Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1399: Ultimate Battle 1

When Li Xing fully trained the Supreme Master of the Mixed Plane, something went wrong outside. . .

Originally, if nothing unexpected happened, the three of Li Xing had no interest in rushing upward. They would wait until the end of one year and then smoothly enter the source of civilization.

On this day, however, the Bayi Pass caused a **** storm. First, a group of people ran up in a panic, screaming, "Crazy, the first person on the ultimate list is crazy!"

The crowd was unknown, but soon they knew what was going on. A monk fluttered towards this side with a pale face. But all of a sudden, a figure appeared behind him, and then grabbed him gently, holding him in his hands.

The man following him was a teenager. When Tian Peng was on the plane, if Li Xing walked a little late, he would know that this boy was the one who successfully cultivated the 13 th change of Tian Peng.

At the same time, he is also the first person to enter the ninth floor of the Supreme Tower, the ultimate list of ancient roads today!

When the young man brought up the monk, at will a supreme force intruded into the person's plane and began to destroy it without killing him. This was obviously a method of torture, the monk kept struggling under his hands, screaming in tears, tears flowing, and seven holes of blood spurting.

Tianzun establishes a plane. When its plane is violated, it is actually equivalent to the physical damage of ordinary people, and it will also be painful, and it will be countless times more intense than ordinary people.

Moreover, the young man obviously used extraordinary means to increase this pain by hundreds of millions of times!

The monk made a terrible sigh and passed out. However, he soon became awake again, and looked at the boy with a begging, saying, "Please, please let me go. I'm really weak, I really dare not challenge you!"

Anyone who hears this sentence around is dead? what? Does the first master of this ultimate list actually force the people below to challenge him? How is this going?

Although shocked and unexpected, no one around said anything, and no one pleaded for the miserable monk.

The teenager "snapped" the monk's left face and said coldly, "Waste, don't dare to challenge, how do you grow up? If you don't challenge, I will torture you all the time, so you can't save your life, you can't die."

The monk shouted sternly: "You violate the rules of the old road, you can't do this to me, now is not the time to challenge!"

The young man said lightly: "There is no rule that can limit me in the heavens and the earth." After all, he seemed to prove it, so when he tightened his hands, the monk's neck broke with a click and died directly.

In the void, a slaughtering machine is brewing, forming a black dark cloud. Among the dark clouds, a black lightning struck, and "silk" hit the boy with a sound.

A flash of white light on the boy's body dissipated the black lightning.

Seeing this scene, the monks had a bitter chill in their hearts. This person is so scary that he can ignore the punishment of Gulu!

You know, few people dare to disobey the rules on the broken ancient road, unless there is a pardon. But the person in front of him didn't use innocence at all and killed him directly on the street!

Of course, even if this kind of violation violates the rules, he will not be recognized by the rules, so he not only fails to get the meritorious points of the deceased, but also loses the same meritorious points as the deceased.

When this phenomenon was discovered, the teenager's face sank, and Yang Tian screamed loudly: "I will be broken in the future, look at your face, and what qualifications are in my possession!"

Arrogant! It's so arrogant!

The monks took a sigh of air-conditioning. This man was too bold. He was obviously challenging the highest will!

The highest will, which holds all the power in the legend, no one knows what kind of existence it is, and no one knows where it is, only knows that the highest will is omnipotent, invincible, and no one can disobey.

This is like the "Goddess" of the awesome folk women in the world. Although everyone has never seen it, they always think that there is such a person who controls everything in the world.

The person in front of him, however, dares to be disrespectful to the supreme will, is he impatient to live?

The young man yelled, and then his eyes turned to everyone. Many people were scared by his gaze, their legs were weak, and they sat down on the ground. More people turned away and they did not dare to get too close to such a horrible person.

Of all the people, only three had the same expression, and that was Li Xing. Li Xing saw that this man was also the ninth-class supreme, and in his realm, he was naturally fearless.

As for Li Taichu, he is a character who is not afraid of heaven, and has no fear at all. Tu Ba also has this temperament. Besides, he knows that Li Xing is there, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The boy ignored those who fell to the ground and fled. He looked directly at Li Xing and said, "What makes you dare to have such courage in front of me?" Then he sneered, "It turns out you It ’s also a Ninth-class Supreme. Do you think that you can fight against me when you reach the Ninth-class? ”

Li Xing did not speak, but the expression on his face seemed to be looking at a stone, a tree, a dog, and there was no mood swing.

Although he was not afraid of this person, he saw that the one-year deadline was about to expire, and he could immediately enter the source of civilization. At this time, he did not want to provoke right and wrong, so he ignored the opponent's provocation.

But the tree was quiet and the wind was endless. Seeing Li Xing's silence, the teenager suddenly showed a very cruel smile. He reached out and grabbed the void, and Li Taichu was caught by him casually.

Subsequently, he put a ray of supreme power into Li Taichu's body. Suddenly, Li Taichu was sore with sweat on his forehead, but still sneered, "Good grandson, do you have that ability? Use more energy to loosen your grandpa's bones."

There was a flash of murder in the eyes of the teenager, and he was about to start. Li Taichu suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

The man who shot was naturally Li Xing. He was also a Ninth Grade Supreme. Naturally, Li Taichu could be rescued. Although he didn't want to conflict with this man, the other party dared to attack Li Taichu, which touched his bottom line.

In the face of such people, there is only one word, kill!

Stepping forward, Li Xing said: "You need to challenge, good, I will challenge you."

As soon as this word came out, the monks who were taking away in all directions stopped. Many people even turned back directly, depending on the excitement.

"Did you see that? These two people are amazing. They are the first and second figures in the ultimate list, it seems that they are all nine!" The insightful people said in shock.

"Yeah, in order to wait for this boy, all the monks spent a few years. And the young man is also very powerful. It is said that he came from the four wastelands, beheaded the prisoner of torture, and even the daughter of Ma Zhenshou was mad at him of."

"There's a good show here!" Someone said excitedly. "Both of these people had better die, so that we can make two places, and we have hope."

"Huh, it's up to you? Even if the top ten are dead, I'm afraid it's not your share." One person sarcastically said.

The sarcastic man was not angry, just hey he laughed. He was already a man with gray hair, and had been held for a long time at the 81st, but he never found an opportunity. The years have worn away his energy and dignity.

Hearing that Li Xing really dare to challenge himself, the young man raised his eyebrows, showing his excitement, and said, "Okay! Finally, I met a little interesting. I can make you ten tricks and make you die slowly."

Li Xing sneered: "You are the most arrogant stupid man the Great has ever seen, and I will give you what you just said. What makes you dare to be so arrogant in front of the Great? Even if you have any reliance, it will be wiped out in front of the Great. .The last thing you can have is failure and demise. "

The young man has two eyebrows and one eyebrow, what to say, but Li Xing continued: "You are the ninth grade, the first in the ultimate list, so no one dares to challenge you. And you are not greedy enough, and you want to continue to get enough credit Point, this is approaching other monks to challenge you. "

Speaking of which, Li Xing sneered: "Just like you, Jin is a scum, without any mastery. It is a shame and shame in the life of this emperor to be your opponent."

The young man laughed and arrogant all his life, and straddled the three realms. How has anyone ever mocked him like this? After Li Xing had finished speaking, he was so angry that he turned blue and said with a shameful face: "It's very good, I will put what you say, word by word into your mouth!"

The other party wasn't ruthless. He did have the ability to let a person put back what he said, word by word. This is the ultimate means, extraordinary ability, and only the Supreme Master can do it.

Li Xing laughed and said, "The Great Emperor will not plug what you said, word by word. I will erase your will and accept you as a righteous son. Your qualifications are really good. It ’s a pitiful killing. Be the great son of the Great. "

Instead, the young man calmed down at this time, he said arrogantly: "How can you have a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth, and today you can't escape. No, I won't let you die, I will torture you for an infinite amount of time, let you regret being born into this world, regret today Words and deeds! "

I talked to you for a long time ~ www.readwn.com ~ but no one started. This time, it made everyone around us feel weird. Do they fear each other and not shoot?

However, some people with eyesight suddenly discovered that the breath of the entire Bayi level suddenly became solidified. The two boundless, supreme forces are constantly confronting each other in an inexplicable way.

Each confrontation is silent and without ripples. But everyone understands that this confrontation is the real terrible confrontation, which is full of risks. If you are not careful, you may hate it.

At the scene, an eight-level supreme master said, "This is the supreme will of two people at war, such a strong will! This willpower can manipulate the world and control the Quartet, reaching a very high realm!"

Soon after speaking, everyone felt that the surrounding grass, trees, flowers, stones, sand, and objects seemed to be given vitality by two wills. The two wills gave two different lives and quickly started a battle.

Suddenly the two trees shook their branches and leaves, emitting billions of green lights, fighting each other. They were respectively controlled by the supreme will of Li Xing and they were indifferent for a while.

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