Chapter 1366: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1366

However, the Supreme Supreme Slash can only be launched once, and this time the attack can also burst out the supremely broken lethality, exceeding thirty-three heavy combat power, reaching the highest level. [

After Li Xing consumed more than 50 million meritorious service points at once, a new function suddenly appeared on that commemorative monument, that is, the challenge function, and attached a record of achievements.

According to the introduction on the meritorious monument, through this challenge function, Li Xing can challenge anyone by reporting his name. If the person being challenged has strength above Li Xing, he must accept the challenge and cannot resist.

Conversely, if the strength of the challenged force is under the challenged person, they can choose to agree or disagree, and have the right to make independent decisions.

During the challenge, any props can be used. This has led to the challenge process being full of danger, even if it is to challenge the weaker people, they may be killed.

As for the record, it is through the challenge to obtain record points. In the course of the challenge, you will get a record in the draw. If you win, you will get two records. However, if they lose, they are often killed directly.

The strength of the record, from another aspect, illustrates the strength of the ancient monks. Those monks who are powerful and highly skilled often fight in the Quartet, kill no one, and have a very high record.

The ranking on the record list is not only a glory, it also has more benefits. When the record points exceed a certain value, you will get the reward of the ancient road.

When the record exceeds one hundred points, you can get double the merit reward. For example, Li Xing's merit is 100 million points, so when his record reaches 100, he will get an additional 100 million points of merit, thus having 200 million points of merit.

Upward, if the record exceeds one thousand points, you will get double merit reward. By analogy, the higher the achievement, the greater the reward will be, and there is no end.

At this time, Li Xing's achievements were zero, so he did not rank on the achievements list.

The appearance of the performance list and the challenge function made Li Xing feel quite heavy, and he understood that the next ancient road trip would be even more dangerous, and someone would continue to challenge him.

In fact, the broken rankings do not fully show a person's combat effectiveness. For example, a person ranked 30,000 on the broken list may easily kill a person on the broken list 10,000.

There are factors for using props, and there are other factors. Take Li Xing as an example, his is 25th broken, but the instantaneous combat power has reached 32th broken, far stronger than the ordinary 25th broken Great King.

Among his peers, he is almost invincible, and no one can take a trick under his hand. If there is no one with long eyes to provoke him, there is only a dead end.

In view of this, Li Xingcai felt that this challenge was very dangerous, Wan Wan first year was unfavorable, and met a demon-like character, that is, the bad mold.

After buying the props, Li Xing and You Xiang continued on the road.

This is the eighteenth pass, also known as the ancient beast pass. In this level, there are a large number of archaic beasts, which are powerful and can swallow the sky. They feed on humans and are ferocious by nature, very difficult to deal with.

In the middle of the 72nd level, the level of danger of this level is in the top ten, and the pass rate is extremely low. Many ancient road monks have died here.

At this point, Li Xing received the task of this level, that is to beheaded three beast kings, one beast emperor.

Here, the Beastmaster has different strengths. The weak ones have twenty-three or fourfold broken strengths, and the strong ones have twenty-eight or nine. As for the Beast Emperor, it also has at least 30 pieces of broken combat power, which is very difficult to deal with.

However, such things are not difficult for Li Xing. He is a single horse, and he can easily kill and kill the Beast Emperor without using props.

Following the map instructions, the two soon entered an endless wasteland. Above this wasteland, there are endless ancient beasts, and none of them is weak.

Rhino, flying tiger, **** lion, giant elephant, dragon, crocodile, land whale, etc., each is very powerful and should not be underestimated.

When he saw so many ferocious beasts, he couldn't help but tickle in his heart and said to Youxiang: "These ferocious beasts are all ancient alien species. They grow faster. "

The characteristics of the mixed real people are that the higher the pressure, the faster the growth, and the stronger the stronger. At the beginning, Li Xing made Kendo civilization to fight against it, and soon it made the real Yuanren strong.

Seeing so many archaic beasts at this time, each wondered, and could not help but move his mind.

You Xiang smelled the side and smiled bitterly: "If these fierce beasts enter my plane, the souls can't resist it, and they will be eaten clean all day."

Li Xing smiled slightly: "The children of the mixed Yuan plane are not so weak."

As a matter of fact, masters of the current mixed-element plane are like clouds. Among them, eight have been repaired to reach the twenty-nineth level. Twenty-eight are more broken than a hundred.

There are more below, and the numbers are not clear. This kind of combat power, even if you put a few beast emperors into it, it will not hurt them, but it will arouse the strong war will of the real human in Yuanyuan.

Having made up his mind, Li Xing began to look for the Beast King and the Beast King with a combat power of 28 or more. He was lucky, and it didn't take long for him to find a strong beast emperor.

A rough estimate is that the usual combat power of this beast emperor has been broken by thirty. If the violence is launched, I am afraid that there will be thirty-one broken terror.

This is a vigorous flying bear, standing up to five or six meters, and the arm of the bear arm is as thick as a human. This beast has two wings in the north, and has infinite strength.

Above this flying bear's head, a strong spirit rose into the air, condensing into a supreme throne, showing the supreme status of its former emperor, and being the emperor among the beasts.

Only after discovering this beast emperor, Li Xing had no time to start, but suddenly he saw a big man running to the east. The big man had bronze-colored skin, and his eyebrows were so black that he smeared with the bottom of the pot ~ ~. It was thick and long.

The man's garlic head had a slightly reddish nose, his ears fluttered, and his eyes were as big as a bull's eye. He was dressed in animal skins and carried a long mace with two sticks full of sharp barbs.

The big man walked so fast that he grabbed the beast emperor vigorously in front of the bear, and exclaimed excitedly, "Little boy, come here!"

At that moment, the beast emperor was arrogantly inspecting Wan beasts, and suddenly saw such a fake in front of him, and could not help being furious. It roared and trembled for nine days, making all the beasts stunned to the ground, afraid to move.

The big man stared fiercely, letting out a cold light, and shouted, "What's your grandma's name, does it sound good?"

The vigorously flying bear suddenly fluttered and looked like a phantom, as fast as lightning, and suddenly hit the big man in front of him, slamming his claws.

The scene that stunned Li Xing happened, and the big man suddenly dropped his mace, groaned, and punched the bear's paw with a strong flying bear. There was nothing fancy at this time.

"Boom" made a loud noise, the big man stayed still, but the beast emperor flying bear was beaten by his palm, and he sat on the ground with one butt.

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