Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1427: 9 Yang Upright

On this day, the evil great emperor resembled the domineering spirit of that year. As soon as people arrived, they plunged down the giant hands of Tianyang's power. . . Below this is the birthplace of the royal family and the area with the most abundant sources of civilization.

The Emperor Tianxie got the news that some time ago, the royal family had been struggling with nine cattle and two tigers, and had just suppressed a rare vein.

In the area of ​​perfect civilization, the number of gem veins is also very small. In particular, the imperial veins suppressed by the royal family are of unprecedented high quality, and even the evil great emperor is jealous.

Today, when he and Li Xing passed through this place, they decided to take the sheep by hand and take them away.

For big men like him, there is no need to look for it, just press it with one palm, everything is broken, and the rare veins are naturally displayed.

At the same time, the royal family was also alarmed, and hundreds of millions of killings rose into the sky, all beheaded to Li Xing and Emperor Tianxie. Although the Emperor Tianxie's methods were overbearing, he could not take all these attacks.

At this time, Li Xing laughed: "Master, these people have been given to the apprentices!" Then, as he pressed down with his big hand, the Supreme Master of Taikoo Emperor was exhibited, and the power of Bai Yang condensed into a huge light Shield, withstand all attacks.

This shield of light is called a shield of Baiyang's power. If it hits with any force, it will be counterattacked. The dense, colorful killing light from all directions was bounced down in a hurry, making a scream of screams below.

Taking advantage of this, the Emperor Tianxie caught the rare veins. This superb vein is even more extraordinary than Shangpin. It has turned into a humanoid spirit, and there are emotional changes above the five senses.

However, at this moment it was tightly grasped by the Emperor Tianxie and could not move at all.

When the veins arrived, Tianxie laughed and said, "Apprentice, go!"

The two sat side by side on the dragon of civilization, and they flew far away in an instant, leaving a mess.

It was galloping along the way, and within a few days it reached the site of Emperor Tianxie. In contrast, the environment here is actually not inferior to the royal site. It can be seen that the ability of the evil emperor in this day directly occupied such a good land.

No magnificent palace was built in this area, only a small piece of simple and simple building formed a garden. In the garden, a number of male and female servants were captured by the Emperor Tianxie.

After the master and apprentice returned, Tianxie said, "This time we broke into the royal nest, and the emperor of civilization will not give up after leaving the customs. If it is one-to-one, there is no chance for the teacher. Time, you have to take it one step further. "

After speaking, he explained the situation nearby to Li Xing. It turned out that the remaining three forces, the western poison, the south madness, and the north chaos, were all less powerful than him, so they formed an alliance long ago and wanted to seize this site.

You must know that the territory occupied by the Emperor Tianxie was originally a member of the royal family, and he was forced to grab it. At that time, even the emperor of civilization had no choice but to retreat. The purpose of this retreat was to go one step further and suppress the evil.

The other three have always been jealous of this land. If the emperor of civilization comes next to attack, they will probably have some action. Therefore, Emperor Tianxie had a sense of crisis, urging Li Xing to further improve his strength, and it was better to help him at that time.

Li Xing nodded and said: "Master, rest assured, there is such a unique vein, breakthrough is not a problem." Speaking here, he said, "Master, the power of the nine princes of the nine princes, apprentices must absorb them together. Drop. "

Brother Tianxie was surprised when he heard: "The power of Jiuyang is not trivial. It is a kind of power. One person in the world can cultivate, and one person can only cultivate one kind of Jiuyang power."

Li Xing smiled and said, "The apprentice opened up a mixed-yuan civilization. This is not a problem." Speaking here, his eyes flickered. "I have a feeling. If I can learn more about the power of the nine yangs, maybe I can Solve the mystery of Jiuyang. "

Emperor Tianxie looked at Li Xing from top to bottom, and suddenly smiled: "Okay! It is worthy of my apprentice's apprenticeship. If you can really break the ultimate mystery of Jiuyang, it will be good for you to give you the power of Tianyang."

Li Xing shook his head and said, "Without the power of Tianyang, Master's strength is greatly affected, and disciples will never want it."

Tian Xie no longer mentions this matter, but only said: "I will talk to you later, and I will arrange for you now so that you can ascend as soon as possible. At that time, you, our teacher and apprentice, will have a good time in this source of civilization. Then break the thief's bondage, and crush it supremely! "

Emperor Tianxie lived here for a long time and was quite familiar with everything. He made a series of arrangements for Li Xing. In the first step, he demanded that Li Xing break through to a complete civilization and learn the power of the four nine positives.

The second step is to go to the sea of ​​civilization and leave the brand of civilization on the list of civilizations. Only then can his mixed-yuan civilization have a foundation at the source of civilization. Moreover, only after leaving the mark of civilization can we break through to the great consummation civilization.

The third step is to challenge the royal family and establish supreme hegemony here. Only in this way can the two masters and apprentices really settle down, and then meditationally pursue supreme fragmentation.

Li Xing agreed with this arrangement, so he practiced with peace of mind.

In his heart, he was very concerned about the power of Jiuyang, so the first step was to fit the four powers of Jiuyang. The four princes, six princes, eight princes, and ten princes, are the four most powerful people in the entire royal family, except those of civilization.

At this moment, they were screaming and crying in Li Xing's position.

"You must not die! Treat the prince like this, our father will not let you go!"

"I do n’t know if you have committed a heinous crime from www.readwn.com ~ You are dead! You are dead!"

"Don't be arrogant. Once the emperor of civilization comes out of the customs, you will be fully recognized by the Supreme Court. At that time, you will die even if you are strong!"

Li Xing ignored this and silently refined it.

Three hundred years later, the powers of the Red Sun, the Power of the Purple Sun, the Power of the Qingyang, and the Power of Danyang contained in the four princes all appeared. The four powers, transformed into four mysterious shapes, seem to contain the ultimate mystery.

They were suspended in the plane of Li Xing, standing still. The latter tried to enlighten, but found it very difficult. They tried it more than ten times without success.

"Can the power of Jiuyang really fit only one? Even my mixed-yuan civilization cannot be shaken?" Li Xing frowned, very disappointed.

After trying it several times, he gave up, and said, "Maybe the level of civilization is still low, and I will say it until I practice to a great level of civilization."

Next, he absorbed the gemstone veins and impacted the perfect civilization. For him, this process didn't have many challenges. It was just a matter of time. Now that the conditions are ripe, it is a matter of course.

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