Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1305: Tai Chi Yin Yang

Soon afterwards, the war avatar also created the door to war. Both the gate of Jiuyang and the gate of war belong to the portal of civilization. They are things that practitioners can gather to a certain degree. In addition, only the Great Celestial Master of Civilization is qualified to condense the gate of civilization.

The Jiuyang avatar and the war avatar are all civilized celestial beings. One is the Jiuyang civilization, and the other is the war civilization. The war civilization is an intermediate fourth-class civilization, and the nine-yang civilization is an intermediate first-class civilization.

The great war god, the war civilization that was created at the beginning is only a primary civilization, but after the sublimation of the ancient tree of civilization, this civilization has been promoted to intermediate civilization, which has increased many times.

The Jiuyang avatar is a civilization in which the avatars can enlighten themselves. This level of civilization should be lower than the yin and yang civilization, and can reach at most intermediate nine. However, under the promotion of the ancient civilization tree, it finally settled to intermediate first-class civilization.

Of course, no matter whether it is a war civilization or a Jiuyang civilization, they have been qualitative, and there is no way to make progress in the future. Regardless of how to cultivate, one is always an intermediate fourth-level civilization, and the other is always at the intermediate first-level level.

Unless the ancient civilization tree is more powerful, and Li Xing is willing to reunite the two avatars, it is possible to build a more powerful war civilization and Jiuyang civilization. However, even intermediate civilizations are already remarkable. After all, there are very few civilized deities, and even fewer civilized deities can build intermediate civilizations.

After the battle of Xu Mi, Li Xing returned with a full load. After returning, he let the war clerk take charge of the war, and Jiuyang avail himself responsible for government affairs, and governed the great empire. The Li Xing deity sat deep in the town plane to further complete the mixed element plane.

The four districts of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce have been wiped out, and the land must be destroyed. The main task of the empire right now is to stabilize the current site and build it into a strong and powerful backyard, laying a solid foundation for future development.

This task may seem simple, but it is extremely difficult and time-consuming. You must know that the four districts of the alliance at that time could not completely control the four major areas. They only did business here.

There are many powerful forces here, such as the existence of the original Ark continent is not uncommon, there are some more powerful than the Ark continent. Wanting to unify this area and integrate them together is more difficult than attacking a hundred sumi pure land. Li Xing gave it to the emperor Li Gui. Li Gui did not recklessly. He cleverly chose to use force to pull in a batch, suppress the principle of a batch, and gradually eat away this area.

In the years and years before, all aspects of the development of the empire were on the right track. Li Xing held the Proto-Altar in his hands, thinking about how to destroy the imprisoned Yinling.

This destiny Yin Ling, a gift from the original government to Queen Su Yin, had a bad heart, and wanted to borrow the hand of Queen Su Yin to go to Zhuang ### 铃, thus devouring more monks.

Li Xing had already seen this, so after the Yin Ling was strong, he used the Prototype Altar to ### the first time. Hundreds of years have passed, and the Yinling is still not struggling, and the altar cannot completely wipe it out.

Li Xing took out Gu Mingyang's lock, which was obtained after he killed several masters of the gate of order, and was called the first treasure of the same level of defense. The Guming Sunlock itself is a six-fold broken instrument. It was only because of improper use that it failed to fully exert its true power.

Before that, Li Xing had long urged the forces of civilization to forcibly establish a contract with Gu Mingyang Suo and take this thing as his own. Now, he is wondering if he can get rid of the detention bell with the help of Gu Mingyang.

"These two things, one attack and one defense, one yin and one yang, one positive and one evil, will definitely be able to overcome each other, and the solid life yang lock should be able to help the altar to remove the yin bells." Li Xing thought to himself.

After making some calculations in his heart, he urged Gu Mingyang Suo to rush into the altar to fight against the detained Yin Ling. But the unexpected scene that made Li Xing happened, and the two met each other, and suddenly an infinite energy burst out, and they mutually rejected each other.

This power is so powerful that even the Proto-Altars cannot ###. Surprisingly, Li Xing quickly urged the heavens and earth's flood furnace, exerting unparalleled pressure outside, and wanted to suppress this outbreak. But he failed, and the infinite power was so shocking that he couldn't ###, he rushed out and turned into yin and yang, like a dragon and a ground tiger, fighting in the plane of mixed elements.

Li Xing ### No, simply put away the earth and earth furnace, carefully guard the plane, he did not want this battle to destroy the entire plane.

Facts have proved that what he has is redundant. The process of fighting between yin and yang is also a process of integration. It turned out that yin and yang were distinct, but now there is yang in yin and yang in yin, which gradually forms a pattern of tai chi yin and yang fish. Rotate slowly at high altitude.

With a move in Li Xing's heart, he immediately started the ancient tree of civilization and calculated the mystery. As for the yin and yang civilization, he had long understood the core rules. At the moment, inspired by the yin and yang fish, he suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "So it is!"

He has always mastered the yin-yang avenue, but he has not reached the level of yin-yang civilization. Today, with the help of Taiji Yinyang fish, he finally realized it and realized a civilization.

He has always mastered the yin-yang avenue, but he has not reached the level of yin-yang civilization. Today, with the help of Taiji Yinyang fish, he finally realized it and realized a civilization.

The yin and yang civilization belongs to the advanced ninth-class civilization. Therefore, the part of Li Xing's understanding now is only the superficial part of the yin and yang civilization, not the whole of civilization.

This line of enlightenment was of great help to him. In one thought, the Proterotype altar opened wide, and the bells and sunlocks burst out. They exploded into a mist at the same time, one was black, the other was white. Hold and slowly rotate to form a huge yin and yang fish, covering the sky like a sky.

Li Xing stopped in place, clenched his fists with both hands, and slowly opened a set of boxing techniques. This boxing technique was a secret technique he had just learned from the yin and yang civilization, and he called it Tai Chi. This boxing method is very powerful. It can be used to soften strength, use weakness to win strength, and use strength to fight.

After Li Xing practiced this set of Taijiquan, he made a backhand move, which implies the true meaning of Taiji. I saw the yin and yang fish slowly shrink and fell into his hands, turning into a black and white light ball.

He groaned for a moment and said, "It seems that both Yangsuo and Yinling have great origins. They represent the yin and yang magical magpies, and the combination of these two can evolve the core of the yin and yang civilization. If you refine it into a magic weapon It must have been of great help to my daughter. "

When Li Xing was about to collect precious metals and wanted to create a unique weapon for Li Jiao, the heavenly court sent another messenger, but this time the messenger was an old acquaintance of Li Xing, the seventh emperor!

On the mixed emperor, the seventh emperor stood upright, his chin almost lifted to the sky, and the arrogance made the imperial ministers unhappy. This man is worthy of being a prince of heaven. After years of cultivation, his realm has stepped into threefold.

Behind the seventh son, there are five people, including the Emperor Luangu, among whom the white people are the most powerful, exhaling a horrible breath of fivefold.

The other four were not weak either, they were quadruple broken, and they were triple broken. Luangu Datianzun is one of the two broken Datianzuns. He smiled at the corner of his mouth, and seemed to have no intention.

"Why hasn't the King of the Northern Wilderness come out to meet this emperor?" The seventh emperor snapped, "This is a great disrespect to the heaven!"

The seventh emperor and descendants of many of the core figures in Tianting were able to enter the ancient Tianting ruins to practice, so there was a breakthrough in cultivation. As soon as he got out, he was going to find Li Xing to settle accounts, so he hurried to arrive.

Naturally, at this time, he didn't know about Li Xing's achievements, so he could humiliate Li Xing today and kill him.

After knowing the purpose of the Seventh Heavenly Son, Luan Tiantianzun and others arrived together. They wanted to use the identity of the Seventh Heavenly Son to start against Li Xing. Both people had bad intentions.

Prime Minister Taiyi Dazun stepped forward and said, "Heaven is angry, my Majesty is coming, and he will be here soon."

A blue shirt man behind the seventh day child smiled faintly. With a slap, he would have to hit Taiyi Dazun's face and Taiyi Datianzun. It can be regarded as a faster repair, but at this time it was only broken. , Non-triple-broken blue shirt man's opponent.

"Why hasn't the King of the Northern Wilderness come out to meet this emperor?" The seventh emperor snapped, "This is a great disrespect to the heaven!"

The seventh emperor and descendants of many of the core figures in Tianting were able to enter the ancient Tianting ruins to practice, so there was a breakthrough in cultivation. As soon as he got out, he was going to find Li Xing to settle accounts, so he hurried to arrive.

Naturally, at this time, he didn't know about Li Xing's achievements, so he could humiliate Li Xing today and kill him.

After knowing the purpose of the Seventh Heavenly Son, Luan Tiantianzun and others arrived together. They wanted to use the identity of the Seventh Heavenly Son to start against Li Xing. Both people had bad intentions.

Prime Minister Taiyi Dazun stepped forward and said, "Heaven is angry, my Majesty is coming, and he will be here soon."

A blue shirt man behind the seventh day child smiled faintly. With a slap, he would have to hit Taiyi Dazun's face and Taiyi Datianzun. It can be regarded as a faster repair, but at this time it was only broken. The opponent of the non-triple-broken blue-shirted man was about to get close to seeing this. A big hand pressed down from the void probe, and the blue-shirted man felt a heavy body, sitting on the ground with a "thump", his face Fearing, he exclaimed, "Who started the fight against Ben Shao?"

Li Xing's deity manifested on the throne, he said lightly: "Seventh Heavenly Son, long time no see."

When Luan Gu Tianzun saw Li Xing, his pupils shrank, and said, "I didn't expect that you actually reached the fourfold fragmentation, so good!"

Emperor Li Xing opened his eyes slightly, showing his majesty, and said, "Who are you? How dare you growl in front of this emperor?"

The chaos of the ancient days was so angry that Li Xing deliberately fell into his face, and then said in a yin voice: "Li Xing, five of my brothers today accompanied the Seventh Lord to inspect the northern wasteland ~ www.readwn.com ~ You are responsible Serve me and wait. "

Li Xing ignored him at all and only said to the seventh emperor: "The emperor is far away. I don't know what to teach?"

Datianzun knows that it is humiliating to speak again, so he simply does not speak, but his face is even more ugly.

Li Xing only spoke to the Seventh Heavenly Son, which made him feel a little more comfortable. He coughed softly and said, "North King Huang, we have had unpleasant memories before, but that's all past. Today's Heavenly Son I came here to inspect the Northern Wilderness and see how much you have done. "

Li Xing said lukewarmly: "So it ’s true, then please ask Tianzi to take a closer look, take a closer look at the place that you do n’t understand, and ask me at any time." Accompany you. "

The seventh emperor was secretly shocked. He felt that the strength of Jiuyang's avatar was not under the white man, but his face was calm, and said, "Okay."

In this way, Jiuyang became a guide and led six people to visit the entire mixed Yuan empire. Of course, they can't enter the mixed plane, they can only move around those subsidiary continents, so that the seventh emperor and others can only see some insignificant things, and can't see the real power of the empire.

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