Chapter 1315: Jiuyang Evil Prince

Chapter 1315: Killing (3600 Flowers)

Among the crowd, a sevenfold broken power screamed, "Did you kill Dong Liyan?"

Li Xing cursed in his heart. He only cares about taking treasures, and does not want to be surrounded by Dong Liyan's group. Xuan screamed unlucky in his heart, but said in his mouth: "Brother Dongli took the treasure with me, but was hurt by Baoguang. Unfortunately, it fell, and I am very sorry."

Everyone stayed for a while and couldn't decide whether Li Xing had killed anyone. However, it is not important to kill Dong Liyan. They have been a treasure hunter, so they immediately became humane: "You did not dare to admit that you killed Dong Ligong, but no matter what, we must catch you for Wei Dong. Revenge from the son. "

Li Xing stared at the speaker and asked, "Dare you ask your Excellency what is your relationship with Dong Li?"

The man was a triple-broken character, coldly: "The six nephew of Aunt Dongliyan's mother-in-law's house, and Mo Ni below, and you killed Dong Liyan, is my enemy, you must avenge it!"

Li Xing's complexion is blue. Which relative is this? However, he finally understood that these people were not Dong Liyan's revenge, but the treasure, fingers and treasure blade fragments in his hands.

Thinking about this section, he sneered: "To say so much is nothing more than trying to **** my treasure, but unfortunately you got the wrong idea." He held the Xinghuang flag and came out with a grin.

People around were overjoyed, swarming, all kinds of mysteries came out, and countless killings were revealed. For a time, the air was killing in the air, and the breath was insane. Everyone aimed at Li Xing, and they wanted to get the top spot.

Li Xing faced countless strong and weak attacks, his face remained unchanged, he only lifted the Xinghuang flag slightly in his hand, and the five elements reversed and immediately launched. Those attacking tricks were immediately rebounded and killed at a third party.

All of a sudden, people screamed and screamed. Some had broken arms, some had lost their ears, some were blind, others had their heads cut, and blood was shining on all sides.

"Haha" laughed Li Xing and sternly said, "Which one should avenge Dong Liyan, come here!"

At that moment, at least one third of the people were injured, and everyone was shocked by the great reversal of the Five Elements. Which one dare to come forward? Just standing in the distance yelling.

This said: "Shameless thief, if you have a seed, come out and stand in the queue."

That said: "Even if you don't come out, I will have to wait until the sky is old, and I will have to kill you here to avenge Dong Liyan!"

Others yelled: "Vicious little thief, you have cut my ears. This disgraceful hatred is not shared, you are dead!"

Li Xing turned a deaf ear and simply returned to the ruins of the pagoda while holding Xinghuang Banner, then sat down and practiced. He would have to see who can consume the most energy.

The heroes are no longer right, they are actually attracted by the atmosphere of the five elements reversal. This array was so powerful that even the distant masters were alarmed. There are only a handful of people in the crowd, sincerely revenge for Dong Liyan.

I waited for three days like this, and even those who called and scolded were uninterested, standing around one by one, waiting for Li Xing to come out.

In contrast, Li Xing, he is looking at the nose, nose and heart, and seeing the mixed Yuan Avenue.

At this point, some people finally felt that it was meaningless to wait for a while. Even if Li Xing came out, so many people might not be able to grab it, so they quietly retreated.

When there is the first, there is the second person, and more and more people go. By the seventh day, there were no more than a hundred people left, and they were not any big masters. The strongest one was sixfold broken.

Li Xing sneered, these people really regarded him as a sick cat, so he suddenly stood up, holding the Xinghuang Banner on his left, and the heaven and earth flood furnace on his right, and killed him.

The crowd was frightened and flew at the same time. Unfortunately, the coverage of Xinghuang Banner was extremely wide, and they suddenly reversed their puppet technique, instead of leaving, they approached Li Xing.

And Li Xing, holding the earth and earth furnace, wantonly ###. Often, when the light flashed, seven or eight people fell into the furnace and were refined into heaven and earth. At the same time, the treasures of these people are also included in his pocket.

None of the one hundred people escaped. Only the six broken man persisted for a while, and was eventually destroyed by Li Xing. You know, he has nine broken pieces of combat power, coupled with the five elements of the reversal, even if they encounter ten broken pieces, they can do one, killing these people is as easy as mowing.

Killing everyone, he immediately set off the flag and fled the scene. Sure enough, many people arrived shortly after he left, but Li Xing could no longer be found.

Before and after, Li Xing killed hundreds of people, and they were all masters, which made the monks at the site angry. You know, most of these monks come from heaven, and they have relationships with each other, and killing one offends one.

So not long after, one of the biggest forces issued a hunting order against Li Xing, claiming that who could destroy Li Xing would get one-fifth of all they had harvested at the site.

Then the second and third hunting orders were subsequently issued, and the target was also Li Xing.

Perhaps Li Xing did kill too many people and was deemed to be the most sinful. In the end, twelve hunting orders appeared. The target was all him, and the bonus was small.

The effects of the twelve hunting orders soon appeared. In just three days, Li Xing was hunted eighteen times, including several masters. Thanks to his strength, this escaped the birth, but he was shocked.

One-on-one, he is not afraid of anyone in the ruins, but if he attacked in a group, he would be invincible. After all, a group of masters attack at the same time, that destructive power is not acceptable to ordinary people.

As a result, he reluctantly began his escape life. When there was almost no safety, a short pause would cause someone to come to the door, killing him, and being vicious.

After three months like this, Li Xing did not know how many times he had been hunted down, but he escaped with great strength and superman wisdom. He also got a general understanding of the monks existing in the entire site.

At the site, there are currently about 3,000 to 5,000 monks, of which three are the strongest. They are all nine strong and broken. Six are eight broken, thirty-nine are seven broken, and as many as a hundred are six broken.

So many masters are either relatives of the imperial family, ministers of the princes, and princes of the princes of all parties in the heavens. They have all improved their strength in the ruins these years. They were not strong before.

This shocked Li Xing at the strength of the ancient Tianting site, and he could train so many masters. You know, most of them couldn't even reach the broken state in the past, but now they are stronger than one, and there are even nine broken people.

In shock, Li Xing also made a determination to thoroughly understand the ancient Tianting ruins, which must be taken away, and never left to others.

In fact, a long time ago, Li Xing began to continuously receive news that five hundred real people discovered the baby, one after another. So far, every mixed real person has gained something, and the gain is not small, which will greatly help them.

"This is not the way. Just looking at the escape every day, how can I have time to explore the treasure?"

On this day, Li Xing was chased by the crowd again, and he could no longer restrain the anger in his heart, and said, "Since you can't let it go, you'll kill all of you!"

Half a month later, Li Xing appeared again. This time he was very swaggering, with the nine-storied earth and earth smelting furnace above his head, the gate of the mixed Yuan manifesting behind him, and the civil warship under his feet.

In such a battle, when idlers dare not even approach, they even dodge. He "haha" laughed, and his voice spread all over the place: "A group of rats, now that they have seen the strength of the emperor, have they all become shrinking turtles?"

This sentence really angered many people, the masters once again rushed to come from all directions. Several of them were able to meet, and quickly set a plan to kill Li Xing and seize the baby.

This is a large-scale hunting on an unprecedented scale. Nearly one-third of the masters have joined the hunting team, chasing behind Li Xing's ass, calling and killing.

Li Xing's prestige was swept away, his head hurrying away, and he couldn't say anything ruthless. He was on the road ahead, and everyone was chasing behind him, and unknowingly entered a palace.

Li Xing's body flickered and he sank into the palace. The people who chased after him depended on many people, and after a short stay, they rushed into the palace one after another to catch a puppet.

When all these thousand people entered the palace. Five-colored phosgenes rose around the palace, but Li Xing laid a five-element reversal array here in advance, trying to trap everyone.

In the big battle, everyone was not panicking. Some people laughed and said, "Little thief, you are so stupid. Can you wait for me with this heart?"

Indeed, as many people say, thousands of people have endless means. Even if everyone breathes a breath, it is possible to blow the five elements upside down, let alone trap them.

Li Xing's somber vocal sound penetrated every corner of the palace, and said, "Don't sleep too long, a quarter of an hour is enough to destroy you!"

"It's a big word, I think you've been chased by us for too long, and you've lost heart, and for a quarter of an hour, you're afraid you can't even kill yourself!" Someone laughed.

"Yes, everyone united, broke this team, and then killed this team!"

At this moment, the Proto-Altar appeared in the sky above the palace ~ ~ It shook a bit, and a piece of gold fell. That golden light, is nothing else, it is Li Xing ’s ### treasure blade fragment not long ago.

This shard almost strangled Li Xing at first. He lost his life due to the five elements reversal, and later used the ancient altar to ###.

Now, he let go of the fragment, and it instantly turned into a killing light, strangling and strangling in the palace with infinite intention. Killing light in this way can cut the power of more than tenfold broken, quickly like electricity, no one can stop here.

I saw a flash of light, dozens of masters landed on their heads, and it was unclear how they died. The rest were frightened, and many yelled, "We're in trouble, run away!"

Unfortunately, in a hurry, it is impossible for them to rush out of the five elements reversal array. They can only fly continuously to avoid the pursuit of the Shard of the Sword.

After the killing of the treasure blade, the speed is faster and the killing power is stronger. I saw that the palace was full of dense golden threads, like thin swords, cut vertically and horizontally, and shattered, causing flesh and blood to scream.


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