the two talked again. In words, Li Xing's understanding of the broken ancient road has deepened.

Li Xing knows that Broken Ancient Road is a way to enter the source of civilization. Since the main characters on this road are broken masters, it is called Broken Ancient Road. However, for some specific things, he still does not know, and today he knew a part from the ninth day.

The ancient civilization road has a total of 981 levels, and each level represents an area of ​​terror. For example, the first pass, called Baigu Pass, belongs to a burial place of civilization. Almost all people below the broken realm are left at this pass, and they die.

Even if it is a master who is above a severely broken realm, there are still a considerable number of people who are difficult to pass this level and sleep forever.

This is only the first level, and the next 80 levels are more dangerous than one. Of course, risks and opportunities coexist, and there are countless treasures in the eighty-one level. If you have good luck and strong strength, you can get treasure and increase strength.

The masters of all ages have all grown up on the broken ancient roads, such as the Northern Waste Emperor, the Proterozoic Emperor, the contemporary Heaven Emperor, etc., all embarked on the broken ancient road and eventually entered the source of civilization.

Just as Li Xing talked with the ninth emperor, the seventh emperor had returned to heaven and went straight to Ge Laowan.

Ge Lao Wan is located in a high-level space-time of heaven. Twelve heavenly courts live here. He came here to tell his father, Emperor Tianming, about the fall of Luangu Tiantian.

The Emperor Tianming has already been waiting there. When he saw the seventh emperor, he just said lightly, "Little Seven, why are you here?"

The seventh emperor hurriedly said, "Kingming Pavilion is old, they were killed in chaos!"

The Emperor Tianming said faintly: "I already know that it is they who do not know how to offend people who should not offend, and I cannot save them."

"Don't the old man want revenge for them?" The seventh emperor exclaimed.

Mr. Kongmingge: "If I retaliate, the dead may be resurrected?" He smiled slightly. "I cultivate the empty way, and I have a clear state of mind, no sorrow, no joy, no revenge and no love."

The seventh emperor was extremely anxious and trembled: "This Ming elder is so advanced and full of heart. I'm afraid I won't really do it for the death of a few people. I must think of a way!"

He turned his eyes and suddenly said, "Kung Ming Court, you haven't made much progress in your practice over the years. I don't know why?"

Kongmingge old road: "Limited by qualifications, this is nothing, slowly cultivating is that aging has unlimited life, and one day can break through."

The seventh emperor sighed and said, "In this case, who knows if there will be a problem in the middle, or if there will be an enemy? This emperor knows a shortcut, I don't know if the old man would like to go?"

Kongmingge always smiled: "Is there really a shortcut in the world?"

"Of course there is," said the seventh emperor. "The old man must know Pan Guzhu, right?"

Kongmingge's old eyebrows jumped and said, "Oldness knows naturally."

"If the old man got Panguzhu, he would be able to make rapid progress, maybe he could become the second Pangu, for thirty-three days, dominate the source of civilization." The seventh emperor stared at the old man, "Does n’t the old man want? "

Kongmingge always closed his eyes and said, "The Panguzhu thing has been known for a long time. You don't need to mention it any more. Panguball doesn't make people supremely broken. What is it for?"

"Even if you ca n’t be broken, you can become a Xeon. Is n’t that a better chance of breaking up?" The seventh emperor continued to persuade, "As long as the old man gets Panguzhu, he will be a first-rate master immediately. You can rest assured that you have entered the 33rd Heaven and created a great cause. "

Kongmingge is still stubborn, saying, "For the old, nothing can be broken. Everything is empty."

The seventh emperor sneered: "What if we add a method to advance civilization?"

Ge Lao opened his eyes suddenly and asked, "What are you talking about? The way to advance civilization?"

"Good!" Said the seventh emperor, "I saw Li Xing that year, and the civilization he built was only a primary civilization. I saw each other last time. I found that his civilization is at least an intermediate civilization. Doesn't this explain the problem?"

"This person, really has a way to improve civilization?" Ge Lao's mood was writhing, he could no longer be as calm as Fang Cai, and his mood was suddenly destroyed.

For a lifetime of greed in his heart, he immediately fell into a demon state, making it difficult to hold himself.

The seventh son was secretly happy and quickly said: "Nothing wrong. If he has no way to promote civilization, how can he step from the primary civilization to the intermediate civilization? I think he has not only methods but also treasures to enhance civilization."

At this time, the old Ming Pavilion was finally unable to stabilize, and stood up and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Qi, would you like to go with Lao Shi?"

The seventh emperor was overjoyed and said, "I'd like to accompany my life!"

The Kongming Pavilion veteran did not immediately set off. He invited two old friends, the Kongshan Pavilion veteran and the Hollow Pavilion veteran. Among them, Nakongshan Pavilion is always the master of the chaos of the ancient days, and hates Li Xing.

In the past few days, Li Xing has been preparing. In the event of the emergence of Kongmingge, he can go all out and give the strongest blow.

On this day, there was a wave of time and space around the civilized warship, and an ancient portal emerged with a clear breath. This portal is lined with chaos, great and heavy, and seems to be the only portal between heaven and earth.

Li Xing immediately felt that the civilized warship was manifested as soon as possible. Without asking a word, he directly prepared all the ancient civilization artillery ~ www.readwn.com ~ to fire at any time.

This door is the empty door. The three pavilions are old, empty, empty mountain, and hollow out from them. There is a seventh emperor behind them.

On the seventh day, Zizi was so arrogant that he seemed to have restored his superiority to Li Xing. He laughed and said, "Li Xing, are you crazy yet? The three patrons are here, and I see how you can cope!"

Li Xing's great respect for the law was manifested in front of the battleship. He wore an imperial crown, a royal suit, a tall and mighty shore, and awe-inspiring, and said in a deep voice: "How do you teach the Three Pavilions?

Kongmingge Old Road: "You Yuanyou, you killed the five sons of the old man, don't you know the purpose of the old man?"

Li Xing sneered: "This is for revenge, so there is nothing to say. Let's see the real chapter under our hands."

"Slow." Li Mingxing, an old man who had stopped working, said, "I have two goals here, one is to get the Pangu ball, and the other is to get your secret way to improve civilization!"


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