Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1385: No upper plane

Tu Ba's method is obviously different from this. There are many enlightenments on the ancient road. He has to enlighten all the same way, and take a different path.

However, it is said that Li Xing runs the method of mixing the yuan and integrates 4.32 billion kinds of perceptions into one, raising the level of perception of supremacy, and being spiritually detached.

When he came to the end of the ancient road, the glory flashed in front of him, and there was nothingness in front of him, only an ancient staircase winding up. Traces of time are etched on each step.

As soon as Li Xing paused, he lifted his feet up the stairs. When he stepped on the first foot, his consciousness emerged and he entered a strange space. In this space, there is a child only three or four years old, sitting in the void.

In front of him was a jade table with cushions in front of it. The child grinned and said to Li Xing, "Please enter the game."

Li Xing glanced, the opponent had set up a chess game and invited him to break the game. He made a brief calculation and realized that this game is not trivial. If only the ability of calculation can be used, it must never be broken.

This chess game is not just a chess game, it also contains the ultimate will. Therefore, the process of cracking the chess game is also the process of Li Xing's exercise of supreme will.

He sat opposite the child and didn't speak, twisted his head, landed on the plate without thinking, and began to break the game.

This is obviously the second-tier trial place of Supreme Tower. Li Xing has formed Supreme Will through the first-level Supreme Trial, so it is very easy to crack this game.

After more than ten rounds, Li Xingluo's last son, the child gave up and gave in, and laughed: "Very good, please go to the next stage."

In other words, Li Xing still returned to the top and stood on the first level. So, he lifted his foot up again and went up the second ladder. As with the first time, he was again drawn into a space.

This time, the people who played against him changed. It looked like he was four or five years old. This round is more difficult, and the Supreme Will is more tenacious and difficult to break through.

Therefore, each step of Li Xing had to crack a game. The further down the game becomes, the harder the chess game becomes, and the supreme will contained in it becomes stronger and stronger. Later, even supreme killings begin to appear, which is difficult to deal with.

Even with the transformation of the first floor of the Supreme Tower, Li Xing still felt a little pressure and could only devote himself wholeheartedly to it, killing each other step by step, and being shocked.

After this journey, he went through the 9,999th stage. At the last stage, he played against Li Xing and was an old man with white hair. The old man's hair and beard were all white and his face was as rough as the old bark.

He knows that this is the most crucial game. If you break this game, you can successfully enter the third floor of the Supreme Tower.

Li Xing sat in front of the bureau and said lightly, "Please."

The old man took a look at Li Xing and said, "The Supreme Tower has nine floors. The first three layers train your Supreme Will, the middle three layers build your Supreme plane, and the last three layers condense your Supreme power. If you can Through this level, you can achieve supreme will and have the opportunity to enter the next level. "

Li Xing nodded: "Old man, I understand that you can start."

The old man smiled slightly and reached down and dropped the child. As soon as this son fell, in all directions, endless killings came over, and Li Xing was locked. This kind of killing is omnipotent and infinite, and it can kill thirty-three shattered celestial deities with a trace of it.

Faced with endless killings, Li Xing's ruthlessness calmly fell down. The fall of this son also set off an endless killing. A Supreme Will will come to the world with a smile and a domineering spirit.

The supreme will of Li Xing is similar to the strong will in the battle of wills. The previous nine hundred and ninety-nine innings have already been broken, and of course this one cannot help him.

However, this final game was also really difficult, and the will was too strong. Li Xing fought with him for a long time, and polished his own will again. Then he felt that the time was ripe and he raged.


With a muffled sound, the old man shied away from admitting defeat, and he smiled: "Congratulations, your Excellency can enter the third floor."

After all, Li Xing's eyes changed and he entered the third floor of the Supreme Tower. This time, a bridge appeared in front of him, and there was no light and nothing around it. The bridge is narrow, but long, extending into the endless void.

At the bridgehead, there was a man standing. This person is not someone else, it is Li Xing. In other words, he is a reflection of Li Xing's manifestation on the bridge. Looking back, actually every second mile, there will be a reflection.

Each of these images is very powerful, as powerful as Li Xing.

Li Xing wrinkled and wrinkled. He had experienced this kind of battle with himself before, and knew it was difficult to give up.

Without stopping, he went directly to the bridge head, facing the first "self".

The first "Li Xing" looked indifferent, saying: "Supreme will, when you ignore everything, surpass everything, and defeat me, you will prove your supreme will!"

Li Xing didn't say much and shot directly to fight this first image.

When he casts a mixed-yuan killing technique, the other party also displays a mixed-yuan killing technique; when he casts a mystery of civilization, the other party also uses the mystery of civilization.

The two sides fought with thousands of tricks, still difficult to distinguish. Seeing countless images in the back, he secretly said, "This fight will endlessly. When can I reach the end of the bridge?"

Then I thought, "I have supreme will, even if I block the road, I can suppress the erasure! Now, only the invincible will can pass this level."

Wanting to stop, he rose up with mighty power and stronger will.

On the next tenth move, he suddenly drank, and his skill merged with that supreme will. The shot issued was naturally unpredictable, the power was doubled, and the first image was picked up.

At this moment, he seemed to realize what he was laughing, and strode down. The reflections on the bridge appear one after another, and each time it appears, its supreme will is one point stronger.

This layer is similar to the training of the second layer, and it is the constant promotion and training of supreme will. With each “ego” beheaded, his will is strong, which makes the next image stronger.

This level of sharpening can be seen as a battle beyond self, continuing. Under this kind of grind, Li Xing felt that his supreme will was becoming more mature and more complete.

I don't know how many images were killed, he finally cut off the last one. At this moment, he felt extremely relaxed in his heart, feeling that in the deep, his willpower had been imprinted with "Supreme Supreme", and his will was already a complete supreme will.

Only then did he come to understand and secretly said: "It seems that before entering the Supreme Tower, although I entered Supreme, but the realm was not stable. After being polished by the first three layers of the Supreme Tower, I truly have it. Supreme Will. "

He also thought, "The Middle Three Gates and the Last Three Gates are to build the Supreme Plane and the Supreme Power respectively. It seems that these six floors must be taken, otherwise we cannot build my Supreme Plane or unite me. Supreme Power! "

With this in mind, he walked to the fourth floor without hesitation!

The fourth floor of the Supreme Tower is a vast sky. Li Xing stood under the stars, and he found a vitality and vitality hidden in each star.

As soon as he appeared, a line of writing appeared on the meritorious monument. The handwriting shows that this is the fourth floor of the Supreme Tower and the first level of the interview practice.

At this juncture, Li Xing wanted to show his mixed element plane, place it in the starry sky, and accept the challenges of other planes.

At this stage, there is no room for remorse, and he does not intend to retreat. So Li Xing immediately presented the plane. For a moment, a great shadow of the world appeared behind him.

The world gradually became clear, manifesting everything in the plane of the mixed element.

Nowadays, the advanced ninth-level mixed element plane has been very developed. In the plane, the blink of an eye can reach from any place on the plane to another place.

The transportation, culture, martial arts, etc. here are all highly developed and are almost an extreme state.

When the plane of mixed elements appeared under the stars, billions of stars in all directions suddenly became active. Suddenly, these stars radiated infinite starlight, and then one powerful plane after another appeared.

With a move in Li Xing's heart, it seemed that a warring state battle would be staged. However, he is not worried. His hybrid plane is very powerful and is not afraid of these forces.

He has Supreme Will, understands the true meaning of Supreme Realm, and naturally understands how to elevate his level through this kind of battle.

For the first time, he sat down among the mixed planes and radiated all his supreme will, so that the entire plane was in the baptism of supreme will.

Under this baptism of supreme will, all the grass and trees, birds, beasts, and human demons in the plane have all benefited and are in a mysterious state.

Just then, a ray of starlight fell, manifesting a big world. In this big world, they rushed out of the army and launched an attack on the plane of Hunyuan.

The plane is the foundation of Li Xing. If he wants to be truly "Supreme", he must have a supreme plane.

What is the Supreme Plane?

Li Xing was thinking about this while fighting against the offensive of the foreign world ~ www.readwn.com ~.

"Supreme should be perfect, overwhelming, invincible." He came to the answer.

The big offensive world was not so powerful. Li Xing just went out a few mixed Yuan real people and killed them all. Even commanded a billion troops, stormed into that big world, tore it up, and destroyed it.

However, more big worlds appeared and attacked at the same time. It seemed that this world would not be wiped out.

Li Xing steadily sat in the center, greeted waves of crazy attacks, but remained unmoved. He continued to use the Supreme Will to baptize the plane to make it perfect, overwhelming, and invincible.

This is a long process and can be successful overnight. During this period, many powerful planes emerged, strong enough to have a price for victory.

Finally, one day, the mixed real people began to fall, and the enemy began to attack the plane.

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