Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1332: Powerful 17-fold crush

Although Li Xing was laughing, his heart was not frightened, because the instant that Daluo ancestor broke through the large array of four immortals, three treasures as array eyes instantly broke three.

The five elements reversed the large array and were smashed by Da Luo's ancestor. As a result, the five flags lost contact and the large array was broken. The mixed yuan gun was even discounted by one punch. This gun, however, was a close-armed weapon that Li Xing had sacrificed from the beginning.

The Nine Transformers and the Treasure Shard, these two things obtained in the ruins, were directly shattered and completely lost their combat effectiveness.

These things are priceless, but were instantly destroyed by Master Luo, showing how terrible his combat power was.

"You made the old husband's ancestor very surprised!" Master Da Luo stared at Li Xing, without concealing the strong murderous power in his eyes. "You killed so many disciples of Luo Men, the old man will chop you with your own hands today!"

Li Xing reached out and took all the four broken treasures into his hands, and said lightly: "Master Luo, you are a seventeen-strong broken character. It is said that in the northern wasteland, the strength can be ranked third."

Grandpa Luo said coldly, "You are afraid now, it's too late."

Li Xing sarcastically said: "Fright? You old man is thick-skinned! Do you really think you are in control of the situation?" Above his head, he rushed out of the ancient ancient altar, shot billions of black light, and enveloped him.

Da Luo ancestor looked as usual, saying: "The altar of the ancient times, unfortunately, this thing has already been damaged. Without the power of that year, do you want to use it to deal with this ancestor?"


Li Xing stretched out a finger, and the Yuan Dynasty altar crossed a Umang, and instantly hung over the head of Dalu Zu, and locked it.

Patriarch Da Luo immediately felt those great wills, and came down to the Nether through the altar. However, he didn't have the slightest fear, but just coldly said, "No wonder you have such confidence, you have already restored some of the power of the Proto-Altar."

Li Xingdao: "Now, are you going to give up?"

"If a hundred years ago, the old man really wanted to drink resentment in your child's hands, and he wouldn't be stunned." Da Luo Zu coldly.

Li Xing's heart sank and said: "You have no chance to escape at all, this altar can be # 20 # broken above the power!"

"Yes, it does have this ability." Master Da Luo said, walking out of Wuguang lightly, the altar could not restrain him at all.

"Unfortunately, what you see now is just a projection of the old man's will. This is an archaic mysticism, called 'imagination'. What you see is just an imaginary form of the ancestor, which can be Unharmed, but with the same fighting power as the deity, so even the altar can't help it. "

Li Xing really felt that the ancestor of Da Luo in front of him was between reality and reality, and once attacked, he would turn into nothingness.

His heart sank suddenly, knowing that it would be difficult to be good today.

Patriarch Da Luo ignored the Proto-Altar and stepped across from Li Xing, stared at him, and proudly said, "Taikoo, the mystery is infinite!" In other words, he struck out with one hand, carrying Supreme Power, and printed it directly to Li Xing chest.

Li Xing only felt that a violent attack came and the layers of defense on the plane were destroyed. Many ancient trees and war spirits were instantly wiped out by one-tenth by this terror force.

This does not count, the force of destruction is deeply embedded in the plane, and will cause large-scale destruction. The earth cracked, the sky fell, the rivers diverted, the mountains traversed, and an eschatological scene.

The spirits died, and they screamed, cried, disappeared, disappeared completely from this plane, and even the rules could not bring them back to life, that was a complete obliteration!

Li Xing was already seriously injured in a single blow. He roared, and fisted back to this point. He couldn't escape, but had to fight to the end.

This punch was powerful and transformed into the fourth style of the mixed yuan gun.

However, Patriarch Da Luo just swiped away easily, and then lifted Li Xing's fist, then Li Xing's abdomen in a boxing.


It was another force of terror that rushed into the plane of the mixed Yuan. This time, the destructive power was stronger. One third of the defensive force was destroyed. Nearly half of the soul died. In particular, Li Xing's hard-earned real people in Yunyuan, a considerable number of elite figures fell.

This is the difference in strength, the difference between the 17th broken and the 15th strength, so that Li Xing has no strength to fight back.

After two consecutive blows, Li Xing was beaten back. He opened his eyes and sneered at Master Da Luo, as if looking at a dead man.

Grandmaster Da Luo frowned: "junior, you are about to die, can you still laugh?"

Li Xing said: "I laugh at you stupid, and even laugh at you miserable!"

"Did you say the old man was miserable? Is your child frustrated?" Da Luo Zu laughed wildly, but his smile suddenly freezes on his face, because behind Li Xing, there is a phantom of a mighty shore.

No one can describe the greatness and arrogance of this phantom. He just stood there and suppressed the instability of Master Da Luo, and his face changed greatly, exclaiming: "Heaven!"

It is true that Xingying is the manifestation of Emperor Tiandi. At this time, only Emperor Tiandi has the ability to deal with the ancestor Da Luo and save Li Xing.

There is no sorrow, no joy, no love and no hate in Tiandi's eyes, and he said indifferently: "Daluo, it is not easy for you to practice. It is a pity to die."

After shock and fear, Master Da Luo's eyes flashed a madness, and he said sharply, "Heaven, you can become the master of this era, but you are lucky, what do you think! If it wasn't for the woman who was willing to help you ,you……"


Heaven Emperor's slow hands ### Down, the five fingers are tiled, carrying the power of the mountains and the sea, the general trend of the universe. It looks slow, fast, and quickly goes to Σ, forming a strange vortex of power, with a black faint hole in the center.

There was a terrifying breath in that hole, which made Li Xing frightened.

The emperor said lightly, "Daluo, you have been long enough. It is time to enter the thirty-third heaven."

Master Da Luo's face changed greatly, exclaiming: "You actually forcibly opened the passageway of the fifteenth heaven, you ..." Before he could say more, he was sucked into the hole by the suction generated by the vortex.

This generation of masters, the third person in the broken list, just disappeared. He may be writing a different character on the fifteenth of the thirty-three days.

As soon as Master Da Luo left, the vortex disappeared, and the emperor retracted his palm and said lightly: "The altar of the ancient times is not almighty, everything depends on the strength of his body."

Li Xing bowed and said, "See the Emperor."

"Well, Da Luo has gone, and there will be no one to provoke you in Beihuang, so you know it." After saying that, the ghost disappeared, and I didn't know where to go.

Li Xing returned to the mixed Yuan empire. His face was very ugly, but he still had to continue commanding the battle, because the Confederate army was constantly attacking. Due to the destruction of Da Luo's ancestor, the empire's strength was severely lost, and it felt hard to attack the enemy.

After being aware of the situation, Li Xing dragged his severely injured body and was about to step on the battlefield, but was stopped by Li Ba.

"Master Father, you need to rest and leave the rest to us." He yelled, tears in his eyes.

Among those who died on the plane, many were his good brothers, childhood playmates, and everyone was like a family. Their death made Li Ba extremely distressed.

Li Xing patted Li Ba on the shoulder, and said, "Li Ba, the war is not over yet. As a great deity, I cannot rest."

The war continued, and the mixed-yuan empire took advantage of the mixed-yuan heavenly track. However, there are too many enemies to attack, and there are always times when they cannot be taken into account.

For example, there were two armies invading the Hunyuan plane, and Li Xing had to use a civil warship to obliterate these enemies.

However, this situation was quickly reversed. With the fierce battle power of Li Xing, Li Xing was dedicated to killing masters and commanders in the army.

The battle lasted for a month, and the mixed empire finally wiped out the invading enemies at a relatively small price. However, this price still made Li Xing feel heavy, countless imperial fighters, countless battleships, and countless innocent people, all died in the military disaster.

"I miscalculated."

At the meeting after the war, Li Xing said in a low voice.

The civil and military officials are silent, they know that this can't blame the Great Heavenly Supreme. He is very rare to shatter the broken power of the seventeenth with tenfold realm.

"The loss of the empire is very huge. It will temporarily stop all expansion and rest until the broken ancient road opens." Li Xingdao said, "In this time, the great emperor will make the mixed Yuan empire and become the largest force in the northern wilderness!"

No one doubts Li Xing's words, because they have witnessed my miracle. So they just lowered their heads deeply and yelled in the most devout tone: "The Supreme Supreme!"

After that day, the mixed Yuan Empire and the Four Wild Chambers of Commerce stopped expanding, further strengthening their rule and strengthening their defenses. As a great deity, Li Xing once again entered the gate of time to practice. This will be the last chance for cultivation before the broken ancient road opens ~ www.readwn.com ~.

Of course, there are three major avatars to practice with one of them. Before entering the ancient road, he must raise the strength of the three major avatars to a sufficiently strong state, at least without his deity.

Within the gate of time, Li Xing is practicing day and night. His accumulation is enough to not encounter a bottleneck in the short term. All that is needed is time and resources.

Therefore, his progress was not rapid, and he quickly broke through to twelve. Since then, the mixed Yuan civilization has also stepped into the advanced twentieth civilization.

This is only part of the practice. Li Xing also put the shard of the blade, the blade of the Nine Transformers, the five elements of the flag, and the mixed yuan gun into a flood furnace of heaven and earth, and operated the casting method to make it into a long gun.

To be precise, this gun is no longer a hybrid gun. He has the characteristics of four different treasures, is extremely powerful, and belongs to a civilized weapon. After building for so many years, Li Xing finally found an opportunity to make the mixed gun into a treasure of civilization in one fell swoop.

At this time, the hidden gun is a branch civilization of Li Xing, which currently belongs to the intermediate first-class civilization. The revival of the mixed-element gun makes Li Xing's mixed-element technique reinvented, and the fifth style was successfully learned by him.

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