Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1337: Additional rewards

Chapter 1337: Extra Reward

Chapter 1337: Extra Reward

From the power of Jian Guang, it can be concluded that this person's strength is about 14 times broken. 'Li Xing reached out and grabbed a ball of Jianguang in his hand. The sword was sharp and sharp, but he could not hurt Li Xing's palm, like a bird with wings tied up.

Li Xing gave a cold glance at the direction of the prohibition, and said, "Hello, you are so temperamental." Then he took a hand, and Jian Guang "snapped" and died.

The prohibition disappeared, and a young man emerged from it, his face full of shock and intense precautions. He stared at Li Xing, very careful, and said, "Who are you?"

Li Xingdao: "I'm me, you don't need to ask more. Only then can you give me an explanation."

The young man was originally arrogant, but Li Xing's tactics really deterred him, so he felt timid at this moment. As he stepped back, he said, "What do you want?"

Li Xing looked at the other party and said, "Yes, the intermediate fourth-class civilization, fourteen broken, qualified to be the servant of this emperor."

The young man heard the words, his face changed, and angrily said, "You want me to be your servant?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It is not necessary. You can choose to refuse, but the consequence of the rejection is perishing." He said coldly, "You are not a blind man, and you should be able to see that the emperor means to kill you like a dog.

The young man looked resentful, but after all he dared not say what he refused. He can enter the broken ancient road and have the cultivation practice today. How difficult is it, and how can he easily give up his life?

After a struggle, he sighed and said, "I admit it."

Li Xing reached out and ran a handful of looted seeds into the opposite direction. The looted ancient trees took root and sprung, quickly occupying an advantage.

The young man's face changed greatly, but he did not dare to resist. He knew that if he resisted, he would die.

After doing this, Li Xing said, "You can go, and wait for you to step into the fifteenth torn, and then come to see me."

Since he didn't ask the person's name, because he was under the fifteenth, he didn't deserve to be asked for his name. The young man lowered his head and clenched his teeth, "I will!"

The young man was gone, Li Xing said to himself, "If you don't gather a group of forces, it will be difficult to compete with those heroes in the future, and you have to do so."

From the beginning, he discovered from the light spots on the map that many monks were in groups of three or five, and some numbered as many as a dozen. Obviously, these people have a backbone, they are the core of every small group.

Under the growth of the leader, such forces will continue to ### continue to be replaced, become more and more powerful, and eventually become the leader's help.

Seeing this, Li Xingcai decided to **** a group of forces. But the monks on the broken ancient road, who did not accept anyone, how difficult it is to overcome, can only use the means.

At this time, Li Xing glanced at the task on the meritorious monument, this task is to drive him to Umulin, to find the entrance to the bone king's tomb. In the tomb of the king, there are layers of organs, which are so dangerous that Li Xing has to break through and find the tip of the arrow.

Then, go to the other six places to find the arrow shaft and the five broken sky bone bow. After doing all this, you can have a complete sky bone bow, as well as a sky bow.

At this point, Li Xing could shoot the space channel with the bow and go deeper into Baiguguan.

This task is a series of tasks, divided into tasks and main tasks, after success, Li Xing can get five points of merit, and can also get the Tiangu bow and Tiangu arrows.

After reading this task, Li Xing was lost in thought. Along the way, he found that there are definitely more than one thing, such as flying bone Tissot and bone-changing Tiangong cheats, and similar tasks should be arranged in many places.

So, who has such a handwriting, in the entire ancient road of the eighty-one pass, have set up similar traps and various tasks? If there is such a person, then that person is too powerful, so powerful.

After a few thoughts flashed through my mind, Li Xing shook his head and murmured: "There is always a day to understand the truth. Nowadays, just go step by step and come to the end!"

He resolutely embarked on the journey, headed for Umulin, looking for the bone king monument. As he expected, many people have gathered in the ebony forest at this moment. Compared to the first two tasks, the number of people involved in this matter is much smaller, but their strength is not bad.

Among the monks who can participate in the third mission, the weakest also has twelve broken monks, the number is about thirty. When he arrived, these people were already besieging the bone king's tomb and were looking for a breakthrough.

Li Xing looked coldly, and found that the strongest of the thirty or so people was fifteen-fold broken. He had found the entrance and was using a magic weapon to attack the prohibition of the entrance.

When he saw that no one else was behind, he smiled coldly, stepped forward, and pierced the prohibition with a single shot. This shot was the fifth style of the mixed Yuan, which was powerful and forced the fifteen-fold shattered celestial statue to be driven away.

Li Xing broke the prohibition with one shot, and without saying a word, he released the heaven and earth blast furnace and ordered it to stay at the entrance, while he entered alone.

The people were furious, they stayed here for a long time, attacked for a long time, and were unable to enter, but this person broke the prohibition once, which made them very uncomfortable, especially the fifteenth broken monk, roar , The device attacked the heavens and the earth.

This heaven and earth smelter is no longer the original heaven and earth smelter. It was recast by Li Xing. It can be said that it belongs to Li Xing and is a treasure of civilization. It is currently sixteen broken.

Such a treasure of civilization is powerful. Seeing the attack from the other side, the heaven and earth flood furnace was “shocked”, and a fire broke out in the furnace, and the fifteen-folded monk was swallowed up, even with the magic weapon.

Then there was a scream of screaming in the furnace, and it disappeared after a while, and the rest of the people were so cold that no one dared to rush.

Li Xing blocked the monks in the back with the earth and earth furnace, and he entered the tomb of the bone king. Along the way, he walked through the long tomb and into a large hall. In the hall, there were a large number of giant bone demon, and he immediately rushed to him.

Now, his strength has been increased ten million times compared to the past, and he ignores the attacks of these bone demons. With a big wave, he directly smashed them and crushed them, and easily passed through the hall.

Passing the main hall, there were constantly organs and traps appearing along the way, but none of them could stop his footsteps. He even found a piece of hair, and found the tip of the arrow.

However, this is just the beginning, because when he got the tip of the arrow, the whole person was suddenly wrapped by a force of space, and then he changed into a huge circular square.

This space-time law is heavier than Baiguguan, and he can't even fly.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his ear: "Li Xing triggers a random mission and will compete against a master of the same level. The winner can get all the other party's merits, wealth, and an additional ten points of merit."

Li Xing's heart warmed up, and the total reward for this third wave of missions was only five points of merit, and this extra task actually had ten points!

Just thinking, a monk suddenly appeared ahead. This man is extremely powerful, and is also a master of sixteen broken pieces, holding a long knife. He obviously knew what was going to happen, so after seeing Li Xing, he didn't say a word and locked it directly with murder.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes, the two were of equal strength, and there was considerable risk of fighting. It is no wonder that there will be ten points of merit reward.

The opponent raised a long knife and assassinated without a word. Because neither side can fly, the battle at this time actually depends on the killing skills of both sides.

When it comes to martial arts, Li Xing made his fortune by doing this, and has participated in the study of Wu Jing, which is quite advantageous for this person. At the sight of the opponent's shot, he shook the hybrid gun and greeted it sharply.

The gun and the knife collided, and both sides felt a numb arm. Li Xing was okay. He clenched the gun, but the opponent almost let the long knife fly away, and he couldn't move half of his body.

Li Xing saw it accurately, slammed it, and kicked it out. His kick contained nine kinds of energy, which combined into a violent force to destroy the physical body, and he died immediately.

However, the opponent is not a weak person. Under the disadvantage, he suddenly fell short and actually cut Li Xing with his feet.

Li Xing snorted coldly, turned his toes, and landed heavily on the blade. There was a buzz, the man had a pain in his hands and couldn't hold it. At this moment, Li Xing was full of strength, and the long knife immediately flew away.

He yelled, gave up his sword and punched, and banged straight at Li Xing's waist.

At this time, just as Li Xing had his feet, it seemed impossible to escape. However, Li Xing turned the impossibility into impossible. On one side of the body, he smashed the handle of the gun fiercely.


This time the strength was strange, the other side's sternum was knocked down suddenly, and a groan was heard.

The opponent was injured. This was a godsend. Li Xing readjusted the mixed gun in his hand and stabbed heavily. At this moment, the other party couldn't escape, and with a sore eyebrow, Li Xing exploded his head and fell on the spot.

Li Xing closed his gun blankly ~ www.readwn.com ~ A voice sounded in his ears: "Successful killing, 35 points of merit for the enemy, and 10 points of extra merit."

In this way, his merits suddenly increased from ten to fifty-five. In addition, after examining the accumulation of the deceased, Li Xing gained a lot and found many things needed.

He later appeared in the bone king's tomb, as if nothing had happened just now. After a moment, he quickly turned around and went out of the tomb, put away the earth and earth furnace, and hurried to the next place.

Naturally, none of the people waiting outside the tomb of the bone-hunting king dared to stop him, watching him walk away, sighing one by one, but helpless.

In this way, Li Xing passed through the level and quickly collected Qi fragments, and successfully combined them into the Tiangu Arrow and Tiangu Bow. With this set of bows and arrows in hand, Li Xing was shocked, and felt that if he killed the enemy with this arrow, the seventeenth-strength broken may not be able to escape.

He found a suitable place, bowed his arrows, and shot fiercely into the void.


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