Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1372: Declaration of war

In the end, the power of Guiyuan's avatar climbed to the 30th level, and the real combat power was even more horrible. It has broken through the 33rd level and touched the edge of "superiority"!

After Guiyuan's exit from the customs, Chang Xiao whispered, returned to the empire, and convened everyone to discuss major events. . .

Since the mixed empire was established in Beihuang, its old nest was located in Beihuang. At this meeting, the Mixed Yuan Empire announced that Jiuyang Emperor, Jiuyin Emperor, War Emperor, and Guiyuan Emperor were divided into the four desolate masters, which will gradually unify the Northern Desolate and welcome the return of the deity.

Soon after, the court issued a decree urging the empire to launch an offensive against the prefecture as soon as possible. In fact, Li Xing had accepted the order early and wanted to start with the prefecture. However, for such a long time, he has been accumulating strength so as to be prepared.

Today, Guiyuan's avatars are repaired to reach thirty broken pieces, and the other three avatars have also broken through the twenty-eight broken pieces. The four avatars are all powerful, and they have the strength to challenge the prefecture.

And during this period, the Hunyuan Empire prepared a large number of warships and formed a larger war force.

Everything is ready, only due to the east wind, Guiyuan avatar as soon as the customs exit, the mixed Yuan Empire soldiers point to the land government. In this attack, a total of 10,000 mixed-yuan motherships went out.

Each mixed-yuan mothership is equipped with ten 30-level broken ancient cannons and one hundred 25-level broken ancient cannons. In addition, it is also equipped with 10,000 Tier 7 mixed yuan warships and 100,000 Tier 6 mixed yuan warships.

The seventh-level mixed-yuan battleship is a long-developed battleship developed by Li Xing. Its combat power far exceeds that of several types of mixed-yuan battleships of the year. It is equipped with 28-level broken ancient cannons and large-scale war weapons. Like the cross-border crossbow, sky-breaking arrow, etc., all originate from war civilization.

The six-level mixed yuan battleship is equipped with twenty-four broken ancient cannons, as well as a large number of weapons and countless soldiers.

Regardless of the six-level mixed-yuan battleship or the seven-level mixed-yuan battleship, the strength of the soldiers can be integrated into one, thereby forming a horrible lethality and becoming another big killer in addition to the broken ancient artillery.

Under the control of the War Emperor and Guiyuan Emperor, 10,000 mother-ship motherships sailed to the prefecture.

As the war is about to take place, the practice of Li Xing's deity has also entered a critical moment. He and Tu Ba both practiced in the fragrant plane without knowing the passage of time.

On this day, hiding in a cave, and the incense covered with invisibility suddenly opened her eyes, she murmured, "Who will be nearby?"

So she ran the Great Celestial Means and peered into the outside world. I saw two monks frantically searching every inch of space nearby with no sense of what they were looking for. When the other god's consciousness swept the direction of Youxiang, they did not see through.

These two people, You Xiang know, one of them is the black and thin monk who almost conflicted with Li Xing and Tu Ba, and his companion. The companion of Black Slim Monk is comparable to Black Slim monk.

The two men, for some reason, searched several times in the place where Youxiang hides. In the end, the monk Hei Shou suddenly made a sharp cry, and a weird sound wave swept around, and the invisibility was "waved" to be broken, and she was exposed.

"There." The other monk said coldly, and the two of them fluttered into shape, before they came to Youxiang.

The two in front of them are both masters, and they are extremely masters, and each one is above her. You Xiang was very calm, and said lightly, "Two people have broken my invisibility. What's the advice?"

The black and thin monk recognized the fragrance and asked coldly, "Where is Li Xing and Tu Ba?"

Youxiang faintly said, "They naturally practice in retreat, and the two of them have something to do with them?"

The black and thin monk smiled yin and yin: "Speaking of their position, I can spare you not to die and allow you to be a follower beside me for my brothers to have fun."

You Xiang's eyes flashed and she said angrily, "I promise, you will be killed because of this sentence."

The black and thin monk "haha" smiled: "Our brothers have killed three wizards along the way. You are not my opponent at all. Give you another chance, say your position, and surrender!"

You Xiang secretly surprised, and then realized that the two were originally trying to practice while others were trying to cultivate, and gave up the cultivation time, went out specifically to search and kill, in order to weaken future competitiveness. She took a breath and said coldly, "Even though they are all ancient, you are too confident."

Another monk looked a bit more resistant than the black and thin monk. He smiled slightly and said, "Chick, my brother, both are Yin Bo Sha. Each of them has cultivated a kind of Sha Bo, which can be cut in one thought. You. So, you still do n’t want to resist, you just do it. I ca n’t bear the death of a beauty like you. ”

Youxiang Datianzun stretched out the white jade hands at this moment, small and exquisite, as if transparent. However, when they saw her movement, both of them opened their mouths in surprise, and said in unison: "Retreat!"


A golden light rose into the air and turned into a roulette for killing. This shrouded the world, suppressed both Yinbo Sha body, and began a horrific bombardment. A series of humanoid lightning and weapon thunder continued to fall, exploding beside the two.

These two people can be regarded as first-class masters, but under the roulette of life and death, there is no power of counterattack at all, and they were beaten up and screamed a few times.

In desperation, the two could only show their life-saving means and hold up a large umbrella. This umbrella is really huge, holding up half of the sky, with eight treasures on it, each with special strength.

The eight treasure lights can avoid fire, lightning, gold, poison, curse, space lock, spiritual tracking, and earth and stone.

This umbrella, called the Eight Treasure Lifeguard Umbrella, is not a trivial matter. It is formed by combining the nine types of amulets with nine types of amulets in cooperation with a Eight Treasure Lifeguard. This thing is in the same rank as the Supreme Supreme Slaying and the Supreme Supreme Slash.

Under such a large array, neither side can make small moves, and can only wait for the large array to consume each other before making plans.

You Xiang is not worried, she picks up a supreme slaying amulet in her hand, stares coldly at the two in the array, ready to shoot at any time. At this moment, both monks changed their colors, and the black and thin man angered: "How come you have so many invincible battles, where do you get them from?"

In fact, after killing countless swordfish, Li Xing collected a large number of bone spurs and sold them to shops in exchange for meritorious points. Then, he used his meritorious points to buy three Supreme Slaying Arrays, and then asked and handed them over to Youxiang to defend himself.

This is why he and Tu Ba can practice in the Fragrant Plane with peace of mind. With these three uncharacteristic symbols in hand, even the strongest opponents can deal with the past, or even eliminate them directly.

The supreme killing charm is truly extraordinary, and it suddenly forced the two masters to perform their tricks, in a passive state.

Hearing the words, Youxiang said scornfully: "You two **** things, dare to conceive my brother Xing brother, I do not need Xing brother to take a shot today, I want you to stay here!"

This time, they can be frightened. There was only one Supreme Amulet on them, and there was no second one when they ran out. If this woman really sends another killing sign in front of them, they will surely die!

Turning to his heart, the black and thin young man said loudly: "This girl, it is our fault today, but it is not easy for you to kill us. We have the means. However, this fight is not good for you and me, I Seeing or shaking hands and making peace with each other in the future?

Youxiang said lightly: "You two don't need to lie to me. No matter if you have any means, the supreme killing sign in my hand will be shot one by one. If you die, you deserve it. If you don't die, so will my brother Xing. The time has come. All in all, the two of you are leaving your life today! "

The two monks were shocked. Where else could they do anything, even if there was such a big killer, they would be utterly indifferent and could not play the slightest role. They couldn't help feeling remorse and fear.

Seeing, the two supreme arrays will consume each other cleanly, and Youxiang is preparing to play the second supreme slayer.

"If you think about it, you won't end well against us!" The black and thin monk was obviously fierce and fierce, but he still had to struggle before he died, hoping to deceive you.

Youxiang snorted coldly, simply no longer, just ready to slay the rune, ready to leave these two enemies at any time.

But at this moment, the only young man who joined the two portals and got the best of both worlds appeared. I don't know what method he used. He stretched out his hand for one point, and easily separated the power of lifeless killing, and easily rescued the black and thin monks.

Youxiang was startled and cold all over the body. How could this person be so powerful that he couldn't even kill him!

The boy held one by one. The two masters were under his hands. He didn't even dare to take a breath, and his face was bleak and his expression was uncertain.

The boy smiled slightly and said, "Although these two people are abominable, they are useful to me. This girl, can I take them away."

Although the other party used a negotiated tone, it was clearly undeniable ~ www.readwn.com ~ Youxiang was secretly resentful but helpless, saying: "These two men are very venomous, and they are specifically slaying other retreats. "

The young man said: "On this ancient road, killing is commonplace. How can it be said to be poison? I am afraid that there are many people killed by girls."

You Xiang stopped fighting with him, and said lightly, "You can take it away."

It wasn't because she wanted to keep someone, but because her opponent's strength was too strong, which made her fearful and afraid to conflict with her.

The boy nodded and said, "Thank you very much." As soon as he slipped back, he slipped far away and disappeared instantly.

After such a thing happened, You Xiang didn't dare to stay in place. She quickly changed to a safe place and continued to hide, waiting for Li Xing's exit.

After the young man rescued two people, he took them to a cave. As soon as the two fell to the ground, they fell to their knees. Although they tried hard to resist, they all felt unable to resist the oppression of the invisible force, and could not help but kneel and bow to the boy.

The boy said lightly: "I save you two, you two can be my followers, can you?"

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