Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1318: Drums of Civilization

Chapter 1318: The Drum of Civilization (3800 Flowers)

Chapter 1318: Drums of Civilization (3800 Flowers)

This is a sword repairer in white. He looks very young. He looked at Li Xing coldly and said, "Your gun skills are good, but with this skill you want to break into the sword house. I think you have enough. .┝ & 网, "

Li Xing raised his foot and said, "All this plane has been cursed. If I had not removed the power of the curse, it would have to wait for years to recover."

The white swordsman looked incredulous, staring at Li Xing and asked, "What are you talking about? The cursing power has disappeared?" He rose to the sky, opened his sword, and suspended in the air.

He clearly felt that the power of the curse had indeed disappeared, and he couldn't help crying, screaming again and again: "It's gone! It's gone!"

His long howling drew all the people in the sword house. Li Xing saw nearly 100 sword repairs in blue, 11 sword repairs in white, and one sword repair in black.

Li Xing was taken aback. He saw that the twelve white sword repairers had the same strength. Hundred blue swords are slightly weaker, but they are also quite strong. The most noticeable one is the black sword man who can feel a kind of life threat from him.

The swordsman in black glanced at Li Xing, and then rose into the air. After a while, he also exclaimed. Immediately afterwards, all the sword repairs rushed into the sky, feeling the curse of pollution without cursing.

The white-clothed sword repair that Li Xing stepped on said to the black-clothed sword repair, and the latter landed down and told Li Xing deeply, saying: "Thank you for your help, all the souls of Kendo will forever engraved within five, for life Don't forget the big favor! "

Li Xing nodded slightly, and said, "I just do it, it's nothing."

Swordsman in black invited Li Xing into the sword mansion and received it grandly. The two sides sat down and came from each other. Li Xing realized that this place belonged to the core of the Kendo plane, so he was never polluted by the curse.

Therefore, the monks here have not affected their strength progress, and have a group of terrible sword repairs. The division of their strengths is at least a swordsman in yellow, and there are swordsmen in red, green, blue, white, and black.

The sword house is vast and currently has about one billion people. Among them, there are nearly one hundred swordsmen in blue, twelve swordsmen in white, and one swordsman in black. These are the martyrs of one billion inhabitants.

The sword in the black clothes is a silk rain. The sword skill is like drizzle and soft silk. It is silent and killing. It is an absolute master.

During the conversation, the Siyu swordsman asked about the situation outside, and Li Xing came together.

Hearing the great changes outside, I do not know how many epochs have gone through, Siyu Swordsman sighed: "Thinking back then, Da Tianzun was also a small and famous person in the heavenly court. He was the number one figure. I did not expect that I would be here.

Li Xingdao: "I wait for your strength, in fact, after going out, they are all first-class masters, which is very amazing."

The Siyu swordsman pondered a little, and said to Li Xing: "Engong has the gift of rebuilding for me. It won't be long before the Kendo plane can restore its strength and restore its glory. But before that, we need a period of rest and tranquility. Hope Grace can help us. "

Li Xing laughed: "This is easy. If you want to, you can move to the mixed Yuan empire, where no one dares to commit it."

After listening to the sword in black, he thankfully said: "So many thanks to Gong, I will rely on Gong in the future."

"You're welcome. The masters can enter the mixed empire, which will also help the empire." Li Xingdao. In fact, this move has other meanings, as long as these people enter the mixed Yuan empire, it will be a matter of time to integrate into the empire. This plane of civilization will sooner or later become part of the mixed plane.

In the meantime, the two sides also mentioned nine sword pills. These nine sword pills were made by Kendo Datenzun in his early years, and they have been flying in the plane by themselves, and no one can rule it. The sword repairers couldn't think of it, Li Xing could subdue it, and they all admired Li Xing very much.

"Since Jian Wan was surrendered by En Gong, it belongs to En Gong. This is fate." Siyu Datian respected him.

After the two sides negotiated, Li Xing took this Kendo world into the Hunyuan plane and protected it when it was cut. After entering the plane of the Hunyuan, the plane that lost the Great Celestial Master can be nourished by the Hunyuan civilization and recovered quickly.

When Li Xing came out of the hill, it was already a hundred years later. The monks outside had almost forgotten Li Xing, thinking that he would either die or never come out again.

So when Li Xing appeared again, it really shocked many people.

"The killing star has come out!" Everyone rushed to tell, making the atmosphere in the entire site tense.

Li Xing didn't care what these people thought, he started the treasure hunt as always. Moreover, in order to increase the chance of obtaining the treasure, he invited the black swordsmen and twelve white swordsmen out to explore the treasure together.

In this way, his momentum is even stronger, and he can walk across the site completely.

There are many people and powerful people. It didn't take long for a swordsman in white to find out. Please inform Li Xing of the news and say that something very special has been found.

This is a bald mountain, where no grass grows, and the surrounding area is full of building debris. The white swordsman stated that as soon as he walked near the mountain, he felt a strange power that suppressed his power by 30%.

Li Xing didn't believe it at first. When he also walked near the bald mountain, he really felt that his 30% of his power was suppressed and he couldn't exert it. He couldn't help wondering what exactly caused this phenomenon.

After a search, Li Xing found nothing. Instead, Siyu Datianzun found the key. He pointed to Tushan Road: "Engong, this mountain is abnormal."

"Oh? How?" Li Xing asked quickly.

"Engong, look, what does this mountain look like?" The Siyu swordsman asked.

Li Xing glanced again and said, "This mountain is round and flat on top, it looks like a hundred drums."

"That's it, this mountain is a drum." Siyu Datian respected, and raised his hand to cut out with a sword. Hundreds of thousands of sword silk streamers, condensed into a light fist, hammered hard to the big drum.

The mountain shuddered, making a loud noise, and the people were full of turbulence. Immediately, I felt that my strength had soared by 20%.

Li Xingfei reached the top of the mountain, and for a moment, the mountain made another loud noise. After trying this a few times, he laughed: "Brother Siyu has good eyesight. This mountain really is a big drum, and when it is sounded, it can improve the combat power. When not knocked, it can suppress the combat power."

With that said, he manifested Da Tianzun's respect for the Dharma, and when he grew up, he saw that he became hugged at the waist and suddenly lifted the giant drum. The stone powder on the surface dropped one after another, revealing the true capacity of the giant drum.

This is a big blue drum, with giant sculptures engraved around it.

Li Xing tried it a few times before he knew the magic of this drum. During the war, if you hit the drum, you can increase the combat effectiveness of friendly forces by 20%. In addition, it can suppress 30% of the enemy ’s combat power and greatly improve the odds of victory.

This is undoubtedly a treasure. Li Xing used the income to mingle the Yuan plane, thanked the swordsmen, and continued to search for treasure.

Huhu is another few decades. With the help of swordsmen and 500 yuan real people, Li Xing has gained a lot. On this day, he had gained something in his heart, and was preparing to retreat for a period of time. Suddenly, a real mixed person rushed to report.

"Your Majesty, it's not good, Wu De was detained by the Soft Incense Palace."

The caller is You Fang, who has the best relationship with another mixed-person real Wu De.

Li Xing frowned: "Clarify clearly, what is the soft incense palace, and why is he detained?"

You Fang blushed and said, "Your Majesty, that soft incense palace is a place for pleasure, there are many beautiful female elves, beautiful and gorgeous."

Li Xing angered: "So you and Wu De go often, and you also hand over the treasures you found to those fairies? But Wu De can't take out the baby this time, but she has been playing tricks again, and has been detained, hasn't she? "

You Fang shrank his head and said, "You can't hide anything from your Majesty."

"Miscellaneous things!" Li Xing was furious, and he kicked You Fang to the ground. "How do I confess you, the crisis is here, and you must be careful with your affairs. How dare you go to that kind of place? Is there no empire in you Girl you like? "

You Fang didn't dare to breathe, face bitterly, bowed his head, and said nothing.

This is not to blame Li Xing's anger. These mixed real people are like young children. If they grow up and are motivated, he will be happier than anyone else. If these people are not motivated, he will be angry, and he will certainly take lessons.

After training You Fang Yitong, Li Xing said, "Take me to the Soft Fragrant Palace."

You Fang was overjoyed and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, please come with me."

On the way, Li Xing asked the origin of the Soft Fragrant Palace. This soft incense palace was originally a magic weapon in the ruins and was later discovered by a monk. The monk found that there is a big world in this magical instrument. There are beautiful women in this big world, and all of them are all over the country.

The monk couldn't restrain the heart of Red Dust, and he fell into it and became a frequent visitor there. After the incident spread, more and more monks mingled here. Until one day, a palace owner emerged from Ruanxiang Palace.

The palace owner did not know for what purpose, a wonderfully changed to Goulanyuan, so that the women below started a flesh business. As a result, the reputation of this place became even more famous. Eight of the ten men who came here for the time had fun here.

Because Li Xing focused on treasure hunting ~ www.readwn.com ~ and did not communicate with other monks, he did not know that there was such a soft incense palace until You Fang told him.

When he arrived at the Soft Fragrance Palace, Li Xing saw a jade platform lying high in the sky. The jade platform was very large and there was a portal on it. Many people went up and down.

Li Xing said nothing, raised the mixed yuan gun, one shot would go down, and made a loud noise, Yutai and the portal smashed. Then he was shot again, the space was torn, and a passage appeared.

In the passage, a large number of monks flew quickly, and they all glared at Li Xing one by one. However, after seeing Li Xing's face clearly, he said nothing and left.

In the end came a group of women, all beautiful and elegant. One of the women, two decades old, enchanting and charming, she willow eyebrows, staring at Li Xing said: "Who are you, dare to break the portal of my soft incense palace."

Li Xing sneered: "Give up Wu De, one step later, I will lift your old nest!"


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