Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1370: Supreme Supreme Beheading

Chapter 1370: Supreme Supreme Supreme Slayer

Chapter 1370: Supreme Supreme Slashing

The man in Tsing Yi has a strange appearance. He is a two-pupil person. The two pupils overlap each other, making people seem to have an extremely chaotic feeling, and his mind is easily disturbed. 【?network

Seeing Li Xing's appearance, the pupils smiled faintly. His strange pupils flashed with strange brilliance, as if connected with the surrounding breath, making the space and time more unpredictable and elusive.

Li Xing was very calm. When he met, he asked, "Do we know each other?"

The pupils laughed, "Of course I know you, because someone asked me to kill you."

Li Xing sighed: "I said why at this level, some people have to come out to challenge, and it really is someone who calculates." He thought for a moment, and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, you should be challenged to be black. Is it Yiti? "

The pupils looked at Li Xing with a kind of compassion, shook their heads, and said, "You stupid person, dare to offend the sentence of torture, do you not know that the torture of the sentence makes it easy to kill 11 million ways? You?"

Li Xing's expression remained unchanged, and he calmly said, "Many people want to kill me, but none of them have ever succeeded. The prisoner in black was sentenced to death, and I will definitely kill him next time!"

"You are really arrogant enough," said the pupils, raising their eyebrows. "No wonder they will offend the prisoner. I won't tell you more, you can die!"

"Slow," Li Xing said suddenly.

The pupils showed contempt: "Why are you afraid? Unfortunately, you are useless even if you ask for mercy, I must kill you."

Li Xing narrowed his eyes: "I don't kill unknown people, you report the name and origin, and we will not fight again."

The two pupils "haha" laughed: "It's interesting, but unfortunately, the boy is already impatient, so lazy to say, suffer!" In other words, a golden light burst out of his pupil, a kind of chaotic power, condensed into a golden light , Hit towards Li Xing.

Among the golden light, Li Xing had a feeling of chaos and upside down. If he had not been highly civilized, his instantaneous combat power would be very rude, and he could hardly resist it. Rao is so, he is still crooked in the Middle East of the Golden Light and can hardly stand.

In another spacetime, the three prisoners were watching through a mirror to observe what was happening on the challenge platform. At this time, Li Xing seemed to have no resistance and seemed to have been restrained by Jin Guang.

The prisoner who raised his sentence in black, that is, the person who took Li Xingweiguo laughed at first: "Brother Zishi, the twin pupil evil body is really extraordinary, even if it is a realm, it can easily defeat the opponent."

Ziyi raised his sentence and said: "You don't know, the pupils can kill masters who are more than five levels above their own body. Don't say that he is twenty-five broken, even if he is twenty-nine broken, he must be Hate in the eyes of the pupils. "

The white-clothed prisoner has been closely observing, saying: "He insisted on ten breaths in the golden light at most, and he was about to become confused, his plane turned upside down, and his flesh and bones turned into ashes.

At this moment, the youth of the two pupils is also relaxed, and as soon as the evil light of his pupils comes out, Li Xing is obviously at a disadvantage. He silently counted the number of breaths, and when ten breaths, he cried, "Down!"

Li Xing was stunned, but he did not fall to the ground, but stood firm. He looked at the pupils, and his eyes were all mocking.

The young pupils were startled, and felt awkward in their hearts, shouting: "Impossible! You are only one level higher than me, you cannot resist evil light!"

Suddenly, Li Xing laughed. He stretched his hands into the air, as if stretching his waist, but burst into a supreme force. This power is too powerful to be compared to thirty-two broken powers.

Strongly shrouded the evil light, and then forcibly compressed into a ball of light. Li Xing reached out and took the light ball in his hand, and said lightly, "Yes, you can almost kill me."

Although the young pupils were surprised, they were not in a panic, and raised their hands to make a sharp kill. There are eighteen and thirty heavy attack symbols in this killing array, which have reached thirty-two pieces of broken lethality.

It was also when he saw that Li Xing was very powerful and shocked in his heart, so he did not hesitate to play the only killing in his body.

Faced with this battle, Li Xing snorted and only hurled the mixed yuan gun to the air, making a hard stand.

"Boom" made a loud noise, and this challenge almost collapsed in time and space. The powerful killing array was actually shot by Li Xing, and it turned into a sky full of disappearance.

The killing was really powerful, and Li Xing was numb with trembling all over his body.

The pupils were frightened and shouted, "Let's raise your prisoner, let me out!"

At this time, the three prisoners who watched the challenge were all ugly. Ziyi's sentencing made a heavy hum: "Waste!"

The sentencing in black made his face worry, and said, "In order to deal with this kid, we have hidden a wizard specially, this twin pupil evil body. I did not expect that he is not Li Xing's opponent. This is difficult!"

Ziyi's sentence made him look cold and said, "Since I shot, I must not keep him alive, the road is still long, there is always a way!"

The pupils yelled, but nothing happened.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Although they want to kill me, they are also using rules. Rules cannot be broken, so no one can save you."

After a brief terror, the twin pupil evil spirit flashed a dark color in his eyes, and said loudly, "I fight with you!"

With that said, he was about to break out of his whole body and fight against Li Xing. However, Li Xing said: "Slow, your constitution is very weird, and your qualifications are very good. It is a pity to kill. If you are willing to be an emperor's follower, I will save you from death, and I will succeed in you in the future."

In the Age of Ore, these twin pupils were lawless and arrogant races. Where would Li Xing's advice be accepted? Anger: "Don't think about it, let's meet!"

Talking, he shot a thousand rays of gold again in his pupils, which was more fierce than just hitting it. Li Xing sighed, the tip of the gun trembled, and the mixed Yuan eight blasted out.

The blow was simple and straightforward. Suddenly, the light died and people died.

Li Xing stretched out his hand and filled the corpse into the heaven and earth furnace, and said, "This is also an extraordinary archaic physique. Taking into account the previous physiques ~ www.readwn.com ~, I just handed it over to the Protoss clone and let it go further. . "

After all, he transmitted several kinds of power obtained after refining the Taigu physique to the Protoss clone for his cultivation.

The protoss avatar, based on the protoss body, opened up the Guiyuan civilization second only to the mixed Yuan civilization. The so-called "guiyuan civilization" refers to the idea of ​​returning to the ancestors. In addition, this clone has many ancient bloodlines such as Jinhai and Blood River, which are more suitable for his cultivation.

In Li Xing's anticipation, this avatar will further transform in the future, leaving the category of the protoss and becoming a guiyuan avatar. Of course, he hasn't come to this stage at present, perhaps after absorbing the power of these ancient bodies, he can break through.

After beating and killing the two pupils, Li Xing's record has increased by five points, and he has obtained the merits of the two pupils' evil body, as well as countless treasures.

It was also this time and time that Li Xing was able to support the development of the Four Desolate Chamber of Commerce and the Mixed Yuan Empire, because every kill on the ancient road was a bumper harvest.

After the challenge, Li Xing was sent out to challenge time and space and returned to the ship. As soon as he returned, he found that the situation was critical, the number of swordfish was several times greater than before, and the encirclement was gradually shrinking.

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