Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1309: Civilization Battleship

After hearing this, Li Xing was shocked, and after a little calculation, he knew that this must be the seventh emperor, and he couldn't help anger, staring at the seventh emperor and saying, "You should be glad that you have a good father, otherwise you will already be It's a corpse! "

"Three pavilions, old people, this thing has no heaven, and dare to threaten this emperor! What a sin to die!" The seventh emperor shouted at Li Xing.

Kongshange stepped forward and said sternly: "Mixed Yuan thief, how do you account for killing my disciples? If you don't give a statement, I have to stab you for guilt today!"

Hollow Court added faintly: "However, if you really have the above two things and give them to us, you will save yourself from death and only abolish you as a person. Like me and the broken, you have only one life and die. , Then there is nothing, you have to think clearly. "

Li Xing laughed "haha", and the laughter was full of scorn and disdain, saying: "You three old things are really shameless, just rob me of my junior thing, and say so grandly. Chougui Revenge, greed and greed, please don't confuse. "In other words, he took out the letter of the King of the Northern Wasteland, and Shen said," I am the King of the Northern Wasteland, and the Emperor is close. , Rebellion!

"Huh!" Kongshan Datianzun didn't even look at the seal, and said, "Do you know what our twelve pavilions in the heavenly courts always are? That year, the twelve accompanied his Majesty to complete the broken ancient road and enter the source of civilization. Is this credit comparable to your little Northern Wilderness King? Hugh said that killing one of you is to kill 100,000 Northern Wilderness Kings, and the Emperor would not say anything. "

Li Xing sighed and said, "Since you were the Heavenly Emperor's followers in the past, and today's cabinet is old, you should know the importance of Beihuang to Heaven and the reason that Heavenly Emperor sent the King to sit here. Now you are not afraid of negative Yu Tianting, are you ashamed of your Majesty? "

"Even if your tongue gives birth to a lotus flower, you can't save your own life, obediently hand over things, or you will be cut off immediately!" Hollow Da Tianzun stared at the cold, two lines of murderous light revealed, Yin channel. Li Xing looked at Xiangkong again: "It can be seen that the old state of Kongmingge is complete, but it is only destroyed by someone with ulterior motives and entered the magic path. If you are greedy together, then you will be in a state of utter danger."

"If the old wisdom of Kongmingge is like the sea, you will not miss the intention of the Emperor to set up the King of the Northern Desert here. With the knowledge of the Emperor, do you not know the means of the king, or do you have a panguzhu on the king?"

There are two meanings in Li Xing's words.

First, if there are two things on his body, Heavenly Emperor must know, but he did not deal with him, but cultivated them.

Second, if he doesn't have two things on his body, the emperor knows the same but cultivates it with all his strength.

This shows that Tiandi knows the cause and effect of the future, and this move has profound meaning. However, no matter what the purpose is, the three people in front of them can't destroy it, otherwise they will be disrespectful to the emperor and disrespectful to the court. Kongmingge's old words were silent, but Kongshan took the lead: "You little thief is so eloquent and speaks wildly, but unfortunately I won't be fooled." The words tell you that the door I waited for has secretly requested the Emperor , But His Majesty did not allow it, nor did he refuse it. Do you know what this means? "

Li Xing's heart moved and secretly said: "Yes, if I can pass this level, it will be more worthy of the use of heaven. If I can't pass this level, it will be cheaper for the three pavilions in heaven. Anyway, it is good for heaven. Yes, there will be no loss to Tiandi. "

As soon as he thought about it, he got angry in his heart, and smiled coldly, staring at the three pavilions: "Do you think that you have settled on the emperor today? Let's decide the winner before we say it!"

"It's arrogant!" Kongshan was furious. He held a small hill in his hands, and the sky was quiet, with a special charm. At this moment, the mountain was emitting tens of thousands of strong lights, soaring up, suddenly it became extremely heavy, extremely huge, and it was bombarded towards the battleship of civilization. In fact, although the three pavilions were aggressive, they all saw the power of civilized warships and were extremely careful in their hearts. Kongshan Pavilion's old shot is a fierce move, and it is necessary to release Li Xing's position in one fell swoop.

The Emperor Kongshan, the broken six-fold civilized emperor, and the things in his hand called the Emperor Kongshan are also a civilized weapon. The two pagodas entered the source of civilization that year. With their own civilized instruments, everyone has a formidable fighting force.

Kongkongshan seems to be empty, but in fact it is extremely heavy. This is a wonderful way for Kongkongshan to turn the air into reality ∫ Kongkongshan can be infinitely large, so its weight can theoretically be infinitely enlarged.

However, due to the limitation of the realm, Kongshan Datianzun cannot do this step at present, unless he reaches the supreme broken realm.

Even so, this blow is unusually dangerous, it can easily hurt the ordinary six-fold Broken King. Li Xing looked serious, and Shen said, "Let's go!"

Suddenly, one million small civilized ancient artillery fired at the same time, and one million artillery lights converged to form a large seal in the void, engraved with a "seal". Around Dayin, a chain of order is like the real thing, thick and tough.

The word "seal" is not trivial. It is one of the hundreds of characters created by the emperor not long ago and belongs to the ancient civilization. Words are the root of a civilization. Only intermediate civilizations can create their own civilization.

Moreover, the higher the civilization, the greater the power of the words it creates. As long as it can be written, there will be earth-shaking power to kill immortals and kill Buddhas.

The word "seal" of the mixed Yuan civilization belongs to high-level civilization, and its power is naturally powerful. It can constrain low-level civilization from being born. Its appearance has made the ancient artillery more powerful.


The big seal hit the empty mountain exactly, and the word "seal" was brightened. With the cooperation of the order chain, it not only blocked the attack, but sealed it.

"Back!" Li Xing shouted, pinching his secrets, and Kongkongshan was bound and pulled by hundreds of millions of chains and quickly flew towards the civilized warship. The three pavilions were all shocked. How could they have thought that Li Xing was so capable, not only blocking the attack of civilized instruments, but also stealing them!

Kongming and Kongkong rushed out, releasing their own natal tools, holding Kongming hammer and hollow stick, and attacked the civilized warship.

Li Xing was well prepared and immediately ordered the 200,000 large civilization ancient cannons and the 40,000 large civilization ancient cannons to be fired once. The two types of shots condensed the words "battle" and "battle", respectively, with the empty hammer and The hollow rod hit one place.


The Hollow Pavilion was repelled all of a sudden, and the hollow rod in his hand was also blown away, his expression embarrassed. The power of 200,000 large-scale civilized ancient cannons made him suffer.

The Kongming Pavilion was better, he was just beaten back, and the Kongming Hammer was still firmly in his hands.

After such a delay, Kong Kongshan had been taken into the civilized warship by Li Xing, and the refining was started with the heaven and earth. Deserves to be an instrument of civilization, and soon a group of pure civilization power was extracted from it and transferred to the ancient civilization to absorb it. After the ancient civilization tree absorbed this group of civilization forces, an additional civilization fruit immediately appeared on the tree crown.

The three pavilions were shocked and furious, especially the old Kongshan pavilion. They wanted to eat Li Xing's flesh and drink Li Xing's blood.

"Small thief, you dare to get rid of your first husband's magic weapon. The old man and you are not finished!" He lost his weapon, so he waved a pair of iron fists and violently bombarded the battleship.

Outside of the civilized warship, a chaotic colored shield of civilization came out, and his fists hit on it, making a loud noise, and the battleship was safe and sound.

Li Xing laughed: "What's the old thing, do you still want to talk loudly and want to kill the emperor?"

The seventh emperor's face was greener than that of a pig's liver. While he gritted his teeth, his heart was cold. Realizing that Li Xing was completely and powerfully strong enough to leave him behind, the two were no longer on a level at this time. "Little thief, don't be complacent. The three of us haven't done our best to catch you shortly!" At this moment, the hollow Datianzun drank, and suddenly used a great trick, all mysterious.

In fact, in order to continuously improve the combat effectiveness, each Great Celestial Master of the Broken Realm will find ways to cultivate stronger secret magic. In particular, the Great Civilization of Civilization, the magic of civilization created by them is extremely powerful, and is the fastest-moving crowd.

The voice of the ninth emperor sounded in Li Xing's ear: "This is the 36-way hollow stick method. The stick is out of the way, making the enemy defenseless."

Li Xing smiled and said, "What use is this stick method? I don't fight with him, I just bombard it." After that, the ancient civilization's ancient artillery shone loudly, and then made a loud noise and played Thick shot.

This is not ordinary gunfire ~ www.readwn.com ~ it condenses into a fist, great and powerful. It doesn't have any fancy, it is a simple and plain punch, and it has really been hit by a heartless stick. It has returned to normal. It does not require moves and skills. Only strength is its core.


A crack appeared in a section of the hollow stick, and the old hollow court was also spit with blood. He roared unwillingly, "How do you have the ultimate ancient civilization gun?"

Not all civilizations can build ancient artillery, which requires a strong civilization as a support. For example, the three pavilions are currently only building large civilized ancient cannons, and the number of them is not large.

Li Xing is different. He is supported by ancient civilization trees and can be built in large quantities. Therefore, its civilization is born and built today, which is unmatched by other civilizations.

The hollow wounds sank the three pavilions. Wouldn't it be a failure if they fight like this? However, how can it be good? In fact, they didn't know that Li Xing was secretly crying, because a round of volleys had consumed one third of his civilization's artillery shells, and the rest was not enough. ☆ Many, the civilized warships could hit two like just now. round.

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