Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1324: Civilized cultivation

Chapter 1324 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Civilized Planting (4100 Flowers)

Chapter 1324 Civilization Planting (4100 Flowers)

The ninth emperor looked stunned and couldn't believe it was true. He asked, "Is there really a way?"

Li Xing said with a smile: "Of course, do you forget that I am a civilized deity? And, it is a senior civilized deity. [Fe ?!"

The ninth emperor thought for a moment, his face suddenly changed, and said, "You mean, civilized cultivation?"

Li Xing nodded: "Advanced civilization has the right to plant civilization. Through the cultivation of civilization, the power of civilization can quickly expand. But you and I are brothers, and I will naturally not control you."

The so-called cultivation of civilization refers to the establishment of a branch of civilization through special means by the civilization plane, thereby expanding the power of civilization and enhancing the strength of civilization. However, in the process of planting civilizations, if the civilization is willing, you can also give up control of branch civilizations.

The ninth emperor was silent for a moment and said, "I naturally know that you will not harm me, but the number of places cultivated by civilization is limited. You don't waste it on me, do you think it is a pity?"

Li Xing was immediately unhappy, and said, "Isn't it the brother to hit the brother's face when he said such a thing?"

The ninth emperor hurriedly said, "It's mine, it's not. Since the brothers are willing to help me, I naturally accept it. Just don't know what kind of civilization to create?"

Li Xingdao: "The mixed-yuan civilization is different from ordinary civilizations. It can build a large number of branch civilizations, and naturally has the right one for you." He thought for a while, "I suggest that you will develop intermediate first-class civilizations, and are related to yin and yang civilization."

He pondered for a moment and said, "I used to learn yin and yang, and practiced a Taijiquan. This boxing skill is very powerful. If I can deduct it in detail, that is Taiji civilization, I will teach my brother Taiji civilization, what?"

The ninth emperor was shocked: "You mean intermediate first-class civilization?"

Li Xing nodded slowly: "Exactly, what do you think?"

"Okay, very good!" The ninth emperor immediately cheered up. "If I have intermediate first-class civilization, I will be the most powerful of the ten emperors. You must know that the yin and yang civilization is only the advanced twenty civilization. what!"

Li Xing laughed: "You are satisfied. In fact, Tai Chi civilization should be at least a high-level civilization, but as a branch civilization, it can only reach this level."

The ninth emperor: "Okay brother, I'm very satisfied, that's it!"

As a high-level civilization, Li Xing currently has only five places for civilized cultivation, so he is willing to give one and give it to the ninth emperor for free, which is very generous.

Even among the brothers, they may not be willing to pay such a large price, so the ninth emperor is very grateful.

The process of civilized planting is not complicated. Li Xing first gathered a strand of civilized embryos, and then sent them to the ninth heavenly son's plane, and helped it transform the plane environment. After that, he will continuously send the breath of civilization into the plane of heaven, and help the embryo grow.

This process takes about three to five thousand years. Fortunately, everything takes place in the gate of time, and it will not take long.

On this day, a sudden shout of horror broke out in Tianzi Fuzhong, and then a forceful civilization breathed into the sky, shocking the Quartet. The remaining nine emperors were shocked and looked towards the ninth emperor's house.

"What's going on? Lao Ji broke through again? It's a civilization, how could this be possible?" The first son was so shocked that his mouth couldn't be closed, and his face changed.

The seventh emperor was even hesitant, shouting, "How could he break through? Didn't everyone exhaust their qualifications in the ruins? How could they break through?"

He asked those around him, none of them looked blank, and none could answer his questions.

"No, I'm going to see what's going on!" Yin Tian of the seventh day yin yin, immediately took a man, and went to the ninth day.

So it didn't take long for the seventh, fourth, sixth, and ninth sons, the ministers of the kings, the relatives of the emperor, and the relatives and relatives to come to see each other. For your convenience.

The crowd did not leave, so they waited in the temple, they really wanted to know what happened during this time.

In the backyard of Tianzifu's backyard, the ninth emperor was very upset and raised his eyebrows: "Brother, look, as soon as I advance, these people can't sit still, they want to come to my bottom."

"Explore them," Li Xing said. "Only by showing strength can these people recognize the reality."

The ninth emperor: "Thanks to the help of my brothers, I am now an intermediate first-class civilization. Jiuzhong shattered the great deity, and my future achievements will be infinite."

Li Xing said with a smile: "What are you waiting for? Today is the third day. Go and give that woman to ###. By the way, let those ministers and emperors know your current strength."

Temple of Heaven, everyone was talking about it, Aojian Datianzun and sister came. Seeing so many people coming from Tianzifu, the two were horrified. Ao Jiandao said, "Sister, what is going on?"

The woman frowned Liu Meier and said, "It seems that he really broke through. The shocking weather before must have run out from here."

"What to do then?" Brother shocked.

Shimei reprimanded: "What's the panic? Even if he is promoted, he may not be able to beat me, let me see."

At this moment, the steward said loudly, "Ninth Lord is here!"

The ninth emperor stepped out slowly, and when everyone saw it, they were shocked and had different ideas. Some are jealous, some are amazed, others are anxious, others are happy. In particular, several emperors seemed to fall into the abyss of **** all of a sudden, cooling from beginning to end.

"Congratulations on the ninth man, congratulations on the ninth man!"

The ninth emperor smiled slightly and said, "You are all welcome, please get up." While raising the crowd, he glanced at several emperors, and said lightly, "Some brothers, can you give me any advice?"

The seventh day child's face changed continuously, and finally he squeezed out a smile, and said, "Seeing that you have made progress, you are happy in your brother's heart, and come to say hi to you."

"Thank you so much." The ninth emperor said coldly and enthusiastically, and then smiled at the two of Ao Jian. "Today is the appointed day, should you try?"

When he asked this, people around him opened up and said, "Isn't this woman, Da Luomen's Yujian Datianzun? I heard that the strength is good, the eighth broken master, how come to Tianzifu?"

"It's not clear yet, it's the chick in our ninth man." Someone laughed, "It seems that the ninth man is trying to use this to expand his influence in the northern wilderness."

"Yeah, the ninth Lord ’s righteous brother, who had been sitting in the northern barren forces, if he added a big Roman, it would have more power to speak, and it would definitely be reused by the emperor."

The woman is Yujian Datianzun. He and his brother Aojian Datianzun both dominated the gate with swordsmanship. The purpose of this visit to Heaven was to make friends with the ninth emperor.

But I never expected that I would encounter such a thing. The ninth emperor would propose to Da Luomen and make a gamble.

The Yujian Datianzun can see that the ninth emperor's strength has definitely surpassed her, and his plane vaguely reveals the flavor of civilization, indicating the identity of the other party ’s civilization.

"No need, I admit defeat." Yu Jian Da Tianzun said lightly, "As promised, I will marry you."

The ninth emperor laughed: "Jade sword girl is a cheerful person, this emperor likes it very much."

Aojian Datianzun's face was ugly, and he kept glaring at Yujian Datianzun, but the latter ignored it and only said, "But I must report this to Da Luomeng, and ask the ninth man to be graced for a few days. "

"Naturally, the marriage event must be known by the elders of both parties. This son is waiting for you." The ninth son said.

Yu Jian and Ao Jian left immediately. The ninth emperor sent the two away, and hosted a banquet in the palace to entertain the Princes. However, several emperors left early and they couldn't sit still.

Li Xing also attended the banquet, and his appearance relieved everyone's doubts. They understand that the person who promotes the ninth emperor's strength must be Li Xing.

In the past few years, what happened in the Northern Famine has more or less passed to heaven, and the prestige of the mixed Yuan emperor is as thunderous as everyone knows.

Therefore, everyone came forward to toasting, and was extremely respectful to Li Xing, not even the ninth emperor.

After the banquet, Li Xing said goodbye to Tianzifu and went to visit Marshal Bingma alone.

Marshal Bing Ma also entered the ancient Tianting ruins, but the time to enter was earlier and failed to meet Li Xing in it. Naturally, his strength has also been improved, and he is currently a master of ninefold fragmentation.

It seems to have expected that Li Xing will come, Marshal Marshal has been waiting in the house for two days. When Li Xing arrived, he immediately ordered a banquet and laughed, "Li Xing, wait for you for a long time."

Li Xing stepped forward and said, "Marshal, I'm late, no wonder."

Marshal Bingma said with emotion: "I entered the site for three epochs to improve my strength to this point. I don't know if it is worse than you."

Li Xing said, "I'm lucky." Then he said, "Is there something wrong with Grand Marshal waiting for me?"

Marshal Bingma nodded: "There is something wrong. In the ancient Tianting ruins, you and the three elders knew about the former grievances. I already know that this is good news for Tianting."

"I'm afraid this is related to the Grand Marshal? The three cabinet veterans, shouldn't they just give up the confrontation just because of my reasons ~ www.readwn.com ~" Li Xingdao.

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you." Marshal Bingma nodded. "My husband-in-law is one of the twelve court veterans of Tianting, and he is quite influential. It was his mediation that finally made both of you hate."

Li Xing said: "No wonder, there was a Ge Lao to come forward." Then smiled, "Since Ge Lao is here, why not drink a few drinks together?"

In the seat opposite, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared, describing him as elegant and with a calm temperament. He smiled slightly and said, "It really is an amazing figure. No wonder soldiers and horses value you so much."

"Gao Lao has passed the prize," Li Xing said. "Gao Lao is here to meet, there must be something to say, listen to him."

Marshal Bingma laughed: "Don't panic, let me introduce you, this is my father-in-law, Tianxue Pavilion."

Li Xing's gaze fixed, and he said, "If I'm not mistaken, Ge Lao is the head of the Tianxu Gate, right?"


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